What Remains of Cyrus Vähi

Day 2. Private For Now, Probably?

A large, flat portion of sandy desert terrain north of The Compound and the old road leading to it. The Flatlands are covered in densely packed, low-lying brush and patches of grass, giving anyone within it plenty of places to hide, but very little cover from attack.


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Post by HELPful_Crow »

Somewhere far away, a man who wore a mockery of Tamara's face as a disguise watched the fight going down near the outer fence, waiting to see if anyone would slip past it.

When Tamara charged Crispin, the other boy dodged out of the way, and Tamara went careening past him. Tamara tried to spin on his heels to keep up the attack, but his foot collided with one of the rocks jutting out of the desert sands, and his ankle twisted awkwardly. He howled in pain, then lost his balance, tumbling into a slight dip in the otherwise even ground of the flatlands and rolling out and away from the ongoing fight.

By the time Tamara tried to push himself up, he realized that the ditch he had fallen into had taken him past the bounds of the fence, much like the late Cyrus Vähi.

The man watching the cameras pointed his hand, and snapped his fingers.

And just like that, Tamara was no more.

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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine was still down for the count.

His breathing had come back in a choky way and whomever used the mute button wasn't using it anymore.

His body was-

He heard an explosion, but he couldn't see what had happened yet...
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Post by Fenrir »

Andrew couldn’t breathe.

When he had approached the boy that Toma had been rushing, he had lashed out at Andrew faster than he could follow and punched him square in the throat. It had hurt, more than Andrew had thought it would, but more than that ever since then he hadn’t been able to take a breath without feeling like he was choking. Something was pooling at the back of his throat, thick like mucus, and it was suffocating him, clogging his throat.

There was something more to that punch. A power? Or just strength? Andrew rolled onto his hands and knees, only dimly realising that he had been on his back and staring at the sky this whole time, and dark red blood dripped from his mouth onto the sand below.


He was choking on his own blood.

Hands shot to his neck, pawing at it, feeling around the collar futilely, before coming away slick with more red. Panic, then despair set in as he realised he was going to die here; not just in the abstract, but right now, in the next few minutes or moments. He made one more valiant attempt to inhale, trying to pull air into increasingly starved lungs, only to cough up more flecks of blood when he body rebelled.

His head fell to the ground, forehead pressing against the scorching desert floor as his vision began to grow hazy. Hands clutched his throat again, but in a listless way devoid of the fight he had shown a moment ago. Minutes now without air, the struggling earlier only shortening the time he had. He lay in the sand, listening to the sound of his own gurgling and beyond that the indistinct sounds of continued fighting.

The silence descended onto them once more as Andrew lost consciousness and with it control over his Gift. A few moments later the silence lifted and it was just Andrew that was silent.

S033 - Andrew Martin: Deceased
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by ItzToxie »

Andrew dropped and Crispin changed his focus to Toma. He turned around and- where the fuck? Big bastard just up and- *Pop!*

“Wha- What the fuck?”

The world went mute again as Crispy stepped forward towards the edge of the hill. He stopped when he saw red. Hands brushed through his hair and caught on his hood, barbed wire caught his hair. Crispy stopped, stepping back. That wasn’t supposed to happen. That wasn’t-

He turned to look behind him and- “Aw fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” No sound came out as he ran to Andrew. He missed his nose. He missed his fucking nose. That was a lot of blood, what the fuck!

By the time he rolled Andrew over, the gift-induced silence was replaced with a natural silence that was too goddamn loud. Wind blowing, the buzzing of bugs. Andrew’s last breath, or attempted last breath. He hit him in the throat, caved the damn thing in.

“What the fuuuck…”

None of that was supposed to happen, they were supposed to- Crispy was just going to kick their ass, not kill them! “You fucking idiots… It wasn’t your fuckin’ problem! Why’d you fucking get involved?! What’d you think was going to happen?!”

They were gonna kill him. That was the plan; had to be. Andrew muted them, Toma was going to push him out the arena. Nobody would’ve heard it. Yeah. Could’ve said anything to cover it up, not like anyone would’ve cared anyways. This was deliberate. They wanted him dead, Crispin knew that; now he knew… Now he knew how it was supposed to happen. What sympathy he had fled, he wasn’t in the wrong here. Nobody would believe him, but he saw what he saw. They weren’t there, it didn’t matter anyways if they believe him or not.

Some coughing in the distance pulled Crispin back into reality. Why he was here in the first place. The little shit that started this. Crispy bee-lined to Kaine, yanking him up by the collar of his shirt.

“Okay jackass, your friends ain’t getting you out of this shit. Y’all ain’t wasting me that fucking easy. Now you’re gonna tell me where the fuck Lincoln and Mercedes are at. This ain’t a fucking request, jizzstain. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!”
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine could hear Crispin's voice that sounded like a distant memory and he still couldn't move or breathe without it hurting his chest like a burning hell. He could hear Crispin's footsteps running back and forth to wherever he had stopped to examine something or someone. Kaine heard the footsteps getting closer towards where he was still laying and he was yanked up until Crispin's face was just inches from his own face.

Where was Toma and Andrew? What had been that noise?

Crispin wanted to know where Mercedes and Lincoln were again and Kaine opened his mouth to try to speak.

No words came out but small pained gurgling sound. He could still taste the blood in his throat.
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Speak motherfucker! I know you're there bitch, quit playing possum before I make you do the real thing!" Crispin shook Kaine. "I ain't got time for this goddamnit! I know you know something you piece of shit!"

Kaine wasn't going to die here before talking, no way in hell. No way were all these idiots gonna make a murderer out of Crispin without giving him anything in return. They weren't his fucking targets, he told them that. He wanted one thing, and they still tried to get him, still got what was coming to them for it. They could have played nice, they did it to themselves, and now Kaine had the audacity to act like he was going too? Fuck no, he ain't lucky enough to pass on that easy.

Crispin back handed Kaine across the cheek.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP! You and that orb-flinging fuck sent Mercy to waste us! Where the fuck are they, huh? I told you motherfucker! You're gonna tell me, I gave you a fucking choice, and you chose this! Tell me where they are!" Crispy shouted in Kaine's face.
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine felt the slap sting like a bitch and his head flinched back a little, groaning lightly.

He was still trying to not make his body hurt too much and he let out a short, wheezy breath to clear his airways as best as he would. Something in him was definitely broken.

"I... nggh... I never send her your way..."

It was feeling like agony just to force the words out of his bloodied lips.

"I.... nrkk...! ....I don't know... where Lincoln went... We split up.... to look for her..."
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Post by ItzToxie »

"Yeah? Well she blasted Moose because of what happened to Lincoln, so that narrows it down, huh?" Kaine was trying to play him for a fool, like this shit didn't happen just yesterday. "Mercy said it herself, so she found out some time before y'all left the compound, so quit fucking bullshitting me!"

It was then he mentioned the real answer. They split up. "No shit, otherwise he'd be here, right? Where? When did you separate? What direction did he go?"
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Post by Primrosette »


Kaine still didn't want to tell him anything about that.

He felt around in his pocket and he felt something sharp pricking at his index finger. Right. The bit of glass he had accidentally cut himself with before. Was he really thinking of using it on Crispin? Not really. Not unless he really had to. Self-defense and all that jazz.


"...Go find him yourself..."

He glared at the other boy with a feeling of tiredness coming on.
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Post by ItzToxie »

He wasn’t going to get shit out of Kaine. He may as well-

There was a blue light and a buzzing sensation traveling through the ground, just seconds before an explosion blew up the compound in the distance. Crispin could feel his fur stand up, and not just from nerves. Something about that explosion felt wrong, it wasn’t like a firework. It was the closest thing to an answer he would get at this point.

He dropped Kaine. “You don’t fucking understand it do you? Since day one I been fighting you stupid motherfuckers off, trying to keep my friends from getting killed, trying to keep myself from it. It wasn’t enough for you bitches though, just had to keep pushing, and pushing, a-and fucking pushing. You don’t know what the fuck it’s like, all of a sudden you got no chance at life anymore, you’re fucking deformed and you’re stuck alone burying the only motherfucker you ever knew who gave a shit.”

He scowled at Kaine. “Well, I guess you ARE gonna know that last one. Toma blew his fuckin’ head off over you. If you’re careful, you might be able to drag him back up the hill without crossing that barrier and blowing up yourself.”

Crispy started walking towards the compound. Closest place he could find for answers. “Blame me for it if you want, I done told your stupid asses you shoulda talked. Only Mercy had to go but all y’all just kept pushing, and pushing like you always do...”

((Crispin Kelly-Cuyler continued elsewhere.))
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Post by Primrosette »

Kaine was still laying on the ground after Crispin had left him and he was trying to process the words that he had told him inside of his muddled, fuzzy mind. Wait, wait, what the hell did-

...Toma blew his fuckin' head off over you...

There was no way that was true...! No way..! Crispin was just trying to mess with his head. Just trying to be make him panic....


He slowly sat up with a hiss and a groan, gritting his teeth slightly.

He paused when he saw something familiar laying near his side.

Toma's hat was there all alone and abandoned.

Where was he?

"Toma...?" His name came out of Kaine's mouth like a bleeding heart.
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Post by Primrosette »

Maybe Crispin had knocked Toma out? That would make a lot of sense...! Hahaha... ha..! Yeah? Yeah....

Kaine managed to move his shaky, unsteady hand over to his boyfriend's hat and he stared at it for about a minute before realizing that he had to go and find Toma to wake him up. He also had to made sure that Andrew was okay as well as he was sure that Crispin had targeted him too.

Kaine managed to stumble his way up to his feet and he glanced the area, blinking a few times. He moved around a bit and then he saw....

Is.... Is that Andrew's body...? What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fu-

Kaine would feel the bile rising up and he had to look away in a different direction.

That was a mistake....

That was a mistake....

That was a mistake....

That was a mistake....

That was a mistake....

R̶̰͉̱̗͔͉̣͎̮̗̝̮̠̲̰̺̠̥̺͙̯͍̮̽̒̒͛̏̏͋̀̓̌͘e̴̫̼̤̙͗͐̍̂͑͜͝d̴̡̧̼͇̰̰͍͉̞̲̘͑̾͑̿́́̀̏̀͊̑͝ ̵̱̻̺͇͌̆́̄̈́̋͑͊̓̆̐̔͐͋̊̕͘͜͝͠͝b̴̲͕̞̼̼̄̏͆̊̐̕l̴̡̨̟̳̤̮͉̲͔̻͉̗̻̠̤̼͕̬͇͕̞̝̾͑̂̇͛̅͒͛̍̔͋͜͜͝͝ơ̷̡̛͇̜̯̣̥̙͓̥̗̤̱͎̋͑̇̑̋̅̀͆̈́͛̅͐ơ̷̧̡̛̺̖̳͖͉̺̬̼̻̱͖̮̱̹͚̩͙̺̗̪̼̫͕͍͋̌̓͐́͂̆̂̔̍̐̕̕͜͝͝ḍ̶̨̡̛̠̣̙̹̭̣̀̀̎̀́͋̀͑͌̄̎͛̅̚̚͝,̸̳͕̮̙̙̼͙̰̣̝̣̠͔̘̬͓̠̜̣͚̹͑̃̑̓̿͋̈͂͆̅͂͛̃͛̀̃͒̾͒̂ ̸͔͙̪͔̭̗̭̐͂̈̌̂̇̆̔͆̽̆͆̆̾̂̉̈́̈̓͠͝r̶̡̧̘͍͕̜̻͚̻͎̲̳̙̻͔̍̐͌̈́͋̏́̄̇̌̂͋̽̕͜ę̶̱͇̟̱̜͓͔̖̮̱͔̳̫͕̘̲̖͚̹̯̀̃̐̎͛̊̽̔͊̚d̸̛͉̟̱͙̪͕̍̅̔̊̋͆̎̚ͅ ̴̨̙̦̻̥͊̏͐̐̐̈̑̀̇͂̑̔͋̎̍̀́͛͐̕̚͝͝͝͠b̵̡̨̜͍̻͉͈̲͍͍̹͙̠͇̬͕͉̫̲̻̺̊́͑̇̊̎̀͂̄͐́̈̈́̆̌̌͂̑̔̚̕͘͜͠͝͝l̶̡̢͔̜̱̫̺͍̤͖̯͚̜̼̜̫̦̟͓̺̇̉̓̈͜͜ͅȏ̴̢͍̳̬̯̹̜͓͍͓̮̱̲̜̜̻̟̫͇̘̭͛͌͒̑̏̈̈̈́̎͛̈́͌̾͝ͅo̷̢̬͚̖͎̎͑͗͐͂̈̔́͂͋̾̓́͌̈́̈̀̅͂͋͘ḏ̸̡̮̒̿̋̒̀̊͘,̵̢̲͕̞̣͔͍͙͇̺̰̓̈́͜ ̸̡̭̘̞̬̲̗̳̺̫̖͇͚̝̤̬͕͙̙̘̥̤̗̪̀͂̀̂̓͂̀̊̽̇́̏͋̚̚͠T̸̨̨͍̟͖̰̗͈̲̫̗̗̺͙̠̪̩̻̻̥͇͔͙͔͉̝̄̓̿̊͌ͅó̸̢̗͉̗̖̺̱͔̠̣̟̠̬͉̥̝͚̥͇͚̂͝ḿ̸̡̬̜̖̭̄̏̒̽̎̽͛͆̎̒͝ǎ̶̡̨̢̛̗̫͖̲̺̹̹͖̗̳̞̮̺̲̫̞̰͈̝̤̇̉̽͐̔̾̈́̄͐̃́̓̾̽̾̃̃̋̈̒̇͆͝͝ͅ,̴̡̻͍̖̍̓̌́̒̿̑̋̄̾ ̶̛̺̬̝̞͓̪̯̔̂́̒̑̅̅͌͆́̎̒́̑͌̔̓ͅT̸̢̢̢̤͓̥̥̗̥͎̹̒̎͋̑̿́̕̚͠͠o̷̦̦̜̬̲͚̱͖͛͛̃̓̏̆̕m̷̩̟̲̜͙̭̮̤̪̫̝͓̥̗̒̐̍̓͛̏̇́̅̿̿̔̉̈́̎̔̃̒̈͒̏̏̂́̇͝á̶̫͈͍́̂̃͒̌̆̇͆̀̇̑́̓͌̒̈́̓̉́̚̚͠͝,̵̱̬̙̠̰̞̳̪̠͖͈̹̾̀̃͗̏̽͂ ̴̛̮̣͉̦͊͐̐͆̎͑́͗̊̓̏͂͊̀̎̎̌̓͘͘͘̕͝Į̵̨̖̮̩̤̤̭̥̦̫̤̰̞̳̜͙̘͇̤̪̼̞̱̙̊̐͆̎̇͌̍̇̓́̕͝ͅͅ ̷̞̥͚̘̎̌̃̀͌̄̈́̈́̉͊̔͊̒̚͘͠͝f̷̢̩͖̞̣̯͈̻̻̖̼̩̟̟̯͆̋̈̓͛͛̋͋̎̏͗͠͠ͅâ̵̪͎̞͇͍͈͖͖̲͔̪̻̳͔̯̥̰̥̣͑̒̾̌͆̇̕͝ͅį̵̢̛̺̳͍̠̝̘̩͚͚̩͇̹͉̪̞̰͈̺̠͈͎̳̂̈́̒́̿͜l̷͕̪̜̮̪̩̜͚̖͖̮͈̳͛͂͆͒̓̕ȩ̴̛̱̝́͒̾̇̐̈́͗͆̍͑̃̈́̆̀̅͠d̵͖̓̆͒̓͗́͑̈́̀̈́̈́̕̚ ̷̨̛͚̪̲̹̜̥̞̿̆̀̑̎̾̒̃̕͝h̶̡̝͖̯̪̱̟̝̝̞͓̝̲̗͓̳̦͓̥͇̆̏̾̃̀͛̑́͐̄̈́̾̽̃̊͛̌̈͗̋̚̕ͅȋ̶̮̯̱̦̱̬̤̲̪̘̮͑̀͗͐̀̓̒̑̿̿̾̿̓̃̂̀͜͝͝m̸̨̱͕̬̩͉̗̯̼̹̹̼̬͕̣̤͉̯̭̮̤̮̗͎͍̆͐̉͜͜,̸̧̹͕̫͕̞̖̠̪̙͖̟͙̺̹̞͓̲̺͇͙̪͎̽̀̄̾̽͒́͒̓̏̕̚͘͜ͅ ̸̢̢͔̺̭͓̬̤̣͓̦̻̠̺̟̳̣͕͈̇̓͜I̴̢͕̬̭̘̖͇͎͇͇͍͕͎͔̙̤̒͌̏̆̍̂̎̈̓́̓̌́͐̐̊̂̌̿́̂͘͠͝͠ͅͅ ̷̢̛̼͎̞̗̉͊̄̂̅̌̅͂͆͒͊̀͒͂̽̌̐̎̈́͑͘̕͠͝f̸̢̧̡̨̢̛̟͖̭̘̤̱͖̫̦̺͔̮̈́̆̀͆̓͛͊̍͊̂̀̿̋͝͠ͅă̶̩̹̥̪͉̰̝̗̰͗i̷̛̱̬̼̲̺͔̫̮͒̎̄̆̓́̓̏̍̂͐̓͗̆̏́̈́̂̅̾̚̕͘͠ḻ̶̢͓̳̲̖̮̜̱͎̬̗̦̼̖̹͕̞͎̤̻̝̓̍̾͛̊̓̌̓̇̿͒̓́̕̕ͅe̸̮̓̓̈́̽͊̆̐̾͋́̓̄͋͝͝d̷̪̤̱͔͈͕͙̭́̆̑̓̂̀͐̽̽͗̓̋͋̈́̾̃̈́͆͂̏̇́̾̒ͅ ̵̡̧̲̖͈̥̈͊̓̅͘ȅ̸̡̧̧̝͎͇̳͍̪̲͚̳̞̬͇͙̣̐̌̒̃͂̚̚̚͝v̷̪̓́̂̈́͐̍́̏͗̾̄̀͊͌̔̌̎͐͌͛̒̽͊̂͑̚e̶͙͍͗r̷̡͚̭̮͚͔̞̖̠̠̳̤͔̟͙̖̲͔̻͇͕̥̩͕͖̃̈̃͊̾̈́̓͂̈́͌̚y̶̡̡̟̭͖̤̞̠̹͗ͅo̷̖͓̖̍̍̀̎͗͘͝ͅn̴̛̜̱͚̬͔̙̣̻͖̩̜̻̩͈͖̠͎̦͈̹̠͒̔͂̎͆̃͂̄͂͝ͅe̸̢̪̼͊̈̽͑̌,̴̠̝̼͔̮̠͚̩̭͎̘͇̺̯͚̲̺̦͇̲͇͈͌͜ͅ ̷̢͖͔̱̠̙͖̞̭͎͈̞̺̒̀͜ḫ̶̬͇̰̳̻̆̃̐̀̌̿̊̈́́͂̍̀̒̈́̏ͅâ̸̹͚͇͎̙̻͓͍̹̙h̶̛̛̙͓͌̐̅̌̈́̇̓̈́̌̇̎̆̐̔͊́̚̕͝͝ͅǎ̴̡̡̮̖̦̰̥̲̯̤̪̥͇̲̳̲̘͇̪͉͓̼̠͌̽̒́̈́̓͊̓̊͊̔̍̄͜͝ͅͅh̵̡̢̡̢̛̛̠͎̱̬͓̳̩͕̙͙̝̖̩̼̿̈̂̓̈̑̄̾͊͑̋̀̀̀͘̚̕͝͝ͅͅả̷̡̛̛̛͚̗̤̳͓̳̘̻̖̰̜͕̺̟̤̟̫̬̌͆̐͆́̀̓̒͛͒̿̋̈̐̇̕̕ͅͅh̴̛̩̑̒̊̔̏̏̏͗͗̓̉̀̍̚a̴̪̝͍͓̳͉̭̱̲̳̱̰͙̰̟͒̔̓͑͐͗̿̍̒̕!̸̧̧̡̡̢̧͖͈͙̭̘̣̻̰̦̞̹̺͉̱̣̜̺͍̈͂͜!̶̧̢̛͔͕̝̫͓̲̖̺̺͎͈͙̦̎̾͋̋̈́̓̏̅͂́̓͋̊̆̕͝!̸̨̨̭̳̲̰̰͚̗̲͔̼̤̗̘̤͍̺̣͇̠͇̬͍̼͖̓͠͠ ̶͉̔̊̑̓̀̀͑̆́̀̋̃̓͘͘͘͝ͅƠ̴̢̨̛̛̯̗̺̻͚̦̺̩͎̫̜̟̱̠̪̭̖̞̗͚͓̑̋͑̀̈͊̀̎͒̍̅́͗͒͆̋̽̚̚͘͝͝h̷̨̥͍̦͙̫͍̹̯͈͓͋́͑̐̾́͛̓̇͛͒͂͐̏̀̋͘̕g̵̢̱͇͔͇̯͇̹̜͚̑̊ͅỏ̸̢̝͚͓̥̥̺̱̰̼̼̥͎̩̤͉͖͓̙͓̳͖͖̥͙ͅḑ̸̥̼̱̙̺̥͎͒̆̑̊̇̅̀͒̆͗͘̚͜o̷̦̿́h̶̡̧̛̛̺̥̠̺̲̻̓̎̈́̃̄̅̍̽̆̇̿̀́̅̽̚̕g̵̢̢̧̖͈̞̙̙̦̙̙̘̗̙̉͋̂̄̓̅̈͆̀̈́̌̃̀̿́̈̽͐͊̃͒͑̐̂̏̕ͅơ̴̥̞͎̣̽̀͊̎̆̒̒͒̂̈́̽̾͋̚d̵̛͕̱̟̝́́̋̉̈́͂͛̈̀̈́̽̈́͛̎̍̎̀̈́͊̚͝͠͠͝ǒ̴̢̢̝̺͈̳͎͓̬̟͉͓̟͖͓̣̟̩̩̝̬̮̥̜h̵̢̨̛̼̩̰̰͇̱͔̟̠̱̘̗͉̼̤͇̮̠͙̙̀̍́̐̄̉͑̆͊͋̊̚͜͜͝g̴̡̘͈̟̤̥̳̭̰̻͍̻̈̿̈́̔̕͝͝o̵̩̟͐̓d̸̢̡̛̰̜̥̞̠͇̻͉͓̞̻̤̖͓͈̪̻̒̒́̍́̇̌̒̐̇̑́̈́̀̿͊̀͂̕̕͜͝͠ȍ̵͔̰̰̳͓͕͙̻̱̗̩͓̹̆̈́͊̿̏͒̍͛̽̈́͝ͅh̴̨͒̔̓̌̉͝g̵̙̪̣͝ọ̷̫̰̤͉̦̃͋̓̂̀͌̋̏̒̀̓͋̚ḏ̴̙͙̹͎̙̗̀̍͊̐̂-̴̘̯͔̣̘͔̲̅̀̉̓͆̈̈̉̄̆̿̾͛͒͂͛̇̅̀̍͘̚͠
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Location: In Her Dark Abyss


Post by Primrosette »

He passed out from it all.
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Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:59 pm
Location: In Her Dark Abyss


Post by Primrosette »

Kaine woke up some time later and he was feeling like he was in some kind of sick dream. Like a hellish nightmare. But he knew that all of this was real and he had to choke back a sob as it hurt to even try to mourn. Why hadn't he tried to make things right with Toma before all that shit with Crispin? Why did they even have that dumb fight before the trip anyway? Why wasn't Kaine normal...?

...None of that mattered anymore.

Toma was really gone and there was no way he was ever going to get him back.

He had to do one last thing for Toma and Andrew.

He moved over cautiously to where Toma's body was and he grabbed him by his legs, pulling him back into the safer zone. Kaine felt his tears roll down his cheeks in a silent matter and his breathing was rusty at best. Toma's body was a bit more heavier than he would have imagined and he made sure that Toma and Andrew's corpses were side by side. There wasn't much else that he could do for either of them.

He removed his beanie and he placed it down lovingly and mournfully onto Toma's bare chest, trying his best to not choke up on sobs more. He then place Toma's hat on his head and he stared down at the bodies for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry, Toma..." Was all that he said quietly before leaving on a lonely path.

((Kaine Griffin continued in My Invisible Tears Are Full Of Sorrow Birds And Shattered Glass))
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