In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches...


The banquet hall of the cruise ship is a grand room with rows of tables and chairs laid out for fine dining. The linens are spotless, each place set according to etiquette manuals with silverware and china plates (though these are not so expensive as they seem at a glance) and chandeliers hang from the ceiling, providing illumination to the chamber. Off to one side is a serving station, though sharp knives and the fuel for the Bunsen burners has been removed. Opposite this is a small stage, with music stands and seats, though the only instrument present is a piano. The banquet hall opens to the deck and pool, and also connects to the corridors.
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In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches...


Post by Catche Jagger »

The banquet hall reminded James of some distant memory he’d forgotten up until now. It was this specific recollection of being a little kid, stuffed into an ill-fitting dress shirt and carted off by his parents to some award dinner. It was probably something to do with his father’s job, recognition for his skill among peers or for the work he’d done for a specific company or firm. James didn’t really remember what the evening was supposed to be about very clearly.

What he did remember was that shitty dress shirt and how small that place made him feel. The banquet hall of this ship was laid out in a manner that was pretty similar to the one in his memory, but this time it wasn’t the scale or the decor that left him feeling incredibly small.

((CK08 FR04 - James Highchurch continued from F’s in the chat))

The Respects had just recently departed from that bit of hectic insanity with Ivan and they’d decided to split up for a moment, in order to get a better grasp of the area. At least, that’s what James had gathered. It wasn’t the main thing on his mind.

He just kept thinking about the fact that the six of them had just collectively ganged up on and killed the shit out of Ivan. Like, just stating it as an abstract idea like that made it all sound completely insane, and yet everybody seemed so confident in the whole venture.

James wasn’t confident, no. James was kind of freaking out. Of course, he couldn’t say that or show it, because that might create some problems or get him ditched and he definitely could not get ditched out here.

Most of the SOTF knowledge he’d accrued came from checking Wikipedia articles so he could understand memes, be in on jokes. Fuck if he knew how what he was supposed to do out here. People like Fisk and Vasily were the experts, and he needed to stick with the experts if he was going to have even the narrowest shot at making it out of this thing.

He pulled off his mask and took in a deep breath. Everything kind of smelled like sweat in that thing.

James then placed his bag on one of the tables and opened it up, before turning toward Bacchia, who’d come to check out the banquet hall as well.

“Hey, uh, can I interest you in exactly one left shoe?” He asked, pulling out his trophy from their earlier fight and offering it to her, letting out a laugh at his own expense.
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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Post by Primrosette »

The banquet hall is the kind of place that Bacchia would have dreamed to perform in with her violin and she could have seen her popularity raising due to how talented she was. Sadly that was a dream that would have to wait if she wanted to get ahead of the competition here. Yes, she knew that everyone else were either classmates, friends or just people that she either found annoying, unworthy of her time or just completely disgusting. But she was more delighted to be able to screw with other people if it helped towards her goal of getting more famous and well, being in a group of people who were willing to go the extreme route was just the thing that she needed.

Now she just needed to not screw that up.

((ES05 FR06 - Dieffenbachia 'Bacchia' Rubus F's in the chat))

Bacchia had decided to drag James and Keegan with her to check out some other areas and she wanted to see if she could find better things to use as weapons or just finding some sort of supplies that they would use.

After all that business with Ivan; she honestly didn't care if he had been from her actual team as she planned to not rely on them anyway and she preferred a team with more bloodlust for action and plans. She was fairly impressed that Fisk's insane idea had worked out so well for the six of them and she hoped that it would continue to go that way. She knew that Keegan seemed to not be into it as much as the rest of them and James seemed like he was trying too hard to fit in with her and the other three. Giselle getting into the roll of brutality had been a bit surprising since she knew that Giselle was anti-TV and she guessed that Giselle had her own reasons why she turned the switch instantly. But Bacchia could mull over those thoughts another time.

James was talking to her right now and she had just placed her pillowcase mask on one of the tables before turning to fully put her attention on him. She glanced at the shoe and she couldn't help but chuckle softly. James was really a foolish boy who was trying his best with her, huh?

"Is this your way of a proposal, James? Not very romantic of you, but it's so dorky and dumb enough to work on any girl." She wriggled her eyebrows at him and a smirk was clawing over her pale face. "I will have to refuse the generous offer of a corpse's shoe. However...."

She paused to wiped at a brow with the back of her hand to get a drop of sweat away.

"Is it okay if I trade you my crappy grenade for your sword?" She asked politely.

It would be better in her hands than his own hands anyway.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Well, at least Bacchia thought it was funny too. James laughed again as she wriggeled her eyebrows at him and he returned the shoe to his bag. He probably should’ve just tossed the thing, but it would’ve felt weird to simply discard the shoe after all that. Hopefully he’d figure out some use for it down the line.

Then, Bacchia took the step of asking for James’s assigned sword, visible in his open bag. The request surprised him at first, since he’d been planning to hold onto the thing for dear life after he’d managed to get a halfway decent weapon draw. However… as he thought about it, it felt like it might be the better move.

James might not have been much of a fighter, but he was athletic enough to probably handle himself if things got dicey in close quarters, sword or no sword. Bacchia might not be so lucky, right? He looked over at the girl again. There was something calculating about her gaze. Clearly, she was a few steps ahead of him.

“Yeah, alright.” He said, pulling the sword from the bag and handing it over to her. “What’s mine is yours, right? We’re a team, after all. If you need any pointers with that thing, just let me know.” He couldn’t help but grin.

See, this? This was nice. Even if there were some life-and-death stakes to the topic at hand, the two of them were just talking, being decent and shit. James realized that he was holding her gaze just a bit too long.

“Hey, what do you think’s taking Keegan so long?” He added quickly, pivoting to another topic.
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Post by Primrosette »

Bacchia actually thought that James was going to flat-out refuse to give the sword to her so it felt so strange to actually have a hold on it. She was glad that James was trusting her not to stab him in the back with it. If he had turned away from her instead of staring at her for a bit too long... Maybe she would have. But this wasn't about betraying her team. No. Fisk wanted them to be loyal to each other and as much as she wasn't really into babysitting James and Keegan. She had to make sure that they were both okay with what they were really doing. She just had make sure that all of them were on the same page so she decided that this was also the time to talk to the both of them. Even if Keegan was currently missing for the moment.

"Hm, hm. Thanks, partner." She winked at James in a friendly manner, not trying to get his hopes up when it was pretty obvious that he was trying to get on her good side more. She pointed towards her bag that was on a chair between the both of them vaguely. "The grenade is in there if you want to take it now. We could always use it in future for a possible ambush or as a distraction if we pretend it is a real one."

She nodded to herself as she thought about how smart that would be and she glanced at the tip of the sword. She lightly pressed her thumb on it and she felt a small string from it. She glanced at her thumb and she noticed a droplet of blood coming out.

"Heh. This will be fun to use on someone." She said casually as she wiped the blood on the table cloth and she gazed back at James, thinking about Keegan in that moment. "I can't even lie and say that he is fine to you, James. He possibly has more doubts about this more than you. Don't even try to deny that you aren't faltering on this too. I noticed back there with Ivan. Even if I did lose control of myself for a bit. We just need to wait for Keegan to come back if he needs time to think things over."

She really hoped that Keegan wasn't going to let them down. Otherwise, she was going to bitch him out.
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Post by Namira »

A voice emits from Bacchia's collar.

"Fisk is lying to you, or, maybe you're lying to yourself.

"Everyone isn't gunning for you, and you don't get to just make your own team. That's not how this works.

"Stop. Please. There are other ways."
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Post by Catche Jagger »

That whole thing where Bacchia cut her finger to test the blade reminded him of the sight of her attacking Ivan, the… excitement that the moment so clearly brought her. Bacchia might’ve been easy on the eyes, but she was definitely more than a little dangerous. Good thing they were on the same team, then.

Her words, however, did not add to his comfort. Keegan having doubts? It didn't seem that way to James, though he hadn't exactly been spending his time since joining up with the Respects checking out the subtleties of Keegan's demeanor.

"What do you mean about doubts? Like, Keegan knows this thing, right? Kind of like Vasily and Fisk. That means he knows what's up and that ganging up like this is a workable strategy like they kind of think. I mean, did Keegan-?"

James was cut off as a voice suddenly seemed to come out of Bacchia’s collar, causing him to jump just a bit in surprise. After a moment, though, he realized that he remembered that voice from class.

“Holy shit! Emmy? Emmy’s your fucking mentor? Holy shit, what’s that all about? Like I got some chick I don’t really know but I think she’s got something to do with another season of the show, right?” James was blown away. Then again, maybe he’d been the only moron too stunned by the casting to spy on the screens of others during the briefing.

Like, this must’ve been a move to generate drama or something, to throw an otherwise useless mentor into the mix. He didn’t even really listen to whatever the hell Emmy was trying to say, too caught up in his own thoughts and questions now. Maybe this wasn’t even that out of the ordinary and it was yet another part of SOTF that he’d just never really come across in his limited experience.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((MM04 FR03 Keegan Garcia continued from F's in the chat))

Keegan wasn't intentionally lollygagging, for the record. After his little one-on-one adventure with the body (or was it just a solo jaunt, given the context?) he'd done his best to keep up with everyone else and had stayed about as glued to them as possible. And things had really been looking up all around, in most ways.

He hadn't been that proactive in securing his role in the split, but was pretty relieved with where he'd ended up. Right now, Fisk, Vasily, and Giselle were hanging out at the pool, while Keegan, James, and Bacchia did something somewhere between keeping a perimeter and scrounging for resources. If that had shaken out differently—if, purely hypothetically, Giselle and Keegan had changed places—he would've been stuck around Vasily and Fisk, probably everyone getting their pool party on (and maybe their clothes off), while still in the aftermath of what they'd all just done. And, while Keegan had been all about finding something to take his mind off of it, and while he was conceptually pretty all about every aspect of that scene he was missing out on, it just felt too soon somehow, too abrupt.

This was better. He was doing his job, doing serious things befitting a perilous, life-and-death situation. He was coming back to earth, but slowly and steadily. This was precisely why he wasn't in the room with Bacchia and James just yet: he was standing around outside the door that connected the banquet hall with the pool area. From here, he'd be able to hear if shit was getting real where either of the other groups were, and would be able to put in a quick appearance.

And, okay, he could sort of make out some splashing and vague sounds of cheer from off in the pool-wards distance, and having just a bit of that was soothing his nerves some and helping him slowly come around to the idea of possibly lightening up. It wasn't like he had any issues with Bachcia or James (well, Bacchia was a little more intense than he'd been ready for, but hey, so was literally everyone else in the group not named James), but they were less the side of this whole thing that drew him. They were still part of the group, of course, and they felt like friends, but if this were a permanent division of forces, he would've been angling to land on the other squad.

But, for now, it was just what he needed. This whole thing would've been close to perfect if he had a rifle, or a pistol, or even a nice pointy spear or something, like a proper sentinel. But of course, he was making due with the giant horn, held kind of like a staff, with the pokey bit facing the sky. It really wasn't that much different from some kind of lance, but it just felt sillier somehow, and he had no idea how sturdy it was for heavier action than poking bodies, but whatever.

Once again, Keegan pulled his glasses out from under the mask to clean them. Somehow, the whole pillowcase thing felt a bit weirder when he was standing here all alone.
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Post by Primrosette »

Hearing Emmy's voice did make Bacchia briefly pause as it had irked her that they were using a friend as a mentor and it was just cruel that she had to end up on the team that Emmy was watching over. Bacchia wondered why they had chosen Emmy in the first place. Was it to torment the poor girl? Make her bloom and blossom as a young mentor? Or for her to just see a group of people crash and burn? Bacchia knew that it was more likely that her real teammates would go down one-by-one. Heck, she knew it was likely The Respects could fail in what they want to do and die away like nothing.


Bacchia was still looking at James in front of her and she reached up to lightly tap on her collar, sighing softly. She then waved him off with a dismissive hand as she wanted to focus on talking to her and she knew that it was going to be difficult. As nothing that she will say to Emmy will be in agreement with her.

"Emmy. I know there are other ways of doing this. But frankly, I don't give a crap about any of that." She was smiling without a care in the world and she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Do you really think I care about our team? If I did, I wouldn't have done that to Ivan, you see. I do feel sorry that you have to just watch this all happen. I'm not going to stop what I'm doing now as I am not going to go down a path of good morals. I've made my choice."

She stopped talking for dramatic effect.

"Sorry, Emmy. I'm just a bad friend, you see."
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Post by Namira »

There is a pause before the voice resumes.

"You're not a bad person, and it's not about 'our' team.

"It's not too late to do this differently.

"Bacchia, come on, you can't have just forgotten all the time we spent together. Remember when we tried to duet? Or when you showed me that black dress? You were so encouragi—"

"Hey! Hey! I'm not finished! Give me back—"

Bacchia's collar falls silent.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

“Huh… that was… do you think she’s okay?” James slowly began to ask, not sure what to think after the way that last part of the transmission seemed to go.

He got the impression that there was some sort of strained bond between Emmy and Bacchia which his new ally had just attempted to sever, but he really couldn’t be sure, in the end. It was all so fucky and messed up anyway, he wouldn’t gain much trying to parse the exchange.

“Geez, this game really is weird as shit.” He muttered, shaking his head before turning his gaze back to Bacchia.

“So, not to just change the subject but... could I get that crappy grenade you mentioned?”
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Post by Primrosette »

Bacchia frowned when Emmy had been cut off and she was trying to think that the worst had not happened for a brief moment. Emmy trying to change her mind about what she and the others were doing was a nice try and Bacchia knew that things were only going to get worse if she was fully committed on her obsession with wanting to be famous and craving the attention of fans.

Sadly Emmy was wrong about her.

Bacchia was a bad person and she was going to show everyone her crueler side more often.

Bacchia sat down on one of the chair that was near the one with her bad on it and she was thinking about Emmy for a few seconds. "...Maybe. I don't think they would hurt her."

If they do hurt Emmy, She thought with her frown getting wider and one of her hand perched on her thigh was curling into a fist. I will make sure to give them a beating that they will never forget once I get out of here.

Bacchia glanced back at James and she smiled a little, trying to take her mind off of Emmy. "Ah, sure, sure." She reached over to her bag, unzipped it with ease and reaching around supplies in there to get the fake grenade out. She then held it out to him. "Make sure to keep it hidden for now. I don't want other people to see it yet."
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Post by Catche Jagger »

“Hey, thanks. It’ll stay our little secret.” James smiled as he took the grenade from Bacchia, trying to lighten the mood after that whole bit with Emmy had gotten rather heavy.

Their classmate’s words had left him rather uncomfortable, and he wasn’t exactly sure what to think about it. The mentors wouldn’t just outright lie, right? They wouldn’t just make crap up in order to forcibly break up this group. That’d be insane. Then again, they had recruited a random kid from their class to serve as a mentor, and that was pretty insane too.

James didn’t want to think about it right now. It wasn’t like he’d be able to come to a reasonable conclusion anyway. He’d have to talk to Keegan about this when he finally joined them. Keegan would know what was up and would probably be better at making a rational call than Bacchia.

His thoughts then turned to the girl that was already sitting in the room with him. Emmy’s interjection had clearly left her with some lingering thoughts as well.

“Um, hey. Are you doing alright? That was kind of an intense moment, you know?” James asked, stuffing the grenade into his bag and returning his complete attention to her as he took a seat beside hers
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Post by Cactus »

As he cleans his glasses, a voice pipes up from his collar, loud enough only for Keegan to hear.

"So what's your plan, hm?"

The sarcasm is evident.

"I know you couldn't give two shits about anything I have to say so I'm not going to waste my breath harping on what an idiotic idea this 'Respects' team is. But I'm curious. You're on a timer now, so do you have a plan?"

A pause, the voice sounds less harsh.

"Because — and here's a pro tip? When Fisk finds out that Ivan isn't dead, do you really think he's going to be so forgiving after what you watched him do?"

The voice waits for a reply.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Keegan slipped the glasses back under the mask, slowly but close to smoothly.

Well then. This was another advantage to the masks: if your face is hidden, nobody can see you sweat.

The truth was, he hadn't given that much thought to his mentor. He'd watched the guy's briefing, considered his words, and then summarily discarded them in favor of Fisk's plan. It made perfect sense that Malcolm wouldn't understand. How could he? He'd spent years and years watching from the other side, but he'd never been in peril himself—not true, life-threatening peril, at least—and so he had no way to feel the pressure, the intuition, the overwhelming nature of it all. He had no way to comprehend what really mattered.

And yet, he still made himself a little useful. The boy from before wasn't dead after all. Well, damn. That was inconvenient. That was egg not only on Keegan's face, but on that of the group as a collective. Assuming, of course, that it was true; maybe Malcolm was trying to extract him from the group by playing to his fear, counting on any hasty departure to be too permanent to go back from. It would be a clever trick. Was Vasily getting a similar pitch even now?

Keegan sighed, shifted around a little, tapped the narwhal horn on the deck with a soft clang two or three times.

"Fisk isn't gonna be happy, no," Keegan admitted, softly. "I'll probably be hearing about it for the rest of my life. Probably the whole way back to the ferry to finish him off."

He shrugged. His voice was flat, in the same way it went when he was delivering a joke where the punchline was that nobody else could tell whether he was joking or not. He blinked invisibly, took a deep breath.

"He's not Darth Vader though, man. I wouldn't be doing this if he was."

Keegan looked at at the foggy mists before him and sighed audibly. He hoped this was a deception, because it would make his life a lot easier, but he also hoped it wasn't, because he didn't want to have to work to circumvent his mentor's interference too. He wished he could explain, somehow, in a way that would really truly connect. He had words, and feelings, and both were suddenly coming to a boil, but he wasn't sure he could properly make them felt.

"I do have a plan, though," he continued, and a small lift came into his voice there, even as the volume decreased. "I'm going to watch out for my friends. That's what I care about. Even if Fisk is wrong about the endpoint—and I think he is, you know—I'd rather one of them walk away than anyone else. I don't buy this... this faction thing. It doesn't matter to me. If I die, it doesn't matter if the guy who lives is wearing the same bandanna or not. It matters if I like him."

Another shrug. It was funny, though, because Keegan was actually starting to get a little worked up about this. If Ivan was there right now, hanging in front of him helpless and beaten, maybe this time it wouldn't be so hard to do things right.

"But, lucky for you, Vasily's in the club, so that's a place our interests align, right? As for the rest of them..."

Keegan pulled the mask up by a corner, using the fabric to wipe his glasses lenses. His eyes remained hidden, but his grin was wide and white for the cameras.

"If we're heading their way, the best thing you can do for you and us both is to tell them to run the other direction."
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

Alyssa had followed Verity. For some reason.

((continued from look that definitely isn’t a punchy first sentence to enter a thread with but for every person who says in chat that I should stop placing my entry tags below my first line I place the entry tag down one line further into the post. sorry, i don’t make the rules; tap tap motherfuckers))

It was kind of baffling. Though Verity didn’t say that. To go ‘wait why are you following me’ would prompt ‘wait why don’t you like me following you’ and that would make Alyssa feel bad and somehow Verity felt like it was a bit of a priority to not make Alyssa feel bad. So they talked about different things, instead, as they went down the halls of this ship. They weren’t really deep enough to mention. They mostly had Alyssa go ‘wow hey do you [thing]’ and then Verity would do her best to reply ‘yeah, I [thing]’ and then the both of them would reflect or say something about how they really weren’t all that different. Like there was a possibility that they could actually turn into friends. Like, okay, making new friends with someone would’ve been cool had this been at Mangrove Garden, but here it was… a little too little too late. They were on SotF. One of them was going to have to die in the next few days. At least one of them.

(there’s also the fact that, y’know, you just murdered someone a couple hours ago)

(can’t forget that)

(can’t forget what the look on Alyssa’s face will be when she finds out)

(how she’ll think of you then)

So right before they were about to enter what looked like a restaurant hall thing Verity started a conversation which was different from the ones above. She stopped walking. Turned to Alyssa. Said:

“Um. Okay. Just one thing. This… this can’t last. Us. I mean. We can’t… be trying to help each other for long. I’ll… take you to one of your teammates, but… that’s it. I don’t think it’s a good idea if we stick together longer than that, okay?”

She paused. Waited for a response. Nodded, when it came, turned back. Looked at the restaurant hall. Took a breath.

Walked into the room. Saw people on the other end. Looked up. Saw people. One in black, the other in blue. One on Timothy's team, the other on a team she hadn’t seen yet. One with a sword, the other with nothing. Both sitting down. Both looking... scuffled. Dirty. Like what she looked like after what happened with Timothy.

Both looking at her.

Both standing up.


There was something wrong with this.
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