B037 - McKinley, William "Will"[/DECEASED]

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B037 - McKinley, William "Will"[/DECEASED]


Post by Deamon »


Name: William "Will" McKinley
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: Cochise High School
Hobbies and Interests: Hunting, hiking, running, sports, woodworking/carpentry,

Appearance: Standing at 6'1", and weighing 215 lbs, Will is an imposing figure. He has tousled, straight brown hair that comes to his collar, grey-blue eyes and fair skin, with a 'chiselled' rectangular face. His right eye is ever so slightly bigger than his left eye, and his nose seems to perfectly fit his face. Although according to BMI he is overweight, the extra weight he sports is muscle, not fat, which contributes to an impressive physique.

On the day of the kidnapping, Will was wearing a worn, brown-leather hunting jacket, black waterproof hiking boots and army-camouflage cargo trousers, with a thick black long sleeved t-shirt underneath his jacket. He was also wearing a heavy-duty analogue watch, certified to a depth of 30 meters. Underneath his jacket was a 3" knife with a wooden handle, but this was confiscated. The leather sheath, however, was sewn into his jacket, and so he still has it.

Biography: Born February 3rd, 1998 to Jonathan and Melissa McKinley, Will had a silver spoon in his mouth from the day he was born. His father was minor Scottish nobility, and a prominent politician in an up-and-coming new party, and his mother the re-married widow of a wealthy tycoon resulting in William never really wanting for anything as a child. He grew up in his father's ancestral home in Scotland, just a few miles south-west of Carrbridge. Will experienced the 'great outdoors' at a very early age. Will was only around 5 years old when he first started taking walks; although always kept under the watchful gaze of either his mother or the groundskeeper, Jacob, it wasn't long before he started venturing further into the woods that surrounded the estate. Said woods were full of a staggering variety of wildlife, mostly birds, but also deer, hare and the occasional boar, although he never saw the latter until he was much older.

This love for nature and constant trekking, stemming from an inquisitive mind regarding the world around him, and a physique to allow him to explore it for himself, has given him a rather practical wardrobe, most of his clothes being well-worn yet tough, and almost all of them are muted browns and greens. He also has a fair amount of army surplus clothing, including a duster and a number of cargo trousers. Being nobility, the scattering of social events he's attended has granted him with a few formal, and incredibly expensive suits.

When Will started school, his aptitude for long-distance running, team sports and in his later years DT, (otherwise known as Design and Technology, or Shop in the US) were unparalleled. Whilst not as fast as some, he had incredible stamina, and won numerous local awards for the cross-county, especially in his county. Unfortunately, however, Will never ended up competing at a national or international level. Will's love for running is much more practical than that for hiking or trekking; he views running as one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy apart from his regular visits to the gym, and his prowess and the rewards gained from it come as second. As well as cross country, Will plays Rugby as a prop, and Soccer as a goalie, and enjoys them tremendously.

Meanwhile, in DT, he was a fairly well-rounded student, with a particular aptitude for woodworking, often creating small puzzle boxes and whittling sculptures in his spare time. The ability to create something beautiful out of a hunk of wood and a blade is an ability that Will was astounded by as a child, and almost all of his woodworking efforts follow this initial amazement. These two subjects were, by far, his highest-scoring ones in terms of grades, and the ones that he enjoys the most.

Like a lot of his childhood friends, Will was introduced to hunting through his father, an avid marksman and ex-soldier, who had been the 'traditional' third son, and indeed his first ever hunt was with his father, for pheasants. This was his first time using a firearm, specifically, a Browning DG4 207 over-and-under shotgun. Later on in his life, he would also deer stalk and used a Mannerlicher M72 bolt-action rifle. These two guns became 'his' two guns, only used by him, as his father became increasingly occupied in a burgeoning political career and unable to hunt with him. To make up for this, he would be always be accompanied by Jacob, who was the one to take him on most of his hunts later in life. In fact, it was under Jacob's tutelage that he landed his first deer at the age of twelve, although he freely admits that Jacob did everything but take the shot.

As well as hunting, he also was a member of the Cubs group, and learnt many practical skills from them, although many have been forgotten over the years due to disuse. When in Cubs, he greatly enjoyed the numerous activities, especially the ones that required him to venture outwards. Shortly before his thirteenth birthday he joined Scouts, and it wasn't long after that he was gifted his knife. The knife was one of many in an army surplus store, and Will personalised it shortly after his move to America by engraving the words "Who dares, wins," the motto of the SAS, or Special Air Service, into the wooden handle. Although he normally never takes the knife out of the house, on trips that leave school property, such as his hunts, he tends to take it. He has sown the leather sheath inside his jacket, just below the armpit, and it's the only place he ever carries his blade.

When he had turned 13, William applied to the CCF (Combined Cadet's Force,) intending on pursuing a career in the military after school. Unfortunately, fate was against him as it was around this time that his father was engrossed in a scandal involving an alleged affair with his secretary. After he was found guilty of adultery, a very messy divorce ensued, and his parents unanimously agreed for him to move, sending him to his maternal Uncle and Aunt, who lived in America. The reasoning behind this was to remove him from the unstable family environment in Scotland, which had embroiled most of his close blood relatives, and allow him to 'stretch his wings' and experience a different country. Not wanting him to miss high-school, he was enrolled in Cochise against his wishes, and shipped off to America. Luckily for him however, exact wording in the divorce proceedings left him remarkably wealthy. Estimates suggest that he is worth over £150,000, although a large proportion of this money is frozen in numerous bank accounts until he becomes 21.

In America, Will has continued to excel as a sportsman, continuing to play the 'English' sports such as rugby and soccer, as a prop and goalie respectively. Sports is not the only one of his favorite subjects. He also greatly enjoys shop class, and both are easily his highest-marked subjects. Academically, Will isn't particularly good or bad, with a string of C's and B's running back to some of his first ever grades. He speaks English fluently and French semi-fluently, having had French lessons from a very young age. His least favorite subject is Maths; although he knows how useful it is, he doesn't quite understand why advanced maths is mandatory, and how it'll help him personally in his lifetime.

When he left for America, Will's Mauser and Browning were kept at home, to compensate he took up his uncle's Mossberg MVP series varmint rifle, and although his uncle does not approve of it, Will's knowledge of gun safety and experience with firearms persuaded him to allow his nephew to go out by himself. Most commonly he ends up shooting coyotes and rattlesnakes, but it isn't uncommon for him to bag prairie dogs as well. Regarding gun culture in America, he has a firm hatred for American 'gun nuts,' and is, in fact, surprisingly liberal with his views on firearm legislation, wanting stricter control, especially on semiautomatics and handguns.

At 'home,' (he doesn't consider his uncles' house a home,) he despises his uncle and aunts, considering them patronizing and overly protective and restrictive of him, much to his ire. He takes any chance to leave the house he can, which is one of the contributing reasons to his fairly social outward appearance, despite his rather gruff attitude. He's had multiple girlfriends throughout his time in America, and lost his virginity a few months before his 18th birthday, although he's no longer with the girl.

Will's also a practicing Protestant Christian, although it's extraordinarily rare to see him at church, as he tends to pray at home, or out hunting. In fact, his faith is a relatively small part of his life, and it might be more accurate to call him an agnostic with Christian leanings, although he'd never refer to himself as such.

Advantages: William is an excellent marksman with most bolt or semi-automatic rifles, as well as double-barreled and over-and-under shotguns. He's also extremely fit, and has a huge amount of natural strength and stamina to boot, as well as a decent knowledge of the outdoors. All of these are useful assets for the more natural elements of the island.
Disadvantages: Although fit, Will isn't as fast as some, since he plays in quite stationary positions in sports, his speed never needed to be used. He's also gruff, which is often misconstrued as him being rude, and his accent has been known to descend into the incomprehensible when he's stressed, angry or afraid. This communication breakdown could quite easily lead to a live example of how poor communication kills.

Designated Number: Male student No. 037


Designated Weapon: One ten-pack of cable tie handcuffs
Conclusion: Aw, cute. The little boy thinks it's a hunter. There's a big difference between bagging a bird with help and a live person. Better learn quick or someone else will make you the prey and I'm sure some posh kids head will look good on the trophy wall.- Josie Knight

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