True Friends Are Jerks

The library is not as large as it perhaps could be, and is certainly not one of the school's more comfortable rooms. Located on the second floor, the library is lit by fluorescent lights, and is almost always somewhat messy and disorganized. The staff here is insufficient to keep up with the use the room receives, and thus student volunteers are relied upon fairly heavily. Most of the academic books are fairly new, but the selection of novels is rather sparse.
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True Friends Are Jerks


Post by ViolentMedic »

((Joe Carrasco continued from St. Edwards Bake Sale))

All the numbers on his sheet of Math homework were blurring together.

Once again, Joe hadn't gotten any sleep. At this stage, there was just far too much homework to finish, and his father never slowed down with the daily quizzes. In fact, Joe was pretty sure they were getting longer, probably because college was slowly approaching. More medical questions were getting mixed in, that was for sure.

Joe had chugged a bottle of this obscure but very strong energy drink earlier in order to stop himself from passing out again, and it was basically all that he was running on. He knew he was going to crash horribly later, but that didn't matter. He had a couple of more hours in him. He just... hoped he didn't crash while riding home, either energy-wise or... bike-ramming-into-things-wise.

Even just the thought of crashing brought back memories of when his aunt broke her arm while they were biking. Joe went pale just at the thought. ...Maybe he'd just walk home today, leave his bike at school for the night.

Joe frowned at his sheet of homework and started rubbing out an answer that he'd just realised was wrong. Then he dropped the pencil and removed his glasses so he could rub at his eyes. Even the caffeine wasn't quite holding off the tiredness. Gah, why was he always tired lately? It never used to be this bad.

Ms. Garvey would probably shout at him if he fell asleep in the middle of the library.
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Post by Delroy† »

(( Travis Webster continued from A Safe Bet... ))

Travis entered the library with the same level of grace and delicacy that he always did. That is, none what so ever. His loud whistling got him an angry look and a loud "SSSSSHHH" from Ms. Garvey, resulting in him loudly apologising to her, using almost the same words he did all those other times she had gotten angry with him. She had never quite forgiven him for all the books he had lost several years ago, despite the fact that his parents had paid for new ones.

Not that it had mattered much in the Webster household. His parents had barely said a word about it. They had paid the bill and simply sighed at him, telling him not to do it again in that tired voice they always seemed to have after work, even on those rare times they actually got home early.

Travis found Joe in the middle of the library, frantically doing homework like usual.

He made a quick jump up onto the chair next to Joe, sitting down ontop of the backrest like he oftentimes did.

"Hey, Joe. 'Sup?"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Joe didn't even have to look up to know Travis had entered the library. He just had to hear the whistling, followed by the disapproving shush from Ms. Garvey. Joe would probably die of shock if Travis actually managed to enter a room without a loud series of noises.

Holding back a long yawn, Joe jammed his glasses back onto his face as Travis trotted up and sat on the backrest of the chair next to him. "Hey. Just finishing some--" Joe interrupted the sentence with the yawn he'd been holding back. "Sorry, finishing some calculus stuff. It's kinda blurring together, but... I think I'm getting there?" Joe scribbled down another answer before nudging his glasses up so he could rub his eyes again. "Guuhhh. Just a little sleepy."

Joe looked at Travis, sitting precariously on the back of the seat without caring that he was probably going to topple over or that Ms. Garvey was probably going to yell at him again. Not for the first time, Joe wished he could be that carefree without the aid of marijuana.

"Yeah, anyway... how're you? How's..." Joe waved his hand vaguely, his sleep-addled brain trying to remember what he was talking about. "How's... the things?"
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Post by Delroy† »

(( GMing approved ))

Travis stretched out his back and let out an audible yawn himself.

"Oh, y'know.... this and that."

He quickly peered down at the homework Joe was working on. He shuddered. Calculus. His mortal enemy.

Not because it was too hard, of course. Matter of fact, he'd had an easy time with math at an early age, and his younger brothers excelled at it. Trav just found the whole bloody thing so.... boring. He hated it, even before they had begun exchanging the numbers for letters. As a result, he'd often played or slept through classes, hence falling behind on the work. Because of this, he didn't understand what was being said in class, making him more bored, leading to a never ending circle of bad grades and questionable study ethics.

"Guess who is totally getting laid on prom night?"

Joe didn't even look up from his homework, casually responding with a deadpan tone.
"Either it's you or you've become disturbingly obsessed with someone else's sex life."

Ignoring the sarcastic comment, Travis continued:
"That's right! This guy! Stacey and me are going to have a fantastic prom night together!"

This time Joe looked up at Travis with an eyebrow raised.

Travis raised his own eyebrow.
"... yes?"

Joe looked off into the distance for a second, almost like he was trying to recall something.
"Uh, she's that girl with... blonde hair, always in high heels?"

Travis wasn't sure what Joe was getting at.
"Um, yeah, Stacey May-Mordetsky..... Nice, huh?"

Joe kept looking at him, finally answering with a tone implying some severe reservations about Trav's brilliant plan.
"Uh... yeah, okay, Trav..."

Joe then proceeded to go back to his Calculus homework. Not really the reaction Travis had been expecting.

"Okay, Joe. What's wrong with her?"
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Post by General Goose »

((Chuck Soileau start))

Strangely enough for a guy who was a self-professed big fan of reading, Chuck did not really spend much time in the school library. Now, whether that was more of a judgement on Chuck not reading enough outside of schoolbooks and internet sites lately, or the school library just being objectively shit...that was a matter of debate. One of the few times Chuck had visited the library in recent years was for an internet debate. He needed proof that schools, even schools that looked quite acceptable to most, needed more funding if America's children were to have access to the necessary variety of literature. What particularly angered Chuck was that he could find a book with photos from the making of the Harry Potter films, but none of the actual books.

The only other times Chuck visited the library were at boring lunch-times where he was looking for friends to hang with, or for English lessons. He loved books, he really did, especially ones filled with political intrigue and developed multi-layered characters. Why his school seemed to settle on Jane Austen novels instead, he had no idea. (He did not like Jane Austen, surprisingly.) But he was good at writing essays, discussing symbolism and themes within books. Bullshitting, in other words. If there was one thing politics had taught him, was how to bullshit. His proudest moments were an entire lesson spent analysing the uses of the word "the" and "a" in a poem, and one term where he linked everything to be politics or sex. Successfully. And got better marks for it.

But no, this was one of those "boring lunch-times" moments. Walking a short distance from the threshold, Chuck was prepared to turn back when he saw Joe and Travis.

Grinning, he broke into a library-sprint (as fast as he could run in the library without alerting the librarian, it was an art he had perfected in the first year at Aurora when he actually did use to frequent the library and read their stack of Simpsons comics) until he was right next to Joe and Travis, using their heads as armrests. They were sitting down, yes, but even then it was an awkward feat for the vertically-challenged Chuck, but it was still good to take every opportunity he could get to make people understand how mildly annoying being used as an armrest could sometimes be.

"Guys. Guys. What we talking about? Prom dates? I'm going with...a model. You won't know her. She avoids using the same corridors as people like you. She sprints along the sides of the building."

He knew both of them would take that to mean "I'm going alone but meh who cares."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"I didn't say anything was wrong with her," Joe said evasively. "I mean, she... probably has good qualities. She's just kind of... um... what's the word for it..."

Joe did know the word for it, but he didn't want to use it. The fact was that Stacey kind of scared him. ...Okay, most people scared him, but Stacey... the whole crowd of girls that Stacey hung out with, really... Joe had seen them verbally tear people apart before. In short, they were... well...

Don't say she's a bitch, don't say she's a bitch, don't say she's a bitch...

"She's kind of a bitch?"


Joe tried to backtrack. "That's not what I meant, sorry, that was harsh. I was thinking of something else? I just mean... she's a little bit... you know. Uh. I'm probably talking about the wrong Stacey! I probably just... got them confused in my sleepiness?"

Thankfully, Chuck chose this moment to turn up and use them both as armrests. Though Joe had such little energy at the moment that the weight of Chuck slightly leaning on him was almost enough to make him fall over. Joe waved his arms a bit in a failed attempt to remove Chuck's arm before giving up and resigning himself to being furniture. Still fine. Chuck's arrival helped distract from the 'accidentally called Travis' girlfriend a bitch' thing, and he'd known Chuck long enough so that he didn't freak out around him. Win-win.

Joe smiled at the 'model who sprints along the sides of the buildings' comment. A part of him was also relieved that he wouldn't be the only guy there without a date. It had felt like he would be, given that there was so much happy chatter about prom dates going around. He didn't mind going without a date but he was more afraid that it might tip people off concerning his preferences. Of course, who'd expect a nerdy idiot like him to have a date, anyway? Sometimes being a nervous, mumbly wreck worked out like that.

"Along the sides, huh? Too high-class for crawling through the air vents. I like it," Joe said. "Trav's going with Stacey." He left it at that, afraid he'd say something nasty again. It really wasn't fair to say mean things about someone he barely knew...
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Post by Delroy† »

Travis didn't know if he should laugh or feel insulted.

I mean, it was kind of endearing how Joe had blurted it out, and Travis was well aware of Stacey's.... less charming traits. She could be petty, and mean, and.... well, quite the bitch, at times. But that wasn't what mattered with a prom date! She had two strengths that very few girls could boast about having:

1. She was incredibly attractive. Say whatever you want about her intellect and her personality (Joe had summed it pretty well, he supposed), but if there was one thing that struck him as her main feature, it was her incredible sex appeal. Gorgeous face, nice body. It wasn't like he was about to marry the girl. She was just the means to an end, that end being....

2. Sex. Plain and simple. She was willing, experienced and had all but promised an EPIC prom night, no strings attached. The perfect date.

Travis smiled as Joe began backtracking and trying to make excuses for his previous statement. Oh, Joe... Silly Joe. Travis could honestly say that despite his status as a troublemaker, a hooligan, a drug dealing scumbag, a pothead..... Joe had been with him through thick and thin. From the time that they'd met, they had been inseparable. Despite being extremely different people with very different goals in life and total opposite family situations, the two of them had just.... clicked! The most important person outside his family, in Trav's world, was Joe. Joe was his best friend, and like a brother to him.

He shrugged off the not-so-flattering words about his date.

"Hahah, it's fine, Joe. It's not like I'm marrying the girl. I am, however, getting lai-..."

This was a familiar feeling. He didn't even struggle against Chuck leaning on his head. It was no use, and they'd gone through this before. Chuck was another friend he had known from an early age. He could always appreciate the boy's company, and the fact that Joe didn't turn into a nervous wreck around him was a strong bonus. Three childhood friends. Three musketeers. One short and blonde, one tall and hispanic, and one average and punk. Not really a "normal" group of friends, but fuck it, who wanted to be normal anyway?

He turned to Chuck with a grin, implying that he got the joke. Chuck didn't have a date at all.

"Boy, that does sound like a fancy lady, dude... I'm jealous! Aren't you jealous, Joe?"

"Along the sides, huh? Too high-class for crawling through the air vents. I like it." Joe responded with a smile.

Travis smiled at his two friends.
"Well, guess who is getting laaaaaahaaaaiiiiiiiiiidd on prom night?"
The falsetto might have been a bit much, and Trav peered over to make sure Ms. Garvey wasn't on her way over. Unless you kept your eye on her, she could be a real ninja, dodging in and out of the different rows of bookcases around the library. She was, however, still sitting quietly by her desk, so he supposed she hadn't heard him.

Joe explained his previous statement with the simple explanation:
"Trav's going with Stacey."
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Post by General Goose »

As Chuck moved his arms away from the tops of his two friends' heads (using human heads as armrests was only good in short doses, dammit), Joe told him Travis was going out with Stacey.

Sitting down in a seat opposite the two, Chuck sighed, looked at Travis, and sighed again. Say what you would about Chuck, but his sighs and looks of quiet resignation would make Martin Freeman proud. Chuck then opened his mouth. He liked to be nice and polite in his analyses of his friends' romantic lives, but bitching about arrogant bitchwhoremonkeysluts like Stacey was one of his secret hobbies, something he felt was both enjoyable and justified from a moral and social standpoint.

"Well, Trav, you're a great guy, but taste in girls was never one of your strong suits. I mean, personality-wise. In terms of looks, I'd totally fuck her. Well, I wouldn't. Five...well, let's be honest, three minutes of ecstasy for a lifetime of STIs is not a smart trade." Bursting into a library-laugh (Chuck had mastered the ability to laugh at just the right level to avoid disturbing grouchy parents, sleeping grandfathers, or overly-strict school librarians), he then continued "Okay, okay, but seriously, I don't really care much for your prom-date and I don't know her that well, but like, use protection. And you have to tell me stories afterwards of how it went."

Turning to Joe, he put on a ridiculous impersonation of a narrator in one of those old sex ed videos, and said "You know about the birds and the bees, right Joe? Basically, when a man and a woman decide they love each other very much..." Interrupting himself yet another time, he asked "So, which girl is in your sights? Or are you going alone? My date has a sister, if you want."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Joe let out a small sigh of relief when Chuck stopped using him as an armrest. Without the strain of being furniture he had a tiny bit of energy to pour into finishing his calculus homework. ...He needed more energy drink, coffee or to combine the two and have coffee laced with energy drink.

He didn't seem to be alone in his disapproval of Stacey, though Chuck at least had the decency to not call her a bitch. Plus, he brought up valid points about STIs, something Joe hadn't considered.

"Travis," Joe started in a faux-serious voice. "If you touch her, you will get chlamydia. ...And die." He returned to his normal tone of voice. "Sorry, couldn't resist. But seriously, Chuck has a point. You're going to end up really itchy. Do you want papillomavirus? Because that's only worth risking if the girl is actually nice. ...Sorry. Again."

Okay, so he was still being kind of mean. Maybe it was because he had some back-up in the form of Chuck in this instance, so his prejudice probably wasn't completely unjustified.

Joe had started scribbling down a calculus answer when Chuck had asked who he was taking. He'd kind of twitched in response, accidentally scrawling a pencil line across his homework. Shouldn't have been surprised, but... well, he was always afraid that he'd slip and the gay thing would just come out. (No pun intended.)

Sure, if he was going to tell anyone... he'd prefer to tell Travis and Chuck. He... was less terrified of them finding out. Still scared, because he didn't know how to react, but they were two of his best friends... actually, they were his only male friends. Besides Marcus, of course, but... Marcus still made him nervous, even if it was in a different way. Stupid butterflies.

Point was, there was a good chance that they'd be okay with it. But he still didn't want to tell them. Even if they were okay with it, what if they told? What if it got around and people started mocking him? (He'd heard bits and pieces of the whole Rourke fiasco, it had sounded really unpleasant and only solidified his fear of coming out.) ...Worst of all, what if his father found out? Couldn't risk it. It was easier to stay silent.

Joe started fiddling with his hands. "Ehhh. I... I think I'll puh... pass, as... as nice as I'm sure your model girlfriend's seh... sister is." Calm down. It's just Travis and Chuck. Joe paused to regain his calm before adding, "Anyway, she'd have to be a deaf model. That way she wouldn't hear me and I could pretend I'm saying impressive stuff."

He picked up an eraser and started getting rid of the large pencil scribble he'd accidentally left on his notes. Stupid twitching.
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Post by Delroy† »

Wow! He couldn't catch a break. I mean, sure. Stace wasn't the nicest girl, personality wise, but she was HOT. That was all that mattered for a prom date, right? Looking good together?
Despite his annoyance at his friends less-than-optimal reactions, he didn't show it outwards. Instead he grinned and put out his fist towards Chuck.

"Every last detail, mate. Heh, you know it."

Then Joe started talking about STI's that Chuck had brought up... Jesus, she was a highschooler who liked to have fun. She wasn't a cheap hooker at a street corner. And what the fuck was... papi... papo... pap-something-mavirus anyway? Still trying to mask his annoyance, he sat there quietly, managing a slight smile still, while Joe begun twitching and stuttering about going with Chuck's pretend model's sister. He was surprised that Joe began acting this. Not that he acted like this, mind you. No, Joe had always been a bit less.... gifted than he was when it came to socializing. But it was rare for him to be nervous around Chuck, or him, for that matter. Joe seemed to regain his composure half-way through the sentence, so Travis didn't give the matter much more thought.

He decided it was time to defend his choice of a prom-date.

"Well, look. I'm not marrying the girl, but I am getting fucking laid, alright? And while this "model" of yours sounds quite interesting, Chuck..."

Travis tried to keep his composure and not sound too bitter. Try to play it off as a joke.

"... I think I'll stick to a real girl who, at the end of the night... will actually sleep with me. I mean, y'know, rather than..." Travis grinned mockingly at him and made the gesture implying that Chuck's companion at the end of the night would be his own right hand.
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Post by General Goose »

Chuck feigned getting into an offended huff, crossing his arms and sticking his nose up at Travis thinking with his other head. He pondered whether he should quote the few statistics about STIs that he could remember, or perhaps make up some new ones on the spot that should sufficiently scare Travis into just settling for a handyjay. But he decided against it. Getting all sanctimonious and in-your-face about what he perceived as the failings of others was a habit he was trying to catch down. So he settled for a "well, at least use protection. A lot of protection. Like, seriously. STIs spread REALLY easily, even if just one of her partners had it."

Oh, he was starting to get all sanctimonious and in-your-face.

Well, he had said enough to get the right to say the words "I told you so" when Travis inevitably got herpes. And the simple pleasures like that were all that mattered.

Travis was trying to shift the conversation away from his prom date (Chuck made a mental note to bet Joe that he wouldn't get laid) and to Chuck's, implying, with some truth, that he would simply be masturbating tonight. Chuck resisted making a "I use my left hand thank you very much" joke in response to Travis's rather lewd and inappropriate gesture, and instead decided to giggle an-wait.

He had an idea. An evil idea, but one that would be so fun to execute.

Getting up from his chair, he moved next to Joe. "Travis. I...we have something to tell you." He sighed, successfully suppressing any signs of a laugh, he placed his arms around Joe's head and pulled him close to his chest. "We have got dates." As a final touch (and to make the joke absolutely one-hundred percent clear), his left hand began to gently stroke Joe's cheek.

Joe would know he was only messing around to fuck with Travis. Travis, on the other hand, would probably not.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Joe pulled a face as Travis brushed off the concerns about STIs. "If anything falls off, don't expect me to feel any sympathy." He considered for a moment, then added, "But I guess that's not fair to Stacey. Given how much you get around... and your general irresponsibleness and... stuff... I guess she's in as much danger of catching something. If not more so. That's just statistics and stuff."

He went back to focusing on getting the stupid pencil marks off his homework, while Chuck climbed out of his seat and started making some kind of announcement. Something about them having something to tell Travis? Joe didn't remember any important announcements. Joe looked up at about the same time that Chuck started cuddling and patting his head, while declaring that they did have dates.


(And now there were more pencil marks on his homework, ffff--)

Although Joe half-realised it was a joke, the other half started having a freakout because Chuck was treading far too close to his little secret than what was comfortable. Plus, the cheek stroking was ridiculously distracting and garghuaghh...

Joe went bright red and flailed his arms half-heartedly (lacking the energy to do anything else) while mumbling something that, roughly translated, would have meant 'if you don't stop that I'm going to rip out your pancreas' if it were anywhere near understandable.
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Post by Delroy† »

Travis burst into a violent fit of laughter. Partially because of Chuck's joke, and partially because of how freaked out Joe got. He got a loud "SSSSSSSHHH" from several students as a response.
Still giggling at intervals, Travis responded.

"Listen... eheh... I wish the absolute best for the two of you. OOoooooh... eheh... you'll make such a cute couple on prom night. Joe will be wearing the... ahahahah... th-the... dress, I assume?"

Trav threw his best friend a mocking grin and winked, still giggling on and off. Poor Joe seemed completely lost. More-so than he usually was.
Prom dates aside, there was something else he wanted to ask Joe about.

"Oh, by the way, Joe... Can I copy your notes for Bio? I kinda... didn't do my homework last night since... um.. yeah...."

He stopped there. Joe didn't need to know that the reason he didn't complete the assigned homework was because he got high and played Frozen Synapse. He'd discovered the game recently, and while intriguing even when sober, the game was FANTASTIC when high. The smooth electronic music, the bright colors, the tactics to take out enemies.... yeah, it was a new personal favorite, alright.

Granted, Joe would probably not be surprised if he told him. Trav had a tendency to not do homework in general, whether it was because he'd been high, lazy, out partying or home gaming, he always found himself having something better to do rather than study. Generally, school was a boring place to be, and he prefered being out and learning from life, rather than some small classroom with dusty books and even dustier teachers. Maybe that was why he had been so close to failing several classes last semester. And yet, he'd managed to pull through. As always.

"I'd really appreciate it, dude."

Travis smiled amiably and hoped for the best.
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Post by General Goose »

Travis found their joke (well, Chuck's joke) incredibly amusing. It was quite flattering, in all honesty, that his on-the-spot shenanigans were still amusing to his friends. Travis's reaction was also slightly offputting. He didn't want everyone in the library to investigate the source of the incredibly loud and somewhat annoying laugh emanating from Travis's mouth, and find him in the middle of semi-groping one of his best friends. It was meant to be a private joke, not stand-up comedy. He was sure Joe also desired not to be caught in such a compromising position.

Chuck did not consider it that funny. It wasn't exactly high-brow or sophisticated humour. It wasn't even original. He wasn't the only guy who made his friends awkward by feigning a homosexual relationship with them. In response to Travis suggesting Joe would be wearing the dress, Chuck put on a fake look of mild shock and disgust, and replied "Good Lord, no. Joe wears the pants in this relationship. Isn't that right, Joey?"

He pulled Joe in closer to his chest, continuing to inappropriately stroke his face and his hair. It was surprisingly fun, and the fact that Joe was squirming and almost definitely going as red as Utah made it only more satisfying. Mild schadenfreude, probably. That he was responsible for. The simple pleasures in life.

Travis then began asking Joe if he could copy his homework. Chuck disapproved of such poor organisational skills and laziness, even in his friends, but he admitted this was an issue he knew he was a massive hypocrite on. Hypocrisy. Another of the simple pleasures in life.

Wait a sec...hadn't he seen one of his friends play Frozen Synapse on Steam last night? He was pretty sure it had been Travis. This called for further investigation. Deciding to keep up the unbelievable charade of being in a gay relationship with Joe for just a few more seconds, he turned to Travis, and putting on his most patronising and stereotypically lovestruck tone of voice possible, said "Hey, Travis, why don't you tell my wonderful boyfriend here why you couldn't do it last night?"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Travis found Chuck's little joke hilarious. He laughed like it was the funniest thing he'd ever witnessed. Normally, Travis laughing about stupid things was rather infectious. Particularly while they were both smoking together and giggling at dumb movies that they'd dug up. But even outside those hazy afternoons, a lot of the time Travis laughing so hard was enough to get Joe at least grinning as well.

This was not one of those times.

Stop it.

As Chuck and Travis both made jokes about who would wear the dress, Joe just stared at the floor. His face was burning so much that he could have cooked bacon on it. It wasn't just embarrassment, fear and confusion from Chuck groping at him like that, although it was playing a huge part.

This series of jokes was fraying on his last nerve. Joe started to glare at the library's carpet, like he was trying to burn a hole through it. But whenever he tried to open his mouth to tell Chuck to stop, the words caught in his throat. Even when Chuck pulled him closer, he couldn't just say--

Stop it.

It shouldn't have made him angry. Embarrassed and fearful that someone would make the wrong (right?) assumption, but not angry. It was just a joke. But that was just it, wasn't it? All Joe could wonder now was that... if he ever did tell them the truth... would they treat it just the same? As nothing but a joke? Now, if he tried to picture what would happen... all he could see was them laughing, because it was just a stupid joke, wasn't it?

Travis had, at least, moved on from it, if only to ask for his Biology notes. Not an unusual occurrence, Travis had been borrowing his work since junior high. Joe would always assume that Travis had gotten high instead of working, or gone to a party, or spent the night playing video games... something that wasn't at all school-related.

Would have been the end of it if Chuck had just let go of him. Or at least not, while he implied that he knew why Travis hadn't done his homework, let off one more little barb. (It wasn't meant that way, Joe knew that, but that's just what it felt like at that moment.)

Just one joke too many.

Joe abruptly stood up, jerking away from Chuck's hands, and without a word changed to a different seat that was just out of Chuck's reach. Fixing his glare on Chuck, he just shook his head once.


He reached over and dragged his bag and Calculus homework over to his new seat. Opening his bag, he pulled out his Biology book and slid it across the table to Travis, still without saying anything, and then just stared back down at his Calculus homework.
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