Warren Black*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Warren Black*


Post by Breven† »

Name: Warren Black
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests:  Acting, Swimming and Polyamory

Appearance: Warren Black is young man with a medium build; he stands at an average height of 5’8. He weighs 172 pounds which he has toned into muscle. The teen has a soft face and features that give him a kind look. His face holds smooth complexion while around his eyes crow’s feet are developing from all the script reading he’s done, giving a dark look to the boy’s green eyes. Warren’s sandy blond hair is always slicked back. Warren’s body is toned yet it lacks stamina. The vain young man  wears a black silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black pants with green threading.

Biography: As a child Warren was very outgoing and joyful as soon as he could talk the boy would approach total strangers always eager to start a conversation and talk about himself. In that respect he has not changed at all. Being forward and shameless is what got Warren into stardom at a young age. Opportunity came to him with unsurprising boldness. Warren upon meeting a man involved in television in the mall one day, the six year old child demanded to be put on TV. After a discussion with the child's parents Warren got to appear in a clothing commercial and was even allowed to deliver some lines. The seed of acting had been planted and from that moment on nothing could deter Warren from acting. His parents were both supportive in their only son trying his best at a young age. Warren was not getting the results he wanted and despite more then a few auditions nothing came of his efforts save the occasional commercial, this began a tiny shift in the young boy’s psyche it became less about entertaining to be object of attention and more about doing it for himself and what he wanted.

Four years passed between his young optimism and his change in worldview in this time thanks to his new outlook at age ten Warren Black got a bit part on a daytime soap named: "All of the Children" a spin off of a better show. With this opportunity came new responsibility like all the lines the young boy had to remember. Warren felt happy with his entitlement and people waiting on him hand and foot. Unfortunately over the seasons Warren's grades began a steady decline and his late night script readings damaged his eyes. Warren fell in love with stardom the attention and adoration were fantastic, but what was even better was the position; the fact that he is above others in responsibility. By age 15 the young boy who formerly was just bold and wanted everyone to look up at him had become the teen who was narcissistic and looked down on everyone else. His parents put their foot down and pulled him from his beloved program at the cost of the end of the entire season's pay thus far.

Embittered by his loss Warren began to keep people at more of a distance, merely playing the role of listener or friend but caring less and less. With no motivation to pick up his marks the highschooler would do illicit favors for marks or befriend a student that excels in the course he was taking. Warren tried not to do it often but he never felt bad about it. Warren developed a small reputation for an attraction on for anything with two legs, if he had much social standing this killed it. The teen usually hung with the loose crowd. Warren enjoys his bisexuality regularly if he can and never attempts to keep secret about it. With an abundance of free time the former star took up swimming. Swimming regularly toned up his appearance so he was never ugly in his mind, however despite incredible speed in the water he never could keep up on land in track or other running sports. Swimming was a natural choice on two levels first Warren loves himself and can never fat or flab to creep in unnoticed. Secondly the complete lack of violence in swimming is appreciated Warren detests fighting out of concern for his looks but would have no problem getting back at some who hurt him. The teen has outright refused to play any sport that can bruise or scar him.

Warren is aware of his Narcissism and knows it affects him but he believes he can handle it on his own. He works hard acting out coping strategies like joking around when he's proved wrong so he doesn't seem as pig headed. He likes doing kind deeds to make it appear as if he pays more attention to people's feelings then he does. As a worldview Warren truly believes that he is one of the few special and unique people and sees patterns in people to make them appear more ordinary to him. Without a real constructive outlet like he used to have Warren puts up more and more emotional barriers. The good kid that wants people to laugh and smile is buried deep down underneath a lot of lies and boasting Warren has fed himself over the years.

Advantages: His physical shape is good and his physical appearance is even better. He is all but unshakable in his ability to play roles helpful to hurtful if he ever did have to do anything immoral Warren can justify it by claiming it wasn't him. He is eternally confident and never considers self doubt or personal recriminations. If he did something it was the wisest course at the time. His need to be in center stage could save lives or cost them but whatever the case Warren is unwilling to play second fiddle.

Disadvantages: Self absorbed beyond reason. The gorgeous man is still rather below average on all purely academic pursuits. Warren now needs glasses for his reading glasses he refuses to wear except in private and never takes them outside his house. His Pride is unbelievable and being ignored is would drive him up the wall. Warren can only rationalize his arrogance so much and as such would have a hard time accepting help even in critical situations. He underestimates people quite regularly viewing everyone as ordinary and himself as extraordinary, lets him believe everyone is less at least to a point. Even if he is beaten he would acknowledge it as a lucky shot or if unavoidable that the individual has some skill in a particular area.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Breven. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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