Kaine Fischer

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42 Zombies†
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Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:52 pm

Kaine Fischer


Post by 42 Zombies† »

Name: Kaine Fischer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Tennis, LSD and other hallucinogens

Appearance: Kaine is shorter than his brother, though only by two inches. He stands at 5'10'' and weighs 157 lbs., mostly muscle. These muscles are the result of frequent games of tennis and his interest in looking good. He had black hair cut to shoulder-length, although his is greasy from not always showering, unlike his brother's neat, perfect hair. Kaine's eyebrows are pencil-thin and are higher than most eyebrows. He has narrow, hazel eyes balanced just above his small nose. His full lips and clean-white teeth give him an often-complimented smile.

Kaine typically wears a favorite band's t-shirt and a pair of trusty, if worn, blue-jeans. His all-black Vans sneakers are dusty, but that's just the sort of thing Kaine likes.

Biography: When the twins were born, Dr. Adam Fischer was both ecstatic and distraught. With a busy enough schedule as it was, it was almost impossible for he and his wife to care for the twins. Indeed, whenever Dr. Fischer was on call, Mrs. Fischer would only have enough time to take care of one of the twins—Kaine. This left Kaine's brother Patrick all alone as he cried through the night. It also gave Kaine a sense of empowerment over his mother.

As Kaine and Patrick entered their toddler years Kaine learned he could get whatever he wanted from his mother. He wasn't actively aware of it, but this turned him into a somewhat spoiled person. He was by no means selfish, though; he would share whatever he got with his brother, perhaps his closest friend in the world.

Preschool came and Kaine was nervous. He didn't know what to do in this strange new world his parents had thrust him into. For the first few days, he stayed close to his brother and the two kept to themselves. But, inevitably, Kaine became curious of his fellow students and decided to begin to befriend them. His brother, the more shy of the two, stayed on his own.

When 1st grade began, Kaine had become friends with nearly everyone. Then, as he had done with his mother, he began to manipulate them to get what he wanted: toys, snacks, whatever. The way he did it was so subtle that nobody disliked him for it. In fact, it seemed he himself didn't notice what he was doing.

It was 3rd grade when Kaine grew more protective of his brother. Patrick, while playing on the jungle gym, had fallen off and broke his arm. Naturally, he cried when he hit the ground and the other children, who disliked the shy boy, made fun of him—'crybaby', 'girl', 'wuss'. Kaine yelled at the children to stop. They didn't. In a fit of rage, Kaine punched one of the children as hard as he could to make him shut up. Kaine got grounded for a week, but it was worth it to see the fatso cry.

Middle school rolled along without much occurrence, though Kaine did discover his love of tennis during a gym class. As soon as High School rolled around, he signed up for the tennis team and became one of its star players. This caused a spike in his already-growing popularity. And that was just the way Kaine liked it.

Eventually, Kaine fell in with a group of high-school and college kids who dealt and took a wide number of hallucinogens. At first, Kaine only took LSD—however, as his tolerance for the drug increased he began to dabble in other drugs such as Ecstasy and PCP. The hallucinations were fun—better than any boring thing the world could throw at him. He continued to take the drugs as a form of entertainment.

His interest with the drugs made him careless enough to leave his door unlocked one day. Patrick walked in and was confused about some tablets, asking him what they were. Kaine hastily got his brother to leave and locked the door behind him. Someone had seen him with acid. He was too nervous to take it.

The next day, Kaine considered what would happen if Patrick talked. He'd get kicked off of the tennis team; he'd be sent to jail for having the drug in the first place; there would be rehab, and counseling, and God knew what else. The next day, Kaine revealed his addiction to Patrick and asked him not to tell. Patrick was shocked by the revelation, but he agreed to stay silent. In gratitude, Kaine offered Patrick a spot in the group he hung out with. Patrick declined, although Kaine couldn't tell if it was from not wanting the drugs to fear of people in general.

By 11th grade, Kaine had quit the tennis team. It was eating too much into his time. He went out every Friday to parties his friends held—someone would buy a bunch of drugs and pass it out to the guests while music pounded at a hypnotic rate. Kaine lost his virginity at one of these parties. He had no idea to who or where.

The beginning of Kaine's 12th grade year was kicked off by a rich kid buying more PCP than anyone had ever seen at one of the parties. Kaine's dose of PCP was his last. He couldn't remember what he did, but according to the other part-goers he stumbled out into the owner's backyard and fell into an empty swimming-pool. He broke his arm and hit his head, knocking himself out.

Kaine woke up in a hospital with a friend's name and insurance. The more clear-headed party-goers had driven Kaine to an out-of-town hospital and his brother had showed up to cover for Kaine. With a story about skating without a helmet, Kaine's friends were able to get him out. Kaine explained his injuries to everyone else with jokes and waves-of-the-hand, and nobody suspected a thing.

In the time since then, Kaine had been taking less hallucinogens—only about once every month or two. Kaine spent more time working on his tennis game after-school and started to go out with people who weren't in the group that gave him drugs. After a well-done April Fool's day prank involving the PA system and a Weird Al CD, his popularity has increased among the student-body.

However, he still feels bad for his brother, Patrick, who was never very popular. Behind his brother's back, Kaine has been trying to hook some girls up with Patrick.

Advantages: Kaine's manipulative skills haven't been diminished by a few years of acid. He may, unknowingly, use this skill to make allies and even save lives. He is also fairly popular in school—enough so that he should find some of his friends easily. Also, due to his skill in tennis, he had strong arms and could probably do well with a weapon like a bat or a sword.
Disadvantages: If something goes wrong while Kaine's on the island, he could go from a nice-if-slightly-manipulative guy to an all-around vindictive jackass. He may also become distracted with protecting his brother and not focus on surviving himself.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler 42 Zombies. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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