Sebastian Grant "S.G." Powell

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Sebastian Grant "S.G." Powell


Post by VegetableRights† »

Name: Sebastian Grant "S.G." Powell
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview High School
Hobbies and Interests: Bass guitar, Music, Baseball.

Appearance: S.G. is 5' 11", and has a small-to-medium build, weighing 142 lbs. He is African-Caribbean in descent, and wears his hair in medium length black dreadlocks. He has a long face, with brown eyes and a wide nose. He also has a small scar near his right eye, and sports a modest goatee. He usually wears t-shirts under short sleeve button-down shirts or his Twins jersey and jeans with canvas sneakers. He is also always wearing his headphones, either on his head, or hanging off his neck.

Biography: S.G. was born and lives in St. Paul. He is the third son of a first-generation immigrant family from the island of Jamaica. His family lived in Kingston, but moved to America looking for job opportunity and a better life. They moved to St. Paul when his father got a job with the Twins organization, as a trainer and scout. Since then, they have lived a normal middle-class life in St. Paul.

S.G. is the only member of his family not born in Jamaica, and as such is somewhat of an outcast. His brothers used to mock him constantly for never even visiting Jamaica, but they seemed to have grown out of it. He is also the only one still living with their parents, his brothers, being 27 and 22, both live in other cities. He has a healthy relationship with his parents, but he does not always understand them, nor do they always understand him.

Since his father works for a Major League Baseball team, S.G. literally grew up around baseball. He has been interested in the sport, and took it up at a young age. He is a modestly skilled player, and plays on the Bayview High varsity team, playing center field, and is a good batter. His favorite professional team is the Twins, seeing as he grew up in and around the organization.

Music is another one of his interests. Rejecting the oft-associated reggae music for harder interests. His favorite music type is Ska (third wave, just to clarify), but also enjoys punk and alternative/indie rock. He was always interested at learning how to play music, and seeing as how most people gravitate toward the guitar, he decided to take up bass. He is not as good at bass as he is at baseball, but he is still learning, and is steadily improving.

Socially, S.G. has been moderately popular among certain groups, such as the music lovers and the baseball crowd, and is generally a nice person, but he can get irrationally confrontational at people who he perceives are either mocking or being disingenuous. He is also a bit of a hot-head when people openly disrespect him, and is not very laid back, as is a stereotype of his people. He can often get into fights due to this, and has in the past. Academically, he is a decent enough student, usually pulling down high B's and low A's, but sometimes struggles with certain subjects, such as the more advanced mathematics or sciences. He considers his best subject to be History, or more specifically European History.

Advantages: S.G. can swing a bat pretty well, making him a decent fighter with blunt weapons, such as a pipe or crowbar. He is also good at making friends, an asset very valuable when you need as many allies as possible. His baseball training has left him in good shape, giving him good stamina and agility.
Disadvantages: S.G. can be quick to a fight, which is a double edged sword. It could save his life, or it could end it quickly. It can also earn him some enemies. He is also not as strong as some other baseball players, making him vulnerable to stronger people.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler VegetableRightsActivist. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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