B100 - McNeal, Max[/DECEASED]

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B100 - McNeal, Max[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: McNeal, Max
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 9th
Extra Curricular Activity: theater class
School: Timberlake High
Appearance: he is 6 foot and has black skater hair. He has blue eyes and many people consider him good looking. He is in relatively good shape, sort of skinny. He has a dark tan. He has a scar on his right cheek that is quite noticible and many people called him scar face but they soon stopped, kids aren't that mean. The scar resulted from another fight over the lead role.
Biography: He was always in love with drama class. He did many plays and learned how to change to be whatever kind of character he wanted. He usually ended up starring in one of the lead roles. He got average grades and people he is friends with he is close, but he is always trying to gain attention. No matter what the cost. His dream in life is to be famous, perferabbly on TV. He wants the world to know his name. It got so bad one day that, when he was picked as a understudy for the lead role, he mixed cleaning fluids and put them in a bottle of coke for the student. He became so sick that Max got the lead role.
Other: good acting ability
Number: b #100
Designated Weapon: Camouflage Clothing
Conclusions: Hey, B100's dreams of being a bigtime TV star can come true through the SOTF ACT! Yes, another dream reached by the great SOTF ACT. So, as long as B100 plays it safe, and acts to the best of his abilities, then his dream will be reached.

Founder of SOTF - 2005.
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