Kaya Robinson

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Name: Kaya Robinson
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Volleyball, reading, fencing, SOTF, fanfiction

Appearance: Kaya is 5’9” and weighs roughly 140 pounds, with long limbs. She is visibly muscular, especially her thighs and calves, with broad shoulders and a modestly sized bust. Kaya has warm, dark brown skin and curly black hair, which is worn in a medium-length curly ponytail, usually tied at the back with a hairtie or rubber band. Kaya has a good complexion, with large, dark brown eyes. She has naturally thick eyebrows, full lips, a pert nose, and a round face. She uses some makeup, but not very much; mainly, she trims her eyebrows and uses dark red lip gloss. Kaya is usually moving around, either bouncing or tapping her feet.

Kaya dresses mainly in shorts and tees, as well as muscle shirts and occasionally button-downs. She wears a lot of SOTF merchandise. The only jewelry she regularly wears are a pair of small, gold hoop earrings. On Casting Day, Kaya was wearing a Karen Ruiz tee, with the quote “Every ending is happy for someone and sad for someone else.” On the front and a rainbow-patterned “65” on the back. She had on black basketball shorts and white sneakers with ankle socks, as well as her earrings.

Biography: Kaya is the youngest daughter of Devonte and Ashley Robinson, and has two older brothers, Jeremiah and Tristan, currently 21 and 23 respectively. Her father is a firefighter, while her mother is a stay-at-home mom. Her family is relatively low-income, and though thrifty spending has mitigated this Kaya has never had much in the way of money.

Despite this, Kaya had a fairly good childhood. She was a physically active child and grew up with her brothers’ old toys as hand-me-downs, leading her to be more of a tomboy. At school, she was a decent student, but it became clear from a young age that she was competitive, often getting into arguments with her peers over games and other activities. She was usually quick enough to apologize and make up that no action was taken, though.

Kaya liked reading as a child, but quickly became bored with many of the older books that were available once she outgrew children’s books. At age 12, she began reading SOTF-based novels, such as those by Rose Wolfe. Though she was initially a bit squeamish about the show itself, the written format was more palatable for her, and the fantasy elements eased her into the more violent and gory reality of the series. She enjoyed the excitement and the suspense, and competitive nature of the show.

Her parents were generally hands-off as long as she didn’t get into trouble, and by that point more or less expected Kaya to make her own decisions. As such, they didn’t take issue with her reading these stories, and were unbothered when she began watching SOTF TV in earnest. Her brothers sometimes watched it with her as well, though not as regularly; by this point, they were both teenagers, with Tristan entering the workforce soon.

Entering middle school, Kaya joined the school volleyball team, wanting to get involved in a sport and seeing it as the most accessible to her. She performed very well, and enjoyed speedy decision making and cooperation required. However, she is still very competitive, and some of her teammates have been subjected to her frustration when they make mistakes. Though she is still quick to apologize, some of the team dislike how aggressive she becomes during some of the games.

Kaya was a very good student, pushing herself to achieve higher and higher grades, and was able to earn a scholarship at Mangrove Garden High School, the first in her family to do so. Unlikely many of her peers, Kaya enjoyed the ranking system, seeing it as another goal to win at, and her grades have remained high for the most part. She does best in math and science, since these subjects feature the most rote memorization and are easiest for her to study with. However, she has a very high average overall.

Socially, Kaya is fairly well-liked. She is bright and cheerful, though she has a habit of teasing her peers. Though she usually means this affectionately, it sometimes comes off as more mean-spirited, and she often doesn’t understand why someone else would be bothered. She becomes snappy and aggressive when frustrated but cools off pretty quickly and tries to make amends. As a result, people who can handle her rougher traits will usually enjoy her, as she is upbeat and adventurous, willing to try new things and excited to experience new things with friends. Most of her friends are the sporty sort, but she will spend time with pretty much anyone who will reciprocate. She will attend social events like parties, and she doesn’t partake in drinking or drugs for fear of it affecting her athletics, meaning she is well-liked as a designated driver when needed.

Recently, Kaya has become involved in fencing, picking up on the sport fairly quickly. Having started babysitting to make money, Kaya enlisted in local classes. Still being passionate about fantasy and in particular certain more swashbuckling-themed books, Kaya wanted to learn about swordplay. While real fencing is obviously quite different from fiction, she enjoys the speedy and reflexive play, as well as the feeling of successfully striking an opponent, which is a very satisfying form of victory for her. She favors saber fighting due to its emphasis on slashing, which she finds more fun.

Kaya still loves SOTF. She is fascinated by the story elements in particular, such as how certain character arcs play out naturally. Though she is aware that some part of it is due to editing, she still loves how often storylines play out organically and does not believe that editing can make up most of the actual events. She especially likes how often it seems that players fall into roles; heroes, villains, anti-heroes, and such. Again, though she knows it is not the full picture, she tends to think of SOTF as a scenario where heroes and villains can exist in real life like they do in fiction. Her favorites tend to be women of color who perform well, with Karen Ruiz being one of her favorite contestants of late for her determined, straightforward path to victory.

She also still reads a lot, though she has fallen out of doing this as often since she started watching the show. Though she has recently begun enjoying some older, non-SOTF based books, Kaya’s favorites are still SOTF, since she finds new versions of the same format to be exciting and fun. She’s recently begun writing SOTF fanfiction of her own, usually featuring original characters and settings that heavily draw on existing stories and people. Though very rough at first, she has improved over time, but she hasn’t shared it with anyone, thinking she needs to get better at writing before she can share it. She likes telling the stories more than the process of writing, often having very exciting or big ideas but struggling to put them into words. Still, she is making an effort to improve and hasn’t become disheartened yet.

Obviously, Kaya is very competitive. The high of winning at something is very appealing to her, and she pursues it in almost every facet of her life. She is upbeat and outgoing, and has a lot of self-confidence, recognizing her past successes and taking pride in her talents. She is bold and adventurous, seeking new challenges and experiences, and loves the process of finding something new to become good at, though she often becomes bored if she struggles or masters it too easily.

At home, Kaya doesn’t have an especially close relationship with her family, though she does care for them and they get along. For the most part, her parents have been happy to see their three children as well-adjusted and successful, with Tristan having started his own family and Jeremiah now attending a local college while living at home. She sometimes watches TV with them, and her parents make an effort to attend most of her sporting events, but they aren’t very affectionate, more akin to friends than family. Kaya was accepted to attend California State College, which she is excited about, though she hasn’t decided on a major yet. Though she likes living in Miami and will miss some of the things and people there, her adventurous nature means she wants to take the opportunity to travel to and live in a new place.

Advantages: Kaya is fit, with excellent stamina, agility, and hand-eye coordination as a result of her volleyball experience. She also has experience with fencing, which means she theoretically knows the principles of swordplay and which further heightens her athletic prowess. Kaya is self-confident and thrives under pressure. Kaya is extremely competitive and aims to win in pretty much all situations, meaning she will likely endeavor to see her way through the game.
Disadvantages: Kaya is somewhat polarizing as a person and has people who dislike her attitude. Though she is a fan of SOTF-TV, Kaya is a bit naïve about it, seeing contestants in more defined archetypes and roles than they actually were in reality. While she is competitive, she is also obsessed with the narrative and story aspects of the game, which could distract her from victory in favor of trying to make for a good show.

Designated Number: Stephanie’s Buccaneers 06 (SB06)


Designated Weapon: M1895 Lee Navy

Mentor Comment: "...Not a lot to say here, but, um, I think I like? I think this is the only time a mentor has wanted their kid to have something other than a gun, but otherwise this is a pretty ace get. She’s strong (and good with swords????) and responsible and possibly competitive enough to think about winning and, um, I think the best part of this is that she’s quiet about it. She’s not exactly the type of person everyone else would look at and think ‘this is someone who has to go if I want to win.’ I, um, don’t really think people value it much, but that trait by itself has produced winners. I should know. I, um, think we can be kindred spirits. Hopefully, at least.”

The above biography is as written by Espi. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Espi

Kaya Robinson (sprite edit by Almostinhuman)

Kills: Eric Cunningham, Amy Barrows-Shaw

Killed By:

Collected Weapons: M1895 Lee Navy (assigned weapon)

Allies: Bethan Gayle


Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Kaya, in chronological order.



Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Kaya Robinson. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!