When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

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When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!


Post by ThePureLight7* »

Location, check. Music, check. Food and drink, check. People, arriving shortly. Skye knew that everything was under way.

It was time to party hard.

He sat down at the bleachers along the side of the warehouse that he had cleaned out for this event. He knew that some drunk asshole was probably going to fall off these at some point, but the benefits of comfortable seating outweigh the risks of human stupidity. He yawned, with the hard work of making sure everything was alright taking effect, and took a sip of the Vanilla Coke that he had set aside for himself.

He went over his rules again in his head. These weren't rules for the party, keep in mind, but for himself. A couple of weeks ago, he had gone over the edge drinking and wanted to make sure that didn't happen tonight. He wouldn't be in trouble with his mother so much as his friends - he knew his mother wouldn't care. Despite having been years since the accident, his mother still seemed so distant from everything.

"Alright, rule one... No pre-party alcohol..." he said aloud, to no one in particular. He enjoyed the feeling of saying things aloud. It helped him concentrate. "Rule two, no more than two beers tonight. Rule three, no taking of other people's drinks. And of course rule four, do not talk about Fight Club." He always chuckled during that last one.

His guests should be arriving soon. At first the party was going to be between him and his friends, but word spread around school eventually and he figured, "Hell, I have a Goddamned warehouse at my disposal. Why not?"

The warehouse itself was his uncle's, on his mother's side. His uncle and his family (read: one dog named Cousin Sparky) were the only family members that he had in Detroit. Still, it was better than some of the other places. He didn't know anyone back in Wisconsin. Luckily enough for him, they moved from there rather quickly; he could only handle being a Cheesehead for so long.

He leaned back on the bleachers. "Fuck, I'm tired..." he moaned, echoing slightly through the warehouse. He needed some energy music.

He got up and walked over to the DJ system that was hooked up beside the bleachers. His friend Sam had come to help him set it up earlier. Sam had agreed to DJ the event. He looked through the CDs that lined the wall and picked out his "preparation piece."

Andrew WK's "I Get Wet."

He placed it in the record player, and sat down. When he first heard the record when he was 12 or so, he laughed at how cheesy he found it. It was an oldie too, so why should he care about it anyway? But, as he listened to it more, it started to grow on him.

As "It's Time to Party" ended and "Party Hard" started, Skye laid back on the hard floor with the largest grin anyone had ever seen spanning the breadth of his face. "When it's time to party, we will party hard," he chuckled.

It was still pretty cheesy.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

"Have a good evening, Bobby."

"Yeah, you too." Bobby waved his farewell at the quartet to firefighters at the kitchenette table. They were just starting to dig in to the dinner that he'd cooked for them. Bobby shouldered his backpack and headed out of Fire Station 17. He imagined that the men behind him assumed he was heading home, but they would be wrong.

He had already told his mother that he was going to be having dinner with his friend Rishi Kohli, and he would be home sometime after that. What he'd left out was that he was going to be at a warehouse party with a bunch of schoolmates. He had promised himself that he would be arriving early so that he could duck out early and get home before he got into any kind of trouble.

Skye had spread the word that he was holding this party at this warehouse and that everyone cool was going to be there. Bobby wasn't sure that very many kids at Detroit Central thought of him as 'cool', but he decided that he should at least put in an effort. I wonder if Jazmine is coming, he wondered as he walked through the warehouses.

It wasn't long before he heard the music echoing through the ally. He turned his head to look each way and walked to the next corner before he could determine which way the music was coming from. He quickly homed in and spotted the warehouse with its loading dock doors open and the deep, bass beat thrumming outward in all directions. What he didn't see were other people.

Bobby walked over to the loading entrance and stuck his head in. He saw a strange array of glowsticks and black lights. He saw the sound system against one wall in front of a large empty area which would eventually be a dance floor. But there were no dancers that he could see.

"Hello?" He listened through the crashing waves of dance music for any response.
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

Sam had arrived a short while after "Party 'Til You Puke" started, and Skye had allowed him to take over the DJ spot while people still arrived. There were just under five other people that had arrived, of whom Skye had asked there names but since forgot.

Skye laid down on the bleachers, his head hanging off the edge. Sam started playing the new single from MachinaSect, taking off "I'll Sex You In." Skye let out a long yawn as he took another sip of his Coke.

He heard a voice come from the front of the warehouse. "Hello?" called the voice. Skye jumped up from his spot and ran to the door. He saw a kid about his height with dark brown hair standing at the entrance. As he got closer, he could see that the kid had a rather long nose.

"Hey," said Skye, reaching out his hand to welcome the kid, "Welcome to the party, man! What's your name?"
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((Skye & Bobby should at least know of each other from school.  I'm assuming Skye just didn't recognize Bobby at first glance.))

Bobby was startled to see someone his size running toward him.  Is this an ambush?  He took a half-step back and got ready to block a punch....

Then he realized that he knew the running boy: It was Skye Thani (or whatever his unpronounceable last name was).  He relaxed.  It wasn't an attack; it was just a surprise.

"Hey, Skye.  You scared me there."  He smiled in relief.  If it had been George or Vince or almost any of the guys on the basketball team, somebody would have gotten bloody.  He shook his head to expel thoughts of violence.  He was here for a party.  Everyone else who was here was here for the party.  Just calm the fuck down.

"You're not doing any sports this year, are you?" Bobby asked.  "I know that coach Anderson is still looking for someone to try discus throwing.  I'm sort of crap at it."  He paused and looked around.  "Anyway: Food.  Drink.  Dancing.  Where?"
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

Skye was still tired, and he shook his head a little. He recognized the kid as Bobby from track - he knew him through someone, but couldn't exactly remember whom. He was honestly surprised he could remember; he usually had a tough time with that. Maybe it was the kid's nose. He smiled at Bobby again saying, "Right, right! Sorry I didn't recognize ya, Bobby... I'm kinda off it right now. But no, I'm not gonna be doing sports this year. I've never tried discus before, but I'd probably suck ass anyway."

He stepped back so that Bobby could enter the room. "The party's just starting now, though, so people should arrive soon. Come on in." He looked around the warehouse, with the yet-to-be-named people sitting around awkwardly. Ugh... Early arrivals... he groaned to himself.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

There were a lot fewer people arriving than Bobby imagined Skye had hoped. The word of mouth for this thing had been pretty epic, and now there's what, maybe a half-dozen people here sitting on bleachers eating nachos and drinking beer? The music was pretty good: a mix of classic stuff from the noughts, and some modern post-industrial stuff; no one was dancing, though. Maybe I'm just too early, Bobby thought.

He looked back over at Skye. The kid was running around trying to DJ and play host at the same time. He couldn't tell if Skye was disappointed at the small turnout, but Bobby knew that he'd be pretty ticked off if he put in the effort to organize a party and almost no one showed. He wondered if there was anything he could do to help Skye out, but then he realized: The only way this party was going to be a real success was if more people came in and started having fun. There wasn't much Bobby could do to increase attendance.

He got up and walked over to the entrance to the warehouse just as "Rain of Nails" was starting. He looked up at the sky, but there was too much light pollution and no stars were visible. "Rain of Nails" was one of the new wave of songs about Survival of the Fittest. It wasn't about any particular season or incident, just about what it would be like to be stuck in that situation. In the song, the narrator shoots his ex-girlfriend in the head, then turns the gun on himself. He wondered how many people thought about what they would do if they were stuck in that program. How many of them thought that what the narrator of the song described was a reasonable set of actions to take?

Bobby thought he remembered hearing that the previous season of SotF had ended and people were expecting another season to start fairly soon. Would someone in the new season remember the song "Rain of Nails"?

The song ended, and another song started almost immediately. Bobby rolled his eyes when he recognized it as "Fuck the Police (II)" It was yet another diatribe against police brutality by some gangsta-rapper who thought he and his friends should be able to get away with dealing illegal drugs and shooting up apartment buildings. Bobby tried to tune it out as he kept a look out for more people arriving at the party.
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Post by Fiori »

((Début of Amber Lyons))

If there was one thing in the world Amber Lyons loved, it was parties.

Well, to be fair, there were a LOT of things she loved. Make-up, sweet kisses and hot vampires to name a few of them. Parties just so happened to be her #1 at the moment.

So when she heard that Skyler Thsani happened to be hosting one that night, with nothing better to do with herself, the young girl just couldn't resist the temptation of joining the fun herself. After all, it'd be a pretty boring party if she DIDN'T show up, wouldn't it?

She decided to get herself dressed into something appropriate for the occasion. Appropriate in Amber's case meaning a red corset with a black miniskirt and high heels. Over this, she decided to wear a tight-fitting black leather jacket which belonged to her sisters, meaning that she had to be careful in acquiring it from their bedroom without either of them noticing. The last thing Amber wanted was to give Mandy and Hayley yet another reason to berate her constantly, this way at least she could come back and return it before either of them even noticed it was gone. To top it off, she decided that an occasion such as this was perfect for her to wear her favourite red contact lenses. That ought to earn her one or two envious looks from her less attractive classmates...

Alrighty then, just have to apply a little make-up and i'll be all set! Hmm, shame I haven't got a date to bring along with me, it'll be awfully embarrassing if everyone EXCEPT me has someone to dance with for once. Ah well, guess I could always keep my eye out for some lonely soul to pick up whilst i'm there...

After she'd applied some red lipstick and black eye shadow, blowing a kiss towards the mirror after she had done so, the young girl grabbed her handbag and headed for the door with a mischievous grin on her face.

Lets get this party started!

After taking a cab to the warehouse where the party was taking place, Amber paid the driver and got out carefully, looking over the place before heading towards the open doors. She'd never been to a party taking place in a warehouse before. A regular house? Definitely. All the time actually. But a warehouse? That was new...

As she stepped through the open doorway, Amber realised that she'd arrived earlier than she had intended. At least, she assumed she'd arrived early anyway. It would suck if it turned out that she'd completely wasted her time by coming along to some lameass party with hardly any guests. There were barely half a dozen people or so inside to start with, most of whom she didn't particularly care for. The sole exceptions being the host himself Skye and a certain boy by the name of Robert Goldman...

.....BOBBY! Sweet! For a second there I thought i'd made a terrible mistake in coming! Guess this won't be such a lame party after all...

Whilst Bobby wasn't exactly her closest friend in the entire world, the fact that he was here in the first place was more then enough to get her spirits up. He was a classic jock for one, and they were always fun to be around. The fact that he happened to be something of a hunk helped as well. Although, as far as Amber was aware, he was probably far too hung up on his old girlfriend to be interested in her of all people. Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea, right?

Deciding that she'd stood around long enough, Amber opened up her arms and briskly ran over to where Bobby was standing and wrapped them around his stomach for a big bear hug, the vast size difference between the two standing out more then ever.

"BOBBY! Oh my god, I didn't expect to see YOU here!" she said aloud as she squeezed him tightly, regretting the moment when she had to let go of him.
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

Alright... The main stream of guests should be arriving in about fifteen... Skyler thought to himself, looking around at the people and then down at his watch. His watch was one of his more prized possessions; he remembered when his father had helped him pick it out back at the beginning of seventh-grade, before the accident.

Skye could remember that day like it was yesterday. "So, do you see anything you like?" his father asked, placing his hand warmly on his shoulder. They were at one of the big expensive jewelry stores, because his father had just returned from a while at leave with a huge promotion. Skye could remember the tears in his mother's eyes as his father arrived at the door the previous day, a new brooch for her resting in a sleek black case that he had held before her. If he was correct, the watch was from the same jewelry store as his mother's brooch.

"This one's pretty cool, I guess," he had said, pointing at a men's silver watch that sat behind a clear case at the counter. He chuckled a little too himself remembering this, because this had been during his "emo" phase and he liked imagining himself back then. To this day he didn't understand exactly what classified someone as an "emo;" just that he apparently was one.

"Alright," his father said, smiling. He grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and walked up to the counter. "Excuse me!" he called to the woman behind the counter, who was kind of pudgy but not exactly what one would call 'fat,' "I would like to purchase that watch over there in the case."

After the lady had found the watch and his father had payed, Skye was decked out with his new watch. It was great, that feeling of having something like that - so small, but worth so much. So much money, anyway. It wouldn't gain all its sentimental value until the accident, at which point it became a key to one of the many memories that Skye had of his father.

At the time of the accident the watch, which Skye usually always kept in perfect time, had actually been five minutes slow. He never changed it back. Everything in his life seemed so much slower anyway.

"Excuse me," a girl groaned, back at the party. Skye had accidentally bumped into her while daydreaming. The music started pumping back through his head as he stood there silent for a split-second. It was a new Daft Punk song, whom Skye liked since they had seemingly been around forever - at least 20 years. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat.

"So sorry," Skye said to the girl, shuffling around her. He hadn't seen her before, and he looked around. A large wave of people had arrived recently. It was still not as much as he was expecting in total, but it was only first wave. The night was still alive.

Then, he saw Bobby again. And after that, her. Amber.

Yes! he said to himself, Amber! That's probably who I remembered Bobby through... The party's officially starting now! He downed the last of his Coke, and threw it in the trashcan that was next to him. He would've usually just thrown it on the floor, but he knew he'd have to clean up tonight.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Bobby was finishing off his second handful of nachos and quietly grooving to the house tracks from a decade ago that were thumping through the warehouse. A taxi pulled up on the side street where he was watching for more arrivals and a very well-dressed young woman stepped out. As she got closer, he realized that he knew this girl. It was Amber Lyons. Oh my God. What is she doing here? Well, it's supposed to be a big party; I guess she wouldn't skip it unless it was lame. She's here. Therefore this party can't be lame!

As soon as she saw him, a huge grin broke over her sweet face. She charged at him at full speed and wrapped her arms tightly around him in one of her patented Amber hugs. "BOBBY! Oh my god, I didn't expect to see YOU here!"

Bobby didn't say anything for a moment. He just let her hug him and he let himself feel her soft breasts press gently against his body. This is how I know I'm straight, he thought as the familiar stirrings began to draw blood away from one head and towards another. He held her and stroked her back through her jacket. Too soon, Amber broke off the hug. These things can't go on forever.

"I... I think I was a little early. But now that you're here, things are sure to pick up. I've seen a couple of small groups arriving before you, so I imagine the flood will be coming soon." He led her into the warehouse and showed her where everything was set up: a snack table, coolers for beer and sodas, the sound system where the DJ could take requests, and the bleachers where most of the other party-goers were gathered.

Sure enough, before long, two more groups of kids arrived, each group had eight or so kids in it. The boy/girl ratio was off, though. There were at least two boys for every girl at the party so far. Bobby checked each group of arrivals to see if there were other jocks from Detroit Central who might cause trouble for him. So far, so good. He could turn his attention back to Amber.

I wonder if I should ask Amber to dance with me. I'm not as klutzy as some of the kids at school, but I haven't really tried to learn any actual dance steps. I'll bet Amber knows them all. Just as he was touching her elbow to get her attention, he noticed that she was wearing high heels. His thoughts came directly out of his mouth before he could stop them.

"How in the world can you dance in those heels? It must be hard enough to just walk in them without falling over." He shut his mouth. I should have shut my trap about two sentences ago. Stupid me.
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Post by Fiori »

"I... I think I was a little early. But now that you're here, things are sure to pick up. I've seen a couple of small groups arriving before you, so I imagine the flood will be coming soon."

"Sweet! I can't WAIT to see who arrives next..." Amber replied, a bright smile on her cute face as she preceded to follow Bobby as he showed her where all the snacks and drink were kept. As they walked together, the young girl continued to chatter on, regardless as to whether or not he was listening to her in the first place. For the most part, she was simply speaking her thoughts aloud, only stopping a couple of times in order to catch her breath and grab something to eat.

"God, I wonder who else is coming? Ooh, I hope Danisha shows up! She's always fun to be around! Especially at parties!" Plus, she's got a super cute butt, so bonus point there! "Remember the time when she got REALLY drunk and started-YAY! I love twinkies!"

She grabbed one of the cream-filled snacks and took a big bite out of it, completely forgetting about the subject she was just talking about as she continued to chat on with her mouth full.

"Ayway, ash I wash saying... *gulp* Huh, what WAS I saying? Ah well, nevermind... God, can you believe the music? I mean, Daft Punk? Really? Blegh, so lame... Why couldn't Skye have picked a better band like-SWEET, I could do with a diet coke!"

With her train of thought once again derailed by the sight of food, Amber snatched a diet coke from the cooler and opened it... Only to stop just as she was about to put the can to her lips and smack herself in the head.

"Whoops! Nearly forgot to get a straw first, duh! Wouldn't want to ruin my make-up..."

On that note, she pinched a pink straw and put it into her can, playfully sucking the frizzy drink through the tube as she looked over the new arrivals. Still nobody particularly notable yet. Figures. Still, the night was still early, and the for one of her friends to show up was still a likely possibility. No sense in giving up all hope and classifying the party as a dud JUST yet...

"How in the world can you dance in those heels? It must be hard enough to just walk in them without falling over."

She repressed the urge to laugh out loud, instead letting out a sweet giggle.

"Oh Bobby... Of COURSE I wouldn't dance in these shoes, you silly thing!" she giggled as she grabbed her hand bag, opening it up and reaching inside...

"Thats why I always bring THESE along whenever i'm going to a party with plenty of dancing involved!"

Out of the bag she took out a pair of small black trainers, slowly taking her high heels off as so she could put the trainers on. As she bent over to tie up her shoelaces, the young woman inadvertently showed off her black panties, much to the pleasure of anyone who may have been watching her from behind at the time...

"Good thing I have small feet, otherwise I might not have been able to fit these in my trusty handbag!" she said as she tied the last knot, getting back up and placing her high heels carefully into her bag. After she had swapped her footwear over, she turned her gaze over to Bobby once more, a seductive look in her large eyes.

"So... I'm guessing then that you're up for dance?" she said in a soft, sultry voice, extending her hand over to the tall jock as she sized him up for the umpteenth time. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a lost cause as she first thought...

"Well... What are you waiting for?"
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

Skye walked over to where Sam was working the DJ stand. "Yo, Amber's here, and the party's starting to pick up," he said to Sam. He grabbed his first beer from the cooler next to the DJ stand. It was one of many strategically located throughout the warehouse. However, in this case 'Strategically' is synonymous with 'Damn-Near Randomly.'

Sam spun around a little. He was sitting in his old office chair that he brought when he had helped Skye set up the area. His long brown hair fell over his face, and he shoved it out of the way. "Alright. You're telling me this why exactly?"

Skye sighed. He popped open the beer and took a quick swig. He chewed on the tab as he talked. "Listen, Man, I said more people are showing up. This implies that I need you to pick up the tunes, kay? I need you to play something new."

Sam scooted back over to the CD rack. "Man, this is new. The album just came out last month; you know this." He grabbed out something from the top of the pile, which was where he kept the newest stuff.

"Yeah, I know," Skye said, smiling throughout the argument, "But Daft Punk? I mean, you and I like them, and so do a bunch of other people. But they're old new. You get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, yeah. I knew what you meant," Sam laughed off, "I'll put on some stuff Amber would like. Am I catching you?" As the Daft Punk song ended, he grabbed the CD and put it back in its case, replacing the song almost instantly. The case shined with the Daft Punk logo that everyone knew by now, inside of a TV set which was apparently bleeding. Drawkcab Progression, the title read.

"You know me too well," Skye said shoving his friend a little bit. The song that started playing was a new one by some overnight-sensation band that Skye didn't know too much about. He easily remembered the song though, because it had sampled an older one that he liked. "Cream and Bastards Rise," which was a rock song by some band from the 90s.

He walked back to the main floor, as more and more people started arriving. Without a hitch... he thought, I love it when everything is going just perfectly.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

While Bobby was showing Amber around to where the food and drinks were laid out (She likes Twinkies?), he politely listened to her rambling monologue which frequently interrupted itself. She might just be talking to fill up the time and to hear herself talk, he thought. But that is perfectly okay with me. She has a body that could stop time itself, and the fashion sense to show it off. Yummy.

He noticed her high heels were making her sashay rather than walk, and after he failed to stop his commentary from tumbling out of his mouth, he expected her to be upset with him. She wasn't. Instead she giggled and changed her shoes, occasionally grabbing his arm for balance.

"So... I'm guessing then that you're up for dance? Well... What are you waiting for?" She wants... to dance... with me? Just then, the retro house song ended, and a newer one that Bobby didn't recognize started playing. Amber winked at him and started swaying seductively.

Well crap, now I have no choice. He hesitated, unmoving for another second or two, trying to feel the rhythm of the new song. Then he started moving his hips and trying to match Amber's practiced movements.

The also-rans are real nice guys,
But only cream and bastards rise.

By the lyrics, it sounded like this was another of those Survival of the Fittest-themed songs. This one seemed to be about how only the "players" could ever survive, and how maybe that should be how people acted outside of the game also. He realized that he was thinking too much about the lyrics and not enough about his dancing. He was acting like an awkward white boy, not like a star of the school track team. I'm gonna die out here.

You think you're dialed in; someone has to win.
And you know what that means:
That means someone's got to lose.
It's probably you, oh, it's probably you.

Bobby lowered his arms to waist-level and just swayed back and forth, trying not to embarrass himself too much. He watched Amber moving swiftly and skillfully, always with the beat. Her eyes were closed and her arms raised high above her head, amplifying her movements. She spun gracefully, like a proverbial Dervish, never looking completely in control, but never anything less than completely elegant. In that moment, he realized that he was certainly not the only person in the warehouse who was watching Amber tear up the dance floor. More likely, everyone there was watching her. She is so out of my league! She probably just asked me to dance with her until someone more to her liking arrived. Oh well. At least she's willing to give those great hugs.

The song ended and Amber opened here eyes again. She was breathing a bit harder from the exertions that she put in with her energetic dancing, but her eyes sparkled like she was eager for more. I'd better call this quits before she wants to dance another song with me.

"Thanks, Amber." He reached out to hug her once more. "It looks like it was my heels that were too high." He indicated the heels of his sneakers and shrugged, feeling the warmth rushing to his face. "I better sit out the next dance." He reluctantly backed away, off of the dance floor.

Let her dance with someone else, and maybe the school wags will forget that I was ever here.
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Post by BetaKnight* »

Devonte tossed his head, nodding in greeting to the few people he recognized. He wondered why he was acknowledging people. He didn’t want anyone to know he’d actually shown his face around here.

This party was some old bullshit. With the amount of fliers and hype that had gone around school, he thought it would have been worth his time to come down, talk up a few bitches, listen to a decent DJ drop some beats. He had expected a party.

Not this sad ass collection of biscuits bopping around to the noise they had the nerve to pass off as music. And what the fuck?! He did a double take as someone walked past him, cramming a yellow snack cake into their mouth. Twinkies? Fuckin’ Twinkies? “Man, fuck this shit.”

He was about to do an about face and head home when he spotted Bobby Goldman Frankenstein dancing with Amber. He couldn’t help himself. He started laughing. Loudly. The more he watched the pair and their “dancing”, the harder he laughed.

“Shit, son,” he called as the pair separated. “You look like you fell ass-first onto a rebar! Where you learn to dance?
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Post by Fiori »

Amber never personally considered herself to be much of a dancer. That being said, the young girl wasn't exactly the type to disagree with people who felt otherwise, especially when she considered the number of times she'd received compliments for her moves on the dance floor.

The fact that she was now having the time of her life swaying to the beat, completely losing herself to the music as she danced the night away with Bobby only served to further disprove her doubts. She was almost completely on autopilot, barely acknowledging the rest of the world around her as swift movements caught the attention of everyone around her. The only sound she heard apart from the music was some idiot laughing his ass off, which she assumed was because of some lame joke he'd heard.

Despite the slight distraction, her movements didn't falter for a moment, and by the time the song had finished she had almost completely lost her breath. Nevertheless, the energetic young woman was still eager for more. This was only the beginning after all...

Sadly though, Bobby from the sound of things had other plans, and seemed to be opting more towards the idea of sitting out on the next dance. Oh, that's a shame. I was having a lot of fun as well...

"Aww, you poor thing." she replied, returning the hug he gave her with one twice as tight as the one she gave him earlier, only letting go so she could stand on her her tip toes and give him a playful peck on the cheek. "Oh well, no biggie. Hope you don't mind if I dance a bit more by myself?"

Before he could answer, she was distracted by the sound of someone calling out to them from behind, turning her head to see none other then Devonte Washington making fun of the way Bobby danced...

What the?!? Devonte you JERK! I'd like to see YOU do better. Asshole...

She felt like berating the basket ball player and fellow Drama club member on the spot, give him a good talking to for insulting her friend like that. Sure, he hadn't accused HER dance moves as being sloppy, but the fact remained that he still indirectly insulted her as he made fun of Bobby like that. Nevertheless, the sensible side of her personality knew better then to simply flat out insult him back. Best to get him via a more subtle approach...

So instead of complaining bitterly, the attractive young girl simply let out her own laugh right back at him. "Sounds to me like somebody's a little jealous..." she giggled, looking Devonte right in the eyes with a big smile on her lips.

HA! Look whose laughing NOW, dickface!
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:26 pm


Post by Brackie »

"Tonight, a young girl goes to a party...WITH ALCOHOL! And...KISSING! In a very special episode of "A2Air", Anna Hitchins will experience the party of a lifetime...BUT WILL SHE SURVIVE?"

The loud girl flashed her driver/cameraman/BFF a grin as she slid off the melodramatics and shut down the camcorder for the moment.

"Okay, how was that? Dramatic enough? I could widen my eyes a bit." Anna said, upon grabbing her eyelids and stretching them above her face to frightening levels.

"TONIGHT! AT THIS PARTY! A POOR YOUNG GIRL WILL BE FACED WITH ALCOHOL! AND KISSING!" Anna bellowed dramatically, almost as if Anthony was still holding the camera rather than the tiny hunk of her life nestled in her legs. She flicked her hair behind her head, and shook it vigorously.

"Nah, I'll go the more subtle approach. How about-" she cleared her throat, flipped open the camera once more, and tried her best soothing announcer voice "-Shallow McClueless, a bright young girl who was about to earn ten thousand scholarships to every college and every university ever made. She had the IQ of Stephen Hawking, the athletic prowess of an entire team of basketballers, and....was a VIRGIN! However, tonight, we shall see the DEATH and DESTRUCTION caused by the most DAAAANGEROUS substance in the worl-NO! The UNIVERSE!.....ALCOHOL!"

Slight pause.

"Aaaaaand then we'll add some lighting and organ music in the background, aaaaand that's a wrap!"

Anna laughed to herself for a few moments, flipped the camcorder shut, then glanced out the window. Look at how close they were getting to the music. This was gonna be some party.

"Okay, we're almost there, brah, so tell me, do I look..." Anna turned her head away from the camera melodramatically, like one of the many soap opera stars she'd detested, before whipping her head back around and giving off a dramatic pose.

[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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