

One of the most popular photo spots on the island before it's induction into SotF-TV, this geyser sprays once a day without fail. The resort management refuses to tell if it's natural or not though.
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Post by Acidic* »

((Madelyn Conner continued from The King in Yellow))


So Marion wasn't here, or anywhere on their way here. Madelyn undid her pony tail to let the air in her hair, shaking her head once it was out. What do we do now? Madelyn didn't want to worry, and was trying to avoid going down a path of self blame paved with, "What ifs" and "Could of, should of, and would've." It wasn't like Marion was was dead. Hell, her weapon draw was better than Madelyn's.

Because that's all that matters in Sotf-TV, right? She chided herself, and then went to ignore the point for something else's sake.

Like who was this Mr. Clayton, when was she going to hear from him, and did she even want to meet her team mates? This Karen sounded like she had either gone off the deep end, and apparently another one joined in as well. So why didn't she? Madelyn could've killed the guy that attacked her at the John (Jane?), but she threw the gun away and ran.

Madelyn put a hand to the bruises on her face. She couldn't afford to chicken out again. Not for Jake's, Mikaela's, Marion's, or her sake. Next time she'd do it.


She turned towards Jake and Mikaela,

"What do y'all wanna do now?"
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Jake Langston continued from The King in Yellow)

One of the things that Jake had never took into account when it came to these games was all the downtime. Usually on the show it was all killing, torture, and sex. But as he threw down his backpack and plunked down beside it, he had a feeling that none of those things would happen to him any time soon.

He didn't like that Marion was nowhere to be found. However...what if she had just gone off to find her actual team? It seemed likely. Jake didn't want to feel hurt about it or anything, this was a game, a death game, maybe she wanted a shot at living, at playing with people who could survive along with them. Jake hated that. The team dynamic.

Of course, the three of them all had different bandannas, were any of them going to have a shot? Really?

Madelyn was asking him and Mikaela what to do, and what could they do? Picnic again? Talk about who was playing, who they knew was dead, who was now a killer? Look for their team mates?

"We could plan an escape," Jake said quietly.

Well, there was also that.
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Post by Acidic* »


It had been done before, but the last successful attempt was years ago.

The others happened again and again in her thoughts. The clumsy and the clever gaping for breath after their plan went awry. They positioned the explosives to make the deaths painful as a warning to feature stars, and entertaining to the rest of the population. Madelyn's mouth formed a tight, straight line as she tried to imagine what it would be like to die like that.

As Madelyn sat next to Jake she asked,

"Okay, so how would we do it?" It was a long shot, but one that should be looked into. Before anyone had a word in the moment she added, "I just wanna say if this doesn't sound right I'm ending it. I rather one of us win than dying like that." She could barely handle watching those scenes, and the thought of seeing Jake or Mikaela go through it was more than she could take.
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Post by Namira »

((Mikaela Warner continued from The King In Yellow))

Mikaela had lagged behind the others a little in the trip to the geyser. She'd strayed off the path a couple of times - not too far, but slightly, in the hopes that she'd run across Marion. Slender hopes, but hopes nontheless. She'd had a bad feeling about the whole situation - well, a worse feeling about the situation - ever since Marion had ran off ahead. That Marion wasn't there when she arrived at the rendevous point only increased Mikaela's unease.

Oh come on. I know that it's dangerous out here, but just because Marion's been gone a while doesn't mean that she's dead, okay? Maybe she's with friends, trying to convince them to come join up with us.

Or maybe she's lying injured in a ditch somewhere.

Mikaela cursed under her breath, approaching the others just as Madelyn asked what they should do next. She frowned as the possibility of escape was brought up. Mikaela had considered that - who didn't? - and though Mikaela didn't watch the show, word had filtered through to her about sucessful escape attempts in the past. They had flaws in the collars on purpose, apparently... but explosives weren't exactly the kind of thing that you could do trial and error with.

She gave a little shrug. "I'm the medicine woman, remember? I'm not good enough with electronics to risk getting somebody killed through fiddling. Unless you've got something else in mind? Playing with bombs is dangerous," well... no duh, Mikaela. "What I mean is, I think it's too dangerous to mess with the collars unless it's something we know won't set them off."
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Post by peregrineink* »

"It's true, it could get messy..." Jake could feel something build in the pit of his stomach. He looked at Madelyn beside him, and Mikaela, as they both looked back at him with less than convinced expressions on their face.

"But what else CAN we do? Sit around and wait to die? Kill ourselves?" Jake held up the gun in his hand to prove a point. "Unless we're going to band together and go around and kill our friends, or these other kids from Detroit what other choice do we have?"

He stood up, running his free hand through his blonde hair. He began to pace nervously, fighting the urge to ring his hands. How could he shake the idea that everything was coming after him? How could he shake the idea that somewhere out there right now was his killer, coming for him? His collar felt tight around his throat all of a sudden, he knew that it wasn't, he knew that it was just him being hyper aware of it, and he was a afraid to touch it. it's not every day that a kid gets a bomb strapped to their throat.

Just every season.

"We have to try something," he insisted. "Either way we're dead."
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Post by Acidic* »

"Jake," She began. "You need to calm down." Madelyn wanted to stand up and scream, but remained sitting with an even voice while talking to her boyfriend. As much as he was disturbing her displaying her anger wasn't going to set him back to calm. Still the strain on her control showed in her voice. It didn't feel fair. Jake got to panic and break down when she had to use band-aids as glue to fix him.

"We can't make a good plan with you acting like this." Madelyn offered a small smile as she encouraged him to settle back onto the ground. Madelyn would be a little further away from truth if she believed this would work, but faith would have to be her bait to pull Jake back from his fears.

How long am I gonna have to do this?

Her face, still smiling at Jake, waited for his response.
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Post by Namira »

Mikaela held up both hands towards Jake, trying to calm him down a little. Whilst it was true that they were all on edge, they had to keep reasonable. Ranting and raving wasn't going to help anybody, and neither were any far-fetched ideas.

"I agree that dead is dead, Jake... but here's the thing; I don't think that any of us are engineers. Start fiddling with the electronics and it's as good as jumping in front of a guy with a gun. What you're asking isn't in our expertise, you know?"

She put a hand on Jake's shoulder and looked into his face.

"We need to bide our time with this one. Standing here - we're not waiting to die, Jake. We're surviving. And I'd sooner survive than try rip my collar off on the chance that it might work," Mikaela jabbed towards the sky. "You think that they're going to leave the tools for an escape in plain sight? No drama means bad ratings and I mean, I'm no expert, but I doubt the viewers would fall down in delight seeing somebody break their collar with a rock or something."

Earnestly, Mikaela continued. "If we're going to form a plan, then we need to do it slowly and carefully. Going loose cannon will just get one or all of us killed."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake wanted to blame the fact that he had gotten all worked up over wanting to escape so badly, and that was why he felt a shock when Mikaela placed a hand on his arm. He was mad, his girlfriend sounded like if he didn't shut up soon, she was going to shut his mouth for him, and everything seemed sort of off. He wanted to possess something, to fuck something, to control something.

That's all it was, it didn't have anything to do with his former friend with benefits standing before him, trying to calm him down. Not with Madelyn right there. His face remained passive, but his thoughts didn't.

He didn't let himself feel ashamed either.

He also sort of hated that they were both right. Why was he always the feelings oriented one? Why was he always breaking down? He had to be strong for once, at least here he had to do that. He owed Madelyn that much.

He took a deep breath and nodded at the girls.

"You're right, I'm sorry...I don't want any of us to blow up." You know, standard normal teenage thoughts.

"We should come up with some sort of plan..."

Planning was definitely a better alternative to what was on his mind.
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Post by Acidic* »

That's better. Madelyn nodded her head as Jake calmed his tits.

"I don't blame you." Considering their setting his anxiety was understandable, but if there was anything she learn from therapy was that one had to control their emotions. Otherwise you did something stupid like chase a girl with a baseball bat until you get hit by a car.

Especially her(e).

Deep breath to take in the last of the situation.

Deep breath to blow it away.

Just like it the therapist taught her.

Then Madelyn started thinking about how the successful, not-so escapes. The latter became a what-not-to-do guide over the years. The escape where 12 kids got out was a disaster on the part of the producers and technicians in charge of the collars. I went without saying it wasn't going to be that easy this season, or any other in fact.

((OOC: I apologize for my short and crappy posts as of late))
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A voice echoes from Madelyn's collar...

"It's time for you to stop fucking around with this escape idea. Let me save you all some time with a shocking little revelation: we can hear everything you say. If this is your capacity for thinking things through, just start playing. You'll save time and probably live a bit longer."
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Post by Namira »

And just like, somebody slapped the ever-loving crap out of the idea of attempting to escape. Mikaela actually found herself blushing a little at the naviety of assuming that they could simply do this all out in the open. She'd heard, once or twice, that actual detonations were rare, but it was a pretty obvious mistake to make to talk about things right under the noses of the executives. Dammit. They'd have to be more subtle.

The cocky and arrogant tone of the voice coming from Madelyn's collar though... okay, that was annoying. They weren't stupid, they were desperate, there was a difference. They could be dead in a couple of days time, was it really that surprising that they were trying to think of ways out of this mess? Mikaela knew that the situation didn't look good, but really, what was the other option? To throw up her hands, say "Well, to heck with my morals," and start cutting throats at will?

Screw him. Bastard.

And then, just when it seemed like things couldn't get much worse, the announcements crackled on and dropped their bombshell.


An emotion indescribable welled up in Mikaela's chest and she dropped to her knees, beginning to pound on the ground.

"Dammit! Fuck! What the- fuck! What the fuck Zach!? You fucking... FUCK!"
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Post by Cake »

A voice echoes from Mikaela's collar...

"Mr. Clayton has recommended the best course of action for you all, I suggest you follow it. I am also in favor of a cross team alliance between his purple team and our red team. I suppose you may also keep around the yellow member, for fire power, but I doubt his mentor will be of much assistance."
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Post by Cake »

A voice echoes from Jake's collar...

"I resent that, Colonel Briggs, with all due respect. I can assure you that I will be of great help. In fact along with Jared's team, everyone on my yellow team is currently alive. I must be doing something right. Jake, say it with me now: Whether it's winning or escape, we'll make it explosively good, just like Verizon service!"
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake's mouth dropped open as everything hit him at once. Maybe it was the conversation the mentors were having through their collars, maybe it was the bombshell that Zach, a friend of his, had just killed Marion, but his veins felt as though they were being laced with fire. Did he hear Mae's name too? He definitely had heard Mae's name. Mae's named linked with the word "celebrity".

Proposing alliances with the red and purple team, oh, we can just keep around the yellow team member possibly as a human shield for the more interesting characters to hide behind...

Oh God, that's exactly how it is, isn't it? The color drained out of Jake's face, and he found himself mumbling "Just like Verizon service..." in some pitiful echo.

It was stupid to talk about escape, it was stupid to talk at all and the only thing he had done so far on this island was whine and cry and point a gun at a guy who was scared.

Why did I have to wait until I was on a murder TV show to realize I was such an asshole? He looked at the girls, his blood pressure beginning to rise again. He felt the gun in the small of his back.

I could probably just shoot them both right now, it would be quick for them and-



That was not an option, it shouldn't have even been brought up as a vaguely considered sort-of maybe option. He stared at them blankly for a moment, before opening his mouth, closing it again, and then clearing his throat weakly.

"I'll be right back," he said quietly. "I need to use the bathroom. Don't worry, I have this." He took out his gun and showed it to them. "You two be careful, stay together...okay?"

He walked over to Madelyn and gave her a kiss on the top of her head, he looked at Mikaela, on her knees, yelling at Zach, and gave an awkward nod.

"Be careful, I'll be right back..."

(Jake Langston continued in This is Why We Fight)
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Post by Acidic* »

When the voice came from her collar any wondering Madelyn had for who Mr. Clayton was dissipated. Madelyn frowned as she remembered the season he won. Far from her favorite winner (she couldn't remember who she rooted for), but the season was a good one. Now he was her mentor, which was a mixed blessing. Being advised by a former winner was cool, but Jared was a douche bag.

Before Madelyn could even replay concerning his critique regarding their plans for escape the announcements happened. As Leo revealed the dead the group found their search for Marion was over. She should have grabbed Marion by the shirt collar as soon as she spoke about scouting ahead. As responsible as Madelyn felt it was Zach that killed Marion. Madelyn had given him the benefit of the doubt before, but not this time. Zach was living in his sick fucking fantasy.

She'd seen it before. Some kid who didn't have enough friends, but way too much god damned free time wakes up in the game to start killing everyone they can. Not many of them made it too far, let alone win. One thing was clear, Zach wasn't walking away from an encounter with her. Madelyn let the asshole in her fucking house. It was frightening realizing the potential some people had.

Suddenly voices came from Mikaela and Jake's collars agreeing with Jared, and with Mikaela cussing out Zach it became difficult to concentrate on any one person. Suddenly Jake was kissing her on the forehead and walking off after saying he needed to goto the bathroom. Didn't he remember what happened when she tried to do that?

Madelyn reluctantly watched him walk away as she gave Mikaela a consoling pat on the back. If he's not back in five minutes we're going after him. Madelyn wasn't going to lose either Mikaela or Jake, wasn't going to let what happened to Marion happen to them. She'd have to carry Marion's death on her shoulders for the rest of her life, and she wasn't excited to carry more souls on her shoulders.
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