TV2: The Ninth Rolls

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TV2: The Ninth Rolls


Post by Un-Persona* »

#1: Vahka Basayev (DuckyB)
#2: Alice Young (Fenrir)
#3: Regina "Reggie" Aston (Imehal)
#4: Michael Robinson (Yugikun)
[+] Logs
Red Velvet
I'm gonna get eviscerated probably, but LEGGOOOO
Killer Vole
Deamon, NAFT and more
Red Velvet rolled 1 17-sided die:  15
Killer Vole
Vahka Basayev
Deamon, NAFT and more
Red Velvet rolled 1 17-sided die:  16
Killer Vole
Alice Young
just now
#1: Vahka Basayev #2: Alice Young
Deamon, NAFT and more
Red Velvet rolled 1 17-sided die:  8
Killer Vole
Regina "Reggie" Aston
Deamon, NAFT and more
Red Velvet rolled 1 17-sided die:  8
Killer Vole
Deamon, NAFT and more
Red Velvet rolled 1 17-sided die:  4
Killer Vole
Michael Robinson
That's a wrap.
Who wants to log?
Red Velvet
Killer Vole
Also, we can post whenever
I can!
Killer Vole
just now
Red Velvet
Dumb AIM
Killer Vole
Ohh, right
Red Velvet
can i do the cool list thing
Red Velvet
I only exist to hurt people
Killer Vole
Aww. Image
#1: Vahka Basayev
#2: Alice Young
#3: Regina "Reggie" Aston
#4: Michael Robinson
3 days for cards, 7 more for deaths.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Un-Persona. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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