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Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 66, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by MurderWeasel »


Name: Lisa Toner
Gender: Female
Age: 16
School: Davidson Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Drama club, fashion club, school choir

Appearance: With 5 feet and 133 lbs, Lisa may not be obese, but she clearly is overweight, though she herself prefers more positive terms. Her skin is brown and her hair, arranged in a simple bob cut, is dark brown, though there is a blonde streak to the right of her face. Dark gray eyes sit in a face whose characteristics would be described as cute. This generally provokes a positive reaction in older people and extended family.

On the day of the selection, Lisa wore a camisole with an orange and pink flower pattern and black denim pants. Additionally, she wore a pink winter coat and her feet were in a pair of knee-high brown leather boots.

Biography: Lisa is the third and youngest daughter of the black Neil Toner and the hispanic Robledo Toner. Her older siblings Javier and Antonio, 7 and 10 years older respectively, were children from Robledo's first marriage, which ended with the death of her husband two years after Javier's birth. Neil worked as the media consultant of a telephone manufacturing firm, while Robledo stayed at home for most of Lisa's life, although when the latter was in her teenage years, Robledo started working at a dry-cleaner's.

As a child, Lisa did not particularly stand out. In kindergarten, she would be very shy with other people and had a hard time expressing her opinions or feelings. However, she began to change in elementary, where she was less shy, but still not a social butterfly. It is unclear what caused this development, though it is likely that with becoming older, Lisa simply became more and more comfortable with herself and social interaction.

In middle school, Lisa joined the choir, which was a decision made without much thought put in it. Since she found singing together in a choir appealing, and also because she had some singing skills, she took great joy from participating in the choir. Thus she continued  with this hobby.

With high school, Lisa did not only join Davidson's choir, but she also joined the drama club due to a recommendation by an acquaintance. Just like with the choir, Lisa found the creative team work to be very pleasant, which led to the drama club getting as much focus as the choir. Within the drama club, she usually is an actor with fairly average skill for a student.  In 11th grade, she additionally joined the fashion club out of curiosity. Her bond to that club is not as strong as to the choir and the drama club, although she is amused by the content and the discussions with her peers.

From an academical perspective, Lisa is quite good. Her marks ranges from A to C, with the main bulk being B's and C's, though she excels in music.

Lisa is a rather noticeable person, as she is known for her seemingly endless streams of words. When not concentrated on anything, Lisa would usually hold conversations that consisted out of her talking on for minutes and jumping between topics. Some people perceive this as highly annoying. Additionally, Lisa is easy to excite for new things, though she usually does not stick with them. The exceptions of that are few, such as the fashion club. Besides of that, a notable trait is that Lisa is unable to hold any grudges. She does get angry when people mistreat her, though she will act as if it never happened the next day.

The relationship with her family is, while positive mostly, a bit mixed. She feels no particularly strong feelings towards her older brothers, which is due to them leaving the house a few years beforehand. Her father is very cautious about her academical performance, while her mother wished for Lisa to learn domestic skills. Usually, little conflict arises out of this, and the three have positive relationships to each other.

Her circle of friends is relatively large, but mainly encompasses the clubs she is in. Yet she is far from averse to making friends with people from other clubs, though these contacts may be a bit more superficial usually, as Lisa spends less time with these people.

Sotf-TV does not take a significant part of Lisa's life, though she does watch the show when it runs and occasionally dabs into fan communities, though she is certainly not a very devoted fan herself.

Advantages: Despite some character traits, she is still somewhat well-liked by her peers. This, coupled with her fondness for socializing may prove useful in team situations.
Disadvantages: Lisa is clearly not in shape, which means that most more able-bodied competitors will have an edge over her. Additionally, she may have trouble with realizing when a fellow contestant is using her.

Designated Number: Cyan Stingrays 2 (CS2).


Designated Weapon: J&D's Baconnaise Lite

Mentor Comment: "Ease of interaction is a benefit, certainly, but less of one than it traditionally was. Under the current model, students have a group which is guaranteed to have their best interests at heart, at least to begin with. This means that even unsociable students can find allies, but it also means that alliances between those who do not share teams will become more strained as the game continues and students are forced to consider their long term options. As such, I believe Ms. Toner is as close to dead weight as the Stingrays have."

Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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