The Bloodworth Vivarium

(Slice of Life One Shot)(The Copy of Better Homes and Gardens Unreleased to the General Public)

Located at the edge of a golf course that shares its name, The Links is a sprawling complex of apartments and condominiums. While the fanciest townhouses in The Links are truly exorbitant in pricing, there are also a number of more reasonable options, and twenty percent of the units are affordable housing—a condition negotiated by the city in exchange for favorable terms on the land. Many students attending Aurora Bay call The Links their home, as its location a little over a mile away makes for an easy commute when the weather permits. Much like the school, the complex is a melting pot, where all different sorts mingle... albeit not necessarily without conflict.
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The Bloodworth Vivarium


Post by Deblod100 »

((OOC: Written with ideas and credit from handler Lilith))

Her car pulled up in the driveway of the townhouse. Her house. Where her family was.

It was an expensive two-story property near The Links. A good walk away from where most of the kids from Aurora Bay were staying at. Their families were being reasonable with the better options of the apartments and condominiums. Since the Bloodworth's wealth came from her mother's position at her "business" in the Twin Cities and even some niche properties around the state, Pippi's family was given something that can be of worth to them. It would work out with the necessary changes to the townhouse, since Pippi's father was confined to his wheelchair, though she must wonder if there was any other house that had an elevator installed.

Pippi, of course, had a key to her house. Upon entry, there were some obvious signs.

Pippi looked down to see that Kafele was tracking mud once again. Onto the carpet. She can excuse that her younger brother was 6, but he needed to know to kick off his shoes at the entryway. Her little brother was an athlete in the standard way. Not of Mathematical Olympiads, like Pippi. He was in a soccer team. With the city clearing out the snow and the folks near Kafele's elementary school getting the soccer field thawed out for use, the sports season for her little brother was happening again. Tracie, Maurice, and Chisulo did complain, but nothing major has been done yet.

One of the things that stood out in the foyer, though for obvious reasons was the elevator in the middle that went up to the second floor. What was good was that the staircase spiraled around the elevator, looking aesthetically pleasing and convenient. Maurice needed it to get upstairs, since he uses a wheelchair. Her father always mentioned the story to her on how he lost the ability to walk. Her parents never took them to a water park, only a public pool.

In terms of art, there were family pictures and "modern" art. Modern art was quoted, because some of it was made by Tracie during her performance artist days and the other pieces of art were stuff that Tracie thought would be good for interior design. Nothing inappropriate for kids to see, but it didn't give the instance of Feng Shui that her mother probably wanted. Her lifestyle made her see certain things as having more artistic merit than they were supposed to. Some of the shelves had random objects that seemed to have little to no interest, to which Tracie seemed to know.

Her mom thought by watching multiple episodes of Trading Spaces, she could easily be the interior designer that she desired, even though when it came to renovating strip clubs, she got middle men for that. She did once suggested they have a "beach" room in the house, but Maurice and Chisulo strongly objected. Even Neveah and Pippi caved in, when they saw how much of a bad idea it is.

Her parents even brought a full set of knight's armor for decoration. They had it in the hallway bolted to the wall, so that it didn't fall onto someone. Pippi never understood why her parents brought it, even though no one was going to wear it. She believed that her parents treated their home as a castle. Without the traditional cobblestones that were a part of it.

One of the first things that she does when she comes home was head upstairs to her room to take care of her cat Zelda. Zelda was currently elderly, she was still good for a few years. She might pass away when Pippi got to college, but for a kitty cat, she was going strong. "Zelda." Pippi called the cat over to her bed, letting it hop onto it and onto Pippi to cuddle with. Pippi made sure to add some more cat food and changed the litterbox when she had to.

Pippi's bedroom was actually less colorful looking than the clothes she wore. Her room was modest than one would expect. However, there was a diffuser there that freshened up her room with the scene of foreign spices. Pippi did mention to some friends who came over once that it was supposed to help her focus more. The exact blend of oils used for the diffuser was something she forgot.

Maurice and Chisulo were already home, but they never disturbed Pippi when she was in her bedroom, usually because she had academics to focus on after school. It's usually when the family came home for dinner was when they got together. Neveah hung out with friends after school and didn't arrive until a little later. Tracie also picked up Kafele from soccer practice after she got back from work, usually from one of the strip clubs she owned.

Kafele never really knew what his stepmother did as a job. He didn't even wonder into her office, where the evidence was visible.

A while later, the family sat at the circular dinner table to eat the chicken dinner that both Tracie and Chisulo made. Maurice can cook food, but him being in a wheelchair have him needed help. Tracie, being the self-proclaimed wannabe interior designer and once performance artist, had this table decoration that she made from random scraps of driftwood and junk from the road. Going from clockwise at the 12 o'clock was Maurice -> Chisulo -> Kafele -> Pippi -> Neveah -> Tracie -> then back to Maurice.

A guy needs to sit next to his husband and his wife.

Her parents' relationship was the healthiest polycule that Pippi knew, though there were others that she didn't know about.

"It still took me almost half a hour to get to work today. City is struggling to get rid of the snow further in town." Maurice mentioned with a start of a conversation. It was still part of winter. The groundhog might have seen his shadow.

"Not for soccer practice. The organizers been getting the salt truck to make the field nice and dry for Kafele. He scored a lot of goals, his coach told me." Tracie gave a smile to her stepson. Chisulo made sure to headpat his son next to him. Also a smile from his two other dads.

That feeling of showing accomplishment. Pippi already knew what her sister Neveah will say. Mentioning how she is currently in the lead in terms of Instagram likes, because she was getting that hype in with her gothic clothing. When the next math tournament happens, Pippi will make sure to stylize to get them back at a tie.

"People liked my-"

"Making sure to get those assignments in time!" Pippi immediately interrupted Neveah. Her sister already gave her a dirty look. "I did have this student spill some water on my worksheet a while back, but Mrs. Tess gave me a copy."

"Ok... Pineapple, you aren't drinking coffee this late, right?" Maurice asked. "No no no no no. I wanted to mention how things at school are." Pippi replied.

Pippi had a can of Red Bull before dinner.

"Speaking of which.." Neveah jumped into the conversation, before Pippi tried to interrupt again. "The girls in school liked the outfit I wore today. At this rate, everyone might be having black as a new trend, since winter is still up." Neveah was off to mention her freshman popularity.

"You kids need to ease up. Or better yet work hard." Maurice was addressing his two daughters, but Kafele seemed to perk up, thinking he was involved, despite being 6. "You have only a few months until spring break to rest up. You need to not get into any shenanigans that might concern us.'"

But I like shenanigans...

"Especially you, Pineapple. You have 5 to 6 more months until your graduation. You may be accepted for the U of Minnesota, but you need to keep that GPA above 3.5."

Pippi's GPA was above 4.0.

"Some of my workers have been mentioning this one school at the upperwest. Not saying that Pippi should head there, but a fellow employee of mine mentioned that they got their kid up to the University of Cascadia. I wouldn't mind that Pippi also was taking some liberal arts courses. I think it should get some other passion into her." Tracie mentioned, knowing that even though her eldest daughter was going to go for an engineering degree, she needed some additional classes to be good for her first semester.

"Is there a class on cats?" Pippi asked.

She was going to avenge Zelda's cat, should her cat die while she was attending college. Make a pyre if she had to.

Chisulo let out a laugh, when he heard Pippi's suggestion. "I wish. Back at Johannesburg, we had one of the American presidents visit our school once. They have classes on gods. They might as well have classes on any animal."

Pippi felt the Mami Wata pendant that she wore.

"Dad. Can we get a cat?" Kafele asked Chisulo, though Pippi could have gave his stepbrother Zelda. "Why not Zelda?" Chisulo asked. "I want my own cat! I want to name him Renmotor! I want to make him play soccer with me!"

"That begging isn't going to get you one, Kafele." Pippi said.

The family couldn't help it, but let out a laugh.

After dinner, Zelda would help Pippi sleep by going what some might say....

Mega Eep Mode.

((Oh, a night of eeps instead.))
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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