SC2 Thirteenth Rolls

Here are the IC Announcements delivered during SC2.
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SC2 Thirteenth Rolls


Post by Mini_Help »

Greetings, handlers of the final ten! Congratulations to all of you for making it to this point. Unfortunately, as wonderful as this cast is, further rolls are required to reach the conclusion of the version.

As mentioned before, we rolled five students, leaving five left for Endgame. Those rolled are spoilered below, but I'd like to take a quick moment to address an important issue first: the secrecy of these rolls. We're keeping this set of rolls secret to add to the suspense and increase the engagement of the site as a whole, and it'd mean a lot if people would keep things hush-hush. We've also seen in past versions that the second one person is told anything, it starts to spread throughout the site, so we'd highly suggest keeping these rolls quiet even from friends. Please remember that the site does not know that we're doing a five-character Endgame and probably expects the traditional four. Feel free to exploit this for kicks and giggles.

That said, we do respect that this next month is all about the folks left in the game (that's the ten of you), so if you want to talk about your own character's status as rolled/unrolled, it is your choice. If you want to spoil everything, well, we'll be pretty disappointed, but this isn't a situation where we're making some rule or asking everyone to swear an oath of secrecy or whatever. It's just a request, something that has historically been a lot of fun, and that we hope all of you will honor. Image

Heroes may still be played this roll cycle, but any cards not used now will become null and void in three days' time. They do not carry over to future Minis.

Soon after card time has passed, we will open a board for the Endgamers to discuss winner selection and Endgame planning.

Also,  please be aware that this thread will be revealed to the site at the death deadline. Don't say anything here you're not okay with everyone seeing.

And now...
[+] The Rolls
1. Jonathan "Badass Johnny" Lancer (Maraoone)
2. Cody Jenkins (Skraal)
3. Daniel Whitten (delayedMirth)
4. Irene Djezari (Zetsumodernista)
5. Florentina "Tina" Luz (Loretta)
[+] Roll Logs
Professor Fether - Today at 9:38 PM
To reiterate, rolling five so five remain for Endgame.
I'm ready whenever.
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:38 PM
Okay. Shall I start us off?
Zee - Today at 9:38 PM
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:38 PM
Cool. Here we go.
Roll #1
Zee - Today at 9:39 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:39 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (8) = 8
Professor Fether - Today at 9:39 PM
Jonathan "Badass Johnny" Lancer (Maraoone)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:39 PM
Roll #2
Zee - Today at 9:39 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:39 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (9) = 9
Professor Fether - Today at 9:39 PM
Cody Jenkins (Skraal)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:39 PM
Roll #3
Zee - Today at 9:40 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:40 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (10) = 10
Professor Fether - Today at 9:40 PM
Daniel Whitten (delayedMirth)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:40 PM
Roll #4
Zee - Today at 9:40 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:40 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (1) = 1
Professor Fether - Today at 9:40 PM
Irene Djezari (Zetsumodernista)
Cake by the Ocean - Today at 9:40 PM
Roll #5
Zee - Today at 9:40 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:40 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (10) = 10
Professor Fether - Today at 9:41 PM
Zee - Today at 9:41 PM
/roll 1d10
Roll botBOT - Today at 9:41 PM
@Zee: 1d10 = (2) = 2
Professor Fether - Today at 9:41 PM
Florentina "Tina" Luz (Loretta)
That's a wrap and we'll log.
Three days for cards:


Deaths have until the end of May 15:


As with the last set of rolls, this is a hard deadline and no extensions will be granted. Good luck, and have fun. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Image

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