One Room Death Game OOC/Sign-Up Thread

This board exists to allow RPing outside the typical scope of Mini, but with a Mini-centric focus. All threads here must in some way relate to a Mini, must allow for participation by others, and are explicitly non-canon. That aside, there aren't many rules here apart from the overall board rules, so have at!
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One Room Death Game OOC/Sign-Up Thread


Post by MurderWeasel »


Hello, everyone, and welcome to an experiment in Other RPing. I'm going to be a hosting a somewhat more structured/long-form game here, which will tell the story of a very different sort of elimination-based death game.

The basic premise is this: a group of strangers are kidnapped late at night across a city. They don't know how or why, but they're all brought together in a large, mostly-barren room, and told by a mysterious "director" that they will compete for survival.

Each victim has been given a medallion. They are informed that these medallions are the key to their survival. Anyone with two medallions is permitted to exit through the door on the lefthand side of the room, and once they do so they will be free. Anyone who has no medallions in their possession for over thirty minutes, however, must exit through the righthand door, where they will be killed. The victims are told that they are not allowed to inflict severe physical harm on each other, but that there are otherwise no rules governing their conduct, and they will have to sort out for themselves who lives and who dies. Nobody knows of their predicament besides The Director. They're on their own.

That's the premise! Specific mechanics and details follow. If you're interested, though, this is the place to sign up.

Applications for the first round will be open for a bit over seven days, closing to new applications at the end of Sunday, January 22, Pacific Time. The game itself will open the next day. All deadlines subject to change on my whim, however.

Deadline for apps:

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Post by MurderWeasel »

Character Roster:

A list of handlers (and their characters) follows:
[+] MW - Alma Williams
Name: Alma Williams
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Profession: Student
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye Color: Light blue
Hair Color: Blonde

Appearance: Short and slender, Alma almost always looks tired, with bags under her eyes and her shoulder-length hair disheveled. Her face is narrow, almost gaunt, and she uses makeup to clumsily try to hide her exhaustion. She has a small nose, narrow eyes, and ears that lie close to her head. Alma is Caucasian, with a pale skin tone, and despite her age is still very prone to acne. When taken, Alma was wearing grey sweatpants, a white tank top, a black sweater, and slippers.

History: Alma started nursing school at the UCSF right after earning her bachelor's degree, and has been going full force since. An academically-talented young woman from a middle class family, she inherited a strong work ethic from her parents. Unfortunately, Alma has come to realize she actually has very little passion for the nursing field, and the stress this causes her has been compounded by a severe case of insomnia she's developed over the past year.

Personality: Once bright and enthusiastic, Alma has turned quiet and bitter over her time in nursing school. While most of her real frustration is directed inwards, she has nonetheless became frostier towards others, and often loses her temper, snapping at her classmates and people she encounters in daily life. This causes her significant guilt, but the stress and lack of sleep have sapped her self control, and she is not currently getting help for her problems. She's very fatalistic, and feels like she's trapped in a life she doesn't want anymore.
[+] Dogs231 - Tyler Becerra
Name: Tyler Becerra
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Profession: "Investor" / Unemployed
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 pounds
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Appearance: Tyler is an unremarkable-looking young white twenty-something man, neither particularly attractive nor unattractive. He has short brown hair and eyes. His facial hair grows slowly, and he shaves it when necessary. There are bags under his eyes from excessive computer use and poor sleep. His eyesight is poor, so he wears black plastic-framed glasses. Much of his wardrobe is generic t-shirts, often with motifs of games and cryptocurrency projects. On the day of his abduction, he wore his glasses, an off-white t-shirt emblazoned with the phrase "Greetings from CRYPTOLAND, Decentralized Gear, NV," a pair of jeans, socks, and shoes.

History: Tyler was born in Silicon Valley and grew up in an upper-middle-class household. Most of his early life was unremarkable. He had no aptitude for sports or education but was good with computers. Later, he went to San Francisco State University and majored in Computer Science—however, he dropped out within two years. Tyler's current passion, which he picked up while in college, is cryptocurrency. He loves the blockchain, he loves NFTs, and he loves DeFi. He has invested much of his savings into Ethereum, NFTs, and other miscellaneous projects, such as Cryptoland. He has, thus far, seen little returns.

Personality: Tyler is gullible, vulnerable to promises of unrealistic returns, susceptible to flattery due to insecurity, and highly responsive to memes and irony. He is good at ignoring obvious warning signs and willing to take substantial amounts of unreasonable risk. He thinks he is more intelligent than he is and, as a result, often digs in his heels in response to criticism. Tyler intends to be a thought leader and trendsetter but comes off as somewhat meandering and aimless. He thinks he is charismatic but is charmless and annoying rather than smooth. Also, Tyler adamantly refuses to shut up about cryptocurrency.
[+] Deblod100 - Gerald Yao
Name: Gerald Yao
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Profession: Unemployed / High School Graduate
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160 pounds
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Appearance: Gerald is of Asian ethnicity, due to his Chinese-American lineage. Gerald has short bushy black hair that is currently ungroomed, along with brown eyes that has recently been given eye surgery so he can not worry about wearing glasses. He has a goatee on his chin that is kept thin and short. On the night of the abduction, he had dressed out in a long-sleeved orange shirt with a pair of denim jeans, a cheap plastic Call of Duty themed wristwatch in light and dark green colors, a brown belt, and red Converse sneakers.

History: Gerald Yao was born and raised to Chinese-American parents in San Francisco within the Chinatown District. Gerald's life is considered average, though he aspires to be involved in e-sports, having played multiple competitive video games. He is currently stuck to focus on his academics, due to the possible scholarship to UCLA down the state, though he isn't so hopeful. Gerald went out late at night by himself to attend a friend's party, however he has failed to return back home in the early morning.

Personality: Gerald can be seen as a know-it-all, though it is due to his internet savvy knowledge and the forced commitment to his education. He still acts rational and will be aware that something is completely wrong from the situation that he's in. Seeing his life possibly on the line with others, he intends to resorting to drastic means, though he doesn't intend for others to be harmed, even if they are seen as complete strangers to him.
[+] Slam - Rose Dahl
Name: Rose Dahl
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Profession: Unemployed
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde

Appearance: As someone who gets by on her appearance, Rose goes to great lengths to keep herself looking hot. She is well endowed, in great shape, and keeps her long blonde hair in immaculate condition. Her fashion sense runs as expensive as her make-up line, and she will rarely be caught in anything less than a designer brand. When abducted, she was wearing a gold Versace mini dress, with matching high heels and purse wallet.

History: Born and raised in San Francisco, Rose is a quintessential example of a woman believed to have peaked in high school. Growing up in a wealthy household and blessed with good looks, it was easy for her to ride a wave of popularity to succeed on the backs of others. After her parents grew tired with her lack of direction or ambition, she has since been living off the back of a string of shallow relationships and the hard work of others, rather than being productive with her own life.

Personality: Despite her parasitic lifestyle, Rose knows how to put on the charm. She is adept at persuading gullible people to give her another chance and can keep the conversation going as long as she needs it to. Deep down though, she is always out to keep her own good time rolling without putting any real effort in.
[+] Fiori - Eugene Schaffer
Name: Eugene Schaffer
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Profession: Executive
Height: 5'11
Weight: 196 lbs
Eye Color: Greyish Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown, Greying

Appearance: Eugene has the look of a man who was once quite handsome, but is long past his prime. His chisled face is square jawed with a cleft chin, boney cheeks and narrow eyes framed by thick brows. Despite his best efforts to keep fit he possess something of a pot belly, along with hairy arms and a hairy chest. He is white, his fair skin tanned slightly from a recent holiday to Australia. He is wearing a dark blue suit, black loafers and a white shirt with pink lipstick marks on the collar along with a slate tie.

History: Born in 1975, Eugene was very much a child of the 80s, growing up on Saturday Morning cartoons and Spielbergian fantasies. His childhood desire to make movies clashed with his distinct lack of creativity, though he would discover a knack for business that would land him a job with streaming juggernaut Cinerealm, eventually climbing and politicking his way up the corporate ladder to become an important executive within the company hierarchy. He has married twice, his first marriage resulting in two daughters aged 22 and 17 respectively before ending after it was revealed that he was having an affair with his secretary.

Personality: Eugene fancies himself as a rebellious trendsetter, youthful in spirit with a mind for innovation. In reality he is creatively sterile, thoroughly narcissistic and prone to flights of fancy. He life is mired by self-destructive desires and commitment issues, his youthful idealism long eroded by the cynical realities of being another cog in the corporate machine. Nevertheless, he takes great effort to remain connected to his daughters, even when he disapproves of their life choices.
[+] Pippi - Malachi Darragh Harlington
Name: Malachi Darragh Harlington
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Profession: Line cook
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 148lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark brown

Appearance: Malachi is a tall and scrawny Caucasian man, with little muscle mass or fat to speak of. He has a thin mouth and a pair of lidded eyes with prominent bags underneath. He has a small spattering of freckles across his nose, and a notable scar on the back of his left hand. His dark brown hair is parted roughly in the center and reaches midway down his back, but is always tied up into a messy ponytail. When Malachi was abducted, he was still wearing his work outfit: black shirt and trousers, off-white apron, and battered black sneakers.

History: Born in Sacramento to a third-generation Irish-American family, Malachi grew up with a love of cooking that has steadily diminished as he has grown older. After completing his culinary arts degree, he moved to San Francisco to be closer with his long-term girlfriend; an ill-fated decision as the two broke up seven months after moving in together. He has worked as a line cook at a Mexican restaurant since his move, and while he has held the same job down, he has very little faith he'll ever progress further in the industry.

Personality: Malachi is a dour, moody individual, with a rather grim outlook on life; his own in particular. He is quiet and aloof, rarely seeking interaction with others and generally only speaking when spoken to, leading to him having very few connections in his personal life. He has practically no sense of humour, and is generally a rather depressing person to be around. He's also surprisingly superstitious, and will avoid things like putting his left shoe on first or walking under ladders at all costs.
[+] Salic - Maria Lozano de la Cruz
Name: María Lozano de la Cruz
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Profession: Mechanic
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 166 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Appearance: María is a stolid, well-built, well-endowed individual, with very developed musculature due to years of manual labor. She has a few scars and burn marks on her arms and hands. Her hair is straight and frizzy, and it cuts off just after her jaw. Her skin is bronzed from a combination of sun exposure and Mexican ancestry. Her face is square, with a strong jawline and chin, paired with a button nose and large almond eyes. María was wearing a white tank top, stained blue jeans, worn down work boots, and a work sweatshirt tied around her waist when she was abducted.

History: María was born in San Francisco, the only child of Mexican immigrants. Always one to do more with her hands than her brain, María became more invested in physical work than schoolwork, culminating in her dropping out during eleventh grade. Since then, she's been working at a local car repair shop, and is well-regarded by customers and employees for her skill. On the side, she does chop shop operations for a local mob for extra money. This has led her to becoming friends with Vasya Sokolov, a member of the gang.

Personality: María is a quiet, serious, no-nonsense individual who likes to get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible. She has no love for people who do not have a work ethic. She is a generally suspicious person, unwilling to do favors for others unless tangible benefits are involved. María is fairly greedy, and money is the best way to approach her about doing something. Outside of Vasya, María has few friends and little interest in making more.
[+] ItzToxie - Vasya Sokolov
Name: Vasya Sokolov
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Profession: Insurance Requisitions
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Ice White

Appearance: Vasya is caucasian with a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a rounded chin. He has medium-length hair messily cut into a left-parted fringe. He's built mostly of lean muscle. The most notable ones are 'OMyT' tattooed between his upper left eyelid and eyebrow and an inverted-cross tattooed below his left eye down his cheek. He speaks with a somewhat squeaky voice, with a thin Russian accent.
Vasya wears a black fight club styled leather jacket. Underneath that he wears a white tanktop revealing his tattoos. He wore a dark blue pair of adidas track pants with white shoes.

History: Since he was a teenager, Vasya had been a member of the Russian mob. He's been in and out of prison multiple times since he's joined, and has earned his place as a mob enforcer. He takes part in many dubious activities including fight clubs, loan sharking, vehicular chop shops, and worse. Vasya takes pride in his work, and has earned a reputation for his ruthlessness and tendency for violence.

Personality: Vasya carries a relaxed and jovial persona to everyone he meets, always quick to talk or to make a joke. However, he is prone to anger and has a habit of losing his temper at the drop of a hat, and he doesn't take well to disrespect, either percieved or genuine. His associates know to tread carefully around Vasya, due to his unpredictability and hot-headedness.
[+] AnimeNerd - Nana Hana Kana
Name: Nana Hana Kana
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Profession: Student
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 131 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown

Appearance: Nana is of mixed Hawaiian and Iraqi descent, made evident by her naturally tanned skin and dark curly hair reaching her mid back. Her face is oval shaped, with monolid eyes, a small bulb nose, thin s-shaped eyebrows and thin lips. Her weight is distributed evenly in her body, making her neither athletic nor unathletic. When abducted, Nana’s hair was in a messy ponytail, some hairs left out to frame her face, and she wore a white t-shirt under a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers.

History: Nana was born to a lower middle class family. Her parents realized when she was young that she was neurodivergent, specifically that she suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder, with little to no sense of empathy. Despite this, they raised her well enough, treating her no differently than other children, making sure she knew right from wrong, and helped the best they could with learning empathy, struggling but never giving up. Fascinated by the human mind because of her situation and achieving valedictorian status among her graduating class, she earned a scholarship to Stanford, and has been studying psychology ever since.

Personality: Nana has ASPD, causing her to have trouble feeling emotions that relate to empathy, while simultaneously enabling negative emotions such as those relating to anger. Combined with her high intelligence and knowledge in her major, she can easily manipulate those she wants to use and get what she desires. Despite this, she tends to be open about her disorder, and tries her best to make an appearance of empathy, not acting differently but finding ways to make others happy as well as herself.
[+] Wham Yubeesling - Anna Mikhailov
Name: Anna Mikhailov
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Profession: Student
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black

Appearance: Anna is short and lean, with a straight figure and most of her weight being mild muscle on her arms and legs. She is Caucasian, rather pale, with mild freckles on her nose and upper cheeks. Her hair is shoulder-length and tied back into a ponytail. She has thin lips, a button nose, and a small indentation on her forehead that’s a circle within another circle—a scar from having had chickenpox as a child. When she was abducted, she was wearing a white dress shirt, black suit pants with shoulder straps, a black fedora and black formal shoes.

History: Born the oblivious daughter of the head of the local Russian mob, Anna has never particularly wanted for anything. Breezing through life due to a strong work ethic and incredible amounts of money, Anna has landed tuition and accommodation at USF, and is currently in her first year of a pre-med degree there. While the adjustment to college work and living by herself has been a bit of a shock, she’s giving it her all to excel at school in hopes of becoming a doctor.

Personality: Bright, bubbly, and enthusiastic, Anna is a people person through and through. Eager to impress, and with a fondness for meeting new people, Anna excels at making friends and getting to know new people, though these connections seem to be more surface-level than anything else. She is rather easily led on, however, even when she knows she’s being misled, primarily due to distance from her father giving her a need for approval, though generally this trait has not caused her much harm so much.
[+] almostinhuman - Marcus Wilson
Name: Marcus Wilson/"Ashe" (online handle)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Profession: "Investment Specialist"/Crypto Scammer
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 162 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Appearance: Marcus is a fairly tall man with an average build. He's African-American and has a warm, dark skintone. His black hair is worn in fairly long dreadlocks. His face is androgynous, and his eyes are typically rimmed by dark shadows partially hidden by his square-framed glasses. He likes to paint his fingernails and toenails, and currently has painted them black. Having stumbled outside in the middle of the night to retrieve a lost cat, he was abducted wearing a dark pink hoodie and dark red sweatpants; he had no shirt under the jacket, nor any shoes or socks.

History: Marcus was born to a fairly wealthy family in Los Angeles. Upon turning 18 and receiving a very large sum of money from his parents, he'd find himself investing in many tech projects, and struck big in the cryptocurrency scene in 2015. He had the money to succeed despite the market's volatility, the charm to convince people to trust him and invest in his projects or give him personal info, and the ruthlessness to exploit others to the limits of legality. He currently lives in a fairly expensive home in San Francisco with his boyfriend, a corporate lawyer.

Personality: Marcus thinks of himself as an intelligent master manipulator, and indeed there's not nothing to that. He's shrewd, good at sussing out targets for his schemes, has a personable charm to him, and is very good at pushing past people's better judgement and getting them to act in his best interest and against their own. However, he's also undeniably smug, insufferable and thinks himself far smarter than he really is, and not quite as good at keeping the mask up around people who aren't the usual gullible sort he targets.
[+] NoLife42069 - Kevin Carter
Name: Kevin Carter
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Profession: Odd-Job worker
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 158
Eye Color: Heterochromia: Right eye blue, Left eye brown
Hair Color: Brown, greying

Appearance: Kevin is a white man with the main defining features being his heterochromia and scars. His hair is cut short and ungroomed and he has a fair bit of beard stubble. His face is in a perpetual frown with dark bags under his eyes. He is often wearing jeans and a plain white tee. On the day of the abduction, Kevin was wearing a pair of black jeans, steel-toed boots, A T-shirt with “FIXER” emblazoned on it, and a brown leather jacket. All of which is dirty and his shirt has a bit of blood on it.

History: Born in Las Vegas as a teen Kevin joined a gang. When he turned 21 he began to gamble, after winning big he continued to gamble even gaining a debt. After gambling away a chuck of the gang's money, Kevin was kicked out, leaving him completely at the mercy of the debt collectors. After several years of trying to work off the debt, Kevin moved to San Francisco in an attempt to escape.

Personality: Kevin is a cold, ruthless, and detached man who has grown jaded over the years. While he used to be kind and energetic after so many years in debt he developed a view not so different from the debt collectors' he hates. With few friends left Kevin is mostly quiet, only really speaking when he thinks there is something to gain. Kevin hates those with more than him and see those with less as pawns to be used.
[+] Gundham - Autumn Suzanne Sommers
Name: Autumn Suzanne Sommers
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Profession: Hooters Waitress
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Auburn

Appearance: Autumn is a very attractive girl with long auburn hair. Her frame is slim, and she looks athletic but not muscular. She has a slightly snub nose and full eyelashes, with a smattering of freckles across her cheeks.

She has several butterfly tattoos, including a large butterfly of her own design on her right shoulder and bicep, and a small flock on her ankle.

On the night she was abducted, Autumn was wearing her standard Hooters uniform: white tank top, orange shorts, tan hose, white athletic socks, and white running shoes. Her tattoos were covered with makeup.

History: Autumn Sommers is an only child. Her mother is currently in jail and her father is unemployed. She dropped out of high school a year early to help pay the bills, but soon got tired of supporting her father and moved out. She shares an apartment with three other women.

She has taken a series of dead-end jobs and earned her liquor license at age 18. She intends to get a mixology certification once she’s saved up enough. She took a job at Hooters because the tips were good. She continues to work there but hates it intensely.

Personality: Autumn often puts up a front of friendliness, and in her time in the service industry she has developed a high level of patience. In situations where she doesn’t feel the need to treat people well, she tends to be sarcastic and defiant. Autumn has fairly low opinions of most people she meets, especially middle-aged men. She does not trust others easily, if at all. She knows that she’s attractive and isn’t above using that to her advantage, but dislikes being dismissed because of it.
[+] Yonagoda - Nadia Aller
Name: Nadia Aller
Gender: F
Age: 19
Profession: Unemployed
Height: 5’5
Weight: 110lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light sienna red-brown

Appearance: Nadia is ethnically ambiguous and has medium length layered hair, downturned eyes, thick brows and tan freckled skin. Her frame is slight and she looks notably messy with circles under her eyes and unkempt hair. She likes fashion but puts less work on other aspects of her appearance. She had on black basketball shorts, a strappy scrunched white top, red and white slip-ons, and a white-stripped dark teal track jacket.

History: Currently taking a gap year post-graduation, Nadia is the younger daughter of a middle class SF family. She is passionate about biotechnology and medicine, due to spending her childhood in and out of hospitals for neuroblastoma treatment. Nadia is a solitary person who spends most of her time playing video games. She frequents animal rights protests and anime conventions, albeit only as a spectator. Nadia has a strained relationship with her parents and a good relationship with her sister.

Personality: Nadia is withdrawn but friendly, intensely affectionate to the few people still consistently in her life and anyone who approaches her. Her morbid personality contradicts her idealistic attitude. She is helpful and overly apologetic at times. She is quick to be judgemental but very cautious about letting others know her opinions. Selfless to a fault, Nadia fears being disliked by, being forgotten by, or inconveniencing others. She has a low view of herself.
[+] Namira - Diana Trant
Name: Diana Trant
Gender: 26
Age: Female
Profession: Engineer
Height: 5ft 1"
Weight: 94 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown

Appearance: A small and slightly built woman with pallid skin, Diana is easy to miss. Her hair is self-styled—messily—to around shoulder length; her bangs are absolute carnage. Her features are narrow and a little pinched, something which emphasises how large and bright her eyes are, to her displeasure. When taken, she was wearing a purple hoodie, black leggings, and sneakers.

History: The adopted daughter of two Canadian men living in San Francisco, Diana had a mechanical fascination from an early age, and has been making things and studying mathematics all her life. Always better with machines and spreadsheets than people, she had a bumpy trip through college thanks to poor social skills, but now has a job in her favourite field. Diana only interacts with the outside world sparingly and spends her free time tinkering and writing, just how she likes it.

Personality: Quiet and shy, Diana keeps to herself and gets by with the bare minimum of social interaction in both her personal and professional lives, much to the exasperation of her immediate family members and colleagues. When she needs to talk to others, she is polite, but guarded. Diana is uninterested in trying to work on this part of herself, but is aware that she probably has some form of anxiety disorder.
[+] Dr Adjective - Charlotte Torres
Name: Charlotte Torres
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Profession: Retail Service
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black

Appearance: Charlotte has a natural brown tint to her skin from her mixed caucasian-hispanic ancestry, though remains pale due to spending most of her life indoors. Tall and broad-shouldered, she carries herself with a discomfort that belies her distate for both of these features. She wears her straight black hair long, with bangs that cover up much of her face. Her body has a little muscle from the manual aspect of her work, but is also a little chubby. On the 23rd she wore a Trader Joe's staff uniform under a plain blue jacket adorned with pins and patches.

History: Charlotte was born to a working class family and raised in Oakland. She was considered gifted in her early life and was able to attend UC Berkeley on a chemistry scholarship. However, after two years of progressively worsening performance, she dropped out and fell into dead-end wage labour. At age 25 she identified one of the root causes of her burnout, gender dysphoria, and began social transition. At present she works retail in San Francico, struggles to access medical transition, and maintains a modestly popular Facebook page called "Goblin Town" where she posts comics she draws in her free time.

Personality: Charlotte is generally kind and seeks to avoid conflict or hurting others. She behaves with little energy most of the time, and though friendly, typically displays a sarcastic pessimism and regularly half-jokes about hating life. She thinks of herself as a failure, and is easily pushed around socially by others.
[+] Kotorikun - Jules Hudson
Name: Jules Hudson
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Profession: Bartender
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Light strawberry blonde

Appearance: Jules is of unremarkable build with a straight frame and fair skin. His face is oval shaped with expressive downturned-eyes, a straight nose, and average lips. On his left cheek are remains of a small bruise. His hair is kept on the shorter end of medium length and is usually messily slicked back or to the side. When kidnapped, Jules was wearing an oversized leopard print sweater over his work outfit which consists of a white dress-shirt, a grey waistcoat, and dark pants. For shoes, he was wearing traditional black leather boots.

History: Born to a middle-class family, Jules was a rebellious child who grew up to be softer in nature. There was always a bunch of arguments thrown back and forth between family members, but the family was still functional. He took on various jobs to finance his expenses, never being one to decide on a concrete path in life. He currently shares an apartment with his friend who had introduced him to his current job in a bar. Since Jules enjoys the nightlife, he is very content with it.

Personality: Jules is someone who wears his emotions and body language on his sleeve. He often doesn’t think before he speaks and is generally seen as friendly. Despite his confident nature, Jules can be easily discouraged by simple words and actions. He doesn't like silence and feels like he can’t relax when it is present, so he always keeps the TV on when alone in his own room or listens to music.
[+] Spindarene - Jimmy Miller
Name: Jimmy Miller
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Profession: Security guard
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 178 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Appearance: Jimmy is a Caucasian man who is a bit short and stocky. He is slightly overweight, but quite a bit of his body mass is also due to muscle. His brown hair is cut short in a crew cut, and he has a short beard. On the day of the abduction, he was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, a camouflage jacket, and black sneakers. On the night of the abduction, he also has a bruise on his left cheek, as well as bruised knuckles from a fight.

History: Jimmy works as a security guard in a nightclub in downtown San Francisco. He’s worked at his current job for about a year and a half; he got fired from his previous security job at another nightclub for sexually harassing female patrons. On the night of the abduction, he was taken as he was walking home from a night out at a bar. He got into a drunken fist fight with another man at the bar, and the man hit him across the face. Jimmy also landed a couple of punches on the other man.

Personality: Jimmy tends to be aggressive, especially with other men. He will often either start fights or escalate them, and the fights tend to start based on perceived insults or threats. Jimmy will also often make sexual advances towards women, and is not always deterred by women showing displeasure at his advances. He hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone, but it will sometimes take a couple of increasingly forceful rejections from women before he leaves them alone. Occasionally he’ll pick up a woman at a bar for a one-night stand, but he hasn’t had a long-term relationship in years.
[+] Anderson - Shane Wilcox
Name: Shane Wilcox
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Profession: Freelance Programmer
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde

Appearance: Shane has shaggy blonde hair that's about two inches long and rather sharp features on his face. He's got plenty of muscle on him - he's no bodybuilder, but it's clear that he spends a decent bit of time at the gym. On the night of the abductions, he's wearing a plain t-shirt, a North Face hoodie, sweatpants, and combat boots.

History: Shane is a former Army soldier who bounces from company to company. He's more used to coming in, solving a problem, and leaving. He did one four-year contract out of high school, went to college on the GI bill, and dropped out when he got a high-paying job with stock options. He liquidated those when the company stock soared during the pandemic. He has used the resulting money to enable himself to move from project to project at will over the last few years.

Personality: Shane is rather aggressive - good to the few friends he has, but otherwise rather a rough edge to deal with. He tends towards the weary and sarcastic when dealing with the world.
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The rules for this game are simple, but also different from the typical rules of Mini in a number of key regards. Since this isn't a full AU, I'm not doing an exhaustive breakdown of every little thing (Examples that are obvious at a glance: no collars, no Danger Zones. Slightly less immediately obvious example: BR/THG exist in this universe). General conduct and content rules apply. Don't be a jerk, etc. If you have questions about the rules, ask in this thread and your questions will be answered. An FAQ of notable information/rulings will be compiled in this post.

It's important to note that the rules here are more fluid than in other games, and that they will change as the game goes on. I want everyone to know that going in, so they can decide if they're comfortable playing in a game where that is the case.

The specific codified rules for this game are as follows:

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Every two weeks out-of-character represents thirty minutes in-character. You're expected to stay vaguely on top of this/to catch up to the present quickly after each 30 minute check-in. Everyone's in the same thread, so there isn't room for the usual SOTF wiggliness where characters linger behind the curve for days or weeks.

Once a check-in occurs, you must catch up to it in your next post, or have your next post be set after it.
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Characters can be eliminated in a number of ways. The two most common are release and expulsion.

A character who has two medallions in their possession is eligible for release. To be released, a character exits the room through the lefthand door. Once they pass through the door, they may not return, and their story must wrap up in their next post (see Elimination Posts below). They are no longer in danger of dying (unless their handler decides to kill them in their last post somehow).

A character who has no medallions is in trouble. If a character has no medallions when a check-in occurs, they are called out by name and put on notice. If a character who was on notice still has no medallions come the next check-in thirty minutes later, they are expelled—forced to walk through the righthand door, where they will meet an ambiguous but apparently lethal fate. Their final post comes as they pass through the door.

You will note that what allows (or forces) a character to be eliminated is an in-character factor: how many medallions they have. This is intentional. Nothing except rolls or inactivity can force you to make your character lose or give up their medallion, but if you choose for that to happen without getting rolled or being inactive, your character is still slated for elimination unless they get another somehow.

Other eliminations are also possible. A character could die in the room somehow, or could be removed from play through some other factor. Details on these mechanics will be revealed if and when they become relevant.

You may ask "What if the game at some point narrows down to three characters?" Don't worry. There is a plan for the sad sucker left with just one medallion, and I think it'll be a fun and interesting role to play.
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Voting, Rolls, And Rule Changes:

If a two week period passes without any eliminations (either releases or expulsions), a vote will be held among the handlers still in play. This vote will be conducted in this thread. It will run for 48 hours, and it will not be anonymous. Only handlers still in play are eligible to vote; what matters is how the people still participating in the story want it to go.

There will be two choices: roll a character for elimination, or don't (allowing the next period to pass without a guaranteed elimination).

If rolls win, a single character will be rolled. That character will then have to lose or give up their medallion somehow in the next two week period, unless another character is offered in their place. Any character in play may be substituted at their own handler's discretion, at any time. What's important is that someone must be on the chopping block.

If no rolls win, the period passes with no elimination. At the next check-in, however, The Director will introduce a rule change. This may be innocuous, with little impact, or it may be a big deal indeed, potentially resulting in rolls or eliminations due to the change. Rules changes will affect the in-character rules, but may also affect the out-of-character rules. Rules changes may be permanent or temporary.

Some example possible rule changes that you probably will not actually see:
First Example wrote:"You're all being so quiet! Well, why don't I help you hold to that resolve? Until I say otherwise, anyone who says a word will have any medallions in their possession rendered void. You got that? One peep, and you're out... and nobody else can use your medallion, so it's no good tickling each other."
This rule would mean that any character speaking would see their medallion(s) deauthorized and be on-deck for elimination (though this would only be done to a handler intentionally angling for such a fate—any handler including dialogue would be reminded of the rule and given the opportunity to edit their post).
Second Example wrote:"Aww, aren't you getting along well? How sweet. It makes me sick. Well, if you can't beat 'em... I've decided that nobody is allowed to exit Stage Left on their own anymore. There have to be at least two of you leaving together."
This rule would require characters angling for release to pair off—at least two characters (each in possession of two medallions) would have to leave at the same time. A single character, no matter how many medallions they possess, would not be allowed to leave.

Generally speaking, rules changes will be designed to prod the game forward, often through making the characters' lives less comfortable, adding incentives for conflict, providing opportunities to wrangle an advantage, or punishing dithering. Out-of-character, they'll be designed to provide interesting hurdles and roleplaying opportunities—the characters are probably being manipulated or punished, but it will hopefully be exciting for their handlers.

A tied vote breaks to whatever didn't happen last time. If a character was eliminated more recently than a rule change was introduced (whether that elimination came through rolls or not), tie goes to rule change. If a rule change was more recent than an elimination, tie goes to rolls.

There is no limit to how many times in a row handlers can vote to run the clock and provoke a rule change, but the more continuously they test The Director's patience, the more likely a rule change that will lead inevitably to elimination becomes.

Some rules changes may get very unusual or screwy. If this is the case, it will either be publicly noted or affected handlers will be privately warned before it becomes life-or-death for their characters.
Third Example wrote:"You're getting too comfortable. Well, here's the deal: I've deauthorized one of your medallions. Whose? No, no, that would be telling. If you've got the bum one, you'll figure it out when you leave. The doors will open, but... if you walk out without two valid medallions, you're breaking the rules, and that means you'll have to be killed. Fairness, you know."
This rule would see one medallion selected at random to not count towards the release. A character trying to leave using this medallion would instead perish due to the deception—characters could potentially work around it by leaving with three medallions (guaranteeing safety) but if the bad medallion isn't among those three, doing so would reduce the survival opportunities of everyone else.

This rule could be implemented in one of two ways: either the handlers as a collective could be informed of the presence of one defective medallion, then left to figure out what risks to take on their own (including the risk of death if leaving with two medallions). This is a possible outcome. On the other hand, a handler might instead be privately informed, upon their character getting ready to leave, that they have the bad medallion and that they'll die if they continue.

Generally speaking, the goal is for this to be fun, so it'll probably mostly lean towards the direct warning side, but there may be times when handlers are given the chance to roll the dice a little, especially if the game has been dragging a lot. Be ready for either.

Finally, note that rule changes will never single out specific characters by name. If a rule targets just one character, that rule will be applied, both in-character and out-of-character, at random. No rule change will result in instant death without an opportunity to prevent it in some fashion, but the one who holds the power may be the collective rather than the character in danger (if, say, a rule was added that one medallion would become deauthorized every cycle that nobody is eliminated).
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Elimination Posts:

When a character is eliminated, they exit either Stage Left (the lefthand door, leading to freedom) or Stage Right (the righthand door, leading to presumed death). There are special rules on handling this process, which must be followed.

The area immediately beyond both doors is identical. The doors are stainless steel with small windows made from reinforced, bulletproof glass. They slide open when the appropriate character draws near. Beyond the door is a narrow, bare hallway, ten feet long, with an identical door at the other end of the hall. Once the character has passed through the door, it closes behind them and the door at the other end of the hall opens. They are expected to quickly make their way down the hall.

The doors are mostly soundproof, and once the first door is shut loud noises from The Stage will be faint and distant. Past the second door, nothing from the primary area may be heard.

How eliminations are handled depends on if a character is being released or expelled.

If a character is being expelled, they are expected to have their next post following the check-in be their expulsion post. Their post should end no later than when they pass through the second door at the end of the airlock. Beyond that point, they are guided to their presumed doom. The exact manner of their demise is unknown to the contestants. Could be electrocution, some fiendish trap, a firing squad, a gigantic blender—who knows! For the purposes of the story, it doesn't matter and we're not going to see the actual deaths. If there's a future version of this, maybe that mystery will be delved into, but also maybe not. The point is the drama, and cluttering that with gore or technical stuff about death (or, indeed, with traditional SOTF death posts) would be outside the focus of the game.

I will say that the characters who are "killed" are almost certainly actually killed, and if they're not that's also not something we're gonna delve into. They're out of the story, functionally dead, and it's a very bad thing that they probably will be happier avoiding. That's what they (and you!) need to know, and that's what they're heading towards when their final post ends. It is a horror RP, after all!

Released characters have a somewhat better time. A released character's post should also end as or before they pass through the second door, but a released character gets one more post after that, which can detail the exact process of their release, plus a little Epilogue style stuff if the handler wants to do that.

Beyond the second door on the lefthand path is a fork, with a sign directing the character to the left again. If they follow the markings on this hallway, they will eventually reach a small train car on a track in a tunnel. Entering the car, they are whisked away through the pitch black tunnel at high speed, and can tell that they're making a number of swerves and course changes. The car finally stops at a platform with a staircase, and climbing it they emerge in a sprawling and largely derelict warehouse district miles south of the city. Somewhere in the ride, something drains their phone, so they have to walk out and find their way home from there. Characters are dropped off in different parts of the district, though could in theory cross paths. It's impossible to guess where The Stage is relative to the release point, and even if authorities are interested in helping search, there's way too much for them to have any luck.
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Activity And Adoptions:

This game is designed to be fast-paced, and activity expectations are higher than for a typical Mini or AU. Know this going in, and decide if you're up for participating or not.

Activity will be checked every Tuesday, at 11:00 PM Pacific or thereabout. Every character is expected to have had at least one post (comprising at least 100 words of writing) since the previous Tuesday. A character who has not will be put on notice for the next four weeks. If a character who is on notice again misses a post, they will be eliminated by game staff in some fashion or other—typically though not necessarily one that sees their medallion put up for grabs and them shuttled through the righthand door. This may include declaring them fair game for GMed medallion theft.

If you're Away for over half of a given week (4+ days), or for the final two days of a week (Monday/Tuesday, not Saturday/Sunday) you're excused from activity for that week. Ditto if some big disaster hits you right at the end and you explain that in PM or whatever. The point of this isn't to be a jerk, but to keep the game going at a quick pace.

Additionally, due to the limited nature of the cast and the ease with which characters can exit play more or less at any time, there will be no adoptions allowed in this RP. If you want to play, sign up at the start! If you no longer want to play, nab a second medallion or let yours end up in somebody else's hands.

No guest writers will be allowed in this game. Aside from handlers' characters, only The Director and the Stagehands will be in play. All writing will be confined to the game thread; you're welcome to write flashbacks (and you're allowed to get other folks to contribute to these if you want) but any such flashbacks must be entirely within your own posts in the game thread.
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Post Order:

Obviously, with the entire game in one thread, traditional post order will not exist. As a courtesy, please make sure you let at least two other handlers post before you post again, unless at least 48 hours have passed since your last post. Otherwise, please try to keep up and bear in mind that this is intended to be a fast-paced RP. There will likely be a lot of reading involved, and a few scene elements rolling at the same time. Be ready for this going in.
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Gaming The System:

Characters may find opportunities to exploit rules terminology or interactions, test the limits of mechanics, and otherwise use their creativity to outsmart or game the system. Out-of-character, this is totally okay and in fact is encouraged—it makes for a fun story. In-character, how this goes for you will depend on what precisely is done, but generally speaking loopholes will be honored but also are great targets for rule changes, and especially destructive loopholes may be closed immediately. And watch out, because sometimes The Director may set a trap in disguise as something that got overlooked.
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The Stage:

The game room, referred to by The Director as "The Stage," is a bare, square room roughly forty feet on each side. The walls, floor, and ceiling are unpainted concrete—the walls and ceiling are rough and the floor is smooth. On each of the two side walls is a stainless steel sliding door with an inset window. These doors open only as described in the "Eliminations" section.

At the front of the room, behind a reinforced, bulletproof glass panel, is a ten-foot-wide television screen, from which The Director may appear to address the captives. Next to this screen is an analogue clock. It has no numbers on it, but at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions is an emoji face of The Director with stars in her eyes ( :star_struck: ).

At the back of the room, in the righthand corner, is a drinking fountain. Next to it (farther from the corner) is a pay phone, bolted to the wall. The payphone doesn't actually make outgoing calls, but The Director can ring it.

In the lefthand corner, an eight by eight foot square protrudes. This is the bathroom, which has a toilet, a sink, a plunger, a toilet brush, ample toilet paper, and a pump that dispenses that foamy soap. The bathroom door (which opens outwards) has what appears to be a deadbolt, which connects to an "Occupied" / "Unoccupied" sign on the outside, but experimentation will reveal that the deadbolt itself does not function, and the switch simply changes whether the outside of the door marks the bathroom as occupied or not. The ceiling of the bathroom is only about nine feet above the floor, but the protrusion goes all the way up to the ceiling on the outside, so nobody can climb on top of the bathroom.

The bathroom is lit with a bare LED lightbulb on the ceiling, operated by a standard light switch. The lighting in the main room comes from fluorescent bulbs almost twenty feet up.

Aside from a plastic and metal chair of the sort commonly found in schools for each victim, The Stage is otherwise entirely unfurnished.

There must be pretty good cameras and microphones hidden in the ceiling and walls, including in the bathroom, because it seems like The Director can always tell what's going on, but it's more or less impossible to discern where they are.
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The Director:

The Director runs the show from her room, referred to as Backstage.

The Director is a Caucasian woman who looks to be in her early to mid 20s. She's lean and fit, with a round, expressive face. Her wide eyes are dark green, and she has a button nose. She has lilac-dyed hair usually worn in pigtails, and wears dark purple lipstick that makes her lips look fuller than they actually are. At 5'8" or so, she's tall but not abnormally so. She wears silver, star-shaped stud earrings, and has a bright smile.

The director has a number of outfits, but is most commonly seen wearing a dark purple pinstripe sleeveless button-up tanktop with the top button undone to show a little cleavage, and a black and white plaid pleated skirt that falls to mid thigh, with dark purple socks that go to a couple inches below the hem of her skirt .

Her mannerisms are theatrical and emotive but ever so slightly uncanny, almost like a really good VTuber rig, but she's an actual person. Probably.

Backstage usually looks kind of like a cluttered dorm room, but it's definitely greenscreened in so sometimes it's different. The Director has a desk with a bunch of books, papers, and assorted and ever-changing knickknacks on it, including a mug full of pens featuring the same emoji of her face as the clock. She beams her image to the big screen via a webcam on a laptop, and can turn her broadcast on or off at will, unlike the characters, who are always under surveillance. She speaks to the characters from speakers throughout the room.

Unlike hosts in larger games, The Director is sometimes willing to chat with the characters, either from the TV screen at the front of the room or in greater privacy via the payphone, though whether that's something they're happy about remains to be seen. Additionally, she always addresses the entire room every thirty minutes, when the minute hand of the clock points to her face.
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The Director is assisted by Stagehands. Dressed in black from head to toe, wearing cloth hoods that completely obscure their faces, the Stagehands resembled Kuroko from Japanese theatre. They do not speak and do not enter The Stage unless absolutely necessary (to manhandle an uncooperative participant without any medallions through the righthand door, say). The Stagehands are quick, tough, and very obviously have combat training. They don't mess around. From a rules perspective, you can try to screw with the Stagehands if you really, really want to, but if you do that they get to GM you in return and it will probably go poorly for you. You have been warned.

The most commonly seen Stagehand seems to be a young woman roughly 5'8" in height, but there are others. Probably. The Stagehands are probably people, but this is Silicon Valley, so they might also be some sort of crazy experimental robot. It's not like the rest of this is ethical.
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The Organization:

The hows and whys of the kidnapping are not a focus of the RP. There are a few possible answers, but what's true and what isn't is shrouded in mystery (intentionally) and it's unlikely to come up in play. If it does, what's revealed is likely to be untrue.

This is not a solve-the-mystery RP. It's a horror game, and part of the horror is that there are a lot of pieces of the situation the characters have no way to know or understand. There won't be cutaway metaplot stuff like in SC or whatever. Maybe someday in some future version, if this goes well, but maybe not even then. I'm being upfront about that right now so nobody's disappointed, though I do reserve the right to change my mind.

Despite its theatrical name, the happenings on The Stage are not widely publicly broadcast. Everything is recorded, so maybe it's out there somewhere. There's no telling. If it is, though, characters can't find it.

Once the version ends, no trace of The Stage is found, at least not in any reasonable timeframe. Everything vanishes almost like it never was.
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Folks agreed that a quick and rough summary would be useful, so here it is! I will try to update it as each page is completed. Feel free to suggest additions/revisions; this early bit especially may be rough as I knocked it out in 45 minutes on a skim.

Page 1: The game begins. All characters awaken in The Stage, and are greeted by The Director. The cast are confused, and most slowly try to wrap their heads around what's going on, but Kevin Carter quickly pulls out a knife and starts yelling and waving out around, causing significant alarm on the part of other members of the cast.

Page 2: The cast attempts to calm Kevin down and get the knife situation under control. Kevin insinuates that he and Vasya have history. While Kevin remains somewhat belligerent, it becomes more clear that violence is not immediately imminent. Other characters express distress and confusion.

Page 3: After more chaos, The Director cuts in again, asking the assembled characters to settle down and listen. She now more directly explains the predicament, as well as the core conceit: the lefthand door leads to freedom, the righthand one to death. The threat of death leads to renewed panic on the part of some characters, while others still believe the whole thing to be a prank or stunt.

Page 4: The confusion continues, with most characters coming down on one side or the other: either accepting the possibility of their peril being very real, or becoming annoyed at what they perceive as a joke or fake. Several characters begin to smoke, which annoys several others. Eugene attempts to take charge, calling on the rest of the cast to be quiet while also asserting that the game is not real. Kevin and Vasya continue to trade public barbs.

Page 5: The Director continues the explanation, suggesting that everyone sit down. At this point, she reveals that the medallions are the key to escape, and that everyone has one under their chair; the cast quickly retrieve their medallions. There are renewed calls for calm (and to stop smoking) from several corners.

Page 6: Nadia requests a second medallion, as other characters keep securing their own. Vasya and Maria realize that Anna, their crime boss' daughter, is one of those in the room, which complicates their own situation. The Director comes in and explains that everyone will need a second medallion to leave, and that anyone without will be put on notice and meet their end should they fail to secure one in time. She also explains the prohibition on serious violence, under pain of death. Vasya threatens The Director, while others begin plotting how to secure a second medallion.

Page 7: Eugene asks what will happen if someone fails to exit Stage Right when directed. Autumn asks what will happen to the last person, given that there are an odd number in the room. Nadia gives an open request for a second medallion. The Director says that anyone who fails to comply will be forced to do so, and shows a feed of a ninja-like Stagehand dragging what appears to be a bloody body down a corridor before dabbing. While some characters find this convincing, others remain skeptical.

Page 8: A number of small groups start to form. Marcus begins working on Tyler. Nadia, Nana, and Anna clump up for a discussion. Autumn and Gerald begin to talk. Maria and Vasya begin trying to rope Kevin into a scheme. Kevin asks how one can get another medallion without taking them by force.

Page 9: The Director tells the cast they better figure out how to get another, by hook or by crook, if they want to live. She points out the bathroom, water fountain, and payphone, and expresses willingness to answer questions, then cuts the feed. Charlotte enters the bathroom, and finds that it is a fairly normal bathroom. Eugene calls for introductions, which many characters acquiesce to, though some (notably Vasya, Maria, and Marcus) lie or give pseudonyms, partially at Tyler's suggestion. Diana shoves her medallion in her mouth, which catches a lot of attention, with some characters thinking she swallowed it. Rose links up with Jimmy and begins working on manipulating him.

Page 10: Kevin loosely agrees to play ball with the mobsters. Eugene suggests and begins to enact a search of the premises. More introductions are made, while Charlotte sits in the bathroom.

Page 11: More general conversation, groups interacting, introductions, and so forth. Kevin runs into the bathroom to vomit, revealing that the lock does not work. Charlotte, once she gets over her shock, expresses concern for him.

Page 12: More information-gathering, introductions, and scheming. Alma joins the Anna/Nana/Nadia trio, concerned by Diana's behavior. Diana pushes two chairs together and shelters beneath, again drawing attention.

Page 13: More discussions. Jules approaches the water fountain, and speaks with Vasya. Nadia expresses disbelief in the game and offers her medallion to the others.

Page 14: Alma also notes a willingness to give up her medallion. This is overheard by Autumn, who swoops in angling to be the recipient, but Maria also swings in to discourage it, out of fear for what will happen to Anna. Nadia and Alma become more hesitant in the face of the obvious interest.

Page 15: Eugene explores the bathroom, and discovers that, while most of it is unexceptional, a grate/vent on the ceiling may be concealing a passage of some kind—however, it is securely fastened from the other side. Jules takes a sip of water and chokes, prompting brief concerns over its suitability for drinking. Anna brings Diana another chair.

Page 16: Eugene dials 911 on the payphone, and is connected to The Director. They briefly converse, and The Director's cavalier attitude towards the prospect of murder charges shakes his conviction in the game's falsehood. The violence rule is reiterated. Alma suggests that a second medallion should be given to someone trustworthy who can help from the outside—implicitly not Autumn.

Page 17: Vasya and Eugene talk about exploring the vent, possibly via sending Kevin. Kevin immediately blows Vasya's cover re: the fake name, resulting in some scrambling, and also begins to imply that he won't play ball. Malachi and Charlotte observe the room from the side.

Page 18: Charlotte supports Kevin, who is further encouraged to not cooperate with Vasya. Marcus speaks with The Director, feeling out the boundaries of the rules; The Director implies that they can and will change to prevent stagnation.

Page 19: Marcus, Eugene, and Vasya discuss the conversation and the vent. Kevin remains uncooperative.

Page 20: Discussion continues. Kevin calls The Director, while Vasya conveys a secret plan to Maria.

Page 21: Eugene and Marcus decide to test the door by both approaching it at once. Kevin continues to speak with The Director, feeling out technicalities and trying to gain more information. Alma suggests that Nadia could be a good judge of who to send out of the game. Diana expands the chair fort.

Page 22: The door does not open for Eugene and Marcus. Jimmy invades Rose's personal space, and she yells at him for it. The Director declines to disclose information about other participants to Kevin. Autumn accuses Alma of being discriminatory towards her, provoking counterpoints from Nadia and Tyler, the latter more accusatory—Gerald, however, comes to Autumn's defense.

Page 23: The Director provides the first check-in, and no rules change. Autumn's and Alma's argument continues, culminating in Alma giving her own medallion to Nadia, on the condition it not be given to Autumn. This draws the immediate attention of the room at large, with a number of individuals coming up to offer Nadia advice... with varying levels of sincerity and self-interest.

Page 24: All attention concentrates on Nadia. While nobody makes a direct play for her medallion, a number of suggestions are tossed around, including making sure that she leaves with somebody else in tow. Meanwhile, a number of the more proactive and aggressive forces in play take a new tactic, laying low while the decisions play out. Nadia herself is paralyzed with indecision.

Page 25: While attention on Nadia lingers, others turn their focus elsewhere. Rose rebuffs Jimmy's crude advances, Jules and Gerald converse by the water fountain, Charlotte heads for the phone, and Malachi attempts to figure out why Alma gave up her medallion to begin with.

Page 26: Charlotte asks whether, in theory, more medallions could enter play, and is told it's possible but not to count on it. Eugene approaches Alma, offering to let her temporarily hold his medallion if she promises to give it back. Tyler briefly interacts with Shane, who has stayed to the side so far. Others stand by, waiting for something to happen.

Page 27: Alma gently declines Eugene's offer, while Malachi offers to hold the medallion instead. Jimmy and Kevin posture, with tensions rising from across the room, while Vasya and Jules move to solidify an alliance. Then the update arrives, bringing with it several swerves. Along with Alma, Shane is also put on notice, having apparently lost his medallion somehow, and he immediately departs through the righthand door. Then, The Director announces that the first person to leave will be allowed to bring somebody else with them for free.

Page 28: The rule change incites immediate chaos. Tyler moves to schmooze with Nadia, who already has two medallions, but others make their own quick moves. Diana emerges from her hiding place and grabs Charlotte, the two of them making a quick break for the exit, intending to pool their medallions. Autumn calls out the attempt, while searching for a partner of her own. Vasya and Jules try to negotiate, with Vasya telling Jules to take Anna before moving to intercept the girls; he physically engages Diana and Charlotte, attempting to prevent their escape. Kevin, meanwhile, steps in to support the pair.

Page 29: Multiple groups charge the doors. Kevin and Eugene challenge Vasya, while Tyler tries to make a break himself amidst the distraction, tripping Gerald. Nana steps between Jules and Anna, trying to protect the latter (and unaware that Jules intends to help her). General chaos reigns.

Page 30: Vasya is coming out on top of the brawl with Eugene and Kevin. The groups most directly vying for the door in an all-out charge are: Autumn & Gerald, Charlotte & Diana, and Malachi & Alma, with Tyler trying to make his own solo play. Meanwhile, in the wings but potentially looking to team up and find a path not through Vasya are Jules & Anna and Rose & Marcus. The brawl creates mass confusion, with nobody sure who will come out ahead.

Page 31: Maria joins the brawl on Vasya's side. As the chaos continues, nobody is able to reach the door. Some withdraw from the melee, while others double down.

Page 32: Nana confronts Jules, trying to keep him from reaching Anna, and ultimately pepper sprays him. Marcus speaks with The Director, who confirms that the violence hasn't quite crossed the line into "serious" yet. Alma and Eugene stand to the side of the brawl, trying to recover.

Page 33: Marcus' conversation ends. Jules does his best to recover, while Anna is torn on what to do. Rose shelters in the bathroom, while Vasya and Maria take Kevin down for the count.

Page 34: Diana and Charlotte make a final play for the door, but are rebuffed by Vasya and Maria. Nadia attempts to shepherd Anna out the door, as well, while Malachi backs off and Jimmy and Kevin stay down.

Page 35: Autumn and Gerald finally reach the door, but Tyler intervenes, shoving Gerald in an effort to take his place. Vasya, in turn, ejects Tyler, and with Maria's help manages to hustle Anna out of the room. The check-in lands just as the women exit. In the aftermath, Eugene and Alma attempt to help the wounded, while Vasya basks in victory. Marcus, meanwhile, sets a plan of his own in motion, pretending to have been wounded in the fighting.

Page 36: Those who tried for the door and failed grapple with disappointment. Tyler storms off to consult with The Director, while Eugene and Vasya talk. Now that Anna is out, Vasya expresses willingness to cooperate again, and suggests that, should he be released, he'll call in additional help to rescue the others. Eugene remains highly skeptical.

Page 37: Vasya explains himself to Eugene, and proposes a renewed alliance, though receives a noncommittal response. The injured lick their wounds; Diana is not seriously harmed, and Jimmy curses Maria. Kevin wakes up and demands answers, while Gerald begins to seek a token to replace the one that left with Autumn.

Page 38: Diana and Charlotte discuss their brief alliance, and what worked and didn't. Maria taunts Jimmy. Tyler speaks to The Director, and confirms that, properly-executed, his ploy would have worked; he is infuriated anew by its failure. Marcus begins to work Tyler, pretending his own medallion was lost in the scuffle.

Page 39: Eugene retrieves his medallion from Alma. Kevin and Vasya trade barbs, with Vasya revealing that he achieved his primary goal, though Kevin remains unsure what it was. Maria continues to goad Jimmy. Nana coaxes Gerald closer to her.

Page 40: Tyler schemes with Marcus to con Eugene out of his medallion. Nana hands Gerald the spare medallion she came into possession of. Malachi dials The Director but gets a busy tone, while Jimmy seethes at the beatdown he received. The Director pops up onscreen for the check-in, revealing that Jules lost his medallion in the commotion. Jules is shuttled out the righthand door, and The Director announces that now, every hour that passes with no eliminations will see one medallion at random deactivated. She also informs the cast that a medallion is floating around loose. After this, Nana and Gerald begin to hatch a plan in secret, using a text file on Nana's computer to communicate silently.

Page 41: Vasya is too late to stop Jules from leaving. Nadia begins to consider finally departing the room. Many of the participants search for the lost medallion. Marcus begins to work Eugene, pretending to have been injured in the fight and lost his own medallion, while Kevin becomes increasingly irate, demanding to know what happened and moving to confront Vasya. Malachi speaks with The Director, hoping to gain information.

Page 42: The Vasya/Kevin confrontation continues to escalate, with Alma trying to intervene to prevent violence. Nana and Gerald continue to plan. The hunt for the lost medallion continues, and The Director insinuates to Malachi that this is the first time the game has been run.

Page 43: Charlotte also tries to help stop Kevin from throwing himself at Vasya. Eugene discovers the lost medallion, and Marcus starts subtly making a play to be given it. Nadia edges towards the door, but is aggressively called out by Tyler.

Page 44: Jimmy once again puts the moves on Rose. Multiple people try to get Kevin to stand down, but he refuses. Diana moves to encourage Nadia to leave. Kevin hands his flask to Charlotte, and his medallion to Alma, stating his intent to fight Vasya for revenge—he figures either he kills Vasya, or Vasya has to kill him and is ejected for breaking the violence clause. Tyler screeches at Diana, intensifying his guilt trip on Nadia. Eugene gives Marcus the discovered medallion, then moves to assist in the Nadia situation.

Page 45: Nadia tries to justify herself, and is backed up by those around her. Malachi asks The Director for hints on future rules changes or advantages, and she insinuates there may already be an advantage of some kind available. Kevin moves to attack Vasya. Charlotte stands aside, but Alma is unwilling to, repeatedly attempting to prevent the brawl despite being brushed aside. Tyler lunges at Nadia, trying to physically claim her medallion. Rose expresses interest in Jimmy, and the two head towards the bathroom.

Page 46: The struggle between Kevin and Vasya continues. Eugene punches Tyler, allowing Nadia free access to the exit. Marcus shepherds her in that direction. The Director gives the update but is brief, citing the ongoing conflict.

Page 47: Following encouragement from Eugene and Nana, Nadia begins to move towards exiting. She is spurred along by Marcus, who takes the opportunity to exit himself using the spare medallion he secured, leaving Tyler in the lurch. Alma refuses to be kept out of the Kevin/Vasya conflict, while Rose makes out with Jimmy, at the same time planning her next move. Charlotte tries to restrain Maria, with mixed results.

Page 48: Roses pulls a stun gun on Jimmy, zapping him into submission and absconding with his medallion, leaving the weapon behind the toilet. Eugene realizes he's been duped by Marcus, then moves to assist in calming down the brewing brawl. Malachi briefly intercepts Rose.

Page 49: Kevin is temporarily calmed down, though the threat of a resurgence of violence lingers. Alma attempts to distract him by leading him towards the bathroom. Rose points Malachi there as well, promising a tool that could help him, then moves towards the exit.

Page 50: Eugene and Charlotte have a brief conversation. Malachi zips to the bathroom, attempting to prevent anyone else from entering before he can search it. Gerald phones The Director and asks to speak with Autumn, but The Director tells him he'll have to leave to do so. Gerald pushes her, suggesting that those who leave are still being held. Rose exits the room.

Page 51: Gerald speaks to The Director in Chinese. Kevin refuses to be rebuffed and enters the bathroom; upon discovering Jimmy, he drags the man out and ties him up. Malachi secures the stun gun. Diana begins to have a panic attack. Jimmy wakes up and screams at those assembled. The Director places Gerald on hold.

Page 52: The next check-in arrives, and The Director announces that enough medallions remain for only five more to be released. Malachi approaches Eugene. Vasya and Maria discuss the tightening timeline. Kevin shoves his medallion back into Alma's hands, then charges Vasya again.

Page 53: Alma attempts to follow Kevin, but is intercepted by Eugene. Nana slips into the bathroom. The showdown resumes, with Charlotte again trying to intervene. Nana exits the bathroom and speaks to Gerald.

Page 54: Nana admits that there is no easy way out after all, then points Gerald towards the bathroom. Inside, he finds her pepper spray. Eugene leads Alma around the edge of the room. The fighting continues.

Page 55: Nana makes her exit—it is revealed that she figured out that Shane's medallion was still hidden in the bathroom, and that she managed to recover it. As the showdown continues, Eugene asks Alma to trust him, then hands her his medallion and shoves her through the door before she can react.

Page 56: The fight is interrupted as Eugene shouts for attention while brandishing a chair. He declares his intent to resist the game rather than continuing to play along with the proceedings. Kevin and Vasya are at least willing to listen, but Kevin especially is uneasy about the idea of a truce, and Vasya privately plans to eliminate Kevin regardless. Several others declare willingness to play along.

Page 57: As discussion over the proposed revolt continues, Vasya tosses Maria his medallion, and she departs. Kevin makes an attempt to catch her but is too slow, and even those who've previously been on his side disapprove, Charlotte slapping him and telling him off. Kevin yells at the others, unsure what to do, while Vasya gloats.

Page 58: The tension mounts, but finally breaks, Kevin seemingly deciding to aid the others, though his reasons are unclear. Jimmy demands to be unbound. The Director gives the check-in, encouraging those in the room to play along while seemingly not expecting them to do so. Charlotte speaks to Diana, suggesting that she'll give Diana her medallion. Eugene rallies the troops, planning to use Jimmy as bait and bushwhack the stagehands upon arrival.

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