Ancient TV2 RPGMaker Game Design Doc Dump

This is the board to discuss and plan for SOTF-TV, both the actual games and related lore projects.
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Ancient TV2 RPGMaker Game Design Doc Dump


Post by MurderWeasel »

Way, way back in the day, I tried to adapt TV2 into an RPGMaker game. After a good long while, I completed a demo showing the Whittree abduction and briefing. I made it about 2/3 of the way through designing the island, then slowly lost focus and never got through much more. The big lesson I learned (which I carried into my next goofy TV2 project) is I'm much better at writing stuff than designing video game areas.

But I'd actually done a lot more prep for the TV2 game than what went into the demo, and since it's pretty clear now, half a decade later, that it's unlikely to be finished any time soon, and since some folks have expressed interest, I'm dumping the rest of it here.

If you have specific questions about any of this, you can ask, but odds are very good I will not remember. It's been a long time since I messed with this.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

[+] Game Outline
Exposition on the world. Quick, succinct, functional—the goal is merely to introduce the world.

Michael arrives at school late, only to find that the teacher is later. Michael may mill around the classroom if he so desires, speaking to all the other Whittree students. He finally sits down and the teacher arrives.

The teacher is accompanied by a man in a suit and a pair of guards. The man in the suit informs the class that they have been selected for SOTF and are to be taken immediately. The students are marched out of the room.

We cut to a briefing room. There, Michael is tied to a chair. He looks around in confusion for a moment, and then his attention is drawn to the front of the room, where Patrick Buckley comes onto the stage. He gives a speech explaining the basic mechanics of the game, including the multiple schools, teams, danger zones, and the ten-kill rule. He also tells the students what to expect in their packs, and introduces Ritzy Daggers, the in-game announcer for the season.

Briefing complete, he announces that the students will be rendered unconscious and spread throughout the arena. The gas flows in, and Michael slowly blacks out.


From here out, each act covers a twelve-hour span. An act ends when either a. Michael rests or b. he achieves a certain number of kills (two or three? What's better?). Certain characters appear in every act until killed (including the primary antagonists, Vahka, Jewel, and Cathryn) and important supporting characters/Endgamers (Yagmur, Corin, AnArchy, etc.). Other characters appear only in acts in which they are relevant and/or die.

Acts are broken down by area. One area is closed off with each announcement except the last, which removes two so that only the Casino remains. Certain events may be triggered based on the presence of party members in phases after the first.

ACT 1:

The Tower: *Vahka stands outside the tower, and if approached informs Michael that there's someone crazy holed up at the top. He suggests that if Michael's crazy enough he go up and talk to him. Michael can do so or can leave.

Taylor is at the top of the tower decked out in his dress. If approached, he showboats considerably. He also suggests that he is aware of and not too positively inclined towards Vahka. If Michael is threatening, Taylor threatens right back. If Michael actually attacks, Taylor kills them both with a grenade.

Otherwise, Michael is free to leave at any time. On his way out, however, if he talks to Vahka again, Vahka will state that he's going after Taylor and enter the tower. If Michael follows again, he witnesses the confrontation. Taylor threatens Vahka, who is nonchalant. When Taylor whips out the grenade, however, Vahka charges him, sending him flying off the roof to his death. At this point, Taylor's corpse may be found on the ground outside the tower. Vahka takes Taylor's belongings and leaves, warning Michael not to mess with him as he's in a bad mood.

* Inside the tower, Riley may be found hiding out. If confronted, she attempts to leave. Interfering may result in a fight and light damage to Michael; Riley may not be killed at this point.

*Near the tower, Lily may be found. She informs Michael that she's searching for Dougie, and asks if Michael has seen him. Michael can either tell the truth and say he has not, lie and tell her an incorrect location, or menace her; in any event, Lily leaves to continue her search.

The Orchard/Nature Walk: *Cathryn, Naomi, and Christopher are camped on the outskirts of the area. Naomi and Christopher are clearly more of a unit, with Cathryn feeling the odd one out. If Michael is kind to Cathryn, he learns that she is focused on survival and sees the couple as a good method of protection; her stance is generally pragmatic rather than moral. Naomi and Christopher become somewhat suspicious if Michael is too nice to Cathryn, and suggest that it would be best for him to leave.

On the other hand, if Michael is rude or dismissive towards Cathryn or is nice towards Naomi and Christopher, he can find out that they're a couple stuck on different teams, and that they plan to both survive via Naomi getting ten kills and Christopher winning the conventional way. They're keeping Cathryn around both as protection and as potential easy prey later on. They suggest Michael leave, saying they like him and don't want to have to kill him themselves.

*Elsewhere, Tucker, Regina, and Bunny can be found. They are looking for Paisley, Tucker's cousin. While Tucker is almost solely focused on finding Paisley, and will shrug off most attempts to direct discussion elsewhere, the girls both seem caught up in the game to varying degrees. Bunny has fully embraced her costume and seems to be amping up her actions for the camera. Regina, on the other hand, is oddly detached; she inquires about Vahka, but regardless of whether Michael claims to know nothing or reports on Vahka's violent behavior, her response is largely blase. She seems to tell Michael what he wants to hear, no matter what tact he takes with her.

The Hotel: The hotel has four floors. The ground floor is the lobby, which also includes a rear exit to a small porch. The three upper floors are full of rooms. Events transpire in the bottom three floors; the top floor hides an easter egg in the form of an encounter with TV1's Shawn Morrison.

*On the third floor, Gabriel has killed Lucy as the result of a fierce fight. He himself has been critically wounded, however. He'll briefly tell his story, including that he had a fight with Davis, but mostly wants to be left alone. If Michael is kind, Gabriel will eventually just continue asking to be left alone. However, if Michael is aggressive, Gabriel will revive enough to threaten him back. Michael can attack and kill Gabriel, either after threatening him or without warning. If he provided Gabriel with warning, Gabriel will wound Michael in retaliation; otherwise, it's a clean kill. If Gabriel is left alone, he perishes from his wounds in Act 2, having made his way to the front of the hotel.

*In the lobby of the hotel, Corin is looking for supplies. He's relieved to meet a teammate in Michael, but also is wary of linking up with him. Corin states that he has some things to do before he can think of really teaming up. If Michael is understanding, Corin suggests that they will be allies later. On the other hand, if Michael is threatening or pressures Corin, he states that that's exactly why he's not teaming up with anyone yet, assigned teammate or no.

Restaurants: *In one of the restaurants, Austin is lying dead on the ground, Lucia standing nearby. She seems to be in a daze. If confronted, she claims that Austin threatened to kill her. If Michael is sympathetic and does not directly accuse her of killing him, she admits that she shot him, claiming self-defense. If Michael accuses her of killing Austin, she denies it and claims someone else shot him, saving her; she did not see who it was. If Michael takes a hostile tone with her, she flees without elaborating, potentially shooting at Michael in the process. In any event, she departs the restaurants, and the act, after the conversation.

*Meanwhile, outside, The Escape Group has assembled. Caroline, Anzu, Ashley, and Sarah B are all discussing what to do to escape the game. All chime in, but what they say depends on who is approached.

Caroline seems the most certain that she has a plan, but is cagey about what it is. She does not trust Michael, but is polite. If Michael is super charming, he can get her to say that she wants to fiddle with a corpse's collar. If Michael volunteers that he knows the location of a corpse, though, she gets nervous again and won't talk further.

Ashley is off. She interjects strange things, and Sarah and Anzu express concern about her. If Michael is nice to her, she happily shares whatever she happens to be thinking of. If he is rude but not threatening, Ashley gets aggressive and needs to be calmed down.

Sarah B is level-headed. She expresses some desire to make sure they all escape, but is also thinking about what to do if they fail. She is also trying to keep Anzu calm.

Anzu is concerned with Valerie, and is a little upset that the rest aren't making finding her more of a priority.

Certain dialogue choices may trigger Asa roaming through and telling all involved that they're idiots for even contemplating escape.

*In another restaurant, Nina is hanging around. She's quite disconsolate, as she's been robbed by Vahka. She provides warnings to Michael but says she can't trust him since he's not on her team, and asks to be left alone.

The Ice Palace: *In a back room, a bloody Marcus may be found. If queried, he states that he was attacked by his friend, Vahka, who broke his hand. Marcus can't understand why a. Vahka hurt him in the first place and b. he didn't kill him. If Michael is threatening, Marcus cowers and flees, potentially being injured further still in the process. If Michael is more conciliatory, Marcus cheers up, but becomes somewhat creepy and possessive. He asks if Michael will stay with him. If Michael says no, Marcus thanks him for being kind and leaves. If Michael agrees, Marcus will kill him.

*Outside the Ice Palace, Leah is resting. When Michael talks with her, Damion approaches and attempts to steal Leah's pack. Michael may stand by, in which case Leah kills Damion; attack Damion, in which case Michael gets the kill; or use the distraction to attack Leah, killing her himself. If Michael stands by, Leah runs away, unable to cope with what she's done. If he kills Damion, she gets super nervous around him and flees. If he kills her, Damion remarks that he's ruthless, then takes a swing at Michael and runs.

If Michael remains neutral, after the fight Isabel may be found nearby. She's horrified by what has transpired, and admits that she and Damion, as teammates, hatched the robbery plan together. She blames herself and cannot be consoled.

*Bella may be found wandering inside the Ice Palace. She's not really sure how to take the game, and asks Michael to keep an eye out for some of her friends.

The Casino: *Here, Gene is wandering around inside. He's already amped up, and tries to threaten Michael into handing over all his possessions. If Michael does so, Gene thinks him a pushover and attacks, potentially killing him. If Michael stands up for himself, he has to actually rough Gene up a bit, at which point Gene will freak out and beg for mercy. Whatever Michael chooses, Gene manages to wriggle away.

*In back, Sarah M is examining her costume. She complains about him walking in on her. Michael can give her grief about being so exposed in the middle of winter, can talk politely with her, or can attack. Sarah is rather helpless and can be easily killed.

*Finally, Forrest may be found outside. He's looking for his team, somewhat confused.

Transportation Center: *This is where Michael awakens, outside. He blinks himself awake, then states that he needs to figure out how he's going to approach the game. He muses over whether he should find his team and whether he can possibly play.

*Vincent may be found very near Michael's starting place. Vincent greets Michael, offers him some advice, and gives him a chance to talk through his plans. Vincent states that at this stage of the game, he is not a threat to Michael as long as Michael is not a threat to him, but rather ominously implies this may change. Vincent serves as an introduction at this point, and will react to hostility or kindness in kind, and will fight back if attacked, inflicting light damage upon Michael before fleeing.

*Inside is one of the first major encounters. Alice is freaking out, and is faced with Will, Brendan, and Isaiah. Will is also nervous, and upon seeing Michael he flees.

This encounter must be navigated extremely carefully for Isaiah to survive; any misstep will result in his being killed by Alice. Any aggressive actions from Michael will result in Alice firing upon Isaiah and then fleeing. Michael must talk Brendan into leaving to calm the situation down, then must talk to Alice and attempt to calm her. Even then, Isaiah will approach, spooking her. If Michael dives in between them, he will save Isaiah but will be injured by the crossbow bolt. If he does not, Isaiah will die.

Alice flees, with Michael able to express either sympathy or anger—she's not listening. If Isaiah survives, he'll offer to join Michael, since they share a team. Isaiah is a fairly unparticular party member. He'll give his thoughts and follow Michael's lead. If Michael would die at any point, Isaiah will jump in the way and take the hit for him, perishing in his stead. Isaiah may follow Michael until endgame, but only if he's the only party member with Michael.

Theater: *The theater is the site of the first kills of the game. Upon entering the area as a whole, Michael will hear a scream from the inside of the building. If he goes to investigate, he finds Davis dead, Jewel standing over him, and Colin and Lisa there, horrified. Lisa tries to argue Davis' bag away from Jewel, who in response kills her. She then turns her attention to Colin and Michael.

If Michael takes the initiative, Jewel's attention remains solidly on him. If he remains silent, she is focused on Colin. Michael can be threatening, conciliatory, or inquisitive. Jewel laughs off threats, pointing out that she holds all the cards. She toys with Michael if he expresses fear or curiosity. In any event, the day is saved by Yagmur, who turns up with a gun and forces Jewel to negotiate.

She offers to let Colin go immediately, and take Michael with her to the door to make sure Yagmur doesn't shoot her. Yagmur agrees. Colin immediately runs away, and Jewel takes Michael to the door. There, she briefly mulls over shooting him anyways, but instead releases him. Yagmur says he's going off to try to find Colin and make sure he's okay, and leaves the area.

*Behind the theater are AnArchy and friends. Her party consists of Shawn, Matt, and Eden. AnArchy is loud, boisterous, and wants to be in total control. She calls herself queen, and whatever Michael does, she tries to shove him around. She has no fear.

Shawn is a bit more grounded. He'll confide in Michael that he's AnArchy's boyfriend, that she's always way over the top, and that he's trying to make sure nothing bad happens to her or her state of mind. If Michael's polite, Shawn suggests that he should not stay with the group; if he's rude or aggressive, Shawn insists. Shawn does let on that he's a magician, and will perform a simple trick upon request. He's clearly under AnArchy's sway.

Eden is quiet, kind, yet naive. She admits that she's terrified and suggests that she's thinking about leaving the group but hasn't mustered the courage yet.

Matt is very sarcastic and breaks the fourth wall. He complains that in the REAL story, he has his own group and their plan is much better than what AnArchy has come up with. He states that he's just here to replace someone else, but that while they were the voice of reason, Matt is in fact the opposite, so there can be no reason here.

ACT 2:

The Orchard/Nature Walk:

The Hotel:

Restaurants: From this point until the end of the game, Amir may be found upstairs in one of the restaurants. He caught his leg on a patch of bad floor, and is stuck. The way to the upstairs is semi-hidden.

Amir's level of upset and desperation increases with each phase, but this changes only the dialogue, not the end result. Whatever Michael does, Amir will die as a result of his injury. He will ask Michael to help free him. Michael may agree, refuse, or kill Amir on the spot. If Michael agrees, at various points during pulling Amir will insist that Michael keep going, even as Michael notices that Amir's leg is being shredded. Michael receives multiple opportunities to stop. If Lukas is in the party, he will exhort Michael to leave Amir, arguing that he's clearly crazy and doomed and that by playing into the drama, Michael is aiding the game. If Zoe is in the party, she suggests Michael kill Amir off the bat, and then pushes him to keep pulling, realizing that doing so seals Amir's fate.

If Michael goes all the way, Amir is freed but his leg is left shredded and he quickly bleeds to death. Michael is credited for the kill. If Michael stops, Amir becomes extremely irate and pulls his own leg free, again shredding it and leading to his death, but it's instead credited as an accident.

The Ice Palace:

The Casino:

Transportation Center:


ACT 3:

The Orchard/Nature Walk:

The Hotel:


The Ice Palace:

The Casino:

Transportation Center:


ACT 4:

The Orchard/Nature Walk:

The Hotel:


The Ice Palace:

The Casino:

Transportation Center:


ACT 5:

The Orchard/Nature Walk:

The Hotel:


The Ice Palace:

The Casino:

Transportation Center:


ACT 6:

The Orchard/Nature Walk:

The Hotel:


The Ice Palace:

The Casino:

Transportation Center:


ACT 7:

The Casino:

If Michael dies in Endgame, there's a brief epilogue covering Corin's victory. Otherwise, if he dies at any point it's a simple game over.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

[+] Team Roster
Alice Young 1, ACT 5, CATHRYN 1-5? GOLD
Angie Hart 2, ACT 3, MARCUS PURPLE
Anzu Sakamoto 1, ACT 6, SUICIDE ORANGE
Ashley Namath 1, ACT 5, SARAH B GREEN
Bunny Barlowe 1, ACT 3, GENE ORANGE
Caroline Leveson 1, ACT 3, ASHLEY YELLOW
Dougie Sharpe 2, ACT 6, SUICIDE PINK
Forrest Doe 1, ACT 2, ? WHITE
Jewel Evans 1, ACT 6, RELEASE BLACK
Leah Bissard 1, 2 ACT 2, LUCIA PINK
Lily Ashburg 1, ACT 5 (6), JEWEL PURPLE
Marcus Redder 1, ACT 5, VAHKA YELLOW
Nina Riddhi 1, ACT 4, CATHRYN WHITE
Paisley Hopkins 2, ACT 4, BELLA YELLOW
Regina Aston 1, ACT 5, VAHKA BLUE
Sarah Bourne 1, ACT 5, ASHLEY GREEN
Tucker Hopkins 1, ACT 6, ISABEL YELLOW
Vahka Basayev 1, ACT 5, YAGMUR BROWN
Valerie Fitzroy 2 ACT 2, GENE PURPLE
Vincent Holway 1, ACT 3, VAHKA GREEN
Zoe Walker 2, ACT 6, CATHRYN RED YES

Amir al-Asad 2, 3, 4, 5 ACT 5, ACCIDENT 2-5 WHITE
Anastasia Arcadia 1, 2, 3 ENDGAME, CORIN ENDGAME ORANGE
Asa Rosen 1, ACT 4, JEWEL BLUE
Austin White 1 ACT 1, LUCIA GREEN
Bella Binachi 1, ACT 6, CORIN BLUE
Brendan O'Toole 1, ACT 4, JEWEL ORANGE
Christopher Schwartz 1, 2 ACT 2, JEWEL GREEN
Colin Pigeon 1, ACT 4, ASHLEY WHITE
Damion Castillo 1, 2 ACT 1, LEAH GOLD
Davis Todd 1 ACT 1, JEWEL PURPLE
Eden Bishop 1, ACT 3, Jewel PURPLE
Erik Lowell 2 ACT 2, JEWEL BROWN
Gabriel Munez 1, 2 ACT 2, FATIGUE PINK
Gene Steward 1, ACT 3, BELLA GOLD
Isabel Santana 1, ACT 6, LUCIA GOLD
Isaiah Hall 1, potentially 2-7 ACT 1, ALICE RED YES
Lisa Toner 1 ACT 1, JEWEL PINK
Lucia del Pirlo 1, ACT 6, CATHRYN BLACK
Lucy Williams 1 ACT 1, GABRIEL BLACK
Lukas Graves 2, ACT 4, SUICIDE RED YES
Matthew Weiss 1, ACT 2, ? YELLOW
Naomi Young 1, 2 ACT 2, JEWEL BROWN
Ramon Fuentes 2 ACT 2, CORIN BROWN
Riley Parker 1, 2 ACT 2, ? WHITE
Sarah Miller 1, 2 ACT 2, ? BLACK
Shawn Thornton 1, 2, 3 ACT 3, JEWEL ORANGE
Taylor DeVasher 1 ACT 1, VAHKA BLACK
Will Brackenrig 1, ACT 3, GENE BROWN

Teacher *
SOTF-TV Executive*
Two Soldiers *
Patrick Buckley*
Ritzy Daggers*
Shawn Morrison*

RED: 5


Sarah M
Sarah B


Jewel Kills:

The Tower
The Orchard/Nature Walk
The Hotel
The Ice Palace
The Casino
Transportation Center

Act 1 Deaths:
Isaiah (Preventable)

Act 2 Deaths:
Sarah M

Act 3 Deaths:

Act 4 Deaths:

Act 5 Deaths:
Sarah B

Act 6 Deaths:
Jewel (Sorta)

Endgame Deaths:

All-Game Arcs:



Team Escape (Ashley, Anzu, Caroline, Sarah B)
A lot of this may be incoherent—I hadn't finished figuring out when characters were killable, and there was some notable team shuffling due to the smaller roster.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

[+] Demo Script Part 1
TV2 Game Script:


Shortly after the turn of the millennium, the entertainment industry was in a slump.

Reality television was the subject of wide derision, ridiculed as fake and preposterous.

A major entertainment conglomerate on the verge of bankruptcy came up with a last-ditch idea:

A televised to-the-death gladiatorial event, where ordinary people would fight until only one survived.

This drew the attention of investors, and, improbably, lobbyists were able to secure government sanction.

High school students were chosen for legal reasons and for broad appeal.

The show was a massive hit.

While there was some outcry and protest, it was stifled quickly, and the game became an institution.

It is now fifteen years later.

The show, Survival of the Fittest (SOTF for short) is approaching its sixty-sixth season.

After a recent decline in ratings, several new mechanics have been added.

Students are divided into teams, with each team allowed to share victory.

Also, the first person to attain ten kills in any season is released as a reward.

These changes have revitalized the show and brought it to greater heights of prominence than ever before.


DECEMBER 16: Whittree, Oklahoma

Michael: I can't believe I'm late! Mr. Morgan will never let me hear the end of this.


He doesn't seem to be here yet. Everyone's talking and goofing off.

I can talk to my classmates, or I can sit and wait.

My desk is the third from the door in the back row, between Vincent and Forrest.

Conversations may be had with all WHITTREE STUDENTS


(Alice looks up from her book.)

Alice: Um... H-hey.

Do you... need something?

(She's so shy. How does she function in everyday life?)

"No, sorry."/"I'm just saying hi."

"No..." > O-okay.

(Alice turns back to her book.)

"I'm..." > O-oh.


(Alice turns back to her book.)


(Alice is reading her book. It's a fantasy novel.)


Angie: Hey, Michael. What's up?

"Just saying hi." / "How are you doing?"

*"Just..." > Hey! It's great we get to chat.

This is a lot more fun than analyzing books.

Um... what were we supposed to read last night, anyways?

"Half of Hamlet." / "I'm not telling."

**"Half..." > Oh no! I haven't even started.

Mr. Morgan's going to be so mad if he finds out.

Where is he, anyways? It's not like him to be so late.

AFTER: Angie: I hope nothing happened to Mr. Morgan.

**"I'm not..." > Oh, Michael, why do you have to be so mean?

No, it's my fault. I should have paid more attention.

I don't think I'll fail. I'll just have to do better next time.

AFTER: Angie: I should write the assignments down.

*"How are..." > I'm good! Yesterday was a really good day.

I finished a painting and put the video up on my channel.

I really think I might be able to make something out of it.

"Good luck." / "Don't get your hopes up."

**"Good luck." > Thanks, Michael.

Even if I never make any money from it, at least some people watch me.

It makes me feel good. There are so many nice people out there.

AFTER: Angie: Hm... What should I paint next?

** "Don't..." > Sigh... I know.

There are so many people out there who want to make art a career, and I bet most of them are better than me.


It doesn't hurt to dream, right?

AFTER: Angie: I wonder what's taking the teacher so long?


Anzu: So I'm thinking if we change the time signature during your solo after the third verse...

Valerie: Mm hm?

Anzu: We can—oh, hey, Michael.

We're making some adjustments to our songs, since Mr. Morgan is running so late.

We might as well do something productive with our time.

"You're in a band?" / What do you play?" / "Is that really productive?" / "Have fun with that."

*"You're in..." > Yes, with Valerie, Caroline, and Sarah.

We're called Scarlet Devil Mansion.

One of the others can tell you more if you're interested.

*"What do..." > I play the bass.

It's an important role, but not a flashy one.

I'm not surprised you didn't know.

*"Is working..." > It's as productive as most other things I could be doing.

And certainly more productive than asking questions about a band.

No offense.

*"Have fun..." > Thanks. I will.

AFTER: (Anzu is talking with Valerie about how to improve the bassline during the solo.)


Ashley: Yo, Michael.

I'm glad we have free time.

Even if I'm not doing much with it.

"Yeah." / "What are you doing?"

*"Yeah." > I think Anzu and the band are getting ready for a concert.

Or they had one recently.

I can't keep track of it all. I'm her friend, not her drummer.

*"What..." > I'm watching Anzu talk with her band.

Which I'm not in.

"Okay." / "Does that make you mad?"

**"Okay." > Yeah. Okay.

**"Does..." >No. Why would it make me mad?

I don't mind that Anzu hath other freindth.

And bethideth...

I don't play any inthrumenth—any instruments.

It just geth kind of boring when that'th all they talk about.

AFTER: (Ashley is watching the band talk about music. She looks bored.)


Bunny: Hey, Michael. How are you?

(I can't believe her parents actually named her Bunny.)

"I'm okay." / "Not doing so great."

*"I'm okay." > I'm glad to hear it.

I'm having a great time too.

*"Not doing..." > Oh no! I'm really sorry.

I'll try not to be annoying.

I'm just really happy right now.

*<paths converge> The reading last night was great, and there was a wonderful SOTF recap on to set up the new season.

"What did you like about the reading?" / "Tell me about the SOTF recap." / "You're annoying me."

*"What did.." > Why, any aspiring actress would be thrilled to read Hamlet.

It's a total classic.

'To be, or not to be, that is the question: whether 'tis...'

Uh, I can't remember how the rest goes.

We haven't gotten to that part yet, have we?

*"Tell me..." >Oh, it was a recap of highlights from recent seasons.

Most of it focused on Season 65, of course.

Because the year or so before that sucked.

They showed some of the funniest and messiest deaths.

Like when Todd ate those mushrooms he found and took off all his clothes and...

(Bunny giggles.)

Anyways, they also went through all ten of Karen's kills, and talked about how her tactics were unconventional.

And they had some professor of something or other talk about the socio-economic implications of Shawn and Mason leaving who won to chance.

But that part was actually pretty boring.

"You're annoying..." > I'm sorry!

I just can't help myself. Everything's really great.

AFTER: Bunny: I'm just really cheerful.

Today is going to be a good day!


Caroline: I'm still a little nervous. We'll be in front of a lot of people.

What if I forget a word?

Sarah: You'll do great.

You always do.

And besides, people miss words all the time and nobody cares.

Caroline: I don't know. I want to make sure I do a really good job.

This is big for us. This may be our chance to get noticed.

And people will be paying to listen to us.

It'd be awful if—oh, Michael, hello.

Sarah and I are working on our setlist.

We've got a half hour gig in two weeks. It could be our big break.

"You're in a band?" / "What do you play?" / "Can I come see you?" / "Good luck."

*You're in..." > Yep!

We're called Scarlet Devil Mansion.

We're named after a video game Sarah likes.

I've never played it, though.

It's about witches fighting monsters or something.

It makes a cool band name, though, and if Sarah's happy then so am I.

*"What do..." > We mostly play this sort of pop punk style.

But we also do some covers of music from the games.

It's pretty good music, I guess.

Oh, did you mean me personally?

I don't play anything.

I'm the singer!

I started out in the school choir, but it's more fun being the lead singer of a band.

It's a lot more stressful too, though.

*"Can I..." > Oh! That would be lovely.

I don't think we get any free tickets, though, so you'd have to pay to get in.

It's going to be about ten bucks, I think.

It's really a pretty small concert, but bigger than anything we've ever done before.

The band we're opening for actually has a few albums out, even!

I hope I see you there.

*"Good luck." > Thanks! I'm a little nervous.

I know there'll be other concerts, but this is our biggest yet, you know?

And I really want to do a good job for all our fans.

Well, and for everyone else who comes too.

We don't really have that many fans yet.

AFTER: (Caroline is talking with Sarah about which songs to play at their show.)


(Cathryn is browsing the internet on her phone. When she notices you, she looks annoyed.)

Cathryn: Yes?

"Hey, Cathryn." / "What're you doing?" / "Where's Mr. Morgan?" / "Sorry to bother you."

*"Hey, Cathryn." > Hi, Michael.

Do you need something?

"Yes." / "No."

**"Yes." > Okay. That's not useless at all.

Oh wait.



What do you need?

"What was the reading?" / "Why are you so cranky?" / "Actually, nothing." / "Want to go on a date?"

***"What was..." > The reading?

Well, the syllabus, for starters.

You know, that sheet of paper we got at the start of the year?

The one that lays out the schedule for the entire term?

Yeah, if you read that, you'll know what else we had to read.

Though I guess I can give you a hint.

It's one of the most famous works of English literature.

Does that narrow it down enough?

Not that it matters, since you totally don't have time to read it before Mr. Morgan shows up.

But why don't you go try?

You know, somewhere else.

***"Why are..." > Oh, I don't know.

Maybe because I had a kind of bad morning?

And then you helped things by coming along and bugging me when I was trying to calm down before class started.

So, you know what?

If you don't want me to be 'cranky,' why don't you just leave me alone?

***Actually, nothing. > **"No."

***"Want to go..." > Um... are you serious?

No. Don't answer that.

The answer is no.

I don't like you, Michael.

I don't particularly dislike you, either.

But I definitely don't like you.

So let's pretend you're just joking to bother me.

Ha ha. So funny. Not.

So why don't you leave me alone now?

**"No." > Wow.

This has been a great conversation, and not a total waste of time.

Oh wait.

Why don't you go not need anything somewhere else?

Instead of looming over me like a gargoyle.

*"What're you..." > Using my phone.


Are you super bored or something?

"Yes." / "No." / "Why do you ask?"

**"Yes." > I can tell.

Go be bored at someone else.

I'm sure they'll appreciate it more.

**"No." > So why are you bothering me when I'm sitting here minding my own business?

Do you get your kicks irritating people?

"Yes." / "No." / "..."

***Yes or No > That was a rhetorical question, genius.

... > nothing

Well, whatever.

Why don't you go do whatever it is that entertains you somewhere else?

**"Why do..." > You know what? You're right.

I have no idea why I asked, when it's stupidly obvious you're on the verge of dying of boredom.

So how about you go do that somewhere else?

Over in the corner by the broom, say?

*"Where's..." > Not here, obviously.

Beyond that, I have almost no idea.

The only thing I know less is why you looked at this classroom absolutely full of people...

And decided I was the one to come bother about this.

What did I do to deserve such a fate?

'Oh, Cathryn, oracle of the gods, tell me whence shall Mr. Morgan return!'

I've got no clue.

I don't think anyone else will, either. But why don't you go ask them all anyways?

I'm sure they'll totally appreciate that.

*"Sorry..." > Oh, yeah, no problem.

You're just like, 'Hey, Cathryn, I'm just gonna stand here looking at you.'

And I'm like, 'Uh, hi, Michael. Do you need something, or are you just being a creep?'

'Oh, sorry to bother you.'

Well, whatever.

I'm glad you're sorry.

AFTER: Cathryn: Piss off, Michael.

I don't want to talk to you right now.


Corin: Hey, Michael.

Is there something you wanted to talk about?

"Not really." / "The reading." / "SOTF." "Tell me about yourself."

*"Not really." > Yeah, you're right.

We should probably just chill and wait for Mr. Morgan to turn up.

*The reading > Ah, yes, Hamlet.

It's my first time reading it.

What did you think?

"It was good." / "It sucked." / "It was hard." / "What did you think, Corin?"

**"It was good." > Yeah, I thought so too.

There's a reason it's such a classic.

The conflict between Hamlet's yearning for death and his need to carry out his duty is fascinating.

And there's a real feeling of fear motivating him.

"That's really insightful." / "I think you're wrong."

***"That's really" > Thanks, Michael.

It'll be interesting to discuss it as a class when Mr. Morgan arrives.

***"I think" > Yeah, you're probably right.

I've only read the first half of the play, so I haven't figured everything out yet.

I was just sort of running my mouth without thinking. Sorry!

**It sucked. > I totally agree.

I don't know why they make us read all this old stuff.

It's not relevant or interesting.

Hamlet's character is all over the place.

Why does he trust the ghost? Why does he go crazy?

"He's super inconsistent." / "I think he's faking."

***"He's super" > Yeah, I think that's what gives me the most trouble about this.

There's no cohesion.

I hope we read something good next time.

***"I think" > Oh, actually, you're totally right.

I don't know how I didn't catch it the first time.

Thanks for pointing that out, Michael. You're smart.

**It was hard. > Wasn't it?

It's like, all this language he uses probably made sense in the sixteenth century.

But nowadays, who knows a 'thee' from a 'thou?'

"Or a 'thine.'" / "The content was harder."

***"Or a" > Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Who can keep track of all that?

***"The content" > Oh, yeah, don't get me started on the content.

I can't even tell what's going on half the time.

And that's nothing to do with the language. It's just incoherent.

**What did > Oh, I didn't have any strong feelings about it either way.

I haven't finished it yet, so I don't really have a good picture of the work, you know?

We'll see what I think after we talk about it today and I get to read the rest.

*SOTF > Of course. The most popular show on air.

Half the class is talking about that special that was on last night.

What do you think about SOTF?

"I love it." / "It's sick." / "I don't watch it." / "Why do you ask?"

**"I love it." > It's really great, isn't it?

There's so much drama, and it's never predictable.

What's your favorite part of SOTF?

"The violence." / "The romance." / "The psychology." / "The escape attempts."

***Violence. > Right?

There's so much action all the time.

The collars and danger zones are brilliant, since they keep people moving.

That way, there's always a reason to fight.

And, oh man, the picture quality and angles they manage to get...

***Romance. > Hey, me too!

It's so powerful and sad.

I don't know what's better: the couples who are together from the start, or the ones who hook up during the game.

And when things get steamy sometimes...

***Psychology > Yeah, it's the best.

You really get to know a lot about the contestants and who they are.

It's like that old saying about how you don't truly know someone until you see them in mortal danger.

It's really interesting how many different reactions people have to the same basic situation.

And don't get me started on how weapons play into it...

***Escapes > Heck yeah. Escapes are the best.

There's nothing quite like when contestants try to break the system.

It's always so suspenseful, wondering if they'll manage to make it work.

The sacrifices on the way are so powerful.

At the end of the day, whether they succeed or fail, well...

CONVERGE: And what's your favorite season?

"Season 3" / "Season 37" / "Season 65" / "Can't decide"

***3 > Ah, me too!

You can't go wrong with the classics.

Season 3 was when the show really hit its stride.

They got everything down to a science.

And Kenny had so much charisma.

It really is the best season.

***37 > I totally agree. No winner can compete with Jared.

Everyone wrote him off at the start.

When that girl was cutting his face, I thought he was done for.

But he just bounced back again and again.

Or when he faked dead for hours before tossing that grenade...

Yeah. Season 37 is the best, no doubt.

***65 > Yeah, you're totally right.

The show was in such a slump for so long.

I actually thought it might be done for.

Then they shook everything up and made it good again.

The teams, the ten kill rule, it was all just so groundbreaking and innovative.

It not only reinvigorated the show, it made it better than ever before.

And the personalities! Shawn, Zach, Vincent, Mason, Karen.

One of the best casts of all time.

I don't know if Season 65 can ever be topped.

***Not sure > I can't pick either.

It's like trying to decide between your children.

After sixty-five seasons, there are so many great ones.

More to enjoy, I guess.

**It's sick. > Tell me about it!

I can't believe people watch that garbage.

It's totally disgusting.

What bugs you the most?

"The violence." / "The sex." / "Innocents getting hurt." / "Everything about it."

***The violence > That's what bugs me too.

It's just so horrible.

I don't know what's worse: that people have to go through it, or that they show it in such detail on TV.

Just think about the better things they could do with that sort of camera technology.

It makes me so mad.

***The sex > Ugh, absolutely agreed.

It's so trashy, right?

They used to not be able to show that stuff on TV, but now it's just totally accepted.

And it can get so porny sometimes.

You'd think the contestants would have a little more self respect.

I think some of them actually get off on being on TV, though.

It's really icky.

***Innocents > That's totally the most upsetting part about it!

I could never quite put my finger on it, but you're absolutely right.

Like, if they took volunteers or used death row inmates or something, that wouldn't be nearly as bad.

But no. They just grab regular high school kids.

And, yeah, some of them go crazy and earn what's coming to them, but a lot of them just die without doing anything bad.

It's so tragic.

***Everything > Yeah, that was a silly question.

How can any one thing stand out, with such overall awfulness?

It's really the worst thing to happen to society in recent memory.

I can't believe so many people are into it.

**I don't watch it > Oh, hey, I don't either.

I was sort of sweating when you brought it up, actually.

Sometimes it feels like we're the only people in the world not obsessed with it, huh?

Why don't you watch it?

"I'm too squeamish." / "Parents won't let me." / "It's boring." / "I'm too busy."

***Squeamish > I'm just the same.

Like... I don't know how people can watch that stuff.

It just makes me feel sick.

The gore, the sadness, the desperation.


I'm feeling bad just thinking about it.

***Parents > Oh man, I'm in the same boat.

It's like they don't know we're not toddlers anymore.

Well, we'll be out of here and off to college soon enough.

And then we can watch whatever we want.

*** Boring > Finally, someone has the guts to say it!

People go on and on about how innovative and exciting it is...

It's just the same exact thing every time, though.

A bunch of teenagers chop each other up until one's left.


Pretty lame, huh?

***Busy > Me too.

There's just so much going on, you know?

I have schoolwork, and sports, and friends.

I have no idea how people have time to squeeze SOTF in at all.

Much less follow it closely enough to understand what's going on.

It's way too big a time sink.

**Why do > Oh, I was just curious, since you wanted to talk about it.

It seems like most people have strong opinions one way or the other, you know?

And I figured it'd be a good starting point for the discussion.

(Corin glances down at his desk.)

Actually, hit me up at lunch or something. I need to do a bit of review on Hamlet before Mr. Morgan gets here.

*Tell me. > Oh, well, okay.

I pitch for the baseball team, and I like art.

I have a sister named Caroline. She's seven.

Oh, and I'm allergic to wasps.


I guess I'm not all that interesting.

AFTER: Corin: It was nice chatting, Michael.


(Dougie looks up from his book. It seems like he's reviewing yesterday's assigned reading from Hamlet.)

Dougie: Uh, hey.

(Dougie doesn't talk much with anyone besides Lily and Regina. It's hard to say if he's unfriendly or just quiet.)

"Hey." / "What's up?"

*"Hey." > (Dougie falls back into silence.)

*"What's up?" > Not much.

"..." / "Nothing at all?"

"..." > (Dougie falls back into silence.)

"Nothing at all?" > I guess I'm a little worried about writing a paper on Hamlet.

"..." / "You're not social, huh?"

"..." > (Dougie falls back into silence.)

"You're not..." > Not really.

(Dougie falls back into silence.)

AFTER: (Dougie is paging through Hamlet.)


Forrest: Hey, Michael.

It's sort of funny, isn't it? We've sat next to each other all semester, but we've barely talked.

It takes Mr. Morgan being late to break the silence.

"Yeah." / "Where is he, anyways?" / "Tell me about yourself." / "Let's be silent again."

*"Yeah." > Yep.


Ha ha.

Wow. I guess it's because I don't really have much to say.

*"Where is..." > I have no idea.

I thought I saw his car in the faculty parking lot, though.

That makes it extra strange that he's not here yet.

I guess we'll just have to wait and find out!

*"Tell me..." > I don't know. I'm not that special.

I like playing sports. All sorts of sports.

I play basketball and baseball and I used to play rugby. I got this scar on my chin when I fell playing basketball.

Oh! I also like Batman.

Batman is the best superhero because he doesn't actually have any powers.

He's really rich, I guess, but he trains really hard to be good at fighting, and he uses his intelligence to solve crimes.

Also, he's motivated by revenge, but he rises above it and refuses to kill anyone, even if it would be the easiest choice.

That's really all I can think of to say about myself. It's hard when you're put on the spot!

*"Let's be..." > Oh, well, if you say so.

I guess we shouldn't get too rowdy, or Mr. Morgan will be mad when he gets here.

AFTER: (Forrest is leaning back in his chair, humming with his eyes closed.)


Jewel: Hello, Michael.

Was there something you wanted to talk about?

"SOTF." / "Other media." / "A classmate." / "Actually, no."

*"SOTF" > I'm really into SOTF.

I have been for a long time, but after Season 65, I'm more into it than ever.

Season 65 was the best in a long time, I think.

What about you?

"I agree." / "Older ones were better." / "It was just bad." / "I don't like SOTF."

**"I agree." > I'm glad to hear it.

I'm pretty sick of contrarians trying to look cool by bashing on it.

It had so many great moments, and one of the best casts ever.

I especially liked some of the villains.

Hey, putting aside winners, finalists, and Zach, who was your favorite villain in Season 65?

"Vincent Sullivan." / "Daniel Renard." / "Marvia Jones." / "Harold Finston Smythe."

***Vincent > Vincent's my pick too.

He knew how to play things up without being too obvious about it.

And he had this way of getting involved in a lot of big stuff without fading into it.

I was so disappointed by what happened to him.

Especially since he played pretty smart otherwise.

I guess it just goes to show that you have to keep track of the little stuff, or you'll end up dying from your wounds.

There was a pretty good section on Vincent in the special last night.

I'm glad he's getting the attention he deserves.

***Daniel > Oh, that's a good one.

He's really underrated. I think it's because he wasn't as high-impact as a lot of the others.

He made really good use of the GPS, though.

I mean, how often do we see that get assigned to someone only for them to totally fail to capitalize on it?

It's really one of the best weapons.

Utility draws are always underestimated.

***Marvia > Eugh, you're willing to admit that?

I'm into villains, but Marvia even made me squeamish.

I mean, Marvia got me rooting for Karen when I watched the season again.

That's saying a lot.

Well, more power to you, I guess.

***Harold > He certainly had a sense of drama, I'll give him that.

And he had a really good moment with Zach when Zach killed him.

He's not really my sort of villain, but I'm not gonna judge.

<COMBINE> Oh, also, who was your favorite member of the love triangle? You know which.

"Shawn." / "Zach." / "Mae." / "The dead snake."

***Shawn > I don't get it.

Everyone loves Shawn. I guess he's sort of funny and kind of cute in a strung-out sort of way or something.

He's not really my style, but my best friend was totally in love with him.

I'm sort of surprised boys like him too.

Is it the weed?

"Yes." / "No."

****Yes > I'm sort of surprised.

I didn't take you for the type.

****No. > Well, I don't get it, then.

***Zach > Zach was the best.

The absolute best.

He's my favorite SOTF contestant of all time. He was great in every single scene.

I was so crushed when he died. Stupid Karen.

I don't get why he risked his life for Shawn and Mae. Especially Mae. She was awful.

I guess it just goes to show even he was fallible.

Since he fell in love with such an awful, useless, stupid bitch.

***Mae > Well, I guess it goes to show that all you need to do to get super popular is take your clothes off all the time.

Seriously, I don't get it.

She wasn't even that hot.

Like, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of girls in class hotter than Mae.

And they don't think they're some sort of super smooth femme fatale.

Mae just got her friends hurt trying to save her worthless life.

I have no idea what they saw in her either.

I'm really glad Madelyn shot her.

I don't even like Madelyn, but she was my hero that day.

So I'm sorry, but your taste sucks.

***Snake > Ha ha.

No, really, that's totally hilarious and original. I've never head that one before.

Still a better choice than Mae.

**Older > I'm surprised you think so.

Care to give an example?

"Season 3" / "Season 10" / "Season 37" / "Season 52"

***3 > Season 3 is an absolute classic, I'll grant that.

Still, I think there's some element of nostalgia at play there.

How old were you when Season 3 aired? Five?

The camerawork and production values have come so far since then.

And the contestants really have a better idea what they're doing now.

***10 > Well, I guess someone has to be a reflexive contrarian.

I'm not sure if you're just trying to make me mad.

But I actually do think Season 10 has a worse reputation than it deserves.

It's definitely not making any positive top ten lists anytime soon, though.

***37 > Season 37 definitely gives Season 65 a run for its money.

I think of the two as sister seasons, though, because of the Jared connection.

I can't imagine liking one and disliking the other.

***52 > I suppose someone has to keep posting toaster gifs to every discussion ever online.

Why not you?

**Bad > I'm surprised you think that.

It's pretty unanimously well-regarded.

What didn't you like about it?

"Too gimmicky." / "Bad winner." / "Bad production." / "Bad arena."

***Gimmicky > I'm not really sure how you can argue that.

I mean, they absolutely did shake up a lot all at once.

But SOTF really needed that. It was getting so stale.

When the most notable thing in like two years is the Season 60 incident, you know you have issues.

And despite all the new mechanics, Season 65 still had everything that's always made SOTF great.

***Winner > Winner, or winners?

"Winner." / "Winners." / "What?"

****Winner > Who did you not like?

"Mason." / "Karen."

*****Mason > I thought he was the best candidate among the finalists.

Oh, please tell me you're not a Shawn fanboy.

"Yeah." / "No."

******"Yeah." > I just don't get the appeal.

Well, enjoy your sour grapes.

I know there's no convincing some people.

******No. > Oh, good.

Well, which finalist do you think would've been a better winner?

And don't think I don't notice the common factor.

"Alexis." / "Madelyn." / "Nate." / "Odile."

*******Alexis > I don't really see how you can maintain both that Mason was bad and that Alexis would've been good.

They followed really similar paths.

The only big difference is that Alexis was the one being protected, while Mason spent more time protecting.

I mean, and Alexis was a girl.

But that can't be the only reason you liked her, right?

*******Madelyn > Don't get me wrong, I love a villain as much as anyone, but Madelyn had issues.

She tried to pull a Robert Atkinson, but she missed the part where you play smart when you start killing.

She just went totally off the rails. I don't think she ever had a chance.

******* Nate > Michael, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't into Nate just because of the thing with Marvia.

I just don't think Nate had the presence to be a good winner.

She was always in her own head. She spent the whole game isolated.

I think she'd've probably just ended up in a padded cell somewhere.

******* Odile > Odile was pretty good, I'll grant you that.

The problem was, she just didn't have the stomach for it all.

She could never quite get over herself enough.

She had some really good moments, and if she'd stayed up to her early form, I'd be right with you.

But by the time she shot Amber, you could just tell she was worn down.

*****Karen > Well, I won't argue there.

But since she was out before the final ten, it's pretty easy to ignore her.

And even before that, there was so much other interesting stuff going on.

And there were some other really good players.

****Winners > Interesting.

Most people seem to be happy with one or the other.

Well, I'm actually not the biggest fan of either myself, but there's a lot more to a season than just the winners.

I mean, unless you're the marketing directors a year afterwards.

But seriously, Season 65 had one of the best overall casts in ages.

And I certainly hope you weren't such a big fan of one of the losers to write off the whole season over their not winning.

That sort of point of view really sells the whole thing short.

****What? > You should go back and watch it through a little more closely.

Even compared to other seasons, you really have to watch more than snippets to appreciate it.

***Production > Well, I think everyone can agree that there were some issues there.

What happened with Kevin Fielding was absolutely inexcusable.

And Dahnke was way past his prime as announcer. I'm not surprised he got fired.

But all that stuff is such a small part of the season.

It seems silly to discount everything based on it.

***Arena > It was a bit kitchen sink. I like themed arenas better myself.

Still, at least there were some good shots, right?

And really, I've always thought what happens is a lot more important than where it happens.

Though proper lighting and a good angle certainly never hurt.

**Don't like > Yet you came up and asked me about it.

How come?

"I didn't know you like it." / "I want to debate it." / "I want to get into it." / "I want to understand fans."

***Didn't know > I'm wearing an SOTF shirt, Michael.

I'm not offended or anything, but you should really pay more attention.

Otherwise you may end up making somebody mad.

***Wanted to debate > Well, I'm not really that interested in debating it myself.

Some people really like SOTF. Some don't.

It's not for everyone. A lot of people don't appreciate the content, and the long form alienates others.

If it's the ethics of it all that bother you, there's nothing I can do about that.

Send Susan Crawford some money.

Unless you think she's too big a hypocrite.

***Want to get into > Oh, that makes more sense.

I can actually help you.

Season 65 is the best season, and it's the most recent so it's still easy to get merchandise even for the less-prominent contestants.

You can definitely start there, and it's solid overall, but some of the really innovative stuff may be over your head without context.

Season 65 really shakes up the formula by adding a bunch of new rules and victory conditions.

There are also spoilers everywhere, which kind of sucks.

If you want to see what SOTF was like at the start, you could check out one of the earlier seasons.

Season 3 and Season 7 are well respected for a reason.

Season 3 has Kenny, who's great and pretty cute as a bonus.

Season 7 has a really unusual finale. It's interesting beyond that, though.

Season 37 is just overall solid, and without spoiling things, the winner is someone who's still pretty active in the community.

Season 52 is the place to go if you really love toaster memes.

You don't really want to bother with anything between that and Season 65 unless you're really sold on the show and have watched all the classics.

Most of it's bland at best.

***Want to understand > Well, I can tell you what I like about SOTF, but I only speak for myself.

It's just a fascinating situation. You get to see people pushed to their limits, and watch how they react.

More than that, it's unpredictable.

Even compared to other reality TV, actually.

SOTF is run with little to no interference. The cameras are always rolling.

Sure, they often shape a narrative after the fact.

But they still have to use the unadulterated raw materials to do so.

That's something unique.

It's also really easy to sympathize with the contestants.

It gets me thinking.

*Other media > I know a little about a lot of things.

What were you thinking of?

"Music." / "Books." / "Movies." / "Video games."

**Music > I listen to a lot of music.

My favorite stuff is goth. Do you like goth music?

"Yeah." / "Not really." / "I love My Chemical Romance!" / "What's goth music?"

***"Yeah." > I'm pretty surprised. You don't look the type at all.

That's really cool, though!

What's your favorite Cure album?

"Seventeen Seconds." / "Pornography." / "Disintegration." / "Wish."

****Seventeen > Oh, cool.

Not a lot of people are really into that one anymore.

It's one of the big three for me, though.

You've got pretty good taste.

****Pornography > Oh, me too!

It's my favorite album ever.

I love absolutely everything about it. I listen to it all the time.

****Disintegration > I can respect that.

It's a good album, but I think it definitely gets over-hyped sometimes.

A few of the songs run too long. Especially 'Pictures of You.'

Although 'Plainsong' is one of the best album openers ever.

****Wish > Oh, really?

Are you sure you like goth?

I mean, I guess it takes all types.

Wish isn't... bad or anything.

It's just not my favorite Cure album.

It's actually not in my top five.

Or my top ten, for that matter.

***Not really. > I'm not surprised. You don't really look like the sort to be into it.

I don't listen to that much other stuff, though.

I think most of what gets popular these days is pretty boring and repetitive.

What are you into?

"Pop." / "Rap." / "Country." / "Classical."

****Pop. > That's just so bland and safe.

It's like letting the majority dictate your tastes.

You just follow along with everyone else because it's easy and safe, but there's no substance there.

"I guess." / "That's not fair!" / "Isn't that just like SOTF?"

*****I guess > At least you can admit it.

But I'm not sure if that's admirable or pathetic.

*****Not fair! > Oh, tell yourself that.

It doesn't really matter to me.

I'm just noticing how arbitrary the music industry can be.

*****Just like SOTF > Not at all.

I actually know exactly why I like SOTF, and it has nothing to do with its popularity.

I'd watch it even if it was a minor show on some late night channel.

It's just quality programming that managed to attain a big following.

You can tell there's something different because it's been huge for almost as long as we've been alive.

Meanwhile, nobody's listening to Creed anymore.

****Rap. > I just find rap and hip hop pretty boring.

Most of it sounds pretty similar, and they steal most of the good music from better songs.

Also, there's so much focus on violence, but it's all really goofy and overdone.

It's not serious at all, like SOTF is.

I mean, there was that one guy who won and then made a rap album.

But that wasn't very good either.

****Country. > Ugh.

I can't believe you like that.

I guess if you're surrounded by something long enough, you eventually start liking it.

Well, I'm sorry your dog died and your truck broke down.

****Classical. > That's actually pretty cool.

I can respect that.

Classical music is really good at evoking emotions.

A lot of my favorite artists take some cues from classical music.

***MCR > Oh god.

Okay, Michael, I hate to break this to you, but MCR isn't goth.

They're, like, pop punk or something.

They're also not good.

But look on the bright side:

At least you know better now, so you won't embarrass yourself again.

***What's goth? > It's a genre from the 80s that focuses on a lot of darker sounds and themes.

It tends to be more emotional than a lot of the other music of the time.

And music today, for that matter.

It also has a really distinct and cool aesthetic.

If you're looking to get into it, you should check out some of the most famous artists.

Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, The Birthday Party, Joy Division, maybe some Alien Sex Fiend...

And, of course, The Cure.

**Books > I don't read that much outside of class. It's hard enough to keep up with school reading.

And I don't want to talk about Hamlet right now.

That's what we'll be doing all period.

I tried reading one of Rose Wolfe's books a while back, but I didn't think it was very good.

I know everyone loves them, but 'SOTF with elves' doesn't do it for me.

One of the most interesting parts of SOTF is the reality of it, and that's lost in a novel.

**Movies > I don't watch many movies.

I feel like they just don't have time to really develop their stories when compared to TV.

There are some pretty good SOTF-related ones, though.

I thought the documentary on Jared was solid and insightful.

And the Parker movie mostly lives up to the hype.

I think being shorter actually helps that one.

It's easier to make Parker interesting when you're only stuck with him for a couple hours.

**Video games > I have no idea why you're asking me about that.

I bet half the class knows more than I do.

I think Sarah plays a lot of games. Why don't you go ask her?

*A classmate > Oh? Who?

A girl. / A boy.

**A girl. > "Alice." / "Angie." / "Anzu." / "Other."

***Alice > Alice is super shy and quiet.

I don't get it.

Like, was she super traumatized as a kid or something?

Was she dropped on her head?

***Angie > Angie's a pretty good artist, from what I've seen.

She's into fashion, too, but I don't think she does as well there.

Her pink hair tips look really dumb.

***Anzu > Anzu plays the bass, and that's really cool.

She's also one of Sarah's friends, so she can't be all bad.

She's always pretty nice, but I feel like she doesn't really care about anyone outside the band.

I never see her start a conversation with anyone else, at least.

***Other > "Ashley." / "Bunny." / "Caroline." / "Other."

****Ashley > Oh my god, Ashley's thupid lithp makes me so mad.

It's like, she usually keeps it in check, so good for her I guess.

But sometimes when she's talking and gets excited and starts doing it I just want to throttle her to make her shut up.

I have no idea how she lives with herself.

****Bunny > I feel so sorry for her.

Her parents actually named her Bunny Barlowe.

Have you ever heard more of a stripper name than Bunny Barlowe?

She acts all friendly and stuff...

But that's just because she knows in a couple years she's going to be snorting coke off some guy's ass to keep from wanting to kill herself.

She's alright to talk with about SOTF, though.

****Caroline > Caroline sings in the band, and she's one of Sarah's friends.

I don't know her super well, but she just seems sort of normal.

That's a little weird in itself, though.

****Other > "Cathryn." / "Leah." / "Lily." / "Other."

*****Cathryn > Cathryn seems to be angry a lot of the time.

She's sort of a bitch to everyone.

I think she's on the debate team or something. I bet she's pretty good at it.

*****Leah > Leah doesn't really talk to me.

She's sort of weird.

Not the good sort of weird, either.

Like, she's not as bad as Alice, but that's not saying much.

*****Lily > Lily's pretty good at art. That's really all she has going for her, though.

She's not super pretty, and she dresses all frumpy.

She doesn't have that many friends, and most of them are also weird.

So I guess she has to have something to recommend her.

*****Other > "Nina." / "Paisley." / "Regina." / "Other."

******Nina > Oh man, Nina's a bitch. She's super rude all the time.

She also goes to tons of parties. She gets invited because she's a huge slut.

Like I bet she's been with half the boys in class.

I also heard she does ecstasy and meth.

Don't talk to her about that stuff, though.

She might kick your ass.

******Paisley > Paisley's Tucker's twin sister.

She's kind of a goody two-shoes.

She doesn't really know much about SOTF, though, so she's a lot less interesting to talk with.

Especially since she's just as into the whole morality deal.

At least she'll admit SOTF is real.

******Regina > I don't know. Regina just feels kind of fake to me.

She's into all this weird stuff and she dresses all fancy and does her tarot thing, but I think it's just for attention.

I mean, look at it. She spends all her time hanging around boys.

And she doesn't even get the good ones. She's always with Dougie, Tucker, and Vahka.

Her dad's also involved in some sort of betting program that deals with SOTF. It sounds super cool.

I wish I had that sort of connection.

But I don't think she actually knows what she's talking about when it comes to SOTF.

******Other > "Sarah." / "Valerie." / "Zoe."

*******Sarah > Sarah's pretty great. She's one of my friends.

She drums in the band. They don't really play my sort of music, but I'm really impressed by how good she is.

We don't talk that much at school, because she's always busy with her band stuff and I've got my friends in other classes, but she's just really cool.

Why do you ask?

"Just curious." / "I have a crush on her."

********"Just curious." > Yeah, well, she's cool.

You should talk with her sometime.

********Have a crush > Yeah, don't even think about it.

I don't think you're Sarah's type at all.

I mean, no offense, but she's got pretty high standards.

I'm doing you a favor, so you don't get your heart broken.

*******Valerie > Valerie's Sarah's best friend, so she's alright in my books.

She plays guitar. I think she's pretty good.

Their style of music isn't really what I'm into, but I think it's really cool that they make it.

She really doesn't like SOTF and is sort of stuck up about that, though.

Like, not watching it makes you better than everyone else? Please.

*******Zoe > Zoe needs to chill out.

She just does whatever she feels like as soon as she feels like it.

That's why she gets in trouble so much.

She's into SOTF, though, which is cool.

I can usually have an okay conversation with her about it.

**A boy. > "Corin." / "Dougie." / "Forrest." / "Other."

***Corin > Let me ask you a question instead:

Has Corin ever disagreed with you about something?

Even once?

***Dougie > Dougie's really shy. I have no idea why.

I don't know. He has his little friend group with Lily and Regina, and I'm not in it.

It's sort of weird that all his friends are girls, though.

***Forrest > I don't know. Forrest is weird.

He's into politics, right? Like, he knows all sorts of stuff about all sorts of issues.

But he doesn't actually have any opinions on any of it.

He says he just likes learning about it.

I don't understand that at all.

***Other > "Marcus." / "Tucker." / "Vahka." / "Other."

****Marcus > Marcus is a total perfectionist. He gets all weird if he doesn't get an A on something.

I don't really know why. He's not in any of my circles.

He's always super nice and friendly, though.

I don't really like that.

****Tucker > Tucker's either an idiot or a huge hypocrite.

He's way into SOTF, but he claims it's fake.

It's like, yeah, sure, Parker's totally been faking for fifteen years without a single break in character.

Come on!

You have to be pretty dumb to think SOTF isn't real.

I think it's because his family's really religious and he feels bad about watching it, though.

Which makes him a hypocrite.

He's still pretty decent to talk about SOTF with, though.

****Vahka > Vahka does shows at the renaissance festival.

Swordfighting and stuff. My family saw one over the summer.

He's actually really good. I was surprised.

Too bad he's not that special otherwise.

I mean, he cuts an impressive figure, with his tattoos and all, but he just sort of keeps to his little group.

I actually don't know much about him.

****Other > "Vincent." / "Yagmur."

*****Vincent > Vincent's such a cynic.

He's always going on about how human nature is so awful, and we should really try to be better or else we're doomed.

I don't know if he actually believes it all or if he just thinks it's cool.

It actually is pretty cool, though.

*****Yagmur > You know how Yagmur's missing some fingers?

I think that's actually really cool.

I mean, I'm sure it sucks for him.

But he could make up all sorts of stories about it. He could tell people he was on SOTF.

He should really lose the mustache, though.

It looks awful.

<CONVERGE> (What does Jewel say about me behind my back?)

*Actually, no. > That's sort of weird.

Why'd you come up to me, then?

"No reason." / "Didn't recognize you." / "I didn't mean to." / "I was bored."

** Hm.

I don't believe you.

Try again.

<You get the other three options, plus "I wasn't lying!">


If you say so.

AFTER: Jewel: I think we had quite an interesting conversation, Michael.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

[+] Demo Script Part 2

Leah: Why are you talking to me?

"Just saying hi." / "Um... why not?" / "Should I leave you alone?

"Um..." > People don't usually talk to me much.

<Combine> Are you making fun of me?

"Yes." / "No."

"Yes." > Can you possibly be more middle school?

Well, two can play like that.

I'm going to tell Mr. Morgan and get you detention.

AFTER: Leah: Grow up, meanie.

"No." > I'm not sure I believe you.

You swear you're not making fun of me?

(She's so suspicious.)

"I swear." / "Actually, you're a loser." (loops back to "Yes.")

"I swear." > Well...


So what do you want to talk about?

"Tell me about yourself." / "Why are you so nervous?" / "What are your hobbies?" / "Whatever you want."

"Tell me..." > I'm not really that interesting.

I mostly keep to myself. I have some friends, but most of them aren't in this class.

I like music and I sing in the choir.

I don't know. It's weird being put on the spot like this.

But thank you for your interest.

You're nice.

"Why are..." > People in middle school made fun of me a lot.

I don't even know why!

And now things are better, but there are still bullies and jerks out there.

A lot of them lull you into a false sense of security and then make you look stupid.

I hate feeling stupid, so I keep my guard up.

You're nice, though.

"What are..." > I like a lot of things!

I like music and sing in the choir.

And I like watching cartoons online. Especially the really old ones.

I spend a lot of time online, actually.

I really like reading scary stories there.

Hey, want to hear one?

"Sure." / "Maybe later."

"Sure." > Okay.

So it was really dark, right?

Because it was night.

The middle of the night. It was midnight.

There was nobody around, because it was midnight on this road out in the country.

A man was walking.

Because, uh, because his car broke down.

And so he went up to this house. He knocked on the door.

But the lights were out. It seemed like nobody was home.

It was about to rain, and the man didn't want to get wet.

So he broke in through a window.

But when he was inside, he heard a noise.

There was a banging coming from upstairs.

He climbed up the old, creaky stairs, and there was a closet at the top.

The banging was coming from the closet.

The doorknob was shaking.

He reached out...

He turned the knob...

He opened the door...

And then a skeleton popped out!


So, what did you think?

"It was creepy." / "It was funny." / "I didn't get it." / "It was stupid."

**Creepy > Ha ha, I'm glad you thought so.

But I know a bunch of way, way scarier ones.

I'll tell you those sometime if you want.

**Funny > Yeah! I'm glad you thought so.

A lot of people don't get it when I tell it to them.

So I'm really glad you thought it was funny.

**Didn't get > Aww...

I'm sorry you didn't get it.

Thanks for listening to it, though.

Maybe sometime I can tell you a better one.

**Stupid > Wow. Way to be an asshole.

This is why I don't talk to many people.

"Maybe later." > Okay.

Well, thanks for talking with me. You're nice.

"Whatever you..." > Uh...

I don't know. I don't really have anything specific I want to talk about.

I appreciate the sentiment, though.

You're really courteous.

AFTER: Leah: It was nice chatting, Michael.


(Lily is working on a drawing and is so focused that
she doesn't notice you.)

Spy on her drawing? Yes/No

Yes: Displays Lily's WiP drawing of a Raven

No: Exits dialogue


(Lily's drawing is coming along nicely.)


(Marcus has a sheet of paper covered in writing in front of him, but he's looking off to the side.)

Marcus: Hey, Michael!

"Hey." / "What were you looking at?" / "What are you writing?"

*"Hey." > It's really odd having free time like this.

I hope nothing bad happened to Mr. Morgan.

He's... he's sometimes a very difficult teacher to work with.

But I'd feel awful if something happened to him.

Even if it might make my studying easier.

*"What were..." > Huh?

Oh. You noticed? Oops.

I was just watching the girls in the corner.

N-not for any sketchy reason!

They're just really into their band, and they seem like great friends. I admire that a lot.

I hope that's what my friends and I look like when people see us.

"What are..." > I'm taking notes on Hamlet.

I read ahead and finished the play yesterday.

I have to pay a ton of attention to keep my scores up. Mr. Morgan is a really harsh grader.

Sometimes I almost think he gives me a hard time specifically, just because I put so much effort in.

But... but I'm sure that's just my imagination.

Anyways, I have to make sure I get good grades, or my family would be disappointed.

I want to go to a good college—Yale is my first pick—and maybe even grad school.

I should really focus on these notes. Thanks for getting me back on track.

AFTER: (Marcus is working on his notes again, but from time to time he glances over at the band girls.)


Nina: Hey, Michael.

I'm actually having a pretty crappy week here, so I'm not super social right now.

"I'll leave you alone." / "What's wrong?" / "Can I help you?"

"I'll leave" > Thanks.

Maybe we can talk when I'm feeling better.

"What's wrong?" > What isn't wrong?

I'm pretty sure I failed the math test yesterday.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail the fucking Hamlet thing today.

I had a huge fight with one of my best friends, and I won't see her until sixth period to talk about it.


Yesterday I... I made a mistake.

I've been trying to be a different sort of person, and yesterday I fucked up.

And I guess I just have to start all over again.

Everything sucks.

"Can I" > That's nice of you, but I don't think you can.

I really should've just faked sick today. I'm not feeling up to being here.

But here I am.

I wish I could go work on my carving, or have a kickboxing match, or something.

I need to work out this stress.

"You carve?" / "You do kickboxing?" / "I'll leave you alone." (Loops to I'll leave above)

"You carve?" > A little bit. I'm not very good.

It mostly just gives me something to do when I'm sad.

I don't practice very often, but I guess that's a good thing, considering.

"Kickboxing" > I do.

Not, like competitively or anything. Just for myself.

It's really fun, though, and a good way to work out and burn energy.

Plus, it means if anyone gives me grief, I can kick their ass!

AFTER: Nina: I just need a little time to myself here.


Tucker: So then one of the analysts was breaking down why it was such a shame that Vincent didn't treat his injuries better.

They said he was a shoe-in for the finals, and that he had a real shot at winning the whole thing.

Paisley: Mm hm.

Tucker: He was well-armed, had a killer attitude, was wearing a bulletproof vest.

He had everything going for him.

But because he didn't bother to clean his wounds, he—

Paisley: Hang on a second.

I think Michael wants to ask me something.

"Sorry to interrupt." / "What are you talking about?" / "How are you?" / "Where's Mr. Morgan?"

*"Sorry to..." > Oh, no. It's fine.


I don't even watch much SOTF anyways.

Is there something I can do for you?

"Just saying hi." / "What was the reading?" / "You don't like SOTF?"

**"Just saying..." > Oh, okay.

Well, hi. It was nice of you to come over.

I appreciated the distraction.

**"What was..." > Oh, the reading?

It was the first half of Hamlet.

It's kind of dense, but not so bad overall.

If you didn't read it, you should just look over the character names and roles.

And if you've seen The Lion King, it's basically the same story.

**"You don't." > I, um...

It's not really my...

Tucker: SOTF is great.

Paisley's just too busy to watch it much.

Paisley: Yeah.

I just have a lot that eats up my time.

*"What are..." > SOTF, of course.

Tucker's super into it.

Tucker: Because it's the best!

Paisley: I don't really watch it much, though.

If you want to talk about SOTF, you should ask Tucker.

*"How are..." > I'm okay. Sort of bored.

I'm not used to having all this free time at school when it's not even lunch.

But Mr. Morgan isn't here, so I guess there's nothing to do except sit here and wait for him.

And talk about SOTF with Tucker.

(Paisley sighs.)

*"Where's Mr." > I have no idea.

It's really unlike him to be late like this.

I hope he's okay.

And I hope he's not quite so strict about us being tardy after this.

He'd be a huge hypocrite if he was!

I think he's better than that. He's good teacher.

AFTER: (Tucker is talking at Paisley about SOTF. She's doodling on a piece of paper where he can't see.)


(Regina is doing a tarot reading for Vahka.)

Regina: The Knight of Swords suggests fast, decisive action and an assertive nature.

He thinks quickly and is ready to charge into the fight to save the day.

Vahka: Mm, really?

Regina: Yes, but this Knight of Swords is reversed.

That means it's not necessarily a positive thing. Sometimes, enthusiasm can supplant common sense.

It's easy to be too—oh, pardon me for a moment.

Hello, Michael.

I'm just giving Vahka a reading. Can I help you with something?

"Can you read me?" / "Can I watch?" / "Just saying hi." / "What's with Vahka?"

*"Can you..." > Certainly sometime, though not right now.

I'm in the middle of reading Vahka at the moment.

Why don't you find me at lunch sometime, and I can do a reading for you then?

But right now, if you'll excuse me, I should finish this up.

*"Can I..." > Tarot readings can be pretty personal, so that's really a question for Vahka.

Well, Vahka? Is it alright with you if Michael watches?

Vahka: Nah.

Regina: Sorry, Michael!

Maybe I can give you a reading sometime.

*"Just saying..." > Oh, then hi!

It's so nice that we have a little extra time to socialize.

Although, I should really finish up Vahka's reading. I don't want to be interrupted in the middle when Mr. Morgan returns.

You can't exactly pick these things up again later.

It was nice talking with you, Michael.

*"What's with..." > What's with Vahka?

(Regina giggles.)

Well, Vahka? What's with you?

Vahka: Nothing's 'with' me.

Regina: I'm with you.

But no, Michael, you misunderstand Vahka.

He's quite friendly. We've become very close.

He just has an unusual way of communicating.

Vahka: Whatever.

AFTER: (Regina is continuing her tarot reading of Vahka, though they also seem to be whispering to each other about unrelated matters.)

Sarah B:

Sarah: I think we'll want to play a mix of original stuff and covers.

If we take our best songs, plus some stuff people actually know, we can make a really good impression.

Caroline: That sounds like a good plan.

Do you think we should play any of the, uh, game music?

Sarah: Duh! We're Scarlet Devil Mansion. We have to.

But maybe we should keep it to just one song.

I guess there is a good chance the audience won't get it.

Caroline: That sounds like a pretty good idea.

What other covers should we do?

Sarah: Well, everyone and their uncle does Ziggy Stardust.

But that means it's almost cliché by—oh, Michael, hey!

Maybe you can give us a hand.

Do you think a pop punk version of Ziggy Stardust would be cool or terrible?

"Cool." / "Horrid." / "So bad it's ironically good." / "Ziggy what?"

*"Cool." > Yeah, you can't go wrong with the classics.

I bet we can make it work.

Thanks for your help!

*"Horrid." > Yeah, I guess it really is sort of played out by now.

And it might be too slow for our style anyways.

Back to the drawing board!

Thanks for your help!

*"Cool in an..." > Hmm... I'm not sure that's quite what we're going for.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with being ironic.

I guess.

But then people might think we're doing that with all our other stuff.

And we're not that kind of band.

Thanks for your help, though.

*"Ziggy what?" > Ugh, never mind.

COMPILE: Anyways, we're opening for another band in a couple weeks, and we're trying to finalize our setlist and tweak a few of our songs.

"You're in a band?" / "What do you play?" / "Who're you opening for?" / "That sounds cool."

*"You're in..." > Yes indeed.

We're called Scarlet Devil Mansion.

We're named for one of my favorite game series ever.

Do you know which?

"Yes." / "No."

**"Yes." > I'm surprised!

I didn't really think you were into video games at all.

Much less Japanese bullet hell games.

**"No." > I'm not surprised.

They're not very well known over here.

They're huge in Japan, though!

Not many people know what our name is a reference to.

But that makes it an even better band name, I think!

*"What do..." > I'm the drummer. It's my job to set the pace and keep the beat.

And also to act all wild and crazy onstage.

I really like drumming. It lets me vent energy better than almost everything else.

Gaming's pretty close, though.

I play a lot of different games.

My favorites are Touhou and SOTF Champions.

"What's Touhou?" / "What's Champions?" / "I love those too!" / "Uh, cool I guess."

**"What's Touhou?" > It's this Japanese bullet hell game.

You play this girl and you fly through stages dodging enemy attacks and casting spells to clear the way.

It's sort of like Galaga mixed with anime.

**What's Champions? > You don't know SOTF Champions?

It's a MOBA based on SOTF.

Like, do you know LoL? It's like that but with famous contestants from SOTF as the characters.

**"I love..." > Oh, really? That's cool!

I had no idea you played games. You don't really look like the type.

Or at least not the type to admit it.

A lot of people are really embarrassed about their gaming.

Jewel would kill me if I let people know we duo in Champions.

Uh, I mean...

Never mind.

**"Uh, cool..." > It is cool.

Games are great.

*Who're you..." > We're opening for, uh...

Shoot, what're they called again?

Caroline, can you remember who we're opening for?

Caroline: I think they have a couple records out.

Sarah: Yeah, but what're they called?

Caroline: I, uh, I can't remember.

But they're sort of a big deal.


I think they're from Muskogee.

(Sarah looks a little embarrassed.)

Sarah: When you're starting out, you have to take whatever gigs you can get.

That's how you make it big one day.

*"That sounds..." > Thanks!

It is pretty cool. This could help us get noticed.

If we're really lucky, this might even set us on the path to recording an EP for an indie label or something.

But I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

AFTER: (Sarah is talking with Caroline about what sorts of covers they should play at the gig.)


Tucker: The special last night was awesome. You really should've watched it.

I can't wait for the next season.

Paisley: I don't know.

I had other stuff to do.

Tucker: There's always stuff to do, but you have to make time for some things.

You don't want to be boring.

Oh, Michael. Did you at least watch the special last night?

"Yes." / "No." / "What special?" / "What's with you two?"

*"Yes." > And it was awesome, right?

"It was." / "It sucked."

**"It was." > See, Paisley? Michael thought it was great too.

It was cool to see some of the highlights again. There were some things I'd forgotten.

Like, I sorta forgot Daniel Renard even existed.

But there were a few awkward bits.

Like with Amber and Sterling at the lake...

Paisley: That was super gross!

Mom and Dad would be mad about you watching that.

Tucker: Sheesh, so don't tell them.

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's all faked anyways.

They just pretend it's real because that makes it sell better.

**It sucked. > Well, we'll have to agree to disagree.

I thought it was really great.

The recaps are good because they pull everything together and trim out the filler.

I mean, I guess you lose some depth, and some of the stuff from the seasons before last was just a snore-fest.

So I can sorta see where you're coming from.

I guess I'm just an optimist.

*No. > Oh man! You missed out.

Wait, do you watch SOTF at all?

"Yes." / "No."

**"Yes." > Well, you've probably seen most of what was there already, then.

But just in case, I'll make sure not to spoil you.

**"No." > How come?

"It's boring" / "It's sick." / "Too busy."

***"It's boring." > You and I have very different ideas of what's exciting, then.

Life and death! Love and loss! What could be better?

You should really give it a watch sometime. It can take a little to get into, but when you do it's really cool.

And the special's a good place to start.

It compiles all the highlights from the last few seasons.

Seriously, check it out.

***"It's sick." > Sick? What do you mean?

You don't actually think it's real, do you?

You think I'd go to church and then come home and watch people kill each other for real?

Paisley: Tucker! You know it's real.

Tucker: It's just brilliant marketing, that's what it is.

They trick everyone into thinking it's real and then play on the outrage.

I get where you're coming from, but you're just falling for their tricks.

Paisley: You know that's not true!

Tucker: My sister's the same way, as you can tell.

But deep down she knows I'm right.

After all, sometimes I can talk her into watching with me.

***Too busy. > Oh man, you're just like my sister.

You need to live a little!

And even if you're busy, you must have time to watch the special.

It's only a few hours long, and it compiles all the best parts of the last few seasons.

You should really check it out. You won't regret it.

*What special? > The SOTF-TV recap! The one to set up the new season.

Do you live under a rock?

Well, that just means you have something new to look forward to.

You should watch it when you get home from school today. It's really great.

You don't even need to know anything about SOTF to appreciate it.

It's a great starting point for beginners.

*"What's with you..." > Paisley and me? We're twins, so we talk a lot.

You... you did know that already, right?

"I forgot." / "Of course!" / "Actually, no." / "I thought you were dating."

**"I forgot." > That's okay.

We don't look all that much alike.

Even if we do ride to school together every day.

And talk all the time.

**"Of course." > I'm not really sure what you mean, then.

There's nothing really 'with us.'

We just talk a lot.

**"Actually, no." > Wait, seriously?

We've had classes together for four years!

Actually, maybe more? Did we go to the same middle school?

And my not knowing that is nothing like you not knowing we're siblings!

Anyways, wow, I thought you knew.

I thought everyone knew.

Well, you learn something new every day, I guess.

"I thought..." > Um... no.

Paisley: Ew.

Ew ew ew.

Tucker: I'm inclined to agree.

Paisley: I hope you're joking, Michael.

Tucker: I don't know.

That'd be a really bad joke.

AFTER: (Tucker is talking to Paisley about SOTF-TV. She seems more to be humoring him than legitimately interested.)


(Vahka's kind of scary. He's big, has tattoos, and does some sort of renaissance faire sword fighting thing.)
Talk to Vahka / On second thought, no.

*Talk to Vahka:

Michael: Um, hi, Vahka.

Vahka: Hey, Michael.

We're actually in the middle of something here.

"Sorry." / "What are you doing?" / "Please don't hurt me."


It's nothing.

"What are..." > Regina's giving me a tarot reading.

It's interesting, so I'm trying to focus.

"Please don't..." > (Vahka chuckles.)


Since you asked so nicely, I won't hurt you.

*On second thought > Ends dialogue; Vahka can still be approached later.

AFTER: (Vahka's focus is on Regina's tarot reading, though the pair also seem to be whispering back and forth about something else.)


Valerie: But what if that makes the solo go on too long?

Anzu: You're a good player. I think you can keep the audience's attention.

Valerie: Maybe, but I don't want to be self-indulgent.

I'm just worried that—oh, Michael, I didn't notice you.

Anzu and I are trying to fix up one of our songs.

It's hard to know which way to take it.

"You're in a band?" / "What do you play?" / "Can I help?" / "Good luck."

*You're in..." > Yeah! I have been for a really long time now.

We're not that well known, though.

But everyone has to start somewhere!

The Beatles got together when they were teenagers.

Maybe someday Scarlet Devil Mansion will be as big as they were!

*"What do..." > I play the guitar.

It's a lot of work, but I'm one of the most noticeable people in the band.

It can be a lot of pressure sometimes.

I really like it, though.

Sarah and I have been playing together since middle school.

And then we got Anzu to be our bassist.

And Caroline sings!

It's so much fun.

*"Can I..." > Can you help?

Actually, maybe you can.

Do you think long guitar solos are cool, or do they get old quickly?

"Cool." / "Lame." / "I don't listen to music."

**"Cool." > Okay! A long solo it is.

Thanks for your help.

**"Lame." > Yeah, we don't want to go too long and bore anyone.

We'll keep it short.

Thanks for your help.

**"I don't..." > Oh?

I can't imagine not listening to music.

I don't think you can really help after all, then.

But thanks anyways. It's the thought that counts.

*"Good luck." > Thanks!

AFTER: (Valerie is talking with Anzu about the solo.)


Vincent: Michael. You're late.

Luckily for you, you are not the only one tardy this morning.

"Where's Mr. Morgan?" / "What's going on?" / "How are you?"

*"Where's Mr. Morgan?" > I have no idea.

He has yet to show up. It's quite uncharacteristic of him.

Also, it is unprofessional.

I hope such incidents do not become commonplace. I hope that he has a good explanation.

A traffic accident, perhaps, or a family emergency.

My sixth grade math teacher began to arrive belatedly every day. One day she didn't show up at all.

One of my classmates hurt himself playing with a stapler.

The teacher got fired for that. I think she ended up moving to Montana.

"I was in that class." / "Cut Mr. Morgan some slack."

**"I was..." > Ah, yes. I forgot.

We have been classmates for quite a long time, yes?

**"Cut Mr..." > Hm. Perhaps you are correct.

I become slightly anxious when teachers fail to maintain control of their classrooms.

But I'm sure he has a good reason.

<Converge> Regardless, I hope he arrives presently.

We're supposed to discuss Hamlet today.

And I don't think those who failed to do the reading last night deserve any more time to try to cram it in.

*"What's going..." > Mr. Morgan has yet to appear.

So, naturally, the class has devolved into social hour, as opposed to something productive, such as study hall.

That's how people are. Most of them are only here because they have to be.

They have no respect for the process or the rationale behind education.

And you, Michael? If you didn't have to come to class, would you?

"Yes." / "No."

**"Yes." > As you well should.

Still, I am glad to hear you say it.

**"No." > I am not surprised.

I am, however, somewhat disappointed.

Well, go mingle like the others. I suppose it is your nature.

*How are..." > I am alright.

I find it irritating that Mr. Morgan has delayed his arrival, whatever the reason.

The reading material was also somewhat challenging.

It is irksome to know that those who devoted less time to it will probably receive better marks.

Still, on the whole, I am alright.

Thank you for expressing concern for me, Michael.

I appreciate it.

AFTER: Vincent: I hope Mr. Morgan arrives soon.

We should all sit and wait for him in a civilized fashion, instead of rampaging around the room.


Yagmur: Wha—Michael, you startled me.

You shouldn't do that. Not when I have a headache.

You're lucky I'm an honorable man.

(Yagmur's weird. He has a scraggly mustache and talks like he's on a sitcom, and he's missing the middle and ring fingers of his right hand.)

"I'll leave you alone." / "Why the headache?"

*"I'll leave..." > I see you understand how men should treat each other.

I hope to recover by the time Mr. Morgan arrives.

Leave me.

AFTER: Yagmur: I thought we had an understanding.

(Yagmur waves his hand to shoo you away. His missing fingers are very prominent.)

*"Why the..." > Last night, I practiced many virtues and vices.

Moderation was not among their number.

I over-imbibed.

Not even a hearty side of bacon helped.

"Wait, you were drunk?" / "I don't want to know this." / "What's with your fingers?"

**"Wait..." > I did indeed partake of humanity's crowing accomplishment:


Usually, I try not to drink alone. It makes me feel like an alcoholic.

But Vahka was busy with something, so I was left with no choice.

**"I don't..." > There are many who prefer the comforts of ignorance.

I do not begrudge them their weakness.

**"What's with..." > I am far too sober to tell that story properly.

Though I suppose I can summarize.

I enjoy woodworking. I was making a canoe. My hand slipped on the saw.

I still have the shirt I was wearing that day. Perhaps you can come to my place and see it over a drink sometime.

If you have the stomach for either.

Recombine: Now, let me rest. I'll need my wits about me when Mr. Morgan arrives.

AFTER: (Yagmur is resting his head on the desk, staring at the wall.)


Zoe: This sucks. I'm bored.

Hey, Michael, the rule is we can leave if the teacher doesn't show up for fifteen minutes, right?

"I think so." / "That's fake."

*"I think so." > That's what I thought.

That's how it should be.

Has it been fifteen minutes yet?

"Yes." / "No."

**"Yes." > Alright. I'm out of here.

<Zoe walks to the door, vanishes, reappears a few seconds later, can be approached again.>

AFTER 1: Dammit! No luck.

I saw the principal in the hall, so I came back in.

My parents would kill me if I got caught.

I guess I'll just have to stay here.

I'm going to walk around, though. I'm sick of sitting.

AFTER 2: Stupid principal. I was so close to freedom.

**"No." Ugh.

Tell me when it's been fifteen minutes, okay? My phone's out of batteries.

AFTER: Zoe: Has it been fifteen minutes yet?

*"That's fake."

Ugh. That's awful.

We just have to sit here doing nothing until he shows or class ends?

This is the worst.

AFTER: Zoe: I wish I could just leave.

At any point, Michael may sit down, prompting progression:

Wait for Mr. Morgan/Look around some more

*Look around>Dialogue exits

*Wait > Mr. Morgan appears.

Mr. Morgan: Good morning, class.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Please, take your seats.

<Students sit. Mr. Morgan walks to his desk.>

I trust you've all rested well and completed your homework.

If you haven't...

Well, today there are more important matters to attend to.


I don't know how to talk about this.

Class, today we... we have a few special visitors.

Please welcome our guests.

<Enter male soldier, TV Executive, female soldier.>

Man in a suit: Guard the door.

Female soldier: Yes, sir.

<Soldiers move>

Male soldier: Ahem.

Mr. Morgan: Oh, um...

Pardon me.

<Mr. Morgan is escorted aside>

Man in a suit: Hello, everyone.

It's nice to meet you all.

We're here today as representatives of SOTF-TV. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the program.

I'm pleased to announce that your class has been selected to compete in Season 66.

You will be escorted off the premises and conveyed to our studio imminently.

You will receive further briefing and information at that time.

Do not attempt to resist. Do not speak to anyone on your way out of the building.

Leave all your possessions behind, including all phones and electronic devices. Anything you bring with you will be confiscated.

Your families will be notified of your situation, and your belongings will be returned to them.

Now, if you have any words for your class, Mr. Morris?

<Mr. Morgan returns to the desk>

Mr. Morgan: Everyone, it... it has been a pleasure to be your English teacher.

Please believe me when I say I wish this was not happening, just as much as any among you does.

You are about to face trials I can't begin to comprehend.

I hope that, whatever route you choose, you'll do so with consideration and understanding.

I offer the same advice Polonius gave his son, Laertes, on the eve of the latter's voyage to France:

'This above all: to thine own self be true.'

I... I wish I could give you something more.

I feel like—

Male soldier: This is very touching, but we are on a timetable.

TV Executive: Indeed.

You'll have plenty of time to share your fond recollections with the reporters and the interview crew.

Right now, we need to move the students out. Let's go one at a time, from the desk closest to the door.

We have people in the hall to escort them to our bus.

If you could call the names, Mr. Morris?

Mr. Morgan: U-um. Yes. Alright.


<Caroline walks halfway>

Caroline: I... this can't...

TV Executive: Chop chop.

Trust me, you don't want to be the one who causes a delay.

They say weapon assignment is random but, well...

Nobody likes a troublemaker.

Caroline: (Sniffle.)

<Caroline exits.>

Female soldier: Next!

Mr. Morgan: Vincent.

<Vincent exits>

Female soldier: Next!

Mr. Morgan: Michael.

<Michael has to leave, but he can talk to Forrest and the female soldier and he can get yelled at for going the wrong way. Scales up to four levels of resistance.>

* 1. Forrest: This is horrible.

I think we have to do what they say, Michael.

You should go, or you'll be in real trouble.

I'll be right behind you, I think.

TV Executive: No talking, either of you!

You, Michael: into the hall.

We don't have all day.

And you don't want a reputation as difficult.

2. Forrest: M-michael, you should just do what he says.

Why aren't you listening to him?

TV Executive: I don't know why you're insisting on making this as hard as possible.

It's only going to make everything worse for both of you.

Forrest: Michael, please!

You're going to get me in trouble too!

Just do what he says.

3. Forrest: ...

TV Executive: Your friend has the right idea.

Whatever trouble you end up in, you've brought it on yourself.

1. Female soldier: Go into the hall. Stop dallying.

This isn't a game. You have no idea how much trouble you'll be in if you don't listen.

2. Female soldier: I'm not here to talk to you.

Comply or face the consequences.

3. Female soldier: You're trying my patience.

You really don't want to do that.

1. TV Executive: I'm sorry, but you seem to be lost.

That's not the way to the hall.

<Michael is shunted back>

2. TV Executive: I'm sorry, was I unclear?

You're to go directly to the hall.

No talking. No detours. Leave your belongings behind.

Mr. Morgan: You should listen to him, Michael.

There's nothing you can accomplish here.

TV Executive: Listen to your teacher.

3. TV Executive: Let me be plain:

You're setting yourself on the path to a very, very hard time.

You may not care now, but when you look back on this, you'll regret it.

4. TV Executive: I see you're set on having your little moment of resistance.

So be it. You can be an example to everyone else.

<At level 4> TV Executive: You know what?

My patience has run out.

Secure him and convey him outside.

Male soldier: Yes, sir.

<Male soldier rushes Michael.>

Michael: Agh!

Male soldier: You brought this on yourself.


<Screen dims>

Michael: My head...

<Fade to black>

<If Michael complies>

TV Executive: Good.

<Fade to black>

Female soldier: Next!

If Michael tries to run:

Female soldier: Ah-ah. No running away.

<Michael is clubbed unconscious.>


*If Michael was clubbed: Michael: My head...

How hard did they hit me?

How long was I out?

Where am I?

*If not: Michael: Where am I?

I remember getting on the bus. I was between Forrest and Vincent.

Someone came in crying. Who was it?

They told us to be quiet, and then the bus started moving and...

I don't remember. Did they knock us out?


...My arms and legs are tied to this chair.

I can't get up.

It looks like my classmates are all here, but who are the people on the other side of the room?

This looks like an auditorium. I can see the stage pretty well from here.

<Camera pans slowly, stops on the stage>

Loudspeakers: Attention: Quiet in the house.

<Brief pause. Patrick Buckley appears onstage.>

Man: Hello, everyone. I hope you're all having a pleasant enough day.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with our little production, my name is Patrick Buckley. I'm the master of ceremonies for SOTF.

To all the fans in attendance today, it's a pleasure to meet you. To everyone watching at home, I hope we're once again able to put on a stellar show.

I'm sure most of you are aware of our premise, but if you are not, allow me to explain it in its most elemental form:

This is a game of life and death. Kill or be killed. Survival of the Fittest.

<Patrick paces to one side of the stage.>

Historically, there has been little variation to the basic formula: many are entered into the game, but only one is left standing at the end.

Yes, there's the occasional escape—and we've always honored and respected the ingenuity required to effect those.

But there was no intrinsic way to make it out with your friends.

But those of you who watched last season know that was no longer true then.

And that is the case once again.

<Patrick paces to the other side>

You will be divided into small teams of four or five members, selected at random. These teams may not be changed.

Your team may comprise your best friends, your worst enemies, or total strangers.

As you may have noticed, we have students from two schools here today.

Let's give a hand for the students of Whittree High School, from Whittree, Oklahoma.

And another for the students of Davison Secondary School, from Albuquerque, New Mexico!


(Michael: Did they really just play canned applause?)

<Buckely returns to middle>

More than that, as was the case last season, the first person to score ten kills will be released. It's a hard road, but we've seen that it's possible.

Naturally, kills on your teammates don't count towards the ten. There's no reason to hurt the people assigned to help you.

You will have to locate your team yourself in the arena. You will each be provided with a colored collar showcasing your allegiance.

They're pretty small, though. You may have to get close to tell what team somebody's on.

Oh, and of course they do serve a secondary function:

If you try to run away, or go into one of the areas we tell you not to, they'll explode, taking your head with them.

Try not to let that happen to you. It's not as dramatic as it sounds.

The arena for this season is a coastal resort in Oregon. It's pretty cold there now, so also take care not to freeze to death.

You will each be provided with a pack containing a first aid kit, a map of the area, a small amount of provisions generously donated by our sponsors...

...spare clothes, most notably a costume unique to each of you for the theatrically included....

...and, of course, a randomly selected weapon.

These rang from rifles to squirt guns.

Cross your fingers for something good, but remember you can always upgrade if you get the drop on someone more fortunate.

Each team will be assigned a mentor, who may provide advice and assistance once per twelve hours.

If you want to get their attention, just tap on your collar. They may occasionally contact you unprompted as well.

Also, every twelve hours, there will be an update informing you of everyone who has died since the last check-in, as well as the perpetrators.

Which brings me to my next point of business:

Some of you may know that we parted ways with our long-term announcer after the last season.

As such, we're trying somebody who brings some more zazz to the table.

You may have heard her show on the radio.

Please join me in welcoming Ms. Ritzy Daggers!

<Applause. Enter Ritzy.>

Ritzy: Hey hey hey!

Good to meet ya, kiddos.

I'll be here to broadcast all the news that's fit to hear. And I'll do my best to do it with some flare and style.

I'm really stoked to be a part of this experience with all of you.

So rest assured, whenever you get horribly killed, I'll do my damnedest to tell it in an awesome way!

Patrick Buckley: Thank you, Ritzy.

<He returns to the podium>

I'm pretty sure that covers just about everything you need to know.

So, with that out of the way, we'll just have to move you all to the arena.

I'm afraid, for the sake of competitive integrity, we'll be rendering you all unconscious during transit.

But don't worry. The gas is totally harmless.

Hit it.

<All TV personnel leave>

Michael: I hear hissing.

Uh oh.

<Gas rolls>

This is the written script for everything in the Prologue, including all the dialogue trees (unless I missed something). Could be super messy—my notation was chaotic.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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