S019 - Moriarty, Nora

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Catche Jagger
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S019 - Moriarty, Nora


Post by Catche Jagger »

Name: Nora Moriarty
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, social media, food science, sewing, embroidery, cleaning, reading

Gift: Toxic Mouth
Power Details: Nora’s salivary glands dispense a set of highly toxic proteins similar in composition to those seen in Varanus komodoensis, more commonly known as the komodo dragon. The toxin can be transmitted through bite and through ingestion. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle paralysis, anticoagulation, hypotension, and hypothermia, potentially leading to unconsciousness and death in high enough doses. Additionally, while usually not visible due to her consistently wearing a face mask, Nora has slightly sharper and pointed teeth, which has been determined to be related to her gift. Hypothetically, this would add an extra health implication if she were to bite someone.
Limitations and Drawbacks: Nora’s venom has a variety of social and health implications. One major drawback of her ability is that she isn’t entirely immune to her own toxins, leading to a variety of health issues that she manages through an altered lifestyle. For example, she has a unique diet meant specifically to counteract the toxin’s effects. While she is doing much better over time due to acquired immunity, she still has some medical concerns relating to it, most notably anemia. Additionally, she often has to be careful about the possibility of transmitting her toxins by accident, such as using her own eating utensils, wearing a face mask in public, and avoiding sharing food with others. Because her teeth are sharper, she has to take extra care to avoid biting on the inside of her mouth while eating, to prevent the toxin from entering her bloodstream from any resulting minor injuries.

Appearance: Nora stands at 5’0 feet and 94 pounds, making her shorter and underweight in comparison to her classmates. Nora is of Anglo-Saxon ancestry. The effects of her Gift shows in her sallower skin tone, leaner build, brittle nails, and her frequently looking exhausted. She typically hides her illness by wearing light natural makeup to make herself look healthier, trimming and painting her nails, and making extra sure she looks polished and clean. She has her wavy brown hair styled into a chin-length bob, which helps with brushing and cleaning it. Nora has narrowed golden-brown eyes, thin lips, and a straight nose.

Nora’s dress sense typically consists of a long dress, leggings, dress shoes, and a cardigan or sweater, as she doesn’t do a lot of physical activity and gets cold more easily. Nora often wears a face mask to prevent even the possibility of her toxin spreading through her breath. Most of these are fabric, with Nora taking time to make them herself and pair them with her outfits. While not visible under the mask, Nora has slightly sharper teeth than the average person, possibly in connection to her gift. When her class was picked up for the game, she was wearing a short-sleeved green dress with a small white polka dot pattern, a dark green button-up cardigan, thick black tights, and dark brown dress shoes. Her mask that day was a subtle shade of pale green.

  • Nora was born in Bend, Oregon, the second child to parents Lilly and Fabian Moriarty. Her brother, Rusty, is two years older.
  • For as long as she could remember, Nora has dealt with a variety of health implications resulting from her Gift. Throughout elementary and middle school she was in and out of the hospital due to her toxins having an adverse effect on her body, to the point where her long-term prognosis wasn’t hopeful.
  • Because of her poor health, she was homeschooled for most of her education. However, around 8th grade she had recovered enough due to developing an acquired immunity to her toxin, making it much easier for her to do tasks without assistance, allowing her to begin attending classes in-person at Duniway High School.
  • While she has been doing much better physically, she still has episodes of anemia caused by her ingesting her poison. Because she often doesn’t feel well, she has taken to more solitary activities that don’t require a lot of physical effort. Currently, she manages her symptoms with personal lifestyle choices and a variety of medications in the form of pain relievers, supplements, and power suppressants.
  • Additionally, she has to undergo various precautions in order to prevent her accidentally transmitting her toxin to others, such as using her own utensils to eat food, avoiding sharing meals with others, and wearing a face mask in public.
  • Nora is cautious about safety due to her Gift. For this reason, she is particular about hygiene, cleanliness, and keeping things organized. While it started as a way to prevent transmission, she did come to get fulfillment out of cleaning and organizing as it gave her a way to feel more in control.
  • Although she doesn’t usually share her personal projects with others, she developed an interest in cooking and food science due to her requiring a diet rich in iron to counteract her toxin’s effects, and she has an admitted interest in ways Gifts can impact dietary and health choices. Nora’s interest in food science has led her to want to pursue it as a career path, although her Gift does present multiple complications in her working in that field.
  • She has, however, begun a cooking YouTube channel to share her passion in ways that'd be difficult otherwise, though notably, she keeps her face out of the frame.

Personality: Because of her long history of isolation and chronic illness, Nora is timid and socially awkward. She is prone to anxiety and being overly cautious about safety, and is much more easily terrified in comparison to her classmates. For this reason, plus her often feeling unwell, she tends to stick to smaller social groups while preferring activities that are more solitary. Typically, once she gets past any awkwardness, Nora is seen as sweet-natured.

Other Skills: Understanding of nutrition, above-average fine motor skills

Designated Number: Student No. 019


Conclusion: "Poison like that can mess you up, sure, unless you're like me. Then you'd be lining up a shot from over two-hundred feet away, and nowhere near this girl's mouth." - Shark

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