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Every Final Girl Has Her Scars

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:46 am
by AnimeNerd
Somehow, RJ's heart hadn't given out yet.

[[RJ Blackburn continued from Changing]]

He had booked it as fast as he could from the cruise ship. Part of him had felt bad about abandoning Luciano, but another part of him remembered that he was on the same team as Amy, and after what she did?

He couldn't trust anyone that was associated with her. Not for a while, at least.

He collapsed onto a bench, appreciative of the padding that was on it as he laid down completely. He was completely exhausted at this point. He thought his lungs burned. The soreness in his legs was worse than any PE class he had back home. His head still throbbed from where Amy had hit him, and the smell of iron had begun to bug him.

...wait, what?

For a moment, his pain was forgotten as RJ sniffed once, twice, and then a third, longer and stronger sniff.

Oh God, please don't let anyone think he was a coke addict or something, he just needed to be sure about this.

RJ sat up as he realized that yes, that was the smell of blood in the air, and it stronger than he liked. Glancing to the part of the bench where his head had been showed blood there as well, and at that point it finally hit him.

The mannequin had hit him harder than he thought.

He let out a frustrated grumble as he took off the backpack, put it next to his feet, unzipped it and pulled out the first-aid kit and one of the water bottles, placing it to his right. One day in and he got injured twice. One was definitely superficial, and the head wound would likely be the same, but it still didn't change the facts.

At that rate he was going to actually break a leg by the end of the second day.

Putting the gun to his left, RJ placed the gloves on, and applied pressure to the cut, shifting as much hair as he could so nothing was in the way. He tried not to think about how much hair had turned red from his earlier obliviousness, as well as the realization that his hat was gone; the first casualty he had to deal with today, sadly.

Once he was sure that the bleeding had stopped (fifteen minutes usually, another five minutes just in case), he removed his hands as he grabbed the water bottle, leaned forward, and slowly poured the water onto the cut. After about a quarter of the bottle was gone, he stopped and put the bottle next to the gun. Limited resources and all that.

Finally, he grabbed the bandages-gauze, it's gauze, call it by it's proper name RJ-and started applying it how Mom had told him. It was difficult with all the hair, and he was incredibly tempted to grab the scissors and start snipping, but held back. He liked his hair, and he wasn't ready to part with it yet.

And after that, RJ was done. His hair was still partially bloody, but that could be dealt with later. He peeled off the gloves, placed them in the first-aid kit with the gauze, closed the the kit up and shoved it back in the backpack.

What a pain.

Well, he didn't want to lie down on his own blood, so it was time to change seats. RJ's legs practically begged him to just give in and lie face first in his blood, but his brain wouldn't let that happen. He didn't even want to think about the potential health hazards, let alone the general grossness factor.

But as he walked to another bench, he noticed something. As he walked, the metallic smell in the air only seemed to get stronger. There was more blood in the area than what he had shed.

Rational thought left him for a moment as RJ followed the scent, finding its source.

A girl. Lying in a pool of her own blood. Eyes bloodshot and bulging out. A giant gash in her neck.

RJ couldn't help but let out small scream before his body took over for his brain, rushing away as fast as he possibly could.

[[RJ Blackburn continued in A Heartbreak In Hell]]