
(Open, School Library)

This board allows for roleplaying of anything in the lives of the class of National Summit Academy prior to the selection for The Program, from their births to the morning before their selection. Approved characters may be in up to two simultaneous threads in this section, and may be in one-shots no matter how many other current threads they're active in. NPCs may be in only one thread at a time, and are limited to ten posts here.
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Post by Laurels »

((Rodney Vasicek: Before))

"You said you were mine. Do you know what Angelica told me? She told me that you were going to build her a house."

"Marcella, you don't understand," Georges said, grasping Marcella by her shoulders, "I had to tell her that."

"You lie!" she said, wrenching herself free. "You lied to me when you said Sebastian was going to be safe in the Spanish-American war, and you were wrong. I had to bury my brother because you lied."

Georges stepped back a bit as Marcella began to flail her arms around. He could see black tears fall down her rosy cheeks, her mascara freed from her eyelashes.

"Marcella, I had to lie to her," Georges said. "That house will be for you."

"How can I believe you?" Marcella asked. "I know marrying Angelica is more strategic. I know she has more money than I do. I know she'll give you plenty of strong children, whilst I can only hope ours will survive to adulthood. How can I know you really care about me?"

Before Marcella could say anything more, Georges grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her close. He stretched her arm out and bent her back, pressing his lips to her painted ones. Marcella let out a mumble, but soon closed her eyes as Georges kept his lips pressed to hers. He finally broke the kiss, allowing Marcella to breathe again.

"Does that answer it for you?" Georges told Marcella. "I will never give Angelica a kiss like that. I promise you, forever and always."

"Georges..." Marcella said as more tears fell down her cheeks.

Georges pulled Marcella in close and pressed his lips to hers. This time, Marcella pressed back, transferring her lipstick to his mouth. Georges pulled Marcella in tighter, his hands slowly moving up the back of her dress. He kept one hand close to the button on the back, whilst the other reached for the hairpin holding her hair up. He slowly pulled the pin out, letting it drop to the floor. Her raven black hair tumbled down her slender back like Victoria Falls.

As Georges began to work on the buttons on the back of her dress, Marcella moved her lips down his chin and onto his neck, just below his jawline. He tilted his head up as she kissed his neck, her wet imprint turning his neck red. Georges continued to unbutton the back of her dress, finally loosening the last one. He slowly reached his hands up to her shoulders, pulling the dress over her shoulders. The dress soon fell to her feet, leaving Marcella in only a corset and undergarments.

Marcella continued to kiss Georges on his neck, her hands now moving to the first button on his shirt. As she started to unbutton, Georges surprised her by quickly moving his mouth to her neck. If Marcella was going to leave her mark on his neck, why shouldn't he do the same? Marcella was stunned by the act, surprised by her lover's quick action and the sensation that ran through her body. She always did find her neck to be incredibly sensitive, even when her mother tried to tie ribbons around her neck as a child.

As Georges continued to move his tongue along the side of her neck, Marcella found no choice but to let out a quick cry

Rodney paused for a second. He held the journal in his hands, his pen slightly drifting across the page as he held it at the tip of the "y." He could feel himself getting a bit flushed in his cheeks. He couldn't help but smirk to himself.

Here he was, sitting in one of the lounge chairs in the school library during lunch break. He had a story he wanted to work on, so he took the journal he wrote a lot of his romance stories in to a corner chair and got to work. He didn't expect to reach such a passionate scene in the story so soon, but he couldn't help but get into it. His gripping tale of class and forbidden romance, set in the late 19th century just made him feel so excited and joyous. He really felt himself getting deep into Georges and Marcella's mindset, and he knew he had to transcribe their love as best as he could. Well, as best as he could before he took it home and transcribed it onto his computer.

Oh man, this is so good. I got to keep going. I could win a prize for this one.

Rodney chuckled to himself. He adjusted his position in the chair, crossing one leg over the other, and continued to write in his journal.

Sensing that Marcella was enjoying his attack, Georges continued to kiss her on her neck. Marcella finally opened his shirt, but soon found herself getting too weak to stand. Georges sensed this, and picked his love up, caressing her head against his strong chest. He spotted a chaise in the corner of the room, so he slowly made his way over to it. As he lay Marcella down, watching her hair spill over the side of the chaise, Georges smiled. She was so beautiful.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

((Laurie Moran: before))

Quiet. I need somewhere quiet. Get away from the stares and the giggles. Library. Library is the ticket to my escapism.

Laurie thought to herself as she made her way inside and she was holding her violin case by her side. She always made sure to have it with her as much as possible. She also needed to get away from the harsh words behind her back. Just because of her taste in music. If only the world was much more kinder to her. If only she could stand up for herself for once. She really needed to grow a backbone.

She let out a soft sigh. Who was she kidding? As if that was ever going to happen. Only in her dreams.

She glanced around the library and noticed very few people there. Good, good. That was the way that she liked it. She noticed the boy who was writing and she decided that she shouldn't disturb him. Wouldn't it be rude of her to distract him in the middle of him working on something?

Her dark green eyes wandered over to row of books. She needed to look in the music category. Her parents really wanted her to be up to date with American composers and she didn't want to disappoint them. Even if it did make her feel like she wasn't being true to what she loved the most.

She shook her head and she let out a sigh again.

You are thinking about this way too hard, Laurie.
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Post by Laurels »

Georges leaned over Marcella, his body glowing from the fireplace in the corner. His skin took on a golden hue, shining off his chiseled abs. Marcella felt her heart rate starting to increase as Georges moved in and continued to kiss Marcella near her collarbone. She let out a soft moan as she felt his body heat shared with hers. Georges moved his hands down her waist, feeling the hourglass figure her corset formed.

Marcella moved her hands up to Georges' shoulders, slowly pulling his shirt down. She felt his smooth back, her hands tracing his shoulder blades. Georges allowed his shirt to fall down. He sat up, his legs straddling Marcella's waist. In the firelight, Marcella stared at his chest. She remembered the sketches of the Statue of David, and wondered if looking upon Georges was how Michelangelo felt looking upon his model.

Marcella held her arms out, beckoning Georges to return to her

Rodney jumped up in his seat a bit, quickly shutting the journal. He looked over and realized the noise he heard was from the girl who had started to look at the shelves near him. He didn't recognize the pale girl, but he was suddenly frightened. What if she got closer? What if she peered over and saw what he was writing? Did she know his dad? Did she know a lot of people?

Rodney decided to play it safe. He quickly shut the journal closed. He had learned to be prepared for something like this after someone in 8th grade tried to look into his book. He had purchased a journal with a lock on the front in response. Now, if anyone got near him, he could shut the book and lock it tight. He kept the key for it on his key ring, so he could open it again whenever he chose.

He did have to paint the journal cover, though. The only journals with locks he could find were really feminine, and he knew he couldn't explain that to anyone without facing ridicule. Thus, he bought the journal with its bright pink leather cover and some brown paint. He painted the book in his bedroom early one morning and left a fan on so it would dry. No one would go into his bedroom that day, so he was able to do it without his dad or brothers realizing this.

Rodney was still worried the girl could come by, so he decided he needed to do something else. Without looking, he reached his left arm out and pulled the first book he felt off the shelf. He pulled it over to his lap and on top of the journal, and flipped it open to a random page. He was sure he did this all without the girl looking, but he had to look engaged in whatever he was reading.

Once she was gone, he could continue with his work. He was at a really great scene, so he really wanted to get back to it.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie felt a bit embarrassed for the boy as she had noticed what he did out of the corner of her eye. She hadn't meant to notice what he was doing. But how could she avoid seeing someone trying to hide their work from her? Maybe she had invaded his privacy without even thinking about it. Should she apologise to him? Would he even want her apology?

Should she try to talk to him?

She turned her head so that her eyes were focused on him for a few seconds and then she opened her mouth to speak. Then she closed her mouth once more. She had never been the one to start a conversation with someone else and she wasn't even sure how she was supposed to talk to the boy who was pretending to be absorbed into that book he picked at random.

She took a step closer and she felt herself becoming more hesitant and nervous. She had to open up and say anything to him. Just to get out of her shell and hopefully he couldn't think that she was a nuisance.

Just be yourself, Laurie. Everything will be okay.

"U-Um...." Her voice was barely a whisper and she shifted her feet slightly, feeling the urge to run off out of embarrassment. "Hi...."
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Post by Laurels »

Rodney continued to stare at the page. He could feel his jaw clenching and sweat starting to drip down the back of his neck. He prayed his face at least looked normal to anyone nearby. He just wanted to look like he was really into whatever book he had grabbed off the shelf. Right now, all it looked like was smudged black text on faded white paper. He felt his eyes start to strain, and wasn't sure if he had the right moment to blink. Maybe he should, so he could at least know what kind of book was in his hands.

That's when he heard the girl speak. He slowly turned his head towards the girl, his grip on the cover of the book tightening.


Rodney wanted to say something, but he suddenly felt too embarrassed to say anything. Here he was, trying his hardest to hide the romance novel he was working on and struggling to speak at all to a cute girl. If his dad or brothers saw him right now, they'd probably call him some really unpleasant words.

Rodney wasn't used to talking to girls, so he wasn't even sure what to say right now.

Wait. I don't need to say anything profound. I just need to show I acknowledge her.

Rodney slowly opened his mouth.


Oh god, this is bad. Bad idea bad idea bad idea bad idea. No, just power through it. Come on!


Okay, you did it. Maybe she'll leave and you don't have to look like such a moron.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

Oh gosh. He is actually talking to you without being a jerk, Laurie. That's good for you.

Laurie almost let out a sigh of relief but she stopped herself from doing that. She wondered if she could actually try to be the one to continue a conversation without becoming the clichéd 'quiet girl'. But what could she talk about with him? Maybe whatever he had been writing beforehand. But he hid it for a reason, right? Was he afraid of her seeing his work?

"I was just wondering...." Her voice came out as airy and more quiet and her gaze was now on the book in front of him. "What were you writing...?"

She paused for a moment and worry overcame her instantly.

"I-I mean.... You don't have to tell me.... B-But.... I.... S-Sorry...."

You are messing this up, Laurie.

"Conversations are hard...." She smiled warily.
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Post by Laurels »

Rodney tried to keep a neutral face as he looked at the girl, but inside his head all he heard was a cacophony of ambulance sirens, air horns, carousel music, and an entire parking lot worth of car alarms going off. The girl wanted to know what he was writing. He was at least glad she admitted he didn't have to share and that talking was hard. That at least told him this girl was nice and respectful and had pretty eyes.

But on the other hand, there was no way he was admitting to a peer that he was writing a romance novel. No way no way no way. For all he knew, she'd tell a friend who'd tell a friend who'd tell a friend who'd tell a friend who'd tell a friend who'd tell a teacher who'd tell a teacher who'd tell a friend who'd tell a friend who'd tell a work friend who'd tell a work friend who'd tell a work friend who'd tell their friend who'd tell their friend who happened to be Rodney's dad.

He couldn't let that happen.

Oh, right. I could just lie. That could work.

"Um, I was..."

Aaaaaaagh what could I be writing? Homework? We don't have any writing assignments this week. Diary? No, that raises more implications. Oh! I know!

"I... was writing... in my day planner," he finally said.

Rodney slowly pulled the journal out and held it up, keeping the front cover with the lock facing away from the girl.

"Just...really excited about... planning this weekend..."

All of Rodney's confidence started to sink deep into the pit of his chest. Now he was having a completely false conversation with some cute girl and was probably going to have to lie more.

Was this what Hell was like?
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie give a small, genuine nod. Day planning for the weekend. She wasn't much of a writer herself but she could appreciate what others liked to write. Be it poetry, non-fictional, fictional, song writing; she really did respect people who were like that. It was nice of the boy to share what he was doing with her. A complete stranger. Well, she wasn't going to tell her friends about what he was doing. He was equal to have that privacy. She wasn't a mean-spirited person like most people that she knew or seen acting in a horrible fashion.

Tell him your name, Laurie. You want to at least know his name, right?

Yes. She did want to know his name. Was he in any of her classes? If he had been, then she would feel bad for not knowing him at least a little. She mostly preferred her small group of friends. Although, she was willing to know other people. She just had the problem of actually being able to talk to them without sounding too quiet or too boring. Like a plain Jane.

"I see.... It's really good to have things planned out. I'm terrible at it myself...." She let out a gentle laugh and then she held out her free hand towards him, her hand was shaking a little out of nervousness. "I-I'm Laurie.... What's.... What's your name?"

You sounded alright, Laurie. Right, right?

She hoped so. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of this boy. She didn't really have any male friends anyway. So she wanted to at least try to make one with the boy in front of her.
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Post by Laurels »

Okay, the girl at least seemed to buy it. Maybe Rodney was better at subterfuge than he thought. Maybe years of hiding his emotions and feelings from his family actually paid off. She didn't seem to press the matter further, which was good. Rodney was already thinking about what he may be planning for the weekend that would require so much writing and emotion.

The girl also said her name was Laurie and asked for his name. Rodney paused for a moment.

Oh my god, she wants to actually talk and be pleasant. Oh god, don't screw this up. Just tell her your name already.


He felt something get stuck in his throat, but tried to push through.

"I'm Rodney..." he said, his voice slightly picking up when he emphasized the "o" in "Rodney." Now he felt slightly embarrassed. This was his first impression with this girl, and he was already coming off like a weirdo. At least, he hoped she didn't think so.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

Rodney. You did it, Laurie. Now what do you want to talk about with him?

Laurie felt awkward as she still had her hand out and she slowly lowered it to her side. She guessed a handshake was a bit corny. Maybe? Unless he didn't want to make contact with her skin. A bit strange but she wasn't going to let it bother her. It wasn't like it was a bit deal or anything.

"Oh.... Nice name. I like it...." She said honestly.


The silence was jarring. She had no idea where to start continuing this conversation. She really needed to think about what he would want to talk about. Not the book planning for starters. She couldn't go back to that. Hobbies? Interests? Family?


She was struggling to continue and she turned her gaze down to the ground. Maybe he would say something instead?
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Post by CondorTalon »


Ingrid crept into the library where she knew there wouldn't be many people around. She was done with pretty much all her work for the week, but it had been... just way too long since she worked on Emerwynn, and the ideas were practically going to leak out of her brain at this point.

She couldn't wait until she got home. So the next best thing would be to head to a place where not many people would be during lunch break. No one would bother her there...

Well, no one tended to bother her anyway, but at the library there was less of a chance of someone inadvertantly peeking at her fantasy world... she didn't want people to know she had that... it wasn't finished yet, and it was... well, it was embarrassing.

So yeah, the library. She took to a seat at one of the desks, doing a mental headcount of all the other people in the room. If anyone approached her she would switch to her dummy notes she had written at the front of the notebook for just that reason. She pulled out her notebook and her pencil and began to put ideas to the paper.

When she left off, she was in the middle of coming up with the towns of her latest continent. Now... for the geography...
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Post by Katie »

(Brittany Chesterton start)

Brittany Chesterton haughtily strolled into the library, deciding to forego lunch that day in order to get some extra studying done. She had a Geography test coming up, and she needed to ensure that she would get a perfect grade on it. She wouldn't settle for anything less.

She scanned the library, looking for a good place to sit. She saw a pair of peasants awkwardly stuttering to each other like imbeciles, though the girl was admittedly attractive (But not in THAT way, she assured herself). But what really caught her eye was a cute blonde girl sitting at one of the desks, writing something in a notebook.

Against her better judgement, she decided to sit at a desk across from the blonde girl (but far enough away that there was still some distance between them), so that'd she'd be able to, as she rationalized it, appreciate her beauty in a completely platonic and not at all gay way.

She opening up her Geography textbook and started studying. Well, attempting to study anyway. She couldn't help constantly peeking up from her textbook to steal a glance at the pretty girl, and indecent thoughts kept creeping into her head that made focusing on studying difficult.

She imagined herself walking over to the blonde girl, charming her with suave sweet talk, and sweeping her off her feet. She imagined them at a school dance, both dressed in beautiful elegant dresses, their arms wrapped around each other and their feet moving slowly a slow romance ballad filled the ears of the dance's attendees. She imagined her and the blonde girl cuddled up close to one another, exchanging passionate kisses, their hands tenderly exploring one another's bodies.

No, stop it! Bad Britanny! She scolded herself, for letting indecent thoughts such as these engulf her mind. She'd been having these kinds of thoughts since elementary school, with them getting worse as she went through puberty, and lately it had been especially bad. She needed to see a counselor or something, this could not go on.

If she knew better, she'd leave the library right then and go somewhere more isolated. Unfortunately, her better judgement seemed to be on lunch break, so she foolishly remained in the library, continuing to fantasize about the shy blonde girl.
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Post by Laurels »

Okay, looked like the conversation was over. Laurie seemed to have trouble figuring out what to say next. Rodney didn't know what to say to her either. He glanced over to the side. He could see two girls at the table across the way. He suddenly felt incredibly worried about how this must have looked to anyone watching them speak.

Still, even if he was worried about Laurie seeing his writings, it was still really, really nice of her to talk to him. He shouldn't leave her feeling as awkward as he felt.

This could be one of the most important meetings of his life, and he may not even realize it.

"" Rodney stammered.

"Have you read this?" he asked, flashing the book cover to Laurie. "It's called..."

He turned it back to himself and felt slightly awkward. What he thought was a hardcover, nonfiction textbook was actually a hardcover edition of a lesser-known YA series. One that only had three books in its series before it was dropped due to low sales.

He stared at the cover, featuring a young, raven-tusseled woman embraced by an octopus-headed muscular man.

"...Calamarry Me..."

Rodney stared at the cover, his mouth open in a half smile and his eyes slowly lowering.

Hmm. Maybe it would be better to let her see the journal...
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by Primrosette »

Laurie couldn't believe the cover of the book that Rodney showed her and she felt herself let out a small stammering sound. The title of the book made it sound so much worse. At least Rodney was trying to lead the conversation for her and she really appreciated it. She was growing to like this guy a lot more. In a friend - maybe? - way, not the romantic way.

At least try to become friends with him first, Laurie.

"I.... don't know about that book. I don't really read books that much...." She said with an honest smile and she wondered if she should sit down instead of just standing there. "The only ones I really like are romance ones."

Should you be telling him this, Laurie?

"Wh-What about you, Rodney?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Ingrid blinked twice as another girl came into the library and plonked herself down right at her table. When Ingrid saw her approaching the table, she quickly turned the pages of her notebook to her dummy notes.

She wasn't expecting the girl to sit right near her, though. She looked around the library. The quite spacious and not that full library. She could have sat anywhere else, but whatever.

That all could have been excusable. Seen as a weird accident or coincidence, but like...

The girl was constantly glancing at her. It absolutely wasn't subtle. Why was the girl here? Ingrid looked at the book in the girl's hands. That was definitely a school book. She must have come here to study. So why was she just looking at her?

Ingrid couldn't understand it. Did the girl hold a grudge against her somehow? She couldn't really remember if she'd ever actually interacted with the girl before.

Maybe she was looking for help in studying? No, wait, that was stupid. Nobody ever asked her for that.

This was so distracting; even if Ingrid didn't keep her worldbuilding a secret, this was distracting enough that she wouldn't have been able to put her ideas down in any meaningful way. So eventually, Ingrid made eye contact with the girl.

"Can I help you?" she asked bluntly.
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