Somewhere in the Between

Shouldn't take too long

Gleaming, tall, stained-glass windows shine on every wall of the impressive little church, with rows upon rows of empty pews filling the inside of the hall, and a graveyard lays out in the back.
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Somewhere in the Between


Post by Macha* »

((Kate Black, continued from The Sound of Silence.))

Kate had pushed to leave the holding cells as soon as possible, but with no real destination, they'd quickly managed to get nowhere fast. They continued on for a while though, wandering aimlessly, no real direction in mind other than "avoid the dangerzones." Even with a map, however, this wasn't as easy as it sounded. Far from it, in fact. They needed to stop, think over where they were headed. Wandering aimlessly was a waste of the little time that they had left. They needed to get a plan of action, figure out where they were headed.

After a while they began to approach a small building, marked down on the map -at least, where Kate thought they were on the map- as a Church. Seemed like a good place to rest, even if just for twenty minutes or so. Map in hand, she stopped and turned to Taryn. It was light, couldn't be that late in the afternoon, so sleeping was out of the question unless they wanted to get jumped by some hockey playing asshat who farted missiles and could taste the rainbow or anything great like that. It was too dangerous. She could sleep when it was night again. She... just needed to sit down for a while, that was all. Her feet were aching and if she took off her shoes she was sure they'd almost be as skanky as Ashley's. Almost. Sit down and maybe have a drink. She still had a lot of water left, with the stuff they’d taken from that boy almost a day ago. That alone would be enough to Her lips were getting dry anyway, starting to crack.

"T-Taryn..." Her voice was hoarse, she'd neglected to touch the bottles of water they had out of a fear of running out later on. In hindsight, that wasn't looking like such a good plan. "Sorry, but, um ...I-I need to take a break. C-Can we stop for a minute or two?"

Kate slowly ambled towards what had to have been the entrance of the church, setting her bag down on the outer walls. The church was... strange, to say the least, the signs of people having been there were all there, footprints, trampled grass, but there were no signs of any fights. Well, serious ones, anyway. No gunshot marks, no traces of blood anywhere. It was calm, tranquil.

Kate took her bag off of her shoulders, carrying it in her hand until she got to the outer wall of the church. She'd been in enough churches to know that the ground was probably more comfortable than the pews inside. Kate let the bag drop to the floor before brushing some dirt away with her shoe and setting down, just inside.

Kate opened up her bag and took out the bottle she'd opened back on the beach. It was stale, but she gulped it down anyway. As she drank, though, she felt a strange cramp in her stomach. Kate scrambled through her bag, taking out the loaf of bread she'd been given and taking a few large chomps out of it. That helped. She placed the rest of the bread back into her bag, not bothering with wrapping them or anything, before taking another swig of water.

Kate threw the bottle back in her back and put her hand up to her neck. It had stopped bleeding, but it was still sore, hadn't scabbed over yet. She was still worried about it, though. Any cut on her neck was bad, especially if it got infected. She could worry about that later, though.

She pulled her knees up to her chest, gently resting her chin on her muddy, ripped leggings. She wanted to cry right now. She didn't know why, but she just wanted to curl up and sob. But... she couldn't. She had to keep a clear head, find something to take her mind off of everything, if just for a minute or two. She raised her head and looked back at Taryn. Kate decided she was going to try and get a conversation going.

"So, um, Taryn..." She asked, pulling her hair back in front of her ears with her hand. She hated how it looked behind them, and never got the chance to fix it earlier. "D-Didn't you um, say earlier that you were... uh, from New York...? What's it, um, like there? I've never-“

She paused, thought about it for a second. Rephrased what she was going to say.

“I never got a chance to go..."
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Post by Carrion Queen »

((Taryn Jones continued from The Sound of Silence ))

The girls had hauled ass to get out of that dreary danger zone and unfortunately “haul ass” was not a setting on Taryn’s internal meter. It got a little easier when they had slowed down to figure out where they were going, effort spread out over time was preferable to short bursts of energy. The trouble was with making sure they didn’t escape a danger zone just to stumble back into another one and have to panic to escape again. It felt like she was trapped, running from an invisible hand trying to crush her.

After a while the approached a pleasant little building that seemed to be a church. It was marked as such on the map in any case. It looked pretty undamaged and it had an air of tranquility about it.

“I’m all for a break. I’m not cut out for this,” she said and tried to swallow nothing down her dry throat.

The girls decided to go inside and while Kate went ahead and sat down on the floor, Taryn took the time to inspect the trappings of the building. She’d never really been inside a small little church like this. The closest she came to churches were the grand cathedrals she’d visit with her family whenever they went on vacation to Europe, but this had an entirely different feel. It was sort of cozy, there was a warmth to it.

She ran her hand along the back of a wooden pew as she walked back towards Kate. The girl was munching on some of the bread from her bag. Taryn sat down next to her and pulled the peaches out of her own pack. She pulled the metal ring back and the thin metal peeled back. Taryn stuck her fingers inside the can, careful not to cut herself on the edges and pulled out one of the slices. She slid the can over to Kate, who was hugging her knees and looking sadly down at the floor.

“New York?” she asked. Kate wanted to know about where she was from.

“Well, I live in a city called Albany in the state of New York. It’s not the big city, but it’s the capital of the state. It’s a really nice place and it’s pretty big in it’s own right, but I like the big city best. My dad’s got a really nice apartment in New York City so my sisters and I go spend the weekends and breaks there. It’s about a three hour drive from Albany to New York City so it’s not that bad and we usually get someone from dad’s work to drive us, though before my older sister Emily moved out, she’d drive us sometimes.”

She took a drink from her water bottle. Taryn had been animated by the new topic to such a degree that she had forgotten how thirsty she was.

“The big city is really really great though. All the people are really interesting and they're pretty friendly too. You can get anything at anytime, sometimes I’d just walk around at 3 AM and people would still be around. There’s always something to do there: parties, museums, art shows. In the winter they set up a big ice skating rink in Central Park and the shops decorate their windows with elaborate Christmas themes and people go look. I think there’s even a voting contest for the best window displays. It’s my favorite to look at the window displays at Christmas.”

She sighed. Taryn didn’t know if she’d ever get to see the Christmas displays again. From Kate’s disposition, she could tell her thoughts were along the same lines. Her heart ached seeing how sad the other girl looked. Taryn scooted over to Kate and wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling her close into a tight hug.

“Everything’s going to work out. I’ll take you to see the city when we get home.”

Was it false hope? Probably. But then why give it? Because it was all that Taryn had to give and because she’d been telling herself that everything would work out for a long time before coming to this island. Hoping was already a way of life for her, so what harm could just a little more do?
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Macha* »

"O-Oh," Kate glanced around the church one last time to make sure before she turned her head towards Taryn again. "We... We never, um, we never did anything big for Christmas. Just, um, stuck a tree up in the corner, put some… some tinsel up on the walls and left it at that. No, um, displays in shops or anything. Nobody... Nobody ever, um, got into the "Holiday Spirit" where I used to live, y'know?"

Kate trailed off. She wasn't sure what point she was trying to make, now, of even if there was one to make in the first place. Kate was gonna miss Christmas, though. At that point, though, Kate would've given anything to have one more Christmas dinner at home. She looked down at her feet. She was starting to feel like crap again.

Suddenly, Taryn leant over and grabbed Kate, almost causing Kate to scream before she realised Taryn's intentions weren't violent. To Kate's relief, though, Taryn just wrapped her arms around Kate and hugged her tightly. Almost a little too tightly, really. Kate nervously reciprocated, loosely wrapping her arms around Taryn. The whole thing was a little awkward, to say the least. She had no idea what the cause of Taryn just doing that out of nowhere was, but Kate... she was okay with it. She would take hugs from Taryn over what had happened to them over the past couple of days. God, had it already been two days? Everything on the beach happened so quickly, and they couldn’t have spent that long in the cells, could they? Actually, Kate wasn’t sure on that one. The whole hostage thing could have taken hours, for all Kate knew. Still, from the whole choking and the knife to the throat and stuff, Kate could probably take solace in the fact that she now had definitive proof that she wasn’t into bondage. She almost chuckled at that one, and would’ve said it to Taryn if it didn’t feel so out of place.

Taryn started talking about how everything was going to work out, how she was going to take Kate to the city after they got out. Kate had seen enough movies to know that had just done wonders for her chances. Well, she appreciated it, but it was always the one with something to look forwards to that got killed off, right? It was right under people about to retire, wasn't it? Kate moved her legs slightly. Sitting how she was was getting a bit uncomfortable. Plus Kate had always been pretty fidgety.

"W-When we get home?" Kate looked down at the can of tinned peaches she'd almost knocked over with her foot, moving it away with her hand before locking her hug in again, a little tighter this time. God this was awkward. Was she keeping her hands in the right place? It’d been a long time since she’d done this, didn’t want to give a bad impression. "...B-but... Only one of us can win, I-I thought?"

Kate desperately wanted to believe that Taryn wasn’t lying. That it was a slip of the tongue on her epic plan to get them off of the island, but then Kate realised. Taryn was just trying to reassure her, trying to make her feel better. Well… it had helped and Kate was willing to give Taryn points for putting in the effort. She liked the idea of going to the city, though, False hope or not.

“But, um… Yeah…” Kate stretched her legs out a bit and curled her toes, to stop them getting tired. She didn’t know whether she was going to start have to run or not, really. Even Taryn she didn’t even know that well, she could just have been plotting all along. But... well, Taryn seemed so genuine. She really did.

“I… I’d, um l-love to see the city, um, if we…” Kate took a deep breath. Collected her thoughts. She didn’t want to trip over her words on this one. “Yeah, I’d, um, love to see the city if, um, when we get out of here.”
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Post by Carrion Queen »

The shy girl put her arms around Taryn and hugged her back. She could feel the warmth from her body, the two together had doubled their warmth and she felt calm. The church and the embrace of the sweet girl were all relaxing her, making her realize how tired she was again. She wasn’t just tired in the sleeping sense, everything about her was getting worn down.

Then Kate said it. She called her bluff. Only one of them could make it out. She seemed to fall back on that false hope as well pretty quickly, but Taryn knew that she knew the truth. They both did, but they were both lying to each other to make the other feel better. The fact that Kate was willing to do that for her struck her a bit. Taryn’s fingers dug softly into the other girl.

I’m going to miss you. I haven’t spent that long with you, but we’ve been together every moment since I woke up in this hell and you’ve been the only good thing. I’m going to miss your stutter; I’m going to miss talking to you. If I make it out, I know I’ll turn around some days and expect you to be there and you won’t. I’ll think of you and think of how I should call you up on the phone because I haven’t talked to you in a while and remember I can’t.

Taryn had to stop. She was getting misty eyed. Her limbs became loose and slid off the other girl. She cleared her throat and smiled at her.

And if I die first….

“I…I never told you what my power was really, didn’t I?”

Taryn took up the opened peach can and nicked her arm near her elbow. It bled slowly for a moment until the blood hardened into a sharp, red point. On top of the rich red color the fragment was smooth and shined under the light. Taryn snapped off the shard and gave it to Kate.

“Here. Something to remember me by.”
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
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Post by Macha* »

((Rugga has given me permission to handle Taryn for the duration of her absence, as such, any GMing approved.))

Kate looked over. Taryn well, she looked like she was close to tearing up. Was it something she said? It must've been. She released Kate, slipping her arms away. Cleared her throat. Kate figured she was about to make some huge announcement, or something. Like her plot to get them both out, how she had their way out of there sorted out and had just forgotten to mention it earlier. Something like that.

Instead, though, she asked if she had ever told Kate her real power. So the one she'd told Ashley was fake? Kate figured as much at the time, but confirmation was nice.

"No..." Kate shook her head. "Not that I, um, can remember. I don't, um, I don't think you have."

Taryn picked up the can of peaches Kate had almost stepped on earlier, putting it up to her arm. What? Was she planning on cutting herself? Why? Kate didn't know. Taryn probably knew. There was method to what she was doing. There had to be. Kate was sure of it. Taryn pulled the can up to just below her elbow and quickly nicked it with the can.

"Taryn? W-what are you do-?" Kate was cut off by the sight of some kind of weird paste oozing out of Taryn's elbow. It moved slowly, growing outwards and hardening into a sharp point. That was her power? That thing growing out of her? Was it safe? Taryn must have thought so, she snapped it off and handed it to Kate. Something to remember her by. Kate reluctantly accepted, grasping it between her thumb and forefinger. It was a crystal of some sort, blood red... although that was to be expected, really. Given the fact it was made out of what Kate assumed was Taryn's blood and all.

Kate's eyes widened as she held the crystal up to what little light remained. Made of Taryn's blood or not, It really was a nice crystal. She slipped it in her pocket. There, she'd keep it safe. Kate would make sure of that. She'd keep it, take it home with her. Make a necklace of it when she- when they got out of there. When they... Kate didn't want to think about it. No. Not at all. She noticed Taryn's arm was still bleeding. There, she had something to focus on. It was bleeding far too much for such a small cut. Something had to be done about it.

"H-Hold still for, um, for a second." Kate winced.

She opened up her bag, holding her breath. She'd always been squeamish around blood, but this needed to be done. Taryn probably wouldn't admit there was anything wrong until the spike got a foot long. She held out Taryn's arm and haphazardly bandaged it up with the few supplies she had in her first aid kit. Kate taped up the jagged bandage to stop it falling off. Words of thanks from Taryn. She threw the supplies back in the kit and the kit back in the bag. Started to feel like crying again.

Kate wrapped her arms back around Taryn and didn't say a word.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Taryn was about to tell Kate not to bother but she had already removed the bandage from her bag. It was another lie on a lie just like before. The point of bandaging someone is so that in time, they will heal properly. There was no guarantee that they would even have enough time left to develop an infection. She looked down at Kate as she finished her work and lifted her arm up a little and turned it to see her handiwork. Underneath the white gauze she could see the pointed outline of a newly formed crystal jutting out from her skin, making it look like Kate had bandaged a rock in there along with her wound.

Taryn looked up at her and smiled. She could tell it had taken some effort for Kate to do what she did from the way she squirmed. The small sacrifice meant a lot for an action so simple. Suddenly they were back in a hug, but this time it was Taryn being embraced by Kate.

I’m sorry. I can’t get us both home.

She took a deep breath and slipped her arms under the other girl’s arms and around her body. Taryn softly, steadily, moved her right hand up and down Kate’s shoulder in a rhythmic, comforting motion.

The light leaking in from the outside of the church illuminated the particles of dust floating around in the air. There was no noise other than the sound of Taryn’s hand on the fabric of Kate’s sweater. For a single moment, all was still.

“Thank the lord for small mercies,” she mumbled.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Fiori »

((Keira MacDonald continued from Discovery and Revelation))

She didn't speak much to Ray after they had both narrowly escaped the ravine with their lives. As much as she accepted the fact that there was no way either of them could have been able to save that kid who'd been shot, part of her still resented Ray for his decision to leave him for dead.

She KNEW that it was hopeless to even consider saving him. She KNEW that if they hadn't of left when they did, they would have ended up splattered all over the ravine. And yet, she still found herself not talking to Ray out of regret. Regret for being helpless to do anything to save that boy, or any of the innocent people caught up in this ridiculous game. It was all bullshit as far as she cared... The guns, the injections, the chaos... All complete bullshit.

Eventually, after an hour or so of nothingness, she spotted a building in the distance somewhere. A church or something... Great! Finally, somewhere we can take a decent rest...

As they both approached the building slowly, the idea of it already being occupied not even occurring to Keira at that moment, she was stopped when she heard a noise in the bushes by the side of the church. She lifted her hand to tell Ray to stop, pointing her gun in the bush's direction.

"Psst... I think we might not be alone" She whispered to him, the first few words she had spoken ever since they left Joel behind. "I'll go check it out, you stay here and... I dunno, look out or something."

And with that, she lifted her gun and sneaked off behind the church in the direction of the sound. Which, unbeknownst to her, happened to belong to nothing more than a perfectly harmless rabbit.
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Post by T-Fox* »

((Ray Pietrowski continued from Discovery and Revelation.))

Honestly, the feelings that Kiera were silently brooding over in regards to him weren't a one way street. Kiera resented Ray, not that he knew it, and frankly, Ray was annoyed at Kiera. It wasn't a matter of trust, no, the boy trusted Kiera wholeheartedly. And he understood Kiera being shaken up by what they had to do back at that cave. The kid didn't deserve to die; no one here did. But honestly, what could they do? It wasn't a very fucking easy decision for him either! But it was either all three of them die, or the kid he had spent the entire night trying to help recover died. And as much as he would have loved to carry him out and help, if that BITCH had given them more than five fucking minutes, he would have. But as it stood, sprinting by the time they got out of the danger zone, he could feel his entire arm buzzing. The fact he was still alive was a miracle.

Thankfully their combined annoyance and anger made the walk nice and quiet and gave the pair time to stew and cool off. If they were still alive in the morning, maybe they could kiss and make up.

Wait. Wasn't there a three day time limit on this load of bullshit?

Fuck, I wonder if I can survive an arm being blown off...

After however long; and Ray most definitely wasn't counting time, they wandered up behind a massive building that seemed to spring out of nowhere. "Woah." He crept, following Kiera's lead, and took up a pose with his weapons someone might see in something like Call of Duty. Knife in his left hand, blade out, pointed forward. Gun in his right hand, rested on the back of his left wrist. His fingers that clenched around the knife stretched on at a time and then again contracted.

"Psst... I think we might not be alone."

He simply nodded in agreement, his gun's barrel following hers to the bush.

"I'll go check it out, you stay here and... I dunno, look out or something."

Fantastic idea there babe. He thought to himself. Care to come up with something more vague for me to do? In reality it should have been a perfectly good idea. But as Ray's withdrawal-addled mind mingled with the aggravation, he very quickly found himself losing patience with every single little thing. Hell, the last time a mosquito decided to buzz by his ear, he almost lost his composure and started screaming swears and insults at the thing. Thankfully for the sake of, well, continuing to live he didn't, but it was still a very alluring idea at the time.

No matter how annoyed he was, he still stood and watched Kiera wander towards the bush. However, he felt that on the off chance something happened, he should probably at least let her know...

His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched her begin to move. "Hey... Be careful, alright? I know you're pissed at me, and I know I'm not the happiest with you... But hey, I still trust you and I don't want to see anything happen to you."

If she accepted that as a form of armistice from the cold war they seemed to be locked in, then awesome. Things could go back to normal... or whatever as close to normal as this island could facilitate was; and he could get his friend back. If not... They could deal with it later. Probably resolving with a lot of screaming. But whatever. For right now, they needed somewhere to rest. He took a few steps back, spinning around, his eyes scanning the trees. Nothing was moving, and that was a fantastic thing for right now.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Macha* »

Kate could have fallen asleep then and there, she really could. She wished she could just shut her eyes, drift away into sleep, and for those few hours, just forget what had happened to her. No, wait, what had happened to them. She wanted to, she really did. But, unfortunately, the island had other plans for them.

"Huh...?!" Kate moved her head up. Voices. Well, Kate thought it was the plural, she could never really be that sure if it wasn't just some nutjob talking to themselves, or someone calling for help. Whoever they were, though. They were close. "T-Taryn...?"

She pulled her arms away from Taryn and let them hang limp at her sides. It was all going so well, too. Kate was almost sure for a second that no one was gonna find them. Kate grabbed her bag, pulled it close to her. She opened it back up and pulled out her half-empty water bottle. Kate uncapped the lid and filled her mouth with the stale water, gulping it down with no real concern for how much she'd have left. If they needed to run again, she needed to drink. It was really as simple as that. Eating was secondary. She could wait with eating. Not drinking, though.

She put what was left of the water into her bag, and looked at the knife, thinking it over. Did she really need it? She didn't need the gun at the very least, though she hadn't handed over that or the ammo they'd stolen yet. She'd give Taryn the ammo later, she was probably burning through it, the way she'd been shooting. But that was something for later. For now, she had to figure out whether or not she was gonna take the knife.

Kate wasn't a fighter; Taryn had been fighting so far, not her. She'd shot the boy to protect her, she'd tried to stop Ashley from kidnapping and killing her. Kate shook her head ever-so-slightly. She'd gotten kidnapped because she hadn't had a weapon. Damn it. Kate picked up the knife with something of a sigh. No. No repeats. She wasn't going to be taken unaware this time. She wasn't going to let whoever was out there be another Ashley. She'd be prepared this time. Not taking any chances until she knew who they were, what they were doing and whether they were going to try and murder them like everyone else they'd encountered.

"T-Taryn? I, um, I think there's people outside." She shouldered her bag, clenching the knife tight in her fist. "I... I, um, I think we should go check."

"I-I, just, um..." Kate gingerly felt the cut on her neck. It was still sore. "I... I don't want to be caught, um, caught off guard again."
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Like all things, the peace was brought to an end. It was time again for the universe to test how much she wanted to live. Taryn opened her eyes at the sound of speaking outside the church. Kate pulled away and Taryn pulled out the gun from the waist of her shorts.

“I hear it,” she whispered. “Sounds like a boy. I’ll see if he’s dangerous.”

She brought up an excellent point. They didn’t want to be caught off guard again. No, this time they’d have a backup plan.

“I’ll go out front and see what his deal is. You go out the window and around to the side of the church. That way if he wants to get rough, we’ll have the upper hand. She crawled over to the front door of the parish and stood. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and held the gun with both hands near her chest. All of her muscles were tensed now. Taryn nodded at Kate as a sign for her to go out the other side.

“You can do this. Prove you want to get out of here. Count to three. One, two, thr-“

She swung her body forward and kicked the door open, gun out and eyes on the boy.

“Who are you and what do you want?”
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Fiori »

Huh, just a cat. Thank god, and here I thought...

“Who are you and what do you want?”

Keira froze, the voice cutting though the air like butter. It was then that she realised that for all her paranoia, she'd neglected to consider actually looking inside the church first...

She raised her pistol and sneaked around the corner of the church, taking a peak to see who was demanding questions from her friend. From the looks of things, it was a girl about the same height as her. A pretty one at that... Not that Keira cared, seeing as she happened to be threatening Ray with a gun.

SHIT! What the hell should I do?!? What if she tries to kill him or something?!?

She took a deep breath, and in an act of impulse stepped from out of her cover and walked right up to Taryn with her gun pointed at her head.

"How's about YOU tell us who you are and what do you want?"
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Post by T-Fox* »

"Who are you and what do you want?"

He jumped back with a major start, his hand slipping thankfully off of the trigger of his outstretched pistol. "AAAH!"

"How's about YOU tell us who you are and what do you want?"

"Jesus, take it easy! Both of you! We just want a place to crash for the night." He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure and maybe get a second wind. "Give a guy a fucking heart attack, why don't you?" He was breathless, he was tired, and he was cranky, and most of all, he was sick and god damn tired about fearing for his god damned life.

"We aren't trying to sneak up on you to kill you or anything, if that's what you think. Now, how about putting down the gun and letting us in?" His hand repeated the motion on the knife. While he knew that pointing both of his weapons directly at this surprise visitor would be an absolutely terrible idea, he also knew that putting the weapons away in a sign of 'peace' was a terrible idea too. If this girl had other ideas besides just trying to survive and he disarmed himself willingly to show that he wasn't a threat, he would be deader than dead.

And shit, people were killing. Missus bubbly bitch herself had informed them.

His heart was racing as he fingered the trigger of the weapon again. Pointed at about a forty-five degree angle right now, his other hand still below it, he could probably shoot her in the foot without lifting the thing at all. "Seriously, put the fucking gun down, I'm sick and god damn tired of almost dying every fifteen minutes on this fucking piece of shit island!"
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

A girl walked up to her and pointed a gun at her head. Taryn closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. She opened them and steadied her feet underneath her. Her small mouth was set in a thin line as she continued to point the gun at the boy.

It proved to be a good decision to send Kate around the other way. But even when she did show up, that would just result in a four-way Mexican stand off. What was the end goal, then? Maybe it would be okay if they just left the church area. No offense meant to them, but Taryn wasn’t in the mood to trust new people.

“Last time I took it easy someone almost got their neck opened up. So I’m done being nice and I’m not putting down my gun because I’m sortta screwed with out it because my power isn’t great and you can go to hell if you don’t like it.”

Suddenly a thought occurred to her. What if Kate were to just run off with both of their bags and leave the three of them here to shoot it out? Would she do that? Taryn didn’t want to think so. No, she wouldn’t do that.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Macha* »

Taryn motioned for Kate to take the other exit. Kate figured that was a good idea. Outflank them, send her to be the ambush if things went sour. She had the knife to protect herself in case things went wrong, right?

“A-Alright, Taryn.” Kate nodded. “Just, um, just give me a second, though.”

Kate made her way to the door, and was about to go through, before she paused for a second, thought better of just taking the knife with her. If things went sour- and Kate was pretty sure at this point that things would go sour considering how the rest of their encounters had gone- rushing in with the knife would cause things to end just how they did in the prison. No. She was dead set on not having a repeat of that in a hurry.

She ducked down, opened up her bag, and pulled out her gun, just letting it sit there in her hands for a moment or two. She'd forgotten just how heavy the damn thing was. Pulling out the clip to check if it was still loaded- which it was- Kate tossed the knife into her back, pulled the bag back on her shoulders, and pushed through the door.

No one. No one there. Kate swore under her breath and stepped outside, trying to keep herself focused. What if they’d already killed Taryn? Kate pushed forwards, the voices nearby growing louder. To her relief, Taryn’s was one of them, but Kate got the nagging feeling that if she didn’t do something, didn’t hurry up, it wouldn’t be for much longer.

Hoping whoever Taryn was talking to wouldn't spot her, Kate put her back up to the wall and peaked her head around. Two people had guns pointed at Taryn. Kate was getting some serious déjà vu. Alright, she had to take this easy. Figure out what she was going to do.

Kate span out of her cover, gun pointed in the general direction of the duo holding Taryn at gunpoint. No, she wasn’t letting what happened to her happen to Taryn too. No repeats. Kate could solve this without them needing to hurt eachother; without Taryn needing to attack anyone to protect her, this time.

“Put, um, put the guns down!” Kate tried to shout, but her voice just wouldn’t let her. “L-Leave her alone!”

Kate hoped they didn’t notice that the safety was on, or just how badly she was shaking.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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Post by Fiori »

Great, the last thing I need right now is to end up in a mexican standoff ripped straight out of a Quentin Tarantino movie...

Keira didn't lower her guard for a second as she kept her sights aimed at Taryn's head, her finger barely centimetres away from the trigger. Not that she had any intention of pulling it unless she was really forced to. This entire situation was complete bullshit... They shouldn't be aiming their guns at each other, they should be trying to figure out a way out of here. Or get back at the system, or SOMETHING. Ray seemed to have the right idea, trying convince this girl to put her gun down and calm the hell down. But it seemed she had a different opinion...

“Last time I took it easy someone almost got their neck opened up. So I’m done being nice and I’m not putting down my gun because I’m sortta screwed without it because my power isn’t great and you can go to hell if you don’t like it.”

Idiot! Doesn't she realise that things are only going to get worse if we keep this up? Besides, if I WAS playing I'd of already pulled the trigger by now...

"So what, are you suggesting that we all just stand around like this until one of us dies of starvation or something?" she said in a much harsher tone then normal. Keira rarely, if ever, spoke harshly to anyone back in Boston. She would occasionally speak to people in a sarcastic tone, yes, but she always maintained a pleasant tone of voice throughout. But there was something about this chick that just rubbed her the wrong way. Something about the bitchy way she responded to Ray, who was making a perfectly valid point...

"Look, I don't want to be the baddie here with the gun and everything. I can see you've got some trust issues... Can't really blame you there, but think about it. Surely if we were playing, then I would have already....."

“Put, um, put the guns down! L-Leave her alone!"


Somehow, she could just tell that someone was aiming a gun at that back. Like some kind of sixth sense based on a mixture of intuition and genre expectations. Of COURSE there had to be an accomplice waiting in the wings, now they really where in a true and proper Mexican stand-off. Fan-fucking-tastic. All they needed now was for something to set the whole thing off...

And sure enough, something did. In the form of a loud howl of pain that she heard right at the back of her head.

What the... SHIT, is that the banshee mentioned on the announcement?!? Are we under attack!?!

It was in that brief moment that she made the mistake of dropping her guard as she turned to her left and scanned the horizon for any sign of ambush.. That was all Taryn needed to make her move...

Can't see anything. Maybe its all in my - GAK!

She experienced a sudden shortage of breath as Taryn wrapped her left arm around her neck and tugged her back, causing her to drop her gun as she began to choke. She couldn't tell what was going at first, but after she felt a metal pistol being placed against her head it became all too clear...

Oh no... You're not going to have ME as your hostage, bitch!

She flailed her arms about wildly, her elbow hitting Taryn in the eye by pure chance. Her assailant immediately let go as her hand reached up to comfort her stinging eye, allowing Keira the opportunity to turn around and grab Taryn's wrist to get her to let go of her gun. But Taryn, quickly recovering from her mild injury, resisted Keira's attempts at disarming her and grabbed Keira's right wrist in retaliation.

For the next minute or so, the two struggled as they fought over control of the pistol. Taryn was trying with all her strength to force Keira's hands off her as Keira tried hard to grab her gun away from her. At first it seemed as though Keira was winning the confrontation, until Taryn suddenly began to turn the tides against her as her gun neared closer and closer towards Keira's head.

NO! Damnit, I can't let it end like this!

The gun neared closer, nearly in the perfect position for Taryn to pull the trigger and remove the lamprey that was attempting to disarm her... Until, a loud bang ringed out followed by a shriek of pain as a bullet from Ray's gun sped across and grazed the armed girl's right hand, causing her to drop the gun in agony.

Keira stood stunned for a moment, both glad that Ray managed to get her off and petrified because of how close that gun came to hitting HER right in the head. She turned to her partner slowly, and offered him a nervous smile.

"G... Good shot there." she said, only to then turn around to come face to face with one of the most terrifying sights she would ever witness.

And, as it soon turned out, one of the last.

Instead then a steady flow of blood seeping from the girl's recent wound, there was a long a sharp blood-red crystalline spike sticking right out of her hand, like one of Kroenen's blade from the movie Hellboy. She stood there for a moment in sheer shock, not exactly sure how to react to the strange occurrence before her.

Jesus! What the hell is...


She barely had enough time to even consider moving out of the way before Taryn plunged her crystal blade right into Keira's stomach, passing through her lower intestines and poking out of her lower back as it impaled her with ease. She let out a brief gasp, the pain of the fatal injury burning through her like a wildfire. She coughed violently, her power kicking in again as smoke began to emanate from her throat.

But this smoke wasn't like the smoke from before. This time it was much thicker, practically opaque compared to the first time she experienced her power. Not only that, but it had a subtly red tint to it as her blood began to slowly fill her lungs. And, after coughing several more times afterwards, the result was a thick cloud of red smoke which surrounded her and Taryn on all sides.

Shit... Oh god, this hurts real bad...... Can't see anything.... Everything is way too hazy......

She tried to get away from the red mist, tripping over herself as she snapped the crystal away from Taryn's hand. She coughed once more, surrounded herself with more of the dreadful red mist. Tiny splotches of her own blood began to cover her head to toe as she tried desperately to crawl away from the chaos, losing more and more blood every with every second.

"R... Ray......" she tried to call out, but she was already too weak to make any loud noise. Her vision was fading away fast, the red before her slowly turning to black. Don't you fucking black out on me just yet! I'm not having it end like this, not here. Not now...

But deep down, she knew that there was no way out of this. That wound was fatal, and as much as she hated to admit it she didn't have long until she finally closed her eyes for the last time.

No... I, I didn't want it to end like this...... Not here, not on this goddamn island! There was so much I wanted to do, wanted to see, wanted to experience! I can't let it end NOW! No way, not happen......

......Oh, who am I kidding. No way I'm getting out of this... I was doomed from the start, we ALL where. How was I going to escape anyhow? They've got bombs in her blood for pitty's sake! This was inevitable since the start......

She was only partially aware of what was happening around her. Things had quieted down, that enough was obvious. A figure she assumed was Ray was standing over her, maybe even cradling her. She couldn't tell by this point, the pain was so great and she'd lost so much blood that she could barely even feel her own feet anymore.

"Ray? Is that... You?" she managed to choke out, her strength fading fast. She'd barely seconds to live, and she knew it. And there wasn't much she could do about it...

...Not much.

"Got a bit careless, didn't I?" She said, forcing a smile. "But at least you're okay... Kinda inevitable though, wasn't it? Its a shame really... I was planning on asking you ought for a cup of coffee or something once we were back home."

She tried to laugh, but the pain it caused was too much and forced her to stop mid-chuckle.

"Still... Not too late for you to make it out of here in one piece. Just promise me one thing..."

Her vision was fading fast, and her heartbeat slowed down to a snails pace.

"...Please, whatever you do, don't......"

And then, she closed her eyes for the last time.

...Become one of them.

Subject C03 - Keira MacDonald: DECEASED
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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