Rules & Information

(Required reading)

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Rules & Information


Post by Hallucinogenic* »

Before I begin, I'd like to point out that everything in here still applies to SOTF: Evolution, aside from one or two key differences.

Firstly, this rp is very similar to SOTF in the way that it's played, except this time your characters aren't your everyday teenagers- they have certain... talents.

Now, don't go thinking this is your usual "mutant rp", because the powers your characters receive are anything but super, I assure you. Each one comes with it's own set of limits and drawbacks, just like the weapons given to the kids in the other rps.

On to the rules.

1. This is an rp about powers, but your characters are anything but super. No hammy heroes or villains, please.

2. There are only 20 spaces, so this time it’s one character per handler.

3. Characters need to be around 18 years old, and live in the US.

4. Swap cards aren’t used, but hero cards are. Each handler gets one hero card.

5. The world of the rp is the same as ours as we are now, in 2010, but with a few obvious differences outlined in the rp itself.

6. You can’t use characters from any other rp on the mini, or SOTF itself. Get creative, but keep them as realistic as you’ve made them for V4.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check this forum:

Seriously, if you're new to the site, it's necessary.

7. A day in the rp will be a month in real-time, meaning announcements will occur every two week after the game has started. These will cover both danger zone placements and character deaths. (The final announcement will occur four weeks after the previous announcement.)

8. 3 characters will be rolled every two weeks, and 4 in the 5th announcement, leaving 4 characters in the final.

9. Powers will be randomly assigned to each character (like the weapon rolls on sotf), and the explanations of each one will be stored in a catalogue of sorts for everyone to read.

As for weapons, each characters will receive a set identical to everybody else inside their daypacks, so if you end up with a seemingly awful power, at least you'll have something to make up for it.

For details on what each daypack contains, check the following thread: Daypack Contents

Edit: The subjects were kidnapped on the 21st of June, 2010, with the game starting on the 23rd. Write that down.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Hallucinogenic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Hallucinogenic* »

Hero cards - A brief explanation

Okay, so your character just got rolled in the announcement. What does that mean for you? Unfortunately, it means your character is now out of the game, and you'll have to make a thread detailing how they died.

But wait, what's this?

Somebody else doesn't want your character to die just yet, and they've sacrificed their own character in order to save yours.

They just used their hero card.

That means your character lives to fight another day, while theirs is sent to the graveyard, so to speak, but this doesn't mean your character is immune from the next rolls or from dying by any other means.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Hallucinogenic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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