Roaring Rapids of Hell

A rapidly flowing river spans much of the area, dividing it into two halves. Fording points are few and far between, with only a handful of locations being shallow enough to cross safely. Venture into the river at your peril - the current in the deep waters is more than strong enough to drown the unwary...
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Roaring Rapids of Hell


Post by KamiKaze »

((Simon Leroy and Sycanus Appletin continued from The Loner's Walk))

He had to keep an eye on her. She could easily dart away, teddy and all. And honestly? That would be tremendously awful. She'd probably get herself killed without him around. Oh the irony! He knew he had to somehow get rid of her someday, but in a way he was currently extending her life. A life of servitude which she probably wasn't aware of, but still a life that was at least going to last a bit longer.

Sycanus this entire time trotted along behind him, holding her teddy and revolver. He had to be careful with the revolver. Simon knew that somehow he was going to have to figure out how to get it off her, make her less of a hazard and more dependent on him. Dependency was key in this alliance. The goal was to make it so she couldn't picture wandering around without him. Remove the things that would warrant a sense of independence, and what do you have? Not much; you'd have to rely on others.

And that was the point.

Morals didn't mean anything if you wanted to survive. Sometimes the animalistic instincts took over and you just did what you needed to survive. That was his justification.

But oh! This looked like a good place to stop! The soft roar of a rapid river met his ears, and soon? It was in plain sight. A gigantic, majestic river. A good place to rest.

"Let's stop here."

He placed his bag and rifle down, and soon pulled out his map from his bag. He sat himself on a rock and read it.

In actuality? Now that he thought of it, he should make sure they stay far away from a building until she agreed to stay. It gave her an excuse to shoo him away, and, well, that would be bad.

Right now, though, they needed to rest.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Post by widespreadinman* »

Simon had stopped nearby. It was a good thing, too, for Sycanus's legs were growing a bit tired from the walking. He rested himself upon a rock, dropping his rifle in the process. The rifle seemed to be her point of focus, as she approached it. "Look, Tobeyn... it's his rifle." she said. "Want a closer look?" Almost immediately, she took a better grip on the bear, pushing it towards the gun. "Looks like it's made of wood and metal..."
Please tell me you're not doing that right now.... Her mind screamed at her to stop acting like this, but...
"Uh, Tobeyn... I dunno if you ought to get closer to Simon... as friendly as he seems, he might not appreciate the- Oh... alright then..." She approached him, bear still outstretched. "Er... S-Simon? My bear wants to talk to you..."
Jesus, Sycanus... I don't have a comment for this.
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Post by KamiKaze »

As he rested, he closed his eyes.

The sound of water gracefully poured over the rocks, like a drumbeat or rainmaker. Maybe Sycanus would be calmed down a bit more? Perhaps so. Water had a calming effect on people, even jittery little girls like her. Just the sound would make her relax a bit more, right?

Simon swiftly opened his eyes as she began talking.

Or maybe not.

She continued to play pretend with her teddy, like some child with special needs. For some reason the bear had "taken an interest" in his rifle. Oh god, what this some excuse to take it? Simon visibly tensed as the girl pushed the bear towards it, commenting on it being made of wood and metal. Well, gee thanks Captain Obvious. He was sure even the stupid bear would have figured it out if it ever became sentient.

He raised an eyebrow as she continued to have a conversation with the bear, telling it not to get close to him since he didn't appreciate it. And then she said it.

The bear wanted to talk.

If Simon hadn't been in the middle of trying to get her trust, he would have thrown out a sarcastic remark. He would have said a whole bunch of things. He tried his best to push them down, but the only thing that seemed proper to say here was-


He tried to make himself look casual, but to be honest, the bear thing was already starting to wear him out.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by widespreadinman* »

The next half a minute was in silence. To Simon, it was just that. But to Sycanus, she thought Tobeyn actually was talking to him. As if he had a voice... as if he was sentient... but he isn't. She withdrew the bear after realizing that Simon didn't really get what he was saying.
"S-Sorry, Simon..." she said. "Forgot you couldn't hear him..." Sycanus turned Tobeyn around to face her, once again remaining silent. After what seemed like forever, which was only another half minute, she nodded. "Tobeyn was just introducing himself formally to you. Also, he wants to know where were headed after this."
That's right, Sycanus... just be the interpreter of a lifeless teddy.
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Post by KamiKaze »

It was silent for half a minute, as if she was listening to the teddy talk to her.

Really. God, he couldn't wait until she stopped being useful. Because otherwise... yeah. She was still obsessed with that thing after all. Perhaps he could manage to take it away from her. Then she'd have even more of a reason to stick around. After all, that thing seemed to be some kind of security blanket, an emotional crutch. If she lost it, she would have more reasons to be dependent on him. So if the teddy had an unfortunate accident or ended up missing... well, she'd be more pliable and more easy to control.

And suddenly, she looked up from the teddy and apologized.

And just as suddenly, she went quiet, as if embarrassed. He wondered what was on her mind. After all, she did say that she wanted to know something, right? Or rather, the plush bear was. Either way. There wasn't much of a difference now that he thought of it.

Finally she spoke.

Oh good. The teddy was introducing itself to him. How wonderful. He seriously needed that! But what's this? Oh, it wanted to know where they were going? Well, that was what he was trying to figure out! Why did he have that map out, after all? Surely it meant that he was fishing or something.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out?" Simon said, eyebrow slightly raised.

Looking back down at the map, he tried to figure it out. Hopefully she wouldn't demand to look at it. Otherwise she might realize it if they were going the wrong way. Just long enough to make her trust him more will do.

But for now? Tell her the truth.

"There's a ghost town apparently. There's also a large quantity of other buildings scattered about as well. Like what can be guessed to be a cabin and a chapel. They're all over the place."

There. She got the truth. Just hope that she didn't pull out her own map or demand to look at his, and he'll be fine.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by widespreadinman* »

After hearing Simon's response, she nodded in return. Then suddenly, her gaze once again turned back to the bear. More silence. "But he checked his map already... I'm positive we got identical-" she said before sighing. "Fine, I'll check my own." Shuffling through her day pack, Sycanus procured her map, looking at it. "See, Tobeyn? He was right. There's buildings all around. Perfect for- Oh, you want to see those cactus patch springs?" Don't you dare have your guide be a literal guide. He'll probably shoot you before you even get to a new destination. "Maybe later, when we have some free time. Right now, we need shelter." She then looked to Simon. He still looked arrogant as usual. "So what do you prefer: ghost town or cabin?" Even more silence. "I see... well, Simon... we'd like to try for the cabin. They might have a bed or something there- Tobeyn!" Soon after, she lightly tapped her bear on the head. "You're just a bear. There's no way that'd look right...." Suddenly, a chuckle could be heard. "Well, yeah, but what if he's nearby? He'd probably flee or shoot me for that."
It's the desert heat, Sycanus. Might want to cool down.
She put the map back into her pack, along with her revolver. She took it, carried it with her to the river, and splashed some water from the river into her face. Her mind felt a bit clearer once the cool water hit her face. "Here, Tobeyn, have some water for cooling off." she said, scooping a small amount of water. She then poured it over the bear. Another scoop, and she gently rubbed all around the bear's head. "There we are..."
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Post by Jadedflames* »

(( Simon Mattheson continued from Dust in the Wind))

Simon walked up the river, staff in hand, and paused as he heard the speech again, signaling that he was near the source of the voices. He cupped his hand over his eyes to block out the sun, and spotted girl with a stuffed bear. She was scooping water over it, as if concerned it might have heat stroke. Simon squinted to make sure he was seeing what he thought it was.

Oh good, She's even crazier than you, Simon. You would do well together.

He shook his head and took another swig of water. Keeping one eye on her, he moved in a broad circle around her, keeping to her back. He was so focused on her and her strange motions, he failed to notice the still form of the boy lying in a depression in the sand. Simon suddenly felt his foot sink into something soft before tripping over and clattering to the ground. He scooted away as fast as he could, holding his staff up in panic, as if warding off a blow, seeing he had just stepped on the stomach of a very disgruntled looking boy.

Way to go Simon. I guess you won't be getting back to Cameo, will you? He is bound to kill you.
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Post by widespreadinman* »

Sycanus stood up, trying to dry off her bear with her hands. It wasn't successful, to say the least. Turning around, she noticed a new person. His looks almost seemed familiar... but Sycanus couldn't put her finger on where she saw the boy from. What she did put her finger on was her revolver, which, after shuffling through the pack, was brought out.
Wait! He may be friendly... The arm, still holding the revolver, wasn't raised. She merely took a step towards him, saying, "Wh-What do you want?!" in a panicked tone. Her other arm still clutched Tobeyn.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((So sorry everyone! *flails*))

Oh great.

She was checking her map. Just when he wished she wouldn't. God, and he was on such a lucky streak as well. No matter, it wasn't that big a deal. He could always think of something else. One thing was certain, though; get rid of that teddy. It was clearly the one thing keeping her stable, like a security blanket.

Well, cabin it was, then. He needed to keep her away from it, of course. Maybe take a different path? Sure. That could work. Perhaps keep going in circles on purpose. And then... what? Get rid of the teddy, keep her dependent on him...

What the hell kind of conversation was she having with that bear? It was as if it suggested something perverted to her. One thing Simon didn't want to see here; her using the teddy as an aid to self-pleasure. It made the point even more clear to get it away from her, honestly. Though he'd probably have to wash his hands afterwards. Extensively.

So Sycanus, without warning, wandered into the water. Okay, he couldn't stop her from that. If she wanted to play in the river, fine. As long as she didn't wander off. He watched as she seemed to pour water over the bear's head, as if it were suffering from dehydration. Whatever. Again, she could have fun with that.

Simon lifted himself off the rock, and decided to lay down for a few seconds. Placing his back against the bank, he lifted his hat off, placed it next to him and gazed at the sky. Despite telling himself to keep an eye on her, he found himself gently closing his eyes, only...

A pain had suddenly reached his stomach.

"FUCK!" he cried out.

Simon's eyes opened. He was being attacked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Was that the girl? Was she acting against him? Please don't let it be her, pleas-

No, it was a boy. A boy just stepped on him. As Simon lifted his upper body off the ground, he recognized him. He wasn't sure if the boy recognized him, but he knew him. How couldn't he? It was a small town. Not only that, but they shared the same given name.

He heard Sycanus call out, and soon Simon Leroy looked for his rifle. Still in arm's reach. He grabbed it before the other two could have gotten it. They weren't getting it, and frankly, if the mute kid was attacking, he'd rather deal with it than have Sycanus be the one to be dealing with him.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Jadedflames* »

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Not good.

Way to go, Simon. They both have guns. And you have... what? a glorified stick?

He scooted back slightly, trying to make himself small. He ran over all the stories he had heard of facing guns, but none of them were good. What was that he had heard once? "Charge a gun, run from a knife?" That was a stupid policy. A stupid policy written by someone who had never really been near a gun.

Simon looked at the girl, holding a large handgun in one hand and the bear in the other. She  looked as though she was not prepared to kill. The boy, on the other hand, had a rifle. Winchester, right out of the westerns. Fitting. The boy had anger in his eyes and murder in his hands.

Poetic, Simon. Shame you'll never write it down.

Best case for survival... don't be a threat. He dropped his staff to his side and held his hands up in surrender.

Shame you can't talk. Speech would be reeeeal helpful right about now, wouldn't?

He blinked rapidly, but his mind was not bringing him any plans, any plot devices, no rescues. He was stuck in the middle of the desert, and would most likely die.
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Post by widespreadinman* »

The boy's sudden action of surrendering seemed to set Sycanus at ease. Oh... good... he really is friendly... Quietly, she nodded to the silent Simon. "S-Sure... let's just... not get hostile..." she said. "Don't hurt me, and we won't hurt you..." Looking around, she didn't really see much else place to put her gun other than the ground.
No way in hell are we dropping this gun. Carefully, she slipped it into one of her pockets. A bit of force was required, but at least she got the whole barrel in. There was also enough room to hold a small bit of the bullet chambers. Sycanus's focus then shifted to the bear in her arm. "What's that? Oh..." she murmured before approaching the silent boy. "Um... h-hi... I'm S-Sycanus." She then motioned to her bear. "This is Tobeyn..." Her free hand pointed towards the Simon with the rifle. "And that's Tour Guide Simon... who still needs to... um... g-guide us to safety. Would you like to come with us? We're headed for a cabin."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Simon Leroy lifted the gun up further.

Great. Sycanus was chatting the asshole up. Goody. Guy was clearly batshit. He was pretty sure he couldn't talk, as well, judging by what people said about him. And to make matters worse? He just attacked him. Didn't she see that? Didn't she see how the foot connected with his stomach? Didn't she see that he had that staff? Clearly she didn't see that. Sure, he was surrendering now, but what about later?

So now she was inviting him over. He was clearly going to be a problem. He couldn't even speak! He could try to get him dependent on him the same way Sycanus was, but he was already an attacker. He could kill them both in the night, and everything that he'd worked up would be practically, shall we say.


That was the idea of keeping him around. Pointless.

Either they had to shoo him out.

Or kill him.

Would it be hard to actually pull the trigger? Certainly. But... but... he had to defend himself, right?

"Stop talking", he snapped at the girl.

He lifted the barrel of the rifle to the other Simon.

This was, admittedly, a good time to get her trust. Defend her, and she'd trust him.

Just defend himself, and for now, Sycanus. Just watch out for his feet and staff. It wasn't hard. Wasn't hard at all.

But for now, the boy was clearly surrendering. The staff was on the ground. His hands were in the air. Okay, time to say something else.

"Look. I do not want to die here. I do not want to be kicked around either. Do you know how much of a future I have? Do you?"

And so Simon Leroy had dropped the nice guy act just as quickly as he had put it on.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Jadedflames* »

No. No, it wasn't fair. He had surrendered. He had done nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. Nothing at all. It was not right. He should not be looking down the barrel of a gun. He should be at home, penning a story, reading a book, tinkering with a bit of clockwork. Something. Anything.

Anything but this. Sprawled on the sand. A patch of sand in an endless sea of it. Looking at a boy his age. A boy who went to his school. A boy who thought a gun made him a man. Meant he did not have to talk. Made him think he was a big shot.

He wasn't a big shot. He had no right. No right to do this. None at all.

Then why don't you tell him, Simon?

Tell him? No. Even here, even now, speech wouldn't come, couldn't come.

So you are going to die silently then? A failure? A splatter at the end of a gun. A gun held by an insignificant thug who needs a weapon to make himself big?

No. No. That wasn't right.

Then what are you going to do about it, then? Huh? What will you do?

Charge a gun.

Simon's eyes narrowed slightly. Adrenaline pumping. Pulse speeding up.

Don't give him time to react.

Simon's hand wrapped around his staff. His muscles clenched.

He won't pull the trigger fast enough.

The thug was saying something. Do you know how much of a future I have? Do you?

Yes. I do.

The staff came up, swung like a cudgel. Slamming into the barrel of the winchester, throwing it into the sky. The force of the swing brought him the rest of the way up, as if in a dream, bringing his staff down again, a high arc, aiming right above the eyes.
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Post by widespreadinman* »

What the hell is he doing?!
Sycanus flinched at the gun-toting Simon's words. Never before had he seemed this hostile. If anything, I think you better run. Get to the cabin before he turns on you.
Though she froze up during the conflict, her mind was panicking. All she thought of was running, hiding, and keeping as far away from Mr. Leroy as possible... assuming he would live.
"Forget this! I'm leaving!" Sycanus screamed, throwing her revolver into her bag. After picking it up, she nodded. "That's what I was thinking, Tobeyn... shouldn't be that far of a walk or run..." Clutching the bear with her arms as best as she could, she took off running. From her direction, it seemed as if she was going to head towards the cabin...
((Sycanus Applettin continued in Taste Your Beating Heart))
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Post by KamiKaze »

Something seemed to change in the other Simon's eyes.

He wasn't sure what it was, but something in him seemed to change after he yelled at him. Of course he'd be a little upset. But it wasn't like he wasn't asking him a direct question, damn it. Tensions were high. That he knew. It was a shame, he couldn't talk. He wondered why. If he was able to speak, it would have made a lot of things easier. That was the point of speech. So why did he refuse to talk? At least a little "Yes" or "No", or even a full, single sentence.

Wasn't. That. Hard.

Simon Leroy watched as the other Simon's posture continued to change. Something was up. Something he had said had done something.

And suddenly, he lashed out.

Simon had barely managed to cry out in pain as the rifle was knocked out of his hands. Seriously, what the hell? What the hell was he doing? What the hell was going on now? He was now attacking him, just as he suspected! Who did he think he was? Simon had much more to offer to the world, damn it, and if this mute-

Simon Leroy's thoughts were quickly interrupted when he saw the staff raise up into the air.

In that brief moment, for the first time since he had woken up, he knew complete fear. He had tried to be the man with the plan, the winner. He was a planner. He was probably the only one who was even trying.

Now? Now? Simon understood.

Frozen with fear, he could only watch as the staff connected with his head.


Simon felt the staff hit him directly between the eyes, and suddenly, he knew he was falling to the side. Another sharp pain had come up in his head, this time on the side facing the ground, and Simon barely registered that he had hit his head on the rock he has been sitting on.

A sense of dizziness came over him, as the pain throbbed in his head. He didn't feel like moving. He didn't feel like even crying or screaming from the pain. Instead he felt... tired? That usually meant...

Simon's eyes gently flickered as he tried to stay awake.

He had a future.

The only one with potential.




HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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