

One of the most popular photo spots on the island before it's induction into SotF-TV, this geyser sprays once a day without fail. The resort management refuses to tell if it's natural or not though.
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Post by Acidic* »

((OOC: I know I have a while until inactivity, but these next few days may be busy for me so I'm just going to post now.))

Okay. It's been long enough for him to piss, shake, and do a little dance to celebrate.

So it had been much longer than that, but the point still stood that Jake wasn't back yet. He could be in trouble like she was earlier. Remembering her fight Madelyn got up, grabbed her bag, and tied her hair back up (ignoring how itchy it got since all the sweat dried up). I shouldn't of let him go alone, now he might end up like Marion. Frowning at that possibility Madelyn looked at Mikaela and said,

"We should get Jake. I got lucky when I survived the last fight, and it might not happen again." It was blunt and ugly, but here there were no flowers to pretty up the reality or Madelyn's words. After that she started to walk in the direction Jake went, trying to keep calm with all the worry in her belly. Madelyn could feel said worry feul her heart to beat at panic's pace.

((Madelyn Conner continued in A Generation Lost in Space))
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Post by Namira »

The collars decided to all have a go at each other at once, not something that Mikaela really needed to hear at that point. Madelyn mentioned making tracks and honestly? That sounded good.

"Don't speak to me again. Don't you dare."

She didn't know if they'd listen. Probably not, but it made her feel a little better.

Only a little.

((Mikaela continued in A Generation Lost in Space))
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