this leaves me quite discheesed


The outlying jetties are much like their central cousins, but sparser, more open, and more rickety. These walkways extend to the far edges of the flotilla, servicing single boats or in many cases truncating abruptly with nothing but a drop into the water. These jetties have guardrails and life preservers available in some places, but their presence (and maintenance) cannot be relied upon. There are still places to take cover, and occasional crates and barrels lying around, but these nooks and crannies are less common.
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Post by Lilith »

Xander's eyes darted to the right toward Rhonda. He half-hoped he'd shoot on sight, but he also hoped nothing would happened. It was selfish, but he knew that how the world spun, and how it kept spinning. You had to be selfish. You had to be cruel. You had to have the will to hurt others and inflict horrible injuries, both physical and psychological, to even have the faintest hope to survive.

And Xander didn't know if he had it in him.

That's why a part of him wished that Rhonda took that decision away from him. He wanted her to just pull the trigger. He wanted her to just kill Giselle. It was a simple gesture, pulling the trigger. It used about three muscles. That's it. Just three muscles to end someone's life, or get near close of doing it. He wanted someone to take away that choice. To make it for him. A descend into a madness forced unto him by his own apathy toward life.


He said. The voice that came out of him wasn't his. He looked at Rhonda again.

He just wished she took away that choice.
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Post by Aura »

Hey. It was just one word, not enough to get a read on someone. Not unless she was some kind of speech specialist who could analyze someone's words right down to the inflection and tone, but Rhonda didn't have that kind of talent. She was just tough and had a shotgun. All that did was make her look less approachable, if anything.

But she realized who was talking to them, and her mood lightened, just a little bit. Giselle Filmore. Rhonda knew her well enough to know that she fucking hated SOTF. Maybe as much as Rhonda herself did, maybe even more. But no matter who hated it more, that was one trait that Rhonda was really looking for out in the flotilla. Someone who wouldn't want to play along. Someone who would be down with taking down the system. Giselle definitely seemed happy to see them, so maybe she was thinking the same thing.

That didn't clear things all the way up, though. Giselle didn't have their team bandanna, and there was still the risk of her having already given in, even just a couple of hours in. However, the things that she did know were giving Rhonda reason to have a small amount of cautious optimism.

"Hey." Rhonda called back to her. "You good?" She didn't raise her gun, but she didn't put it away either. She wasn't making any threats yet, but she wasn't surrendering any more safety than necessary.
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Her shiv was still hidden in her pocket. It was one quick hand movement away from being pulled out.

"Yeah, I'm good. Friendly, if you are."

She raised both of her hands to show that she was unarmed.

"I was juuust about to head back to my group, actually. We're planning an escape at the Cruise Ship. If you want, you can join us, we wouldn't mind more people on our crew."

Giselle put on a big friendly smile and hoped they were friendly enough to look for the escape route. Be naive enough to look for it. In the back of her head she already thought about what she would do if they arrived at the pool. If she lead the two of them to the pool, they'd be walking right into the lion's den. All she would need to do when they arrived was to command Fisk and Vas to open fire once they realize it was not exactly an escape group.

"But if you want to walk on your own, that's fine, I can respect that," she quickly added to show that she was considerate of Rhonda's and Xander's choice.

Hopefully the offer was attractive enough. But it didn't really matter if they wanted to join her on her way to the pool or not. The most important thing right now was that they wouldn't shoot her. Honestly, if they went 'we're not interested' and just fuck off, that'd be just fine.
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He replied. It sounded too good to be true. He wasn't desperate. He could hold his own anywhere, and he could hold his own here too. He didn't need a flimsy escape attempt to change his mind. Everyone crumpled under the pressure, and that same pressure was going to corrupt Xander. It had already corrupted him, but not outwardly.

Inside, somewhere, he was selfish. And he had a goal. He wanted to know where was Emmy so he could talk to her. So he could apologize. So he could cry. So he could say that he was sorry. So he could move hands on her bo-

He shook that idea away.

"Not interested." He replied. "I have better things to do."

Cold but true. He wasn't wrong.

"Do you want to go Rhonda?" He asked, his voice not faltering despite his nerves pulling on his throat.
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Rhonda's dull eyes lit up for a moment as the possibility raised itself. She had forgotten about that possibility entirely. She remembered news stories about people escaping from the game, usually because they were able to exploit some flaw in the system. That would be the absolute ideal. Escaping from the game, getting a group of people out at the same time, and hopefully pissing off SOTF's producers and fans at the same time for not playing along. She loved it.

All of that was true, but there was still something that kept her from jumping in with both feet. She just wasn't this lucky, especially not in SOTF. She found an ally right after she woke up, and now a coordinated escape group just a couple of hours in? It all seemed too good to be true. One of her instincts was to raise her gun and get the hell out of there, but she wanted to trust Giselle, even if she wasn't sure she could.

Xavier was the first to get an answer out, and his words carried some weight for Rhonda. Her gun stayed low, but she had some words for Giselle.

"Your group, you sure they're legit?" Rhonda asked pointedly. "Because we haven't really had this kind of luck."
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"We've got Anthony on board, Keegan too and Bacchia and James. I think our team's pretty fucking legit. Y'know, I read a lot of theory collars in internet forums in my free time, so I have some theories on how to disable them. I think there's a chance that we can be successful and that more than one person will get back to Miami alive."

Giselle smiled with positivity at Rhonda, even though she knew that all she told her was bullshit. Even if all the words she spat out with enthusiasm were true, they would have been bullshit and overly optimistic, but it was better to sell it to them that way and sugarcoat the escape in this manner instead of selling Giselle's realistic evaluation of escape. No one wants to buy reality.

It was true that Giselle used to hang out in forums and read about ideas on how to escape from SOTF, in fact, there were tons of ideas. Videos on that on YouTube with billion of clicks about escape theory, all kinds of forum threads on various websites, with ideas ranging from troll physics to rocket science to leaks coming from members of the SOTF-TV staff of previous seasons. The producers paid much attention and money to prevent the top secret information of the collars to come to the public - it was one of the most essential mechanics of the game, after all - and updated the design regularily.

For Giselle, it was also unthinkable of just trying to escape. Experimenting on the collars, risking herself or her friends dying trying to get rid of the collar gambling with one of many plans that were out there, without the hundred percent certainty of it working. Trying was not an option for Giselle. Just like a wise old green man said, 'try not. Do or do not. There is no try.'

She looked away from Rhonda to focus on Xander, who did not seem like he was interested in escaping. Relatable mood.

"Xander, what's your plan, then? What do you want to do instead? I hope you don't want to play the game by their rules."

She intonated the sentence without an accusatory tone, but more in a curious one, though when she addressed the producers her tone showed characters of her truthful hate of them, but with a pinch of a 'the big bad producers' pathos that was oversubtle.
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Anthony. Keegan. Bacchia. James.

All people Xander didn't care about. He shrugged, his arms limping to the side of his body. Escaping was... never anything that crossed his mind. It wasn't a real plan. It wasn't a real thing. You couldn't escape SOTF-TV by sheer smart. Or by sheer strength. Or by sheer luck. You couldn't. Even if you could, you were still at the mercy of the producers. You could have the best plan with no flaws, but if the producers didn't want you to.

You'd be dead before getting the collars off.

Xander shook his head.

"Like I said," he replied, "I got better things to do."


Emmy. Emmy, Emmy, Emmy.

"I'm searching for someone."

He paused.

"Emmy." He swallowed. Hard. "Did you see her?"
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda raised an eyebrow at Giselle's list. Not because of anyone in particular who was on it, but because she was surprised to hear so many names on it. That was a pretty big group to meet up and come up with a plan so soon, especially one themed around fucking with the collars. The first thing that popped into Rhonda's mind was them touching a wire that they shouldn't touch and having someone's head blow up in their face for it. Seemed like something you'd want to try on a corpse's collar first before a live subject.

Fuck, that was a morbid thought.

Rhonda wanted to believe Giselle. She really wanted to think that there was an easy way out of this scumbag's idea of a game. But even with those hopes, she couldn't stop asking questions about this spot of luck that seemed to be falling into her lap. Xander's seeming disinterest in joining up played a role in keeping her from getting too excited too.

When Xander questioned Giselle about Emmy, Rhonda stood by and waited for her answer. She didn't know Emmy personally, but she at least remembered the name. Her fingers slowly drummed on the grip of her shotgun as she left a gap in the conversation to hear how Giselle would respond.
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Emmy. Giselle thought about it and, yeah, she could recall Xander and Emmy hanging around together in school. They probably had been close friends. Giselle hesitated a second before replying.

"Hm. Yeah, I know where Emmy is. She's, uh, in fact my mentor. They abducted her with us, but put her into the mentor role as a sick joke, those bastards."

Emmy looked very whiny in her mentor video, which seemed very odd considering she was the one that got out alive. Sure, having your friends die sucked, but Giselle would switch positions with Emmy any time.

"If you want, you can speak with her. Uh, just come to my collar and you two can talk."

Giselle would have probably been a bad mentor. if she had been forced to mentor she probably would have just refused to cooperate with the producers and just say nothing useful to her classmates. Maybe she would have helped out some of her friends with advice. She definitely would have tried to break all the rules given to the mentors and give way more information than she was allowed to.

"Hey, Emmy. Remember Xander?"

Giselle tapped her collar as if that would activate Emmy. Giselle wouldn't mind Xander and Emmy talking instead of Emmy giving her any advice on the game. It didn't look like Emmy was going to be of any use for Giselle anyway, since all her crying and bitching in her introduction video were an indication that she was intended as a joke mentor. But now it seemed like she could be useful to convince Xander to trust her.

Also, Giselle had no real reason to prevent a reunion between friends to happen, even if it wouldn't be in person but through a collar. She assumed both Xander and Emmy wanted to talk to each other for a last time and stopping that to happen would have been cruel to both Emmy and Xander; Giselle still had some decency in her.
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Post by Lilith »

Xander stared incredulously. It sounded like bullshit. Absolute bullshit.

"I don't believe you." He retorted.

It sounded like absolute bullshit. Like a trap. It sounded like a trap, and Xander wasn't going to fall in it like that. He was better than that. He knew it, and he knew himself, and even if he wanted to believe a lie, he knew he was better than that.

He didn't move, staring down at Giselle. He didn't trust her as much as he didn't trust Rhonda and as much as he didn't trust himself. Everyone was flimsy under the pressure of the game, and everyone could crack and break like a dam overflowing with water. He didn't want to be the drop to tick it in, and he didn't want to be the dam either.

He stared still.

"Prove it."
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Post by Namira »

The voice bursts frantically from Giselle's collar.

"Xander, it's a trick! Get out of there!"
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Post by Lilith »

Giselle proved it. It was distinctly her voice. Emmy proved it. She was there. She was safe. Xander was... happy.

Yeah. He was happy. He was angry that it had been her and not him, and he was angry that he felt that way, but he was happy. If only there wasn't the warning looming above him. A trap. It was a trap. A trap made out of a girl standing in front of him. He stared. Unmoving. Unflinching.

"Is that the truth, Giselle?"

He didn't move.
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Post by Aura »

Well well, Giselle was telling the truth about Emmy. But that didn't really man anything when what Emmy said was far more revealing.

Rhonda adopted a more aggressive glare in Giselle's direction as the shotgun still dangled from her hands. Her goodwill was draining fast, and now she just wanted some goddamn answers.

"You gonna tell us what's going on?" She said with a sneer, choosing her words slowly and clearly. "Or do we need to hear more from Emmy?"
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Emmy was a bitch. Emmy was a fucking bitch.

Giselle had been naive enough to think that Emmy was going to be useful to her, but then she was reminded by Emmy's message that she was a designated joke mentor chosen by the producers. Crying one second about being the victim, while being a classmate who would survive the next days unlike others. Promising to help them as much as she could, the next second snitching her to her enemies. Fucking bitch.

Giselle's facial expression changed. She did not act like the optimistic anti-SOTF escapee in front of the two of them anymore, no it was visible that she was caught off guard and some of her real emotions were visible on her face. Despair, anger, fear and hopelessness. Shock. The feeling she currently felt was like the feeling she had when she was on stage and forgot her text for a second, but ten times worse.

That was no problem, Giselle was a professional. When she slipped out of a role or forgot a text when stage acting, no problem, she could always get back into it and move on. Try again, it was no big deal.

She took a deep breath, recollected her focus and changed back to her optimistic attitude again that was audible in her voice.

"Like, she meant..."

She suddenly stopped speaking. She couldn't find the right tone anymore, she wasn't acting anymore. She couldn't get back into the role anymore. She fell out of the role completely.

All attempts of her brain to spontanously freestyle an excuse or talk her way out were given up and her mind was clogged with the feelings of betrayal by Anthony, who chose his principles over his life and Emmy, who chose Xander over her.

She slowly stepped closer to Xander.

Once she was close enough, she pulled out the shiv and swung it at him.
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Post by Lilith »

Xander lunged back. He thanked Emmy mentally. She didn't need to do that. Xander wouldn't have done that if he had been Emmy in that situation. He would have lied.

God. He would have lied and let himself die. It was easier. It was easier that way. He wouldn't blame Emmy for this. He wouldn't. He would have let her do it, and he wouldn't have been angry about it. He gritted his teeth and threw his body against Giselle. She was small. She was dwarfed beside him. She was easy. A small target. Weak. Puny.

Xander's hands went to her throat and to her wrist. She yelped. He yelped. They yelped together. A harmony. A chorus. A melody. Xander yelped again when the shiv nicked his hand. He started squeezing her. She was so small. If he pressed more, she would break. He just needed to squeeze more, to press harder, to break her neck. He could break her neck if he wanted to.

It would be terribly easy.

She was easy.
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