F's in the chat

Private! Paging Toxie for a brawl!

The upper deck of the ferry is open to the air, and offerings direct access to the nearby house boat via a particularly precarious metal gangplank that shifts with the rocking waves. The upper deck has markedly less cover than the lower; aside from the stairwells offering the opportunity to duck down, it's all benches and railings.
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Post by ItzToxie »

You're dead! You're dead you're dead you're dead you're dead, just fucking give up already and Know Your Damned Place!

Fisk backpedaled as another swing went for his jaw. Blocked the next shot. The third got through, hit him right in the collar bone. Fisk sidestepped the forth and retaliated with knuckles to nose, and followed up with a jump and a superman punch to the same location.

He swung again and Ivan ducked, grabbing Fisk's arm and using the momentum to flip him to the ground. As Fisk rolled over and scrambled to a kneel, Ivan's knee clocked him in the eye and sent him to the ground again.

The only reason Fisk got up the second time was that Ivan stopped to take a breather, though Fisk would never admit that to himself, let alone anyone who questioned him about it. Fisk stood up from a kneel and rushed forward once more. He had Ivan on the defense swinging punch after punch. Though for every three or four swings only one got through at best.

Fisk backed Ivan back into the corner, and with a final defiant scream he put form and function away for raw power, sending a wild haymaker straight to the throat, trying to collapse his trachea.

Ivan sidestepped and grabbed Fisk by the back of the head, slamming him face first into the railing. Fisk stumbled back, dazed. Ivan followed through with an uppercut, followed by rapid fire punches to the chest and gut, punctuated with two simultaneous punches to Fisk's solar plexus, followed by more punches, and another double fist to the chest.

Fisk's legs buckled as he stumbled back, Ivan screamed defiantly in his face. One more punch, a spinning backhand was the final blow, bouncing off of Fisk's temple as he stumbled three steps to the side, dazed and out of it.

It took all of Fisk's focus and strength just to keep standing at this point.

Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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A sweeping leg kick brought baghead crashing to the ground, and Ivan stood on either side of his opponent, leaning down nice and close.

"Could've made this easy on yourself," Ivan said, mockingly, as his hands wrapped around baghead's neck - left, than right. Slow, methodical.

He'd heard often that you needed to test yourself from players of this game. You had to do it early, because the longer you waited the less you knew. Wait long enough to find out what you've got in the tank, others could have already stacked the deck against you. You needed to learn how much you had here, now, before they all squadded up, geared up, were ready to rumble against you before you even knew if you were capable.

Ivan knew he was capable. He'd known for a while.

He squeezed.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk grappled at Ivan's hands as he gasped for air. Things were not supposed to end this way! He grasped and clawed but found no purchase, Ivan's grip got tighter and tighter. Fisk's chest began to burn for air, his eyes felt watery and then dry.

Fisk clawed his arms up towards Ivan's face, but he just moved his head back. Fisk tried punching at his elbows to buckle them, but he was too weak. TV Static began to fill the corner of his vision, and blur into his hearing as colors got brighter, then got darker and started to fade.

It couldn't end, not this early! He was Fisk Bateman, everything had lined up for him perfectly! He planned this perfectly! He couldn't fall now, not this easily!

His grasp weakened, his vision darkened. His body was going numb all over. It wasn't just oxygen deprivation anymore, his brain was deprived of blood as well. His body was shutting down on him and there was nothing he could do about it besides watch.

This wasn't fair. He wanted to win. He deserved it!
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Pillowcases offered shit protection for necks, and Ivan pressed this advantage, hands lightly trembling with the effort. Adrenaline coursed through him and he felt a heady rush, a powerful feeling, settling somewhere in his chest. He could let go, now, and baghead would live. He could squeeze tighter, and end it all. He could let things ride the way they were, and baghead would be on the cusp, and he'd be in control.

He realized, then, that he never actually had checked for baghead's bandana. It didn't matter. This was the way. The 10 or bust, easy, peasy, gg, no re.

He wasn't going to survive Survival of the Fittest. He aimed to thrive in it. He wanted to show up after this was all over on his dad's podcast and talk about how easy it was, how it all started right here. With his hands around some fucking kid in a tie's throat.

"You're the start of something special," he said to the pillowcase, grinning.
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A hand around his left elbow, pulling it back, a figure with a pillowcase over their head, eyeholes cut into it.
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Another hand on his right elbow, yanking it behind him, pillowcase over their head, eyeholes cut into it.
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Someone pressed a foot into his knee, forcing him to stay put, pillowcase over head, eyeholes cut into it.
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Another foot against his opposite knee, pressing him downwards painfully, pillowcase, head, eyeholes.
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His chain was yanked backwards, forcing his eyes upwards,a hand on the top of his head. Pillowcase. Eyeholes.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk gasped and coughed as the air suddenly rushed back into his lungs. He felt the familiar burn of sensation returning to his limbs from being asleep. He gasped and sputtered as he sat up and saw what he was expecting.

Sure, it was a little later than he'd hoped, but the ambush worked as it should've.

Fisk smiled under his mask, laughing. He stumbled to his feet, and rolled the lower half of his mask above his nose. He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, and began wiping the blood from his face. "Y'know something... I did warn you. Could've made it easy on yourself." Scarred lips stretched to a wicked grin. "Gave me a good knockin' though, I'll give you that."

He stepped forward to the bound Ivan.

"But did you really think, even for a moment, that a genius like me wouldn't have a contingency plan?" Fisk flourished his arms towards Ivan's captors.

"Ivan, my friend, I want you to meet The Respects!" He leaned in close to Ivan. "Or in your case, your betters." Fisk reached into his belt-loop, and pulled out the glass shiv he'd been hiding.

"Now, I want you to know this is nothing personal- Well, actually, it is now, you kind have made it personal. If you had just given up, this would've been a lot less trouble for me, and a lot more painless for you. As of now, I kind of have to pay you back for the 'difficulties' you've given me. Again; Nothing personal."

Fisk looked at the shiv, then back to Ivan. "You should feel honored though. You're going to be the start of something great. We're making history here, Ivan buddy, and you're playing a grandiose part in it. Everyone's gonna know your story, as it will be the stepping stone to mine- err, ours." He looked up at his compatriots, his revealed mouth smirking. "Again, you should feel honored about this though, were you to go against anyone else in any other season, I have no doubt you'd have made your mark, hell, you may have even won! It's not your fault you went against me, it's just your fault for fighting the inevitable, and for that, I have to send a message."

He slid a hand down Ivan's cheek and caressed it. "I'd like to say this will hurt me more than you, but to be frank ol' Ivan ol' pal, you are making this very easy for me. Didn't help you broke the most important rule of Villainy 101, never brag before you've won."

He brought the shiv towards Ivan's forehead. "Now what were you saying? Oh yeah, you're the start of something special? Well, you're not wrong. Savor these moments. There's no greater thing than to spend your remaining minutes basking in the greatness of your superiors." Yeah, that's right Fisk, play it up for the crowd, give the world what they want.

Fisk pressed the glass into Ivan's flesh, marking a vertical line down the center of his forehead. He paid no mind to the screaming, Ivan asked for it the moment he decided to fight like an absolute cheater. "My my, this is a lot easier than I thought it'd be. It's like butter." Fisk followed through with a horizontal line on top right side of the slash. Than another just below it. "Wow, these are some neat cuts. These are some neat fucking cuts." He squeezed his hand over Ivan's cheeks and pressed his head up to face the rest of The Respects. He looked up and smiled at them. There were some laughter in the crowd. Some nervous, some very much less so. The camera zoomed in on Ivan, surrounded by the masked gang, it closed up on his face, and onto the symbol marked into his forehead.


Fisk stood up, laughing. He unrolled his mask back to cover his face. "Start of something special... I like that. That's a good line. I'll use it in your honor Ivan." And with that, he finished with a roundhouse kick to the Ivan's temple, knocking him limp.

"He's all yours boys and girls!" Fisk stepped past the group down towards the stairs to retrieve his gun. Two steps down and he heard the lovely telltale sounds of stomps and punches behind him.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

As the gang rushed in, Ya boi went for the throat, literally.

‘STAY THE FUCK DOWN!” he growl-screeched as he yanked the chain back. Not enough to strangle, ‘course- he’s gotta let Fisk be the star for this. Bond villain ass, gotta do the making-a-point thing. Y’know. But enough to make him imagine it like a garotte. He thought he would have to use the chains of his own, actually- a bunch of metal scavenged from his belt and neck, linked with clasps and knots and earrings. Imagined that iron-and-silver rope goin’ round Ivan’s neck, but he’s nice enough to provide the materials already. Ugh, the screaming. Makes him wanna gag him, but that would get in the way of things and also cost him a finger or two.

“Get ‘em,” he added for dramatic effect as he yanked the prey’s head back by his hair. Prepper vs Prepper, bitch. “Sorry, but ya can’t just fuck Cap’in up like that. Nothing personal, kid, heh,” He laughed lil’ while flashing a (hidden) grin at the homeslice. Cap'in. Captain, Fisk, Ivan's new God, hallelujah.

He looked at the rest of the Gang. The Respects. Their little gank squad. They were the Respects, now. New team, new guy, new person, all that shitz. And then he looked back, eye fixated on the way Fisks’ shiv carved Ivan up, all nice and pretty. All that blood. Congrats, dude, welcome to the Fucked Face squad. These really are some neat fuckin' cuts.

(It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t pretty or neat at all and Vasily couldn’t believe he was doing this shit.)

“F in the chat, y’all, whoever’s watching this.”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

So imagine for a second, just a second, you're going about your day, and then—whoopsies—suddenly you find out the world's going to explode in seventy-two hours. Or not even the world, imagine some whacko planted a bomb in your blood and everyone else in school's, and you're all going to melt, whatever. Just, death is imminent, for you and everyone else you can hope to interact with. What do you do? How do you spend those last few moments of your life?

Hypothetically, there were way worse ways than following some charming boys with strangely enchanting scars around. Just sayin'.

Wearing a mask made things both easier and harder. It was easier because, well, there was that whole thing where it just felt like it'd be more difficult to beat someone up while staring them in the eyes and having them know who you were and shit. A mask changed the equation. Wear a mask, you're an internet troll, not a school shooter. It was all so cheerfully anonymous.

The part where it was harder was that the stuffy pillowcase fogged his glasses up like a bitch.

Keegan was, okay, not quite at the level of batshit that this little endeavor had immediately spiraled to just yet, but that was okay. He was helping, really and honestly. Wait out of sight? Hey, easy, that was what he'd be doing on his own anyways. Stop this guy from squeezing Fisk's neck until his head popped off like the cap of a coke left in the freezer? Yeah, that was just defending others. That was a good guy move.

Beat the piss out of the assailant and go to town on his scalp?

Well, so that was a little bit more real more quickly than expected, and there was blood splatted all over the goddamn place now, and all this screaming and thrashing and that sort of stuff, and it was more than a little uncomfortable, right? But Keegan wasn't stomping anyone just now, personally. He'd come in, grabbed a limb, and then as Jackass was hurled to the deck, Keegan was right there getting into place to keep him pinned. Holding him tight, almost like a hug. No escape.

In Champions, this was called CC, which made Keegan the support right about now. Everyone loves the support. Just keep 'em nice and still while the DPS does their thing, yeah? No need to, to slash throats or impale anyone on the fuck-off horn he'd been given, not at this time. Just CC. Yeah.

He whistled a little to cover the crunching and squelching and whatever.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Well, that got pretty wild right there, huh?

Like, James knew this was a pretty ambitious plan, for sure and, of course, he hadn’t entirely bought into Fisk’s whole deal. Nevertheless, SOTF wasn’t something he really knew and these guys clearly had this stuff kinda down.

That whole “F” in the forehead thing, though? A little bit excessive, for sure.

Vasily was all in on this, it seemed, and Keegan (who came off as a pretty level-headed guy, all told) still played his part. Still, James hesitated a bit as he held Ivan’s arm firmly. He’d have to do his part too, wouldn’t he?

“Yeah, uh, you’d better not mess with us, man!” He shouted, reeling back before delivering a solid punch directly to Ivan’s jaw.

Shit, now his hand hurt like hell. James had never actually been in, like, a hand-to-hand sort of fight before. Any sort of physical fight, to be quite fair. He threw his foot forward, delivering a kick to Ivan’s side.

This stupid game show really did suck.
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
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Post by Sh4dE »

Giselle and Ivan had the same color on the bandanna. But did that matter?

No. Giselle kicked Ivan in the knee and then stepped on it to hold him down. No need to dirty her hands.

Bandannas were a joke, the team mechanics are a joke. It was a desperate move by the producers of this godawful joke of a TV show to make things interesting because they realised that everything's going downhill for them and Giselle hoped, no, she knew, that SOTF-TV would be no more in a couple of years. She prayed for that. Sure, there has been new hype surrounding it, but it's deceiving, it's still going downhill very rapidly and the show will not be saved; it will be cancelled. The new hype was not even there because of the new mechanics they had introduced a couple of seasons ago, there's not one thing more superflous than the team mechanic. No one even won with the team mechanics. It was absolutely irrelevant and Giselle would not be deceived by the statement boomer Patrick Buckey said in his embarrassing hawaii shirt about the teams being a bit "bigger". Does not matter, will not matter.

Giselle angrily kicked against Ivan's foot while she watched her friends kick Ivan too. She had to squirm as she saw Fisk kick against Ivan's head resulting in blood dripping out of his left eardrum. Vasily also seemed like he was extremely aggressive, but his speech did not make him seem like he's the brightest one of Fisk's buddies. Giselle did not know Vasily that well, she was not friends with him and would definitely not be friends or allied with him if it weren't for the fact that he was friends with the others and therefore part of the group. And that was all that mattered. The group, not any teams chosen by the producers. Giselle had been childhood friends with Fisk and James due to them living in the same neighbourhood and despite the former having an obsession with SOTF Giselle does not condone, they were still friends and she was not going to compromise a friendship based on not having the same color on their bandanna.

So despite Giselle not being familiar with Fisk's and James' other friends, Vasily at least seemed like someone that was strong. Having a strong and threatening companion is not something Giselle would mind.

Giselle kicked Ivan a couple of times again in the leg. She looked at Ivan's bloodied face. He was the worst and he deserved this. He was a piece of shit who was son of a big piece of shit. No, Papi Rodriguez was not a piece of shit, he was the whole piece of shit and Ivan's a piece of the whole piece of feces. There was no other classmate that was as unpleasant as Ivan Rodriguez and his father was the worst, everyone Giselle knew from the internet would agree.

Giselle bent down to get closer to Ivan's face and began violently slapping his cheeks in order to wake him up. She was absolutely disgusted by the fact that her hands became bloodier with every slap but luckily her facial expression was not visible to anyone under the mask.

"Hey, Ivan, hey, Ivan. Wake up. Wake up. Wake the fuck up."
I'm so glad to be back !
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