McNuggets of Wisdom

McDonald's Mission; Open!

This is the Sandbox for TV3. Please remember that characters may, at any given time, be present in only one normal thread and one Memory thread. Memory threads should be placed within the Memories subforum. One-shots are always acceptable in both forums regardless of whether or not a character is in a thread.
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Post by SansaSaver »

James started to say something in the fleeting moment Vasily went to retrieve his McFlurries, but was cut off by Vasily’s speedy return. Almost immediately, Sofia began to mull over all the possible endings to James’ sentence. If it was something that couldn’t be done in Vasily’s presence, it was probably either very good, or very bad. Ultimately, she figured it probably wasn’t anything that couldn’t wait until they were out of here, but the knot of curiosity still tightened in the back of her mind as the two boys on either side of her dug into their mountains of ice cream and colourful toppings.

Sofia had to admit it was rather sweet of Vasily to offer a full dessert just for a little social faux pas. He definitely had good intentions, even if he fumbled in the delivery sometimes. She almost regretted writing him off as ‘weird’ in her head. She doubted they’d talk much once this meal was over, but if she saw him in the halls she thought she would give him a friendly wave, or offer him a seat in the cafeteria once in awhile.

Vasily’s weekend sounded infinitely more interesting than hers had been, even if he described it as ‘low-energy’. It was nice to know about his interests too -- a band kid, and a YouTuber too? She made a mental note to look up his channel sometime. It was a lot more than she could manage, with having to juggle study, working, and gymnastics, but being such a natural bundle of zest would of course lend itself to so much productivity, Sofia figured.

Vasily turned the question back on Sofia and James, and she answered in about as succinct a fashion as she could manage without letting slip that she wasn’t telling the whole story.

“Just a post-work treat. Couple too many Karens in today.” She punctuated her sentence with a smirk, to assure Vasily it really hadn’t struck her too bad. “And I ran into James here just as I was starting to devour my mountain of nuggets.”
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Having finished most of his chicken, James began to move on to his McFlurry, mixing it up a bit as the other two spoke.

"My story's got even less to it. I'm just out on a drive, not doing a whole lot of anything, when I decide I could use something to eat. So, I come in here, thinking it'll just be a quick in-and-out kind of deal, but then I see Sofia here and it seemed like she could really use some help with that McNugget mountain, as she called it. You know I couldn't just turn her down when she's in need." James smiled as he spun a brief tale from virtually nothing.

Once he finished he returned to his food, eating a scoop of his thoroughly mixed dessert before casually pointing his spoon at Vasily as he turned to the boy.

"So it looks like we're all here just to unwind or whatever. Unless you've got some special McDonalds business you haven't told us about, eh Vas?" James mused with a chuckle.

He still wanted to talk with Sofia for a moment without the other boy around, but trying to pressure some awkward but generally nice kid like Vasily out would really be a dick move.

James just needed to outlast him was all, making sure to eat his dessert very slowly.
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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Post by Yonagoda »

He tried to listen to them, but his minda kinda just drifted off as his mouth cranked out social white noise.

"Yeah, Karens suck.''


“No.” Was that too cold? It might be too cold. “Uh, not really. No secret McDolnalds mission here, no sir!” Come on come on come on think of something good to say Vas you little idiot-

The phone rang. Oh, he had a party to go to, which kinda sucked because he’s also going to this little three-person party going on here in a way and they’re all just chilling and vibing and eating unhealthy food while he pressed the phone up to his ear.

“Hey, Lu, I know you’re here, I just- I just need a sec, OK?”

“... Did you forget again?”

Did he? He did, didn’t he? He might have. He probably forgot. He needs to stop forgetting. He sorta feels like they’re drifting apart but he doesn’t know how to get people he’s drifted apart from back. Yeah, he totally forgot.


He puts his hand over the speaker. Looked at the two with these uh-sorry eyes (eye?) and a mild grimace.

“Sorry, I kinda missed something,” he told them before taking his food and skedaddling outta there.

''You two lovebirds have fun!''

(((Ya boi went to a museum)
Posts: 197
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Post by SansaSaver »

Sofia had to applaud the way James took her basic recounting of her day and spun from it a chivalrous tale of a knight in shining armour saving her from a villainous entourage of deep fried food. It was his sense of spontaneity and play that saved her from feeling like their duo -- and then trio -- was a hornet’s nest of awkwardness and stilted small talk.

Vasily nodded along as she and James spoke, and she could sense his faint disinterest as his eyes glazed over. To be fair, what they’d been talking about was fairly mundane, even as they attempted to add a bit of flair to the storytelling. She could hardly blame him for checking out, especially given that a steadfast attention span didn’t seem to be one of his strong suits.

Vasily’s objections to James' hypothesis that he might be on his own secret McDonald’s espionage were interrupted by the soft buzzing of his phone, and within half a minute of conversation he’d packed up and run off to pastures unknown. Just like that, Vasily was gone almost as quickly as he’d come, and Sofia and James were left alone once more, the boy’s last word lingering in the air as he fled the building.


A bit much, to be fair. Sofia had enjoyed James’ company so far -- he’d been a real bright spot in an otherwise dour day -- but the thought of anyone being a lovebird, let alone someone she’d really only just spoken to today was almost terrifying.

All those unspoken words and attempts at communicating under a veil while Vasily had been present had been fun. But now was the time for the pay-off, for them to be frank and upfront about where to go from there, and Sofia realised how deep a pit she’d gotten herself into. Things had been good in the moment, when she could just enjoy his company and not think about consequences or the next day, but that time was over. The thought of screwing up now, when things seemed to be winding down to a natural end, set her heart racing and a million possibilities spilling forth into her mind.

So, better to cut her losses, to let the day end on a natural high and not drag it out and run while she still could.

“On that note, I should probably head off home too,” She murmured softly as she gathered her belongings. “Can’t let my mother get too worried about where I am, you know?”

Even then, the idea of running off without another word, to shut down any future possibilities was ultimately just as unappealing as being straight up and asking to see him again. So it was up to her to strike a middle ground, to not veer too far on either side.

She pulled a pen and the brightest post-it note she could find from her handbag and scribbled her phone number down, followed by an ‘xo’ before folding it in half and gently placing it in James’ hand.

There. James could text her and the ball would be back in her court, to ignore it or pick it back up, or he could never speak to her again and she wouldn’t have to worry about it and this fleeting moment could fade into memory as just another day.

“It’s been fun. See you around, Macca’s boy.”

((Sofia Kowalski continued elsewhere…))
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Catche Jagger
Posts: 743
Joined: Tue May 28, 2019 7:40 pm
Team Affiliation: Ben's Crabs


Post by Catche Jagger »

Exactly as James had hoped, Vasily soon had to leave, which meant that he’d have a moment alone with Sofia. He couldn’t help but chuckle as Vasily referred to the pair as lovebirds.

“See you around, man.” James waved the underclassman off as he departed, before returning his gaze to Sofia, a grin on his face. Now came the time to actually start getting somewhere with this… thing, this connection, whatever they had going on that James was definitely into.

However, as he opened his mouth to speak once again, Sofia quietly mentioned that she’d be leaving too.

Oh, well that sucked. Had he misread this whole thing and just made her uncomfortable after all? He grimaced. As the girl gathered her things, tried to think of the right way to apologize for being a bit presumptuous, only to notice her scribbling on a note that she then put in his hand before getting up.

James quickly unfolded the note and then looked back up at Sofia, smirk returning to his face. It was her number. She’d actually beaten him to the punch after all.

“Yeah. I’ll see you around, Sofia.” He replied as she stepped out of the McDonald’s, his tone light, playful.

Things never seemed to quite fit when it came to James and romance. He always got this part, the flirting, the getting together, and then some steps that came after that. It was then that the trouble started, where something got in the way, whether it was the girl’s attitude or the timing of things or someone else stepping in and making things messy. Sometimes… well, a lot of times it was at least partially his fault.

Part of him felt like getting into that mix again was probably a bad idea, but when he thought about Sofia, when he looked at the little note in his hand with that ‘xo’ tagged on, he just felt so fucking good about this. This time, with Sofia, it’d work out.

((James Highchurch continued in TV3))
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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