Let's Go to the Mall!

A sprawling shopping mall which covers both an indoor and outdoor setting. The mall was abandoned in haste, and most of the stores were left wide open with merchandise still on the racks. Unfortunately, anything worthwhile has since been removed from the structure. A large clocktower sits in the center of the complex, slowly counting away the hours until the students' doom.
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Post by Rattlesnake »

Nick felt his strike hit true, ignoring the question of how badly he'd sliced his hand in the process, or if he'd even cut himself at all. That didn't matter now. He watched the sword fall from Sally's fingers, rolling inward to avoid impalement as her scream filled the air. He'd have a far, far larger cut to deal with if he let her pick it up again.

He wasn't dead. That caught him completely off guard, as did the fact that he'd been so surprised by it. He blinked twice, unsteadily, listening to the bouncing blade's clattering, warbling ring. And then he was being drawn magnetically towards it, practically pouncing in his haste. His fingers closed tightly around it and he looked up at his would-be murderer, head spinning, cheeks glowing, feeling at once disconnected from and profoundly aware of his own body.

No time to think, to ponder, to apologize.

He swung violently upwards, cutting a high arc through flesh and blood and air.

Sally fell, but Nick planted his foot, ready to spring up, ready to strike again, ready to spit out whatever vile retort sprung first to his lips, to throw all the pain and humiliation he'd suffered back in his opponent's face with interest.

And then he saw. The shock, the helplessness. The blood. There was no more need for jests and taunts, no need even to make another swing of the sword. Sally wasn't trying to kill him now. She was no longer his enemy. And she wouldn't be, ever again. He watched in horrified silence as she took one faltering step, and then simply toppled. There was nothing else she would ever be but what he saw now, not until the end of her life; Just a girl, too weak even to stand on her own two feet.

She'd hurt him.

But he'd killed her.

The fire in his limbs went out. He sank forward, leaning on his propped knee, nearly toppling as the retreating flood of adrenaline pulled his body down with it. His stomach lurched as he watched her dying throes, but he couldn't tear his eyes away. She was moving. Fighting. Reaching for him with fingers shaking from pain and bloodloss. Still defiant, even with muscle and organs and tissue slashed apart heedless of the proper order of things. Still alive, despite the fatal wound...

His arm moved on its own accord, rising up, holding the sword in position high over Sally's body. Preparing to plunge it forward, he found himself shaking too violently to aim true. He took the flat of the blade in his free hand, feeling his throat tighten as his fingers slipped over thick, warm blood, and lowered his hands carefully, resting the swordpoint on Sally's chest. He thought of saying something, but he didn't trust his throat to deliver anything but a scream, or vomit, or both at once. And so he silently took his mark.

Left side, just under the breast. Sharp upwards angle.

Razor-sharp steel slid slowly, smoothly forward, and then back out.

He let the sword clatter to the ground beneath him, collapsing onto his propped knee. A hand closed around his leg and he started in shock and disgust while everything returned with a vengeance. The throbbing pain of a score of lacerations. His dull, pounding headache. The sickly, pungent smell of blood and worse. The terrible, wet, sucking sound of Sally gasping for breath but drowning in her own blood instead. He had only time enough to plant his hands on the ground before his nausea culminated in a stream of vomit.
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Post by decoy73 »

((It's time for ... Captain Active and the Inactiviteers!))

Jessica was going through the halls, looking for a store that would have anything useful in it when she heard someone scream. She ran in the general direction of the scream, only a little while later hearing a different, louder scream. She ran faster and turned a corner to see what was going on ... there was Megan, but Sally was there too, with some guy stabbing her through the stomach, and then, after a couple seconds, vomiting.
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

((Yeah, my bad. Sorry about all this dudes and dudettes. It's done now -_-; ))

Her blade came at her in a swooping upward arch. The outline of that arc cut it's curved edge into the blonde, tearing through her dainty dress and skin from her stomach to her chest. A wet slice cut the silence.

Sally stared at Nick a moment. She tried to speak, opened her mouth and nothing came out. She tried to breathe and she couldn't. A choked gurgle came out. She took a shaky step forward. The second foot went forward to take another step towards Nick and she collapsed, falling backwards

Sally rolled slightly so that her face was visible, now decorated with the little shards of glass on the floor that she'd fallen in. Her hand reached out, bloody and glittering with glass.

No. I will not die here. I will not die here in a place that doesn't know me. I refuse to die in a strange land. I WON'T DIE. I REFUSE TO DIE HERE. I DO NOT GIVE IN.

"I.....won't...." she managed to whisper. Sally stared up at him with a poison glare.

She saw him take aim. The blade was lifted high above her as she lay with her blonde hair in a tangled mess around her head like a scribbled halo, the blood soaking her clothes.

It came down and there was nothing more she could do. He'd punctured a lung. She started feverishly trying to breathe, producing nothing but a hollow sucking sound. Sally moved just enough, still trying to breathe, and caught hold of Nick's leg.

She was cold and dizzy from the loss of blood. She could feel her limbs go numb and her head suddenly felt light as clouds. Slightly, slowly her hold of Nick's leg loosened and she stopped making noise.

Her last act having been to try and dig her nails into Nick's ankle.

[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Casey The Undead*
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Megan's first thought was that her best chance of survival was sneaking away while Nick and Sally were distracted with each other. It was, she figured, a pretty good plan. Sure, Sally had her weapon, but Megan was better off alive than dead-with-a-stun-gun. So, as Sally started to step up towards Nick, Megan backed up.

She twisted around a bit, trying to get her bearings. She had a few minutes to think, and she couldn't just bust full-out of the mall. One, that would draw attention to herself, and two, she had no idea where she was going or who she would run into. Weaponless and aimless was a bad combo.

Megan fumbled with her bag for a moment before the commotion really started.

Someone cried out, and Megan froze.

Her first instinct was to run. People were getting hurt, so she had to run, obviously, to avoid getting hurt herself. But people were getting hurt. People were getting hurt, and Megan couldn't just leave them behind? These were her friends! Sort of! These were people she knew, at the very least, and they didn't need to hurt each other. Megan wasn't about to let them.

With a long-suffering sigh, Megan jogged back to where Sally and Nick were, just in time to see Nick stabbing Sally with a sword.

Oh. Well.

Great lot of use Megan was there.

Megan was completely paralyzed as Nick stabbed again. Sally stopped moving. Slowly, Megan looked up at Nick, eyes blown wide and breathing shallow. Nick chose that moment to vomit, which, gross.

To be fair, the body was pretty gross too.

"I," Megan started, voice cracking. "You."

Shit, she was starting to hyperventilate. Sally wasn't moving, Nick had stabbed Sally and Sally wasn't moving.

"This is not good," Megan practically squeaked. She took four more shuddering gasps of air. "This is very very much not good at fucking all- oh my god you fucking stabbed her!" Her voice rose about three notches in volume at the last part, and her cry echoed around the mall. Megan looked down to see her hands shaking, and was dimly aware that this might have been some sort of panic-attack she was having. She was having an episode, as her mother would say.

Megan clawed at her hair, staring at Sally's body. Nicky Sparks was lying off to the side. Megan heard herself say "Oh. My stun gun. I think I want that back. I'm not sure though because if I step any closer you might stab me and I really don't think I'd enjoy that that much, and my Mom would probably be very angry, and there would be some strongly-worded letters involved, and maybe lawyers, but at the same time maybe none of that would happen because we're probably both gonna die and no one's really gonna give a fuck, but that's not really the point I'm trying to make here-" Megan inhaled sharply.

Right, right, get a grip, get a grip. "I think I might actually be at the precipice of total mental collapse, so I'm just gonna sit down if you don't mind?"

With that, Megan promptly crossed her legs and sat on the floor, a few feet away from Sally's body. She looked dimly at Nick. "Is this shock? I don't know what shock feels like, I've only ever seen it on TV." Megan stared at her hands and willed them to stop shaking, which they didn't, the bastards.

Megan thought that if she was a real hero she would be way more in control of her emotions. As it was, she was actually a shuddering, almost-sobbing mess on the floor of a mall in god-knows-where-the-fuck-ever trying to come to grips with the fact that the girl who kidnapped her at sword-point was now lying dead in a pool of her own blood. Megan stared at Nick, a small smile spreading on her lips. She figured it probably looked a bit deranged and desperate. "We're in a really fucked up situation right now, aren't we?" She laughed, which turned into a sob halfway through.

Sally was dead, and Nick had killed her, and Megan was going to die, be it now or later, and Nick was probably going to die, whenever that happened. This was reality. This was what was happening. Megan took another deep breath. "Okay," she said to no one. "Okay, right, this is the real world, and I am a big girl, and I am not going to wake up, so I just need to deal, because panic attacks are not very good for my soul." She stared at Sally's body again. "Great, not-panicking should be very fucking easy."

She rubbed at her eyes, suddenly exhausted. "Can I just," she groaned to Nick. "Can I just have my stun-gun back? You can have the sword. In fact, take the sword, and then let's the both of us just, you know, walk out of this mall and go our separate ways and hope for the best, yeah?"

Megan tried very hard to avoid total breakdown. She was so tired, and she'd just watched a girl die, and this was so not how she planned for her life to wind up.

In that moment, all Megan could think of what how badly she wanted something to comfort her. All she wanted was something small and sweet, something familiar. Something like home.

"I want a fucking Diet Coke."

Megan let out another half sob before curling in towards herself, burying her face in her arms.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Casey The Undead. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Rattlesnake »

Kari crept slowly out from behind the display, edging towards the glass for a better view. Her earlier caution had been rewarded; there was a girl who she could make out as one Sally Connelly, holding a samurai sword carelessly in one hand. And facing her, some guy she didn't know well enough to positively identify from behind. One of the Nicks, perhaps, or some other lanky kid, armed with either some sort of hidden pistol or knife or absolutely nothing. Sally snatched something from her friend, hiding it behind her back as she closed the gap between them. Things, it seemed, were about to get interesting.

She watched with rapt attention, unable to tear her eyes away as her classmates were drawn forward on a course that would surely leave one of them dead. A mixture of dread and anticipation filled her, the sort that would make someone cover their eyes with their hands, and then peek through their fingers anyways. Sally stepped forward, brought out what had to be a taser of some sort, watched the kid in front of her yell and crumple to the floor.

And then, for some reason, she paused. It made no sense to her. Was she having simply hesitating? Or letting him escape with his life? Kari couldn't discern specific words, but from her posture, the sound of her speech, it couldn't be the first, and probably wasn't the second, either. She was... gloating? It certainly seemed that way. Whoever was on the ground was getting kicked instead of stabbed for now, but any moment now the sword would fall. And Sally seemed to be enjoying it. The thought struck her as odd, even frightening. That sort of venom didn't come from nowhere. There was some prior grievance there, something from back home that had carried over to the island. The motive was already there; all the island presented was the opportunity.

Kari wasn't about to see someone get killed. She was about to see someone get murdered.

And then, it all turned. A scream, a slash, a spurt of blood. It all happened so suddenly that she let out half a gasp, looking suddenly around to see if anyone had been alerted by what she'd failed to bite back. Nobody came out of the woodwork. She was safe for now, but approaching a newly-minted, heavily-armed killer wasn't exactly high on her to-do list. And yet, she couldn't stay in her hiding spot forever. With no reason to stick around any longer. She collected her bag and slipped quickly away.

((Kari Nichols continued in The Most Dangerous Game))

Nick simply kneeled, unmoving, replaying the events of the last five seconds over and over again while Megan babbled on about nothing. He remained slumped over himself until a cold wetness reached his knee. Nearly losing his stomach contents again, he tried to slide himself back, accidentally dipping his other knee into the shining pool of blood. He stumbled backwards in disgust, collapsing against a wall with Sally's taser just a few feet off to his side. He made only token attempts to respond to Megan's rapidfire drivel, but she did make one reasonable request.

He leaned over, reaching for the taser. He picked the weapon up gingerly, managing despite his care to daub one side in fresh blood. Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he wiped it on his jeans, which served only to further bloody it. In a fit of frustration, he simply flung it in Megan's general direction, but regretted his choice before the harsh clattering noise even reached his ears.

"Sorry, I shouldn't do that, I just-"


"Know what, let's just chill here for a bit. Or longer, whatever, I don't know." He closed his eyes, squeezing a pair of tears down his cheek. "Or maybe somewhere more... clean. Long enough to get it all together, yeah?"
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Megan shifted a bit, grasping at the tazer that was tossed to her. She chanced another glance at Sally's body, wincing. Sally was a nice girl (sort of)- she didn't deserve this. And either way, Megan couldn't sit here any longer.

"As much fun as having this conversation next to a dead body is, it really isn't. So. Um. I'm gonna not stay here anymore." She gestured vaguely at Nick. "Feel free to follow if you wanna. I'm not traveling with anyone anymore. So."

Megan stood up on weak legs, taking one last look at Sally. "Sorry about this, Sally. Really," she muttered to the body.

With that, Megan turned and left the mall in her wake.

((Megan Jacobson continued in Will I Never Be Lonely Again?))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Casey The Undead. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Rattlesnake »

"Right. Let's go together then."

He stood, thinking to offer her a hand up. His arm wasn't halfway extended when he felt his movements crack the skin of fast-drying blood coating his hand and wrist, and he quickly snapped it back down to his side. He really hoped there were some good wipes in his first-aid kit. Speaking of which, he'd almost forgotten to bring his bag along. His "weapon" wouldn't do him much good, especially given the rather considerable upgrade he'd just received, but the food and first-aid kit would. He'd just have to ditch the condoms discreetly. The thought made him chuckle slightly. That was good. It meant he was either nearly stable or completely round the bend, which was still an attractive option because he'd at least think he was stable and wouldn't know the difference anyways.

And then Megan, the girl who hadn't done anything wrong at all, who hadn't invoked Sally's rage, who hadn't turned her from unpleasant to downright murderous through some misplaced act of "heroism", and who, most importantly, hadn't plunged a bloody sword through her chest, turned and apologized to the corpse. Guilt slammed into him like a punch in the gut. So painful was the sudden onslaught that he was forced to turn momentarily away, taking a deep breath, unscrewing his face, forcing himself to remain cool. There would be time to dwell on it later. There was a good chance he'd get dwell on it for the rest of his life, in fact, so he really didn't need the head start. They were leaving now, going somewhere better. Preferably one with fewer dead bodies around. They'd find a nice, pleasant place and sit down together, and then he could deal with his personal hell in peace.

Given the way things were going, it sounded downright pleasant.

((Nick Reid continued in Will I Never Be Lonely Again?))
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Post by decoy73 »

Jessica just watched as the guy puked his guts out, and then conversed with Megan before they both left. Jessica couldn't really bear to look at what had happened from her vantage point, so she just turned tail and left through a different exit.

((Jessica Vogel continued in Nothing Would Have Prevented This))
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