Nothing Would Have Prevented This

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The lookout tower sits atop a large hill and is shrouded in trees. It's an unimpressive building, but it used to be the primary defense post on the island. Maybe it can be your eye in the sky as well? It'd be a great place for a small group to rally together and hide from the island's baddies, and an even better place for those baddies to snipe the rest of the competition from above.
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Nothing Would Have Prevented This


Post by CondorTalon »

((Karl Chalmers continued from Body Count.))

It seemed that Karl was moving from tall structure to tall structure after escaping from Janet, he managed to trek through the jungle until he stumbled onto the watchtower. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally, so as he approached the tower, with corpses of two of his fellow classmates littering the ground, he didn't bother to climb.

He sat down, with his back resting against a support. As overpowering the smell was, he tried to ignore it as he closed his eyes.

But his rest was interrupted by the crackling of the island's speakers.

Here it comes... he thought, as he prepared for his inevitable naming on the announcements.

Indeed, his name was second, right after April Stone. He'd have to keep an eye out for these people. Things would be very bad if there were more players. He noted with some trepidation, however, that the number of killers was growing. His thoughts returned to the announcements... just in time to hear

"Shortly afterwards, Lyn Burbank stabbed Amber Whimsy with a pickaxe."



He was there. He was RIGHT FUCKING THERE. In the same location, in the SAME GODDAMN HALLWAY. He left them alone so as not to bring anymore danger to them. If he had stuck around for a little while longer, he could have prevented this!

Now because of his selfishness, because of his cowardice, one of his only allies was dead.

Something within him tore. He raised his gun, and fired two shots into the jungle, all while let out a pure, unadulterated primal scream.

He lowered his arms again. The barrel was smoking, his side hurting from the recoil of the gun. He simply sat there, all of his energy expended.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Jessica continued from Let's Go to the Mall!))

So the game was actually afoot. On top of witnessing Sally get killed by Nick Reid (the other one somehow fell over onto a spike or something), people were killing twice, as evidenced by Jennifer something or other and Harold Smith (who had died in a danger zone). All she had at the moment were a pair of boots that would trip her up if she stepped on them wrong. Needless to say, Jessica was getting a little nervous at all this -


Jessica stopped upon hearing the two loud bangs. She looked ahead to see the dark-haired guy holding what looked like a huge gun in his hands. It was Karl. Hadn't he killed Marty?

"Karl, what the hell?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Karl, what the hell?"

Karl realized there was someone else there. Their voice, it was accusing him. Of killing? Of firing the shots? He didn't know, but right now he didn't want to deal with this. He was tired of justifying his actions. It got him nowhere. Not with Janet, and not with this person if that last sentence was anything to go by. He lifted his head, turning it towards the source of the voice. He vaguely recognized it. Jessica Vogel.

Right now he didn't want to deal with anyone else.

"Go away," he said.

A short breath.

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Post by decoy73 »

"Go away. Please."

Jessica looked at Karl. The guy responsible for at least one death on the island was looking at her, almost as if she had done something wrong. For what? Having not killed anybody?

"Why should I? I've been walking for God knows how long. I'm tired."

It was partially the truth: Jessica might have been more receptive to Karl's request had Karl been a little nicer about it. Not enough to actually leave, but still.
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Post by CondorTalon »

She wasn't going to go away. She was telling him she was tired, that she'd been walking this entire time, as if she were the only one to do so. He didn't want her to stay. If she stayed, she'd start to ask questions. It'd be the same situation again. It would be the third time.

Karl was sick of trying to justify himself, to tell others and himself his reasons, to stack justifications upon justifications that would eventually give way.

He was a killer. And there was a girl here who wouldn't leave him alone.

He'd make her go away.

He lifted the shotgun and pulled the trigger, sending a blast of hot lead in Jessica's direction. He didn't even make sure whether she would be hit.

He didn't care.
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Post by decoy73 »

Without warning, Karl raised his shotgun and fired. Jess dove for any sort of cover that she could find.


And then her abdomen decided at that moment to explode. Jessica registered an agonizing pain in her side where most of the buckshot entered her body and did a number on her insides.

Jessica collapsed, clutching her side where the pain was, that wet, red, painful spot. She looked at Karl and his smoking weapon with her steadily worsening vision as she coughed out some red. She was close to staying alive, so close, and then Karl had to up and shoot her.

"You ... ass ..."

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Post by CondorTalon »

He saw as she fell, as the pool of red began to spread around her. She wasn't moving. Karl let the shotgun come down. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

Good God...


Karl hadn't exactly remembered falling asleep. He simply opened his eyes when he heard the usual screeching noise. The announcements and the smug-as-always Danya was listing the deaths again. One of them particularly caught his attention.

"Lyn Burbank collapsed and bled to death, courtesy of a parting shot inflicted by Carol Burke, a friend of Ms. Burbank's victim from before."

Carol. She was still alive. And she somehow managed to kill someone. He made up his mind then. He'd find Carol. She was his only probable ally left on this island and damned if he was going to let her die.

"It's supposed to rain today, so I suggest you find some shelter. Specifically, I recommend you go somewhere besides The Lookout Tower, The Eastern Shore, The Makeshift Hospital, The Helipad, The Ruined Mansion, and The Inland Lake."

Oh. Damn. Karl stood up as he heard a beep come from his collar.

He booked it away as fast as his tired legs would take him.

((Karl Chalmers continued in Lost.))
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