The Little Chick in the Big Hen House

Whitree Memory Thread, OPEN, First day of Freshman Year

The stories of the students of TV2, prior to their being cast in the game.
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The Little Chick in the Big Hen House


Post by Shangela* »

((Diana "Dee" Dixon Memory START))
((Open to anyone willing to sit down with my little dixie chick on the first day of classes.))

Howdy ya’ll.

No. “Don’t announce yourself like a country bumpkin.”  Dee could hear her mother chastise her now. Her pitch was too gruff. Her mannerisms were too manly. And where were her hands? Crossed across her chest in such a boorish manner? She wasn’t going to make a good impression on her first day at Whittree looking so out of kilter.

Dee’s palms sweated as she was called up to the front of homeroom to introduce herself. The newest student to the school was one thing, but being the newest student to the area itself made her stick out like a wolf in a hen house. Only here, she felt like a hen in a wolf house. All these new faces peering up at her, expecting something outta her.

“Class, we have a new student joining our freshman class. She’s comin’ up all the way from Mississippi. I hope you’ll all welcome her nicely.” The teacher had started. “Come on up, Diana.”

Everyone’s heads craned back at her as she was called upon by name. Good lord she was sweating like a whore in church.

“Um…hello, guys.”

It was finally lunch time. The first day of classes were already pretty nerve racking. She’d been given this heap of a algebra packet to work on during the week, English already brought up that book that’d she’d barely touched this summer. Even gym class made her get off her ass and run a couple laps. It wasn’t even 1pm and she was busier than a one-armed monkey with two peckers.

She was happy to finally be sitting down to lunch and taking a break from this running around. While the majority of her class had already chosen their select seats, clustered around old standing friendships, Dee wandered around like a lost puppy.

Could she sit with that group of guys? No, their biceps were as thick as her torso. How about those girls? No, they had their noses up so high, they could drown in a rainstorm.  Everyone Dee passed looked relatively uninviting. She’d had half the mind to eat lunch in a classroom.

Instead she sat down at a nearly empty table. She could passively hope that someone would want to spare her from eating her hush puppies and watercress sandwich by herself.
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Post by KamiKaze »

First day in. It was going pretty well, too.

Nina stood in the lunch line, waiting for her turn. Normally she made lunch for herself, but she had forgotten to make it last night and there was far from enough time to make it this morning. Fortunately, though, she had a bit of pocket money on her. Cafeteria food wasn't the best, but it would stop her stomach from grumbling for a while.

So far, she had math first thing, English after, and once lunch was over, P.E. right after. Math was... okay she guessed. English was a bit better, though. P.E., however, was the main thing she was looking forward to today. After that, she would have bio, and it was at least a little interesting. Nina at least had made sure to make friends with some of the upperclassmen, at least? Nina had made it a goal to make friends with as many people as possible in highschool. So far, it had been a minor success.

Once it was Nina's turn, she placed a spicy chicken burger onto her tray, along with some fries and a chocolate milk. After paying, she turned around and saw.... oh shit, it was crowded already, wasn't it? Pretty much every seat, wall to wall, was crowded. It wouldn't surprise her if people were eating outside, like a swarm of them just sitting on the concrete in the sun, eating. Or hell, if people decided to eat while sitting on the floor. That would be weird.

The line was so long that apparently, seats were going to be hard to find.

Sighing, she searched for where she could sit. She didn't see any of her friends, old or new, in sight, and pretty much every seat-

That had to be a miracle.

An empty table. Holy... why didn't she see that before? Well, almost empty. Close enough. She recognized the girl, though only from earlier. The homeroom teacher had pulled her to the front and announced that she was new for everyone to hear. She was from Mississippi and her name was... something starting with D. To be honest, Nina wasn't paying attention. She was shrimpy, though. Very itty bitty, like, bite-sized. Whatever term you would like to use. In any case, D-something was short.

Eh, couldn't hurt. Why the eff not?

Placing her tray opposite of Shrimpy, Nina pulled out a chair, a loud squeak as it was dragged across the linoleum. Oh, wait, she forgot something.

"Uh... hey... new kid? This seat isn't taken, is it?" she said, sheepishly smiling.
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Aster »

((Leah Biassard- Pregame START))

So this was high school, huh?

It wasn't so different from middle school. To Leah, it was the exact same routine and classes except on a higher level with a new batch of kids. Her classes flew by in a state of boredom; the typical first day introductions that most kids only payed half-attention to. She suspected that her afternoon classes would be no different.

So Leah found herself inside what movies wouldn't hesitate to tell you was the center of the high school social landscape: the cafeteria. Her memories of the middle school equivalent weren't exactly pleasant, and she had vowed to lay low in high school. This was the perfect place to implement that strategy.

Leah looked around the room, clutching her faded pink lunch box and looking for a seat. While she usually packed her own lunch, her father had decided to surprise her by packing it himself. "A good start to high school," He had explained, chucking and ruffling her hair. She had checked its contents earlier; a simple tuna sandwich, bag of chips and a water bottle. Not particularly good, but not bad either. She had thanked her father earlier.

Eventually she spotted a partially empty table, only occupied by two girls she was certain was in her grade. Nina wasn't exactly a new fact, though the other girl was a complete stranger to her. Probably someone from a different middle school, she concluded. They both seemed to be talking to each other anyway, so she might be able to slip in unnoticed. But at the same time she didn't want to be rude, so Leah decided to greet them before sitting down.

"Hello," Leah mumbled quietly as she walked up to the table. Before either of them could reply, she slipped into the farthest seat and began unpacking her lunch box. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here..."
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Post by Deamon »

First day of school! First day of school!

Sarah had been excited for the first day of high school for at least the last two weeks of summer so it was cool to finally be in the place. Her classes had been all the first day things people would expect, with a lot of them being introductions to what they were doing and would be doing blah blah blah. It hadn't been very interesting or exciting but it was only first day after all.

Gym had been the best. Just getting to run around instead of sitting behind a desk learning about a book Sarah may or may not have read over summer. She really couldn't remember either way. Maths had ended up being awesome since she'd been given a load of sheets of problems to do for the next week. She'd already done a few of them in English while she was bored and it didn't seem to be that challenging but a flick to the back told her they were going to get harder. She always liked just working through problems and now she was being given big books of them to do.

Sarah almost started to daydream while waiting in the queue for food but it started to move and she regained her focus. As she walked passed it Sarah grabbed some chocolate milk. She handed over the money to the lunch lady and started to walk away before the call of the lunch lady made her turn around. She had left her chocolate milk behind. Sarah took it off the lunch lady with a bright smile and a thank you before heading off on her way to find a seat.

Which was going to be harder to do than she first thought...because there were people everywhere. Sarah zig-zagged through the tables until she saw someone she recognised. It was the tiny girl from her Gym class...yeah that wasn't the best reason to remember someone. But it was true since she was small and...Sarah shook her head to regain her focus as she got closer to the table. There were already two other girls sitting with her but Sarah didn't recognise anyone else and she couldn't see any sign of Valerie, Anzu or Caroline which made the table the only place Sarah could go.

She dropped into the chair next to the tiny girl.

"Hey! I'm Sarah! What're your names?"
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Post by Shangela* »

((I'm SO sorry. I'm really, really terrible. Promise that posts will be more frequent!))

Dee’s eyes widened when the first girl wandered up to her with this confident hunkey dorey attitude. Why was she so confident and so willing to saunter up to a complete stranger? For all this girl knew, Dee could be one of those weird kids that were obsessed with death and gloom, emu or whatever.

Dee would be nice, though. Her mama would whup her if she was ever outwardly rude to someone. “New kid, eh?” Dee repeated to herself, briefly delaying the verdict.

“Yeah it’s taken. By you. Si’down right here.” Dee craned her body from it’s anti-social position towards the far off window.

“New kid doesn’t jive with me. Mama raised me with the most darn girly name ever. Diana. You can call me Dee, though. I’m not the type for formality.” It was surprising how quickly she introduced herself and explicitly gave backstory. Dee reckoned that she didn’t want to be the “new kid” forever. Loneliness had it’s time and place, but she’d be here for four years.

As soon as one girl came by, another casually strolled on up. This one was difference. She had this affect of a little sheep. The first one was more of a bull, this one more of scared cattle. High school wasn’t an appealing time for anyone, Dee supposed.

“Yeah sug’, sit down. Though you can sit a bit closer to us. I like to think that I don’t look too scary.” Dee forced out a friendly laugh, hoping to be charmingly disarming, or whatever.

As soon as this girl sat down, yet another came to join the fray. Holy Hell, were these girls, or a herd of cattle? One after the other, Dee wondered if every chair at the table would get filled by some other person during their lunch period. So much for having to eat lunch alone.

The new girl actually offered a name. Sarah. Very pretty. These girls were all kinda pretty, if one paid attention to that sort of thing. Enough to give a girl like Dee a complex, if she paid attention to that sort of thing.

“I’m Dee. Diana if you’re feeling fancy, but I clearly don’t. Not in all this Walmart plaid.” Dee tugged on the collar of her work shirt. Mama wanted her to dress to impress, citing a cardinal rule in women’s etiquite that said Dee should always dress to impress; first impressions were always the lasting ones. Well, regardless of her outfit, Dee had already attracted quite a gathering. Outfit be damned.

"So, ya'll getting used to the lay out of the school? Swear to the good Lord that I wandered into so many Senior classrooms just trying to find my last class. Kids looked at me like I was dumb as a sack of rocks."
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