X02 - A/B/C - Revenant

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X02 - A/B/C - Revenant


Post by Shiola »

X02 - Revenant
Project Lead: Dr. Leander

Physical Description: Development Group A’s entry. Alterations to the subjects vary to some degree. Consistent absence of skin pigmentation and conspicuous behavioral patterns give the project its name. Hair loss is a consistent symptom of treatment associated with the Revenant project.

They continue to be unable to speak intelligible sentences, but Dr. Leander’s hypothesis as to their cognitive ability seems to be correct, as subjects have been successfully taught American Sign Language by Dr. Hatfield for the purposes of communication and planning among themselves. Retrograde amnesia continues to be present in 100% of the test subjects; as this is a desirable outcome, no further alterations in this area have proven to be necessary.

Subjects have substantially increased physical endurance and capability compared to control group. Can function at a tactically significant level following what would otherwise have been grievous wounds, including partial and complete amputation of limbs, significant blood loss, and GSW that would normally result in incapacitation.

Subjects have been issued simple armaments (hand-to-hand weapons) and standardized survival gear (military surplus) for the duration of the study. Subjects have also been issued scant rations so as to test adaptations detailed on P.6, Section B.01 of DevGroup A’s report.

As a consequence of these adaptations, 80% of subjects suffer from Pica-like symptoms, and Dr. Hatfield has noted that they require encouragement to avoid consuming hazardous or inedible substances.

Background: Discoveries in gene therapy and protein re-sequencing following research into Dr. Finch’s Chimera Project led to the establishment of a development group to pursue potential medical applications. While several potential therapeutic avenues were quickly identified, cost and risk of potential patent theft led to reassessment for clandestine military applications.

In this respect, priority was given to adaptations that could extend the time that tactical units could operate independently in the field, in a variety of hazardous or challenging environments. Tissue regeneration, cognitive and physical enhancement, psychological conditioning, and nutrient processing were all identified as feasible following several rounds of volunteer testing.

Volunteer testing ceased after the Board of Directors moved the project to a confidential test site at the Janus-Hayes Research and Development Campus, following substantial settlement claims issued to the families of the deceased.

In cooperation with *************, *************, and ************* new subjects were sourced from several different locations across the globe. While subjects with advanced tactical training are no longer available, the less expensive test subjects have resulted in a fourfold acceleration in the development of Development Group A’s prototype treatment, internally classified as Revenant. Given the background of the new test subjects, the retrograde amnesia experienced by previous test groups is now considered an asset, and no further efforts will be made to eliminate it as a side-effect of the treatment.

A team of three test subjects, who have passed behavioral and tactical evaluation by Development Group A, have been assigned to Survival of the Fittest as a field test of their capabilities.

X02-A:Special forces operator, acquired with cooperation from the government of *************. Consistent insubordination as well as embarrassing leaks of classified documents led to clandestine removal from posting.
Assigned Weapon: Meat Cleaver

X02-B: Serial killer, acquired following a six-week manhunt on the outskirts of *************. As he was the son of a prominent local politician, a public trial was not a preferable outcome. Assets in [************* acquired the subject and provided a cadaver, staging the death as a suicide.
Assigned Weapon: Hunting Spear

X02-C: Mixed martial artist. Accidental death was staged as a cover story by local assets in light of a very public doping scandal.
Assigned Weapon: Ice Axe

Goals:SOTF will function as a live test of their adaptations and training, as well as their ability to work as a team. Further assessment is required to determine practicality of large-scale adoption by military and paramilitary assets.

Assets: Subjects are capable of performing small unit tactics. Psychological impact of their appearance is thought to be an asset, as Participants may believe that they can be reasoned with or subject to intimidation; sensory aphasia in subjects makes this extremely unlikely. Increased physical adaptations makes them extremely dangerous in hand-to-hand combat; untrained subjects were able to best professionally trained volunteers in two closed tests.

Limitations: Revenant subjects are still essentially human, and their physicality does have limits. Small arms fire, massive blunt force trauma, and blood loss are all still quite lethal in the long term. The harsh environment of Severniy Norin may present challenges to group cohesion. Subjects are at a disadvantage vs. participants in that they have only been issued close-range weapons.

Safety Procedures: Subjects are fitted by Janus-Hayes Safeguard™ restraint collars. In the event of a containment failure, the Safeguard™ collars should be remotely detonated from the control center immediately. While it is unlikely the subjects can survive swimming in the ocean surrounding Severniy Norin, extreme exposure should not be considered sufficient to render the subjects inert. Cmdr. Gardner’s team has been advised to remain on standby as a contingency in the event that tactical intervention is required.

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