X00 - Chimera

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X00 - Chimera


Post by Shiola »

X00 - Chimera

Project Lead: Dr. Erin Finch
Physical Description: Varies, adapting to its circumstances as necessary. Chimera currently weighs approximately one hundred and thirty-seven kilograms, though is capable of shedding excess weight in biomass should the creature deem it “necessary” (see Attachment 14c for further details.) So-called “redevelopment” for the conditions on Severniy Norin have resulted in the creature adopting a thick coating of white fur, similar in appearance and function to that of Ursus maritimus specimen it previously fed on. Chimera is extremely adaptive, though it seems to be incapable of flight. The nature of its decision-making ability with regards to its adaptation is unknown. It has demonstrated the ability to employ several different problem-solving strategies when presented with puzzles and other obstacles to its preferred organic nutrients.

Background: Chimera was discovered on August 4th, 2019 by Dr. Erin Finch and a local academic liaison on a research expedition to [CLASSIFIED], Canada. The expedition was exploring the phenomenon of “drunken forests”. A local group of hunters approached the team with reports of mutilated deer and unusual wildlife in the surrounding forest. Initially skeptical, Dr. Finch and her colleague quickly discovered evidence of invasive predation of the local fauna. In collaboration with the locals, they improvised lures and managed to capture several live, juvenile specimens of a heretofore unknown form of life.

Dr. Finch quickly reached out to her doctoral supervisor at the time, who immediately contacted Janus-Hayes’ Canadian affiliates. The village of [CLASSIFIED] was immediately quarantined, with discretionary measures taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure. Extensive surveys of the surrounding boreal ecosystem report no new instances of adult Chimera, though several larval specimens were discovered in recently uncovered permafrost. Current efforts are being undertaken to determine if they are extant in the rest of the boreal permafrost, or if these samples represent the last living members of the species.

The specimens were transferred to the Janus-Hayes Research and Development Campus, and Dr. Finch was formally hired as a researcher under the cover of the University of Cascadia’s Biology Department.

Chimera, derived as a [CLASSIFIED] clonal body of the original organisms discovered by Dr. Finch, most closely approximates a typical eukaryotic multicellular organism but exhibits a key difference. The methylation of its DNA approximate- roughly 25% similar in structure with extensive comparison- occurs extremely rapidly with a mitotic cycle measured in milliseconds. Through still unknown processes these hyperactive DNA alterations spread through the entirety of Chimera, as of the current field testing it is believed most similar to the cellular signaling that occurs during the neonatal development of terrestrial organisms. The trigger for this fascinating process is contact with organic foreign contaminants through a process of [CLASSIFIED].

Comments on the origin of Chimera are beyond the scope of this report and are considered classified material. Discussion of this topic outside of secure channels is strictly forbidden.

Goals: To assess Chimerae in live fire combat situations in the event of unsupervised release of test subjects.

Assets:Chimerae are extremely adaptable and intelligent apex predators, capable of surviving the loss of three quarters of their total biomass before being rendered inert. They are not mindless hunters, and will adopt different tactics depending on the nature of their prey. They appear to prioritize novel prey, presumably in order to “collect” DNA, though this is not a necessary or sufficient condition in provoking aggression. Chimerae develop novel senses to gather information about their environment and prey, and possess a distributed nervous system not unlike cephalopods.

Limitations:Chimerae are essentially wild animals, and while they are quite intelligent, they are clearly not as intelligent as the average person. Their adaptations, while startling from a biological standpoint, still take time to develop. During these molting periods, Chimerae could be considered especially vulnerable. While they are extremely durable, sufficient physical trauma can render them inert or kill them; explosive shock is particularly effective.

Safety Procedures: The creature has demonstrated an inability to process radionuclides, which have been injected into its tissue to ensure it can be monitored. Missile target lock with XBGM-19D Scythe units installed on the NS Frontier will be maintained offshore throughout the course of the study. Use of pheromone “lures” will continue to be the primary means of recovery.

Development group under Drs. Falk & Corvi has developed a set of submersible drones for underwater interception, should that prove necessary. Under no circumstances are the tactical team to engage the creature unless all other options have been exhausted.
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