Cicadan's character

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Post by Namira »

Name: Daniella Montilla Bonifacio
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Field of Study: Biostatistics
Physical Description: Daniella is 5’3” and weighs 125 pounds on average. She has a fit, athletic body from her lifestyle, with her weight being the result of evenly distributed lean muscle more than body fat. Her body shape is an overall hourglass. Her skin is naturally olive with warm undertones, and she usually is tan to where her skin appears bronze.

Her face is heart shaped and she maintains generally chubby cheeks regardless of her BMI. She has smooth skin and never had issues with acne, though she is mindful of hair removal due to a predisposition to lip hair. Her eyes are round and dark brown. She has full lips and a nose with a strongly defined, tall bridge. She keeps her eyebrows thick for the sake of convenience given the time she must spend on hair removal elsewhere. Her jet black hair is naturally glossy and forms into loose curls past neck length, she wears it to the blades of her back and usually elects on a side ponytail if styling it.

Her fashion sense is simple due to a strong preference for ethical and local products leaving her wardrobe relatively expensive, she has a number of maxi dresses and sundresses and otherwise wears tees and jeans, though she does like bold and vibrant colors like neons and artsy, abstract floral prints. Because of the trip she had to compromise and buy fitted black thermal wear and gray ski gloves from a department store, but on top of this she wore a baby blue wool sweater with faded pink palm trees across the bust, red denim skinny jeans, along with well used brown hiking shoes. She tied up her ponytail with a faux silver chain hair tie.

  • Daniella was born the third youngest child of four to first generation Venezuelan refugees Anita and Lazaro Bonifacio, who fled in the 90s from their home country to Phoenix, Arizona. Both worked as accountants before starting a small business in marketing and accounting services. The business is successful and provides the family with an upper-middle class income. Daniella has two older sisters, 35 year old Modesta who is a housewife and day trader, 29 year old Gabriella who is an ophthalmologist completing her residency; and she has a single younger brother, Lazaro, who has just started high school.
  • Daniella was diagnosed with ADHD before she started Kindergarten. Her parents were leery to consider a prescription due to her age, and they believed she would naturally develop healthy coping mechanisms with time. She was motivated by learning from a young age and loved reading and math, but tended to get in trouble fairly often in class for being disruptive or spacing out and being inattentive. She had plenty of friends and tended to be a leader in her various groups during recess and playdates.
  • The three Bonifacio sisters were often at odds. Daniella was the baby and received preferential treatment and investment into her favorite hobbies. Modesta was a micromanaging eldest sister who often felt defensive due to being the relatively dim one out of the three, as well as having not been treated ‘specially’ due to her being neurotypical. Gabriella, also highly intelligent and herself diagnosed with autism, felt resentment that Daniella was being given the most attention. Though the three sisters cared for each there was often argument, teasing and belittling, and sometimes physical bullying. The parents were hands off for the most part, seeing it as normal. Daniella learned from this turbulence to be quick to fight back and defend herself, and views chaos as a typical part of a loving relationship.
  • Daniella had a lot of physical energy and was often outside with friends when not dedicating time to studying and reading or spending time with family. Her mother noticed this and offered midway through Daniella’s first grade year that she could try an extracurricular sport like ballet or gymnastics. Daniella thought the latter was cooler and started regular classes, which she enjoyed greatly. She had stellar coordination for her age and could have been a competitor, but she lacked the focus to dedicate to training and despite doing well in occasional competitions.
  • For her birthday in the third grade Daniella received a telescope from an uncle, and she promptly developed a love of going out in the evenings and stargazing and cataloging, along with memorizing constellations and facts about astronomy. She still does this regularly, and despite long since divesting from astronomy as anything more than a hobby she still secretly wishes she’d taken a risk and tried to make it her major.
  • Daniella had fewer friends during her teenage years as this was a particularly moody period for her. She spent more time indoors when not in her gymnastics classes, developing a taste for gaming, spending hours a day with friends on games like League of Legends and Call of Duty.
  • She started to develop a defined sense of where she wanted her career to go when she was sixteen. Before that she had enjoyed studying and academics without knowing how she’d apply it in a career. She started to regularly watch female science YouTubers such as Physics Girl and Tibees and became motivated to attend a top school and make a difference inspiring other women, and thus began to plan seriously and work on scholarships and finding mentors and guidance from her teachers and local community college professors.
  • This led her to consider her poor study habits and difficulties with consistency. She talked it over with her parents and after some time they agreed to work on helping her get medication to improve her quality of life. She was put on dextroamphetamine, along with therapy to help her develop organizational skills, and for her teenage years she significantly improved as a student and developed good study habits, excelling due to her motivation and making regionals in science fair a number of times.
  • She became more political at this age. She was empathic and wanted to help others beyond her goals of making important discoveries that could contribute to society, becoming at first involved with campaigns for the Democratic candidate before she began to associate with friends who were more significantly left leading her to develop a skepticism of more center left politics, along with a more combative mentality that often turned into dismissiveness and arguing with acquaintances. She developed herself by reading regularly into works detailing anarchism, Marxism, and fourth wave feminism.
  • She did her undergraduate in the University of Texas, Austin, where she majored in statistics while minoring in biology and computer science, taking enough classes that she needed to do an extra year of college. She was highly busy in college in terms of her workload: she worked a part time job as a gymnastics coach and worked in student mutual aid organizations on campus, and also as organizer for the campaigns of more aesthetically left wing student government candidates. She had her first few casual relationships in her undergraduate, with men and masc non-binary folk, but was generally an inattentive girlfriend who focused on her work over her romance.
  • She started crossfit on a lark, and found herself enjoying the discipline and culture. She practiced in a local crossfit gym for the remainder of her undergraduate. When she moved to Tacoma for her graduate she began to reject crossfit as an organization due to disagreements with the way things were done there and she quickly left the gym, but she maintains the practice on her own and has a blog and forum presence in the crossfit community still.
  • She quit her job as a coach right around that time. She found herself having difficulty getting along with coworkers and customers in more corporate settings like retail, and disliked faking her personality, leading to a string of resignations. Eventually a friend she’d made in student government who also was a sugar baby recommended camming offhand. Daniella’s experience with feminism made her sex positive but she was also leery of the idea of commodifying her own body. After some back and forth she gave it a try. She found she enjoyed the work with the hours she could fix for herself and the ownership of her own body. She also enjoyed the community, especially networking with and promoting queer producers.
  • When she graduated she was recommended by her thesis advisor to apply to University of Cascadia due to the potential for her research to be well supported and the generous scholarship packages, which she did indeed receive. She applied in biostatistics, her desire to make a difference having led her to research and conclude that an imminent biosciences revolution would likely be where her talents would make the most impact.
  • She continued to cam and developed a strong following with tens of thousands of Twitter followers and a highly trafficked account on OnlyFans, her income eventually reaching the point where she could reasonably support herself only off the money earned from her streams and video sales. She doesn't mind being somewhat recognizable and openly and honestly discusses it with anybody who brings it up. As part of her persona and work as a cammer she began to stream for her regular fans, doing video game nights. This led her to take her casual gaming enjoyment more seriously and she invested into a streaming setup, though this is a secondary form of income and fan engagement.
  • Her romantic life became more active as she began explore the possibility that she was bisexual. She had flings with women her freshman and sophomore year and found that the experiences generally improved her libido and romantic interest in others, and she is now proudly queer and out.
  • At the end of her sophomore year she began dating Robotics major PJ Summers, attracted to his gentle, positive demeanor as a contrast to the sort of men she’d dated before. She intended for the relationship to remain casual but on a lark she decided to experiment with polyamory and involved Economics major Elizabeth Rodney, who she’d developed an infatuation with after a chance meeting. Inevitably Daniella’s attention span began to burn out as she grew deeper into the relationship. She puts effort into this relationship as she feels some obligation to Elizabeth and maintains an attraction and affection for both, but she lacks the maturity to overcome her unreliable, standoffish tendencies and she also began to criticize and argue with them both over perceived flaws and acting defensively over her own misdemeanors.
  • Elizabeth introduced her to yoga, which Daniella now practices semi-regularly. Yoga also introduced her to the new age pipeline. She was particularly open to alternative medicine practices due to a history of strife with her doctor sister Gabriella and leftist tendencies to be against the pharmaceutical industry and historical abuses of the medical industry against African Americans. Despite her scientific background and personal positive experience with western medicine she was easily swayed by her contrarian nature, finding it easy to sign onto ideas that challenged what she saw as profiteering industry.
  • She quit the ADHD medication she’d counted on for keeping up her routines and has begun to swear solely by alternatives such as meditation, holistic medications, and self-funded acupuncture sessions. This move has led her schedule and sleeping habits to become far more erratic, and she’s become sloppier with school work and spends more time trolling political Twitter and camming. With this she has lost regularity with a lot of the hobbies she used to have. In particular she has begun to slip in her academics. Notably she should have finished her thesis as of last year, but has significantly procrastinated by changing her ideas and goals around often, along with arguments and difficulties with faculty who have begun to disfavor her as she becomes more erratic and conspiratorial in her thinking.
  • She is in some ways beginning to fall out with her own leftist friends, with a major pressure point being her personal dislike of the Venezuelan leadership due to the experiences of her own family, leading her to have a foreign policy outlook often at odds with her peers, especially those who are Marxists.
  • She maintains a good social life, having a generally well developed and charming personality through her ample experience politicking and selling herself as a personality and product online. She does not discriminate and will befriend anyone provided they are not bigots or hostile towards her. She is good at encouraging others and is an excellent active listener, but she is also generally quick to lose friends over arguments due to her easily being offended and defensive, and rarely grows close with people nowadays due to the erratic nature of her schedules and priorities.
  • Her family life is okay, she and Modesta made up as adults and help each other out, with Daniella enjoying the experience of being an auntie to Modesta’s toddlers. Gabriella and Daniella somewhat remain at odds and are passive-aggressive rivals comparing achievements. Daniella has been active in helping out her younger brother, giving him advice with women and encouraging him to not fall for the sort of lifestyle promoted by the conservative alt-right. She remains loyal to her mother and father, and their influence remains the primary moderating influence on her own otherwise strong leftist stances considering their religiousness and center right tendencies.
  • Her going on the trip was agreed upon with both PJ and Elizabeth, and she was neutral to the idea before they sold her on it.
Skills and Interests: Gymnastics, crossfit, yoga, mathematics, astronomy and stargazing, leftist politics and anarchism, activism, alternative medicine, sex work, video games and streaming.

Assets: Daniella is a hard worker and when excited and motivated she has good charisma and people organizing skills; so she will likely approach situations on island with a good mentality and energy provided she maintains a healthy mentality. She has excellent stamina and conditioning due to her vigorous exercise and training and should be able to handle the exhausting nature of survival better than her average peer.
Limitations: Daniella is naturally and often unconsciously argumentative and difficult to get along with, so she will likely be a source of problems in the dynamics of alliances she forms. Her essentially unmedicated ADHD has been an issue in the recent past and she may have lapses in judgment due to executive dysfunction, especially as it will counteract the strength she has in her energy and motivation if she is not careful.

Assigned Weapon: Gift Basket
Conclusion: Better learn to play nice with others quick, Daniella, or they'll be using that basket to host your wake. - Hatfield

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