Cursed, Hexed, Spellbound

Anyway you see it, your done

The Bull Craps Casino is a large building on the outside if a bit plain looking, barring the dazzling lights saying it's name and the giant man tipping his 10-gallon stetson, politely inviting you in. On the inside is where the casino really gets to show off its wild west style, being draped by sickly yellow and light brown colors, saloon-esque piano music played throughout the area, the evident smell of whiskey and salty peanuts, and even the playing cards have a cowpoke design to them. The choice of games of chance include slots, baccarat, roulette, blackjack, Texas Hold 'Em, and of course, craps.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Jewel's fingers wrapped around the handle of the pistol. She had at first thought to grab it and get clear, and the shrieking and unaimed shot from AnArchy had only pushed that idea further to the fore, but then something had changed. As Jewel had closed in on her prize, the boy she hadn't really thought anything of—the one who was not the one she had followed or the one she had killed—moved forward to AnArchy and instead of assisting her challenged her, making a grab for her gun. So the two of them struggled as Jewel retrieved the forgotten pistol, and she tried to understand, to track them. It was easier now. With only the living three to keep her focus on, and with the one who threw the knife at her working so hard to be unobtrusive, she could follow the fight, the tug of war over the rifle and the moment the sword came into play, the light cuts and the droplets of blood spattering blade and floor.

But it still did not make sense. These were, she thought, friends. At the least they were companions. Now they were turning on each other, seemingly ready to fight to the death, and Jewel stood to the side forgotten. She let her backpack fall from her left shoulder, which still stung and ached a little, and she stuffed her old gun into the pocket of her coat opposite the stun baton, and she unzipped her pack, thinking to put her new acquisition away if it would not be needed to stay safe. Her ears rung and her pulse pounded and these were things she had become nearly used to now, and she could have turned and walked away and probably would have done so unchallenged.

It felt wrong.

Jewel narrowed her eyes and the corners of her lips quirked up as the two clashed, and when AnArchy landed her blow on the boy's chest, sending him stumbling and staggering away from her, his back fell easily into the sights. Jewel did not know this gun in the way she had come to be acquainted with her more archaic weapon, but the general theory remained the same. She held the weapon in both hands and adjusted her stance and for an instant considered shifting her aim and targeting AnArchy instead, but then she pulled the trigger three times in short succession.
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Post by backslash »

Jewel's aim was just slightly off.

Just enough that the first two shots caught Sebastien's shoulder and his elbow, shattering the latter and destroying any ability he had left to hold the rifle. He had no more than a few seconds to dwell on the mess of gore and bone that his arm had suddenly become before the third bullet found its mark.

Into his back, into his lung, and that was all it took. Sebastien stumbled, his working hand instinctively moving to his chest to feel the wound.


He coughed, and blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth, and god he couldn't breathe-

Ana. Ana was still standing there. He was dying and she was just standing there, the stupid, crazy bitch.

Sebastien wanted to scream at her, at Jackson, at somebody to do something, but all that came out of his mouth was a gurgling, gagging sound. His knees buckled. His eyes stayed fixed on Ana's, even as his vision started to go gray.

-this is all your fault hope it haunts you you bitch hope you remember this for the rest of your life-

Sebastien collapsed into darkness, and he hated Ana all the way down.

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Post by Outfoxd »

Jackson didn't know what windows were, especially not if he had one.  But diving for for what looked like an opening seemed better than dying while he held out for a window.  Self-defenestration wasn't all that bad of an option.

The gun went off, and while he filed away in the back of his mind that someone might've been hit by that shot, he was springing back to his feet and loping toward Jewel, the smoking gun in her hand filling his vision.  He came at her from an angle just outside of her peripheral, and that was likely why she didn't whirl on him fast enough to send a slug his way.  

His hands came together on the gun and tucked it into himself like a receiver catching a pass.  He didn't know enough about gun safety to know how dumb of an idea this was.  It was only fortune that kept the weapon from going off in his haphazard grasp and tearing out his sternum.

He lost his balance and staggered a few feet away from Jewel on the move before falling unceremoniously to the ground.  But he had the weapon, and he turned it in his hands until it was pointed back at Jewel.

He squeezed the trigger, but rattled, off-balance, and unnerved as he was, it went wide.
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Three shots again, this time from darling's weapon. And once again she wasn't the target. She was facing Jewel, and could see where the weapon was pointed. Sebastien went down easily. But he managed to lock eyes with Anastasia before he died.

The hate in his eyes was so intense. And for a moment her rage gave way to terror. She could feel that hate burn into her soul. It stunned her in a way that she had never felt before.

She was so out of it that it wasn't until the gun went off again that she regained her awareness. She quickly scrambled to pick up the rifle. She cleared and readied it for her next shot. She was aimed at Jewel.

She didn't take it. She couldn't. "Dammit. Dammit!" She shook with rage, with fear, with every fiber of her being screaming at her to take the shot.

But she couldn't. "Jewel. Don't you fucking make a move for that gun. Go. Just leave now, and I won't snuff you outike you deserve." This was her fault.

No, your fault.

That bitch.

Your own mania.

I didn't mean—

Yes. Yes you did.

"Mercy offer isn't forever. Leave now and pray I never see you again." Her head may have been facing Jewel, but her eyes were glazed over in crippling guilt.

Three words described what she was at this point in her life.

Cursed, Hexed, Spellbound
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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Team Affiliation: Jewel's Leviathans


Post by MurderWeasel »

One by one, the people in this room surprised Jewel. They fought her and they fought each other and they proved themselves something more than the bit actors she'd initially taken them for, and she in turn fought back and killed them until finally she found herself on the losing end, the gun plucked so easily from her hands and turned on her and only the boy's haste to fire and his prone position keeping her safe. He was a spare no more. The triangle had solidified, and Jewel was the focus of its ire.

She knew that the pistol that had been stolen from her had been fired six times since her entrance, maybe more before but better not to assume. She did not know the make; typical capacity for a handgun ran about eight to seventeen bullets if she recalled correctly. This was not useful information; the range was too wide to make anything of.

Jewel had time enough to jump backwards and backpedal a few steps further, seeking to be as hard a target as she could for any further shots as AnArchy shouted and threatened and then surprisingly offered a ceasefire. Jewel could perhaps have spat it back in her face. The girl's aim was unsure. The boy's position was weak. She had no bullets, but the axe blade had seen her through before and besides, they didn't know her ammunition situation. She held the stun baton in reserve.

If she were watching this, on the couch with Coleen and totally divorced from the proceedings, she might have wanted to see how a fight played out. Coming out on top one against four was something special. That was Jared and his grenade. Quadrakill.

"Alright," said Jewel. She backed up a step. Her hands fell to her side. Her ears still rang. It was oddly peaceful. The two boys bled on the ground, closer now to AnArchy than to Jewel. Another step brought her further towards the door. One more, and she was at the threshold. Her backpack still hung awkwardly from her shoulder, half open. She reached her left hand inside, nice and slow and not so threatening, and withdrew one of the two remaining boxes containing headsets. She could imagine her mentor's frustration, and smiled as she dropped the box to the ground and lightly shoved it towards the two with her foot.

"Looks like you've made all kinds of enemies," Jewel said to AnArchy with a nod at the second boy to die. "I'd pick my friends carefully if I were you. Merry Christmas."

She nodded at the corpse, at the box, winked to the boy who'd taken the gun from her, then stepped backwards and out the door, shivering a bit more as the chill hit her again. As she darted away from the Casino, the pounding finally began to quiet.

((Jewel Evans continued in TV2: The Third Announcement))
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Post by Outfoxd »

With barely a parting glance, the girl was gone, let off by Jackson's piss poor shooting and Ana's...well, her mercy anyway.  That was just as well.  No telling how many bullets had been left in the gun.  No telling if Jackson could have done anything with them.

Jackson pulled himself to his feet, and it took awhile later for him to let the gun lower when he was sure Jewel had left.  His glance around the room told him about rest of the story he had missed.  Circumstances now, alone with the would be queen, meant it was a narrative Jackson could have done without.

"Christ..."  He muttered.  She was down to just one subject, and Jackson knew he wasn't her favorite.  Still, it wasn't like he had anyone else.

"Ana...I think you can put that down."  He inclined his head toward the rifle, his face an appropriately solemn mask.
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

"Yeah." She slung the rifle around her back without protest. So much was left for her to process. She went over to the knife and picked it up.

"This was his. I'm sorry but I can't give this away now." Anastasia said. The sadness in her voice was readily apparent. The tears were done but no way was she finished with her gloom.

She went and knelt next to Sebastien. She paused there for close to a minute before she spoke.  "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sebastien. I'm not going to pretend we didn't end up hating each other, but I never meant for it to escalate like this. I didn't. I didn't mean for you to die. And it scares me that, during our fight, a part of me did want to see you die. Some part of me wanted to kill you for defying me. For that, I'm sorry. May you rest in peace." She bent over and kissed the dead boy on the cheek.

She directed her attention to Jackson. Still kneeling by Sebastien, she began. "I know what you must think. 'Holy shit. This crazy bitch is gonna get me killed.'" She sighed and stood up. "I am crazy, and I know it. I got my boyfriend killed, I turned a friend into an enemy, and I got him killed too. I did that. Jewel may have pulled the trigger but she never would have gotten the opportunity to do so if I hadn't given it to her. This, all this death, is solely my fault."

She smiled weakly. "But I know right now that if I'm left alone at this point, I'll go beyond this. I'll do things I secretly always knew I was capable of but never wanted to admit to. So please, I implore you not as some self-proclaimed Empress but as a scared and off-balance girl, please don't leave me alone yet."

"It isn't safe around me, I know. And I won't blame you when, not if, it becomes too dangerous for you to stay. But please, so I can stay slightly sane a little longer, don't go just yet." She bowed solemnly.

You're still going to snap. You can only delay that happening.

I won't just give in. I'll fight to be good and sane as long as I can.

We're rooting for you, all of us.

You have imaginary personalities in your head talking to you and you claim to be clinging to sanity?



Thought so.

"Please. Just stay with me a little longer. I don't want to fade away."
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
Posts: 496
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:26 am


Post by Outfoxd »

A voice echoes from Jackson's collar.  "You still got people out there you can win this thing with.  But I can't come down there and make you do something.  Your call, bud."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Jackson stared at the weapon as Ana completed her makeshift last rites, sending off two boys that only moments ago he were the only two other people he had formed some kind of bond with.  When Ana started talking, he almost missed it.  

He supposed he could have moved on, let Ana and her overzealousness get her killed, not worry about it.  It would be easier.  His mentor made a good point, too.  

But something about abandoning a girl who needed help, however, unhinged she may be, just seemed wrong.  Inhuman.  Last he checked, he was still a person, game show or not.  He felt like he owed it to Shawn, maybe, to keep his girl out of trouble.  And to Sebastien, to ground her.

He looked at her.  He saw someone who had been beaten down, someone who needed help.  Whether he was the one to provide it was irrelevant.

Jackson walked over to where he had lost his hat and swept it up in his free hand, frowning at the bends and dents in it from the fall. He placed it on his head anyway.  With the hat recovered, he headed over to Ana and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You burn too bright to fade."  He said.  A moment later, he added, "Long as I stick around you'll stay in your right mind.  That cool?"
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

Ana sniffed and wiped away part of the teary slightly bloody mess off her face. "Sounds good. And Jackson, when I tell you to run away, please don't hesitate. I'll know how much farther I can go on."

She smiled.

"Now, I need to say goodbye to Shawn. Some things should stay just between husband and wife so if you can step outside for a second. I'll be right out to follow in a minute okay?" Ana said sweetly.

Just one last moment with darling.

One more.



[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
Posts: 496
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:26 am


Post by Outfoxd »

Jackson didn't intend for it all to come to that.  He wasn't sure how much control he had of whatever it was Ana was feeling.  But he knew what he was prepared to do.

"I'll be right outside."

Jackson made good on his words, leaving her alone.

((Jackson King continued elsewhere))
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Post by Lord_Shadow »

She went over to Shawn. Putting the rifle down, she lay down next to his body. "Hey you. Look at what happened to us. Look at what I caused. We promised to be together forever, and I made you break that promise. I said I needed your help but I didn't let you help me. And now you're gone." She pressed her head to his.

He can't hear you.

Shut up.

"I love you. I love you more than anyone and anything else in this world. More than myself. More than the world. More than my philosophy. You are the only thing I love. And that is the only true thing I've said in my entire time here." She touched her hand to his face.

"I lied to you. I've been lying since the beginning. And I don't want to keep lying. I hate the world. I hate humanity. I hate everything and everyone I've ever met. And I hate myself too. Misanthropic nihilism with a dash of self-loathing, I guess would be the label. And I lie to everyone I meet saying that my hate isn't the case. That I actually care about anyone's happiness. That I want to see people happy."


Anastasia kissed Shawn on the lips. She touched his neck and took some of his blood. She stopped kissing him, placed her fingers in her mouth and cleaned his blood off them with her tounge.

You're losing it.


"So I need to be something less than human. I need to be a character. An exaggerated mess of a woman. The queen. The empress. The goddess. I'll become that and do terrible and wondrous things. No one will ever forget her. I may fade away. My star may burn out. But that crazy bitch won't disappear." She started laughing.

Anastasia closed her eyes. AnArchy opened them.

"I'm gonna do something incredible darling. And everyone will love me for it. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra. I'll become a god! And I'll kill everyone that stands in my way. I'll burn the whole goddamn world down to the ground. And when I'm done, when I'm the only one left, I'm gonna make a new world. A better one. A real utopia. And it'll just be for you and me. Just you and me. You. Me. Us."

You won't regret this. I can do what you won't.

I'll die. You're gonna get me killed.

Do you want this to be your legacy? Or do you want to have your story immortalized?

I don't know.

"So long darling. I'll see you soon enough. Your blood tasted great by the way." She got up, retrieved the rifle and her pack. She took back the sword she had dropped. She stepped toward the door.

The headset.

Jewel wanted to speak with her. Yes. They did need to talk. They had a lot to discuss. She had a lot of grievances to air. And Jewel needed to spill her guts.

She picked it up.

She put it on.

She spun around to face a camera. The look on her face made it clear she was completely insane. "Death. It follows me everywhere doesn't it? Well I'm gonna channel it to my use. Oh, and I know I promised Jackson I would stay sane and stable and shit. But I decided, 'eh, fuck it' and so I'm totes mcscrotes crazy. But shhh. Don't tell him and ruin the surprise okay? I want him to find out in due time."

She changed her expression to a more normal one. "I can fake being nice. After all, I've been faking all my life right?" She smiled. "One last thing. A question for all my fans back home."

She stared directly at it. She was staring right into everyone's eyes.

"Am I cool yet?"

She slowly stepped out, walking backwards. Once she was out the door, she turned around and followed her last friend. He didn't know it. But if he stayed with her, he was gonna see some serious shit.

((Anastasia 'AnArchy' Arcadia continued in You Remind Me))
[+] Mini Characters
SOTF: The Program
M07 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Officers' Quarters - Let's Make Life A Living Hell | Status: DECEASED | Died for nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location The Watchtower - The Opening Faceoff | Status: DECEASED | Died to make up for past sins | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Program V2
M01- Kyle Williams | Location: ENDGAME The Town - Semper Fi | Status: DECEASED | Died for no reason | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

W01 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Ski Resort - Siberian Breaks | Status: DECEASED | Died and lost, aces low | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6[/color]

AE2: Anastasia Arcadia | Location: ENDGAME The Bull Craps Casino - Production Costs | Status: DECEASED? | Died, having pissed off a genuine god | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

F03 - Tania Chell | Location: The Ghost Town/The Streets - Anyone out there? | Status: DECEASED| Died lost in thought | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
F13 - Maria Hall| Location: The Mines - Exhausted | Status: DECEASED | Died void of all | History: 1, 2

Second Chances
G13 - Jennifer Steinman | Location: The Resort Hotel - One Bath, Two Bath, Red Bath, Bloodbath | Status: DECEASED | Died unrepentant | History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6
B11 - Timothy Walker | Location: The Helipad - Thin Line Between Heaven and Here | Status: DECEASED | Died and took hope with him | History: 1, 2

Second Chances V2
B13 - Michael Maxwell | Location: The Lake - Two is Better Than One | Status: DECEASED | Died for a stupid mistake | History: 1, 2
G21 - Tania Chell | Location: The Cliffs - Instructions Unclear | Status: DECEASED | Died having accomplished nothing | History: 1, 2, 3, 4
There was once a dumb psuedo-news line here. Now there's this pretentious nonsense. YOU1 DID THIS, YOU1 KNOW WHO YOU1 ARE!

1. Yeah you, you nefarious ne'er-do-well you.
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