Johnny Marsh*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in SC1 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Vinny McQ*
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:59 am

Johnny Marsh*


Post by Vinny McQ* »

Name: Johnny Marsh
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: Colehurst Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Travelling, Reading (Non-fiction), Rockabilly music, Working outdoors

Appearance: Johnny has an average height but a below average weight, 5’ 10’’ and 140 pounds respectively. Some of this is muscle, but not nearly enough to live up to Johnny’s hopes. Johnny is of the opinion that once his metabolism slows down he’ll fill out to a more appropriate shape.

Johnny has a small quiff that he is especially proud of and that he feels suits his long face and pointed chin. His hair shares the same shade of light brown with his eyes. Johnny has a hook nose that he detests, but is in general satisfied by his looks. Johnny always wears short sleeved shirts and jeans; if it is cold he also wears a vest. He is fond of his soft leather boots and wears a distinctive brown belt with a tarnished buckle.

Biography: Johnny is relaxed and easygoing, regularly going with the flow as far as friendships go. Johnny is happy to talk to anyone and is confident enough to quickly make friends with strangers; in fact he made it a personal mission to know as many people as possible and flits between social groups. That said, Johnny is equally fine with sitting alone in a contemplative silence, letting his imagination take over.  Johnny has a personal rule about giving the same amount of respect as he expects, even to people he isn’t fond of. As a consequence he has never really been in a fight and has no real enemies. He also always keeps his word but doesn’t make promises lightly.

His parents work together running a small painting and decorating business, and are hard workers. Keen to help out Johnny often accompanies them on a job, but always works on the outside of a house, usually doing the exterior painting which suits him fine. Johnny also spends a lot of his time walking around the city, enjoying the freedom it gives him.

Despite being hard workers he and his parents don’t have very much money and Johnny has never left the city. This encourages him to work hard at school so he can get a good job and afford to travel the world, at home Johnny keeps a map of the world with red drawing pins stuck in the places he wants to go, each tied together with a piece of string showing the route. Johnny wouldn’t describe himself as an outstanding student, but he works hard to make up for this. He prefers subjects that are hands on and practical and struggles with everything else. For all his social ability he prefers to work alone and is often in the library working through his weaker subjects.

He gets on well with his parents, but because of complications his mother can’t have any more children. At times Johnny feels guilty about this, but she is quick to remind him that it wasn’t in any way his fault. At times Johnny wishes he had a younger brother or sister and always makes time to play with the kids of family friends. In his ideal world of having a good job and travelling the world Johnny wants a large family of his own but in his heart he knows that not all of his goals are achievable.

He gets his love of Rockabilly from his father, when Johnny was growing up he and his dad would listen to records together on the weekends. He got his love of books from the local library which he found one day while wandering and he has been a regular visitor ever since. He normally reads travel books and autobiographies, immersing himself in the travels of others until he can earn enough to travel himself.

Advantages: Johnny makes friends quickly and his hardworking nature would leave him less likely to give up if things were not going well. If he promises to help someone he always will and is very dependable in that sense.
Disadvantages: Johnny isn’t physically very strong or experienced so wouldn’t win a fight. His easygoing nature and confidence might lead him to not realise the seriousness of a situation or the actual real danger to himself.

Original profile: Johnny Marsh
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Vinny McQ. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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