S015 - Davis, Noah

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S015 - Davis, Noah


Post by VoltTurtle »

Name: Noah Davis
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Hobbies and Interests: Verisimilism, Western Fiction, Romance, Animal Care, Carpentry, Walking, Gardening, the Guitar.

Gift: Finger Guns
Power Details: Noah's Gift allows him to materialize an object equivalent in size, shape, and construction to a 9-millimeter bullet near the tip of his finger. A reaction will then occur, as an explosion occurs in the projectile's base, which ignites the gunpowder inside the shell casing of the object. The change in pressure launches the bullet forward. Noah activates his Gift by using his hand to mimic a handgun. He must raise his thumb above his fist to act as a hammer and extend his index and middle fingers perpendicular to his fist to act as a barrel.
Limitations and Drawbacks: The explosion that launches the bullet occurs near the tip of his index and middle fingers, and as a result, causes damage to his fingers when he uses his Gift. He also suffers from recoil, which can cause his joints and wrists to ache or, with overuse, dislocate. As a result of the lack of a barrel to stabilize the bullet, Noah's Gift is only accurate at close range.

Appearance: Noah stands at 6'0" and weighs about 165 lbs. As a result, he is both tall and slim. He is in shape, and he has some muscle from physical labor. His dark brown hair is thick and wavy and often left unstyled. He has soft brown eyes. Noah rarely has acne, and his complexion is good. He rarely needs to shave, as he does not grow facial hair quickly. He is Caucasian, but his skin is somewhat tan from time spent outside in the sun.

Noah has a distinctive style, though it is out of personal preference and sentimental value rather than any desire to stand out. A typical outfit for Noah consists of brown leather boots, jeans, a leather belt, a button-down shirt, and he almost always wears a brown Stetson hat, a gift from his father. On the day of the abduction, Noah wore his usual attire. He wore brown leather boots, jeans, a leather belt, a red plaid flannel button-down shirt, and his brown Stetson hat.

  • Noah Davis was born in College Station, Texas, to James Davis and Melissa Williams. He had no brothers or sisters, as complications from Noah's birth resulted in Melissa's passing shortly after giving birth to Noah. After Melissa's death, James opted to return to Bend, Oregon, his hometown, with Noah. James then began work there as a veterinarian.
  • Noah, a shy child, had to take time to adjust to a school environment filled with lots of new people. He often preferred books and drawings to other children. He paid attention to his teachers and enjoyed learning new things.
  • Noah discovered his Gift much later than most, at the age of nine. The first time it manifested, he had attempted to mimic a scene in a Western film and accidentally shattered a glass door. James immediately consulted a professional, who advised that Noah be placed on mild power suppressants to prevent his power from becoming a danger to others.
  • During one school vacation, Noah was interested in learning to play his father's guitar, so his father purchased one for him and taught him how to play it. Creating music became a relaxing activity for Noah, and he has improved significantly over time and is now a competent musician.
  • As Noah grew older, James decided that Noah should learn firearm safety due to how his Gift operated. He learned to handle his powers with care and responsibility and took the lessons with great solemnity. He has a deep understanding of his Gift as a result.
  • In the second-to-last year of middle school, an incident occurred while Noah was walking home from school. A student from the year above him had discovered Noah's power from a note on a teacher's desk and followed him home. He tried to convince Noah to demonstrate his powers, but Noah refused, which made him angry. He physically forced Noah, who was not under the effects of his power suppressants, to use his powers and became injured in the process. Noah called emergency services, who brought the wounded student to the hospital. At first, Noah was removed from the school system but was re-instated when it became clear that he was not responsible.
  • Noah was severely shaken by the incident and developed a fear of both loud noises and bright flashes of light, and attended therapy to help him process what occurred. His medication was also increased in strength to prevent it from wearing off at inopportune times. Through this time, Noah received support from his father, who assured him that he handled the situation as well as he could have done. While Noah made significant progress in his therapy, he remained somewhat fearful of loud sounds or bright lights.
  • As a result of his fears, Noah was left unable to watch his favorite television shows and movies for several years due to the prevalence of guns in Western Fiction. He explored new genres to compensate and became fascinated by Verisimilist works, finding a world without powers to be happier and imagining his life in one to be less troubled.
  • As Noah was going into high school, his father decided to purchase a vacant plot of land with money he had saved. Noah and his father worked to build a house with some outside help. Noah became interested in carpentry as a result of this, and when construction finished, he began to create small pieces of furniture in his free time.
  • For a project in sophomore year, Noah grew a small plant in a pot. He enjoyed the project so much that he asked permission to turn some of their plot of land into a small garden. His father agreed, and Noah began to grow plants at home. Noah grows a mix of flowers, herbs, and vegetables and feels great pride in his work as a gardener.
  • Academically, Noah performs well. His favorite subjects tie into his hobbies, such as Music, Literature, and Earth Science. He is interested in Social Studies, but only when it focuses on the American Frontier. In other classes, he often finds himself uninterested.
  • Socially, Noah has many friends as a result of his politeness and empathy. Most of these friendships result from mutual interests, but others result from simple kindness and chance meetings. However, some students use his sensitivity to hurt him, and he has a low view of those individuals.
  • Romantically, Noah is single. He is bisexual and has been open about it for about two years. He does not take relationships lightly and views them as a serious matter that requires devotion and commitment. As a result, he is very picky in terms of finding a partner. He one day hopes to be in a long-term relationship with an individual who he loves.
  • Noah is very close with his family. He and his father have a close bond, and the two are supportive of one another. He also has a close relationship with his grandparents on his father's side. His relationship with his relatives on his mother's side is cordial but distant, as he has only met them a few times during family gatherings.
  • Noah is not settled on what he plans to do in the future, but he assumes he will have time to decide before he graduates. He is considering applying to Texas A&M University to study Veterinary Medicine.
Personality: Noah is soft-spoken, polite, and kind. However, he can sometimes be highly strung and anxious and is very sensitive emotionally. He is empathetic and has a great love and appreciation for life and living beings. He prefers to see the beauty in his environment and those around him and prefers not to think negatively. To his friends, Noah is incredibly supportive. He welcomes them to share their problems or feelings with him whenever needed.

Other Skills: Gift Expertise

Designated Number: Student No. 015


Conclusion: "There's something to be said about a Gift that is boring but practical. Effectively being a gun might not be as flashy as being able to shoot lasers out of your palms, but if it gets the job done, that's all that matters." - Tiger

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