Dear Ivan,

Some time after the announcements you find a note attached to a wall.

These are the passenger areas of the cruise ship, consisting of winding hallways spanning multiple floors, full of guest quarters, recreational facilities, bathrooms, and the like. Windows are many here, offering a good view of the rest of the arena, though the central location of the cruise ship means only pieces may be viewed from any given angle. The corridors connect all areas of the cruise ship and more; a number of emergency exits have been opened and ladders affixed to these points allow for entry and exit to the jetties and smaller boats nearby.
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Dear Ivan,


Post by ItzToxie »

Hey buddy,

You know who this is for... If you don’t know, leave this note and walk away.

I can attest that you really, REALLY, don’t want the smoke we’re offering.

Anywho, as for another certain doomed individual, I have an offer for you. If there’s any humanity left in that brain dead skull of yours, we have something of value to you.

By now you know that we killed all your allies.

Except one. :3

By now you also know what happens to people who really piss me off. And dear boy, you’ve really pissed me off.

Of course, you’re never around to take responsibility for your crimes. Kind of like Akeno, you’ve always thrown someone under the bus to save your skin. Didn’t help her in the end. She died begging for you, you know? Didn’t know someone so tough could cry like that.

Turns out we’re good at making people do that. You saw what I gave you at the pool hall right? Of course you did, that splatter was pretty visible from the captains quarters.

I’m rambling again; my bad, I do it a lot. Probably my most heinous crime.

So I’ve got a deal for you.

You know where to find us, just listen for the music.

I’ve got your last friend, or more accurately, your last meat shield between you and freedom. Come and find us, unarmed and alone. Do that and we’ll let her free, give her a head start of running.

All my focus will be on you, and making up for lost times. Got a lot of friends to pay you back for, as you know.

Of course you can choose to ignore me and run away from consequences, AGAIN. 🙄

We’ll still find you. We’ll even bring your teammate. Of course carrying a whole person around is kind of heavy, so we’re gonna have to remove some ‘dead weight’ to make her lighter.

But we’ll find you, and bring what’s left of her to you as a prelude to what I’m going to do to you.

Then we’ll have ALL the time in the world to catch up.

Either way I’ll get that. You’ll get yours. It’s just your choice as to whether someone has to suffer in your place AGAIN or not.

You know where to find me. I look forward to seeing you. Our ‘guest’ of honor does too...

P.s. Don’t bring any more fodder to me. We’re gonna kill them regardless, so if you bring friends, be aware I’m only letting one person leave our meeting, IF THAT, if our uninvited guests happen to be particularly insulting.

Also don’t bring that double barrel either. You won’t get the chance to fire off a single barrel before I blow your balls and kneecaps off.

That will be all.


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