Dirge for Shepherds

yeah (private)

On the northernmost cliffs of the island, just outside a rainforest clearing consisting of small, nondescript huts, there stands a large, multi-layered circle consisting of small local statues, local symbols, and other assorted items believed to have belonged to shamans of a distant past. However, unlike every other area of the island, this area shows signs of recent touch - faint drag marks surround each statue, and the grass beneath them does not match the grass anywhere else on the island, as though the ground was recently excavated, then planted with grass not native to the region. However, if one were to travel any further north of the circle, they would find that there does exist something native to the island - a long, steep drop onto sharp jagged rocks, sticking out of the ocean.

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Dirge for Shepherds


Post by Jilly »

Your name is Abel. Your parents named you that because they wanted something "unique" and "old fashioned" but ultimately they just looked through a list of Biblical names that started with "A" and settled on one at random.

You turned 18 a few months ago, right after summer break. You never liked your birthday, since it went hand in hand with having to go back to school. If you were born a few weeks earlier, you'd be one of the lucky few that never even had to go on your birthday in the first place.

It didn't help that you weren't fond of the kids at your school much, either. You weren't really interested in football or Marvel movies or the latest overbloated big budget first person shooter or muscle cars or dumping dollars into dogecoin or Tiktok outrage clicking. You knew enough to pass and not be a complete weirdo but that was all you did; you sat back, observed, let other people talk, occasionally interjected with something or other but it didn't mean anything.

Your interests were weird. Your interests were strange. You weren't normal; not in the fun "wow, I'm so neurodivergent, I love Stephen's Universe and Halsey" kinda way. You didn't really have anyone to talk about Song of Horror or Indivisible or your dumb little webcomic or drone photos with. No one cared, and the few you did share with pretty much blew you off, so you just learned to never bring it up.

But that was fine. Your wavelength was different. Everyone was always so fast, impatient. You didn't like being rushed, but you had to sometimes if you wanted to keep up. Though maybe everyone else felt the same but was better than you at hiding it? You weren't sure. Probably wasn't it.

Honestly, you wouldn't have minded crash landing and being trapped on some deserted island, all alone with maybe just a volleyball as a companion. Funny way how things worked out sometimes.

Heh. Heh.


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Post by Jilly »

It stopped raining at some point by the time you wandered into the circle with the others. They kept arguing and bickering in that Spanish or Portuguese or one of those Romance languages you were fairly sure it was, could pick up something about fake names and you not being the right bloke again but they seemed pretty nice and weren't shooting at you so you decided to stick around anyway. You introduced yourself as Abel, but Soraya (or maybe it was Rubi? Not like it mattered anymore) was adamant you were someone named Archie, but you decided to let it go. You were all tired anyway, and these huts looked like a good place to take a break, calm down, gather your thoughts, that nonsense. Plus your arms were tired from all that carrying for the team. Your elbows were screaming for a rest.

They were still bickering like a married couple anyway so you decided to wander around for a bit. You said it was to scout around the area, but honestly you just needed a break from them. You took your bag with you but left some supplies to prove you'd be back, unless you planned on starving. They seemed trustworthy enough for that level of humanity, or at least enough that you could figure out how to recoup your losses down the road.

You trudged through the mud that stuck to your shoes, poking through the other huts but seeing nothing of real interest other than grass stained statues and long forgotten trinkets. You crouched and towered over each, running your grime coated fingers across the splintered wood carved into faces and indiscernible figures. You didn't like their vibes. You were careful not to do much more than just window shop. You've seen these kinds of movies before.
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There was a dead body, up by the cliff that dropped off the island forever. You flashed the torch around, left to right lickety-split. It looked like it was just the two of you here.

Your feet turned to double back, your footprints overlaying on top of each. But then you stopped. You walked a little more, your arms crossed over one another. You stopped again. And then you turned around and headed for the body lying out in the open.

The odor hit you like a truck. You never smelled something so vile. It was like the rotten sack of potatoes you found one day, buried forgotten in a cabinet in your house that had already halfway emulsified. Kinda looked like it, too, even from several feet away. Not even the world's supply of vinegar and baking soda would cover up the smell.

But, you covered your mouth and resisted gagging, walking closer, right until you towered over it. But the smell hit you again, and you let loose.

You were fine. You were empty now. You were gonna do this.

Poor guy. He was all sorts of boned. Was it the bullets that got to him, or what looked like a hell of a clobbering right on the head? Didn't have his bag on him from what it looked like, either.

You knelt down, looking over your shoulder again for any unwanted visitors. And then you poked him in the shoulder. You gave him a good shake, careful not to touch the blood.

Yeah. He wasn't playing.

You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, the other arm holding the flashlight rested over your knee. You sneered, just a little bit, though you didn't really know why. It did bother you a little bit how... unceremonious(?) finding a dead body was? It wasn't something you ever had a long and hard think over, but you always figured that kind of thing would shock you or maybe clutch your pearls or something. But you really didn't feel anything, maybe because it was some stranger. Maybe a little pity? Disgust? Dunno.

You shook your head, giving the body another going over. You sniffled, almost retching a second time but managed to hold it in. And then you stood up. You paused again to look over the body, then back at the hut the others were hanging out in near the edge of the bush.

You looked out towards the cliff. It didn't look very far; you could probably reach it without a taxing amount of effort.

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Post by Carrion Queen »

(Soraya y amigos continuado de...))

Tu nombre es Soraya. Tus padres escojaron este nombre porque tu mama se encanta novelas como a ti. Si vas a tener un nombre de una del las villanas de una novela, debería ser la mejor.

Tu nuca has tenido un vacación un tu vida entera.

¿No piensas que es raro? Todo sobre tu vida y tiempo lo gastas en el servicio de los vacaciónes de otros. Tu vivas en un país de placer, pero solo sabe trabajo con la esperanza, alcanzando más alto. Tu vendiste tu alma tratando de alcanzar por la plata, no? Ahora solo tienes plata-no?

No piensas que es raro.

Algunos días soñaste con estar con unos amigos en la playa y hacer lo que quisieras.

The other boy said he was going to go out and scout. Soraya pulled on her tie, but all she said was that he should be careful.

"Abel estará bien."

She sighed sharply and looked at the circle.

[+] May you find that who shines and the power of miracles


Her name was Soraya and she was named that because her mother liked novelas. It was actually pretty common for people to name their kids this way. After a popular show called Yesenia there was an explosion of Yesenias. She supposed everyone wanted their child to be the protagonist of their own novela type show.

Do you think that's weird?

They had walked some time and returned to the circle, which had an odd, yet comforting energy. It seemed that although their personalities were all pretty different, the three got along well enough.

She'd never been on a vacation and had time like this. She worked at a resort, yet she didn't know what it was like to vacation.

Better stay by the circle.




"Abel will be ok."
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Post by Deamon »

They had made their way back to the point they had started at, at least for him and Soraya. They had also learned that the white boys' name was Abel, proving once and for all that he had been right. However, it also meant they had managed to lose Archie and Jia Li. Where they had ended up Dominik had no idea.

Shortly after arriving back at the circle, Abel had gone off to scout out the area, leaving him and Soraya alone. Dominik wasn't sure what to make of the boy. He was extremely quiet in comparison to Soraya but he realised that could have also been due to the fact they had effectively kidnapped him. Which he felt bad about.

Dominik nodded as Soraya spoke. After a few more seconds of silence, he spoke.

"¿Por qué mentiste sobre tu nombre?"
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Post by The Honeless Beard »

Your name isn't Abel. It isn't anything close. But you see him - though you don't know his name - as you lie on your belly with the other boy, fingers wrapped tight around his wrist. In his grip is the pistol - his turn to hold it - though you were very careful to keep the bullets in your bag, leaving him only with a clip.

The weird statues provided both of you some semblance of cover as you waited. The boy - Abel - seemed to be looking at the cliff, the body, kneeling forwards to examine it. Something about the motions reminded you of the way you and your companion looked at the other dead guy, with watering mouths and eyes.

"Do it," you hiss, and let go of your companion's wrist.
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Post by Aster »

((Caleb Policarpio continued from Who Pilots All These Crude Machines))

She'd been squeezing his wrist a little too hard, and Caleb had to take a moment to steady his aim again. He was still getting used to firing the gun, and a small part of him was thankful that the girl had given him so much practice.

He'd never practiced on a live target this close, though. Sure, the boy was hard to identify in the dark, but he was undeniably human--and if Caleb's aim was good enough, soon he wouldn't be.

Caleb took a deep, shaky breath. He decided that he didn't like this. Any of this. Then he pulled the trigger.
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Post by Jilly »

You thought about how much your life would've probably been different if you tried, sometimes. Maybe things would've turned out different if you tried playing soccer back in primary school, or if you threw that fiver into stock in that American company that went parabolic a few months ago even though one of your acquaintances insisted it was a scam. Maybe you wouldn't have been kidnapped.

Who knows.
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You were pretty much just a background character, so you probably wouldn't get much of an ending, or much of a well paced one at that.
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The crack of a gunshot, and you recoil, your sandy ear plugs forgotten down at your side. You leap up, tugging your companion to move, move, move as the body crumples to the ground.

"He might have friends," you say, too loudly over the ringing in your ears, and you're already sprinting from the scene of the crime.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

"Necesité saber si podía confiar en ti," she responded. Soraya looked at the statues.

"Además, Rubi es mi personaje favorito de novelas," she smiled mischievously. "Pero creo que confío en ustedes. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que se fue de vacaciones? No puedo recordar. Pero vivimos en la tierra de las vacaciones. ¿Verdad?"

A gunshot rang out. Several birds of varying colors left the trees and soared skyward.

Soraya's hand jumped on top of Dominik's and squeezed.

"Abel. ¡Vamos!"

Their shoes rustled against the grass.

[+] May you find that who shines and the power of miracles


"I needed to know I could trust you," she responded. Soraya looked at the statues.

"Also, Rubi is my favorite novela character," she smiled mischievously. But I trust you (both). When was the last time you went on vacation? I can't remember. But we live on the land of vacations, right?"

"Abel. Let's go!"
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Post by Deamon »

As the footsteps reached the location of the gunshot they slowed and became more careful. Slowly the feet picked their way through the undergrowth by the cliff, edging ever closer to the body.

It was too late by the time they arrived.

The assailants who had fired had already made their escape and left a corpse lying at the feet of the new arrivals.

There was shuffling and a crunch of leaves as they repositioned and crouched down to check the body.

After a short silence, there was the sound of a tongue clicking.

"Lo llevaré al circe."
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Soraya knelt down by Abel and put her hand up to his face. Her fingers curled around his head and she slowly pushed her thumb along the curve of the bottom of his orbital bone.

She turned when she heard Dominik click his tongue. Soraya stood up and brushed her hands down the front of her dress to straighten it out and remove dirt.

Soraya nodded.

"Claro que si."

She held her hands out with her palms flat. The air was still. There was a break in the rain.

"Voy a provocar el fuego."

[+] May you find that who shines and the power of miracles


I didn't say a whole lot so there's not a ton to translate here. "Claro que si" is a common way of saying "Of course." It's often shortened as "Claro" so "Claro que si" adds a bit of emphasis.

"Voy a provocar el fuego" means "I'll start the fire." I just wanted to point this one out because I think it sounds a lot nicer in Spanish than it does in English. There are a few ways to communicate this sentiment by using a number of different verbs that would translate to "light" a fire or "start" a fire or "make" a fire. This one here is actually to "provoke" a fire.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Literary analysis

Please choose three of the following to answer:

  • What does Abel’s sentence structure tell us about the nature of his character?
  • Is the island welcoming or hostile? Provide examples from the text to support your answer.
  • How does Dominik’s background in nature conservation shape his initial view of the situation and how does that change?
  • Abel tosses Makaria a candy bar as a conceit of being “robbed” due to Makaria's desire to rob him. Is this an act of kindness or an act of mockery?
  • How can the characters of Abel, Soraya, and Dominik be seen through the lens of Freud’s id, ego, and superego?
  • What is the symbolic importance of the first night’s downpour? Refer to other works of magical realism such as the flood in 100 Years of Solitude and the Biblical story of Noah.
  • What does the mysterious circle represent?
  • Discuss how Soraya and Dominik’s interactions with Abel and Archie are coloured by their experiences with colonialism.
  • Mandatory for those also taking Spanish 3 or above: Point out three inconsistencies with Soraya’s translations and translate correctly.

Use complete sentences and turn in at the end of the period .
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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