They Only Want You When You're 17, When You're 21 You're No Fun

They take a Polaroid and let you go, say they'll let you know, so come on. (open)

The open deck of the cruise ship is still a fairly cramped expanse—stairways and access points to the bowels and corridors are numerous, as are ladders over the edge, and a number of lifeboats provide potential cover. Elsewhere, benches and folding chairs create small circles suitable for conversation. From the deck, one can take in almost all of the flotilla with a little walking; only the clipper ship's crow's nest offers a higher vantage point.
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"So far? Only you." Maybe he was lucky in that aspect, but he knew a number of people he wanted to find: Anthony, Seo-Yun, RJ... if they were there. He hoped they weren't, but if they were. Those are the ones he wanted to find.

And the ones he wanted to avoid. "Fisk, Ivan, Laura...amongst others" He answered. There were a few others, but those were the top of his list. Unpleasant people all around.

He'd had experiences dealing with all three at some point at Mangrove and the further away he was from all of them, the better his life would be.

He saw that her smile was gone, and he faltered a bit in his conviction. His face slackened as he realised he'd been so busy being angry that he hadn't noticed his tone towards her hadn't been...the best.

"Sorry...I just really hate this."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Mary snorted a little.

“Don’t blame you. Like, again... imagine. Not only having the viewers think you’re boring, but getting murdered by Laura. It’d be particularly humiliating, yeah?”

Oh gosh, not only Laura. Imagine the last thing you saw was Junji as he choked you out with his unwashed hands. A shudder ran down her spine. Okay, even if it wasn’t a real possibility, it’s still a bad thought to imagine Junji’s greasy pig face as your body goes limp, never to see anything else again. It was harder to imagine what was worse: Laura’s weed stank or Junji’s sweat stank, especially in the context of getting murdered. The worst thing was, she wouldn’t be surprised. Was Junji here? She wasn’t paying super amounts of attention to the opening ceremony thingy. Too busy freaking out over the lights and noise and the general ‘you’re-gonna-die’ thing. Sometimes she still felt a little bit of tiredness from that and… well, the freakout from earlier. But she was feeling better. Kinda.

At least Blofield was kinda cool sometimes. And Ivan… was a pooplord, sure, but a baby step up. Not that they were all appealing people to get murdered by. Laura though… she had a bone to pick with her. Several, actually? So it’d suck even worse in its own way.

Her knee bounced a bit more. That tone Soccer Boy had… it stuck with her.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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He laughed at the mention of Laura killing anyone, or being the last one anyone sees. Though, not as much of a laugh as a jittery snicker. Her smell alone could kill small animals, maybe a concentrated amount focused on a human could kill? That or mutate them beyond recognition.

"It would be, yeah. Wouldn't want that on my worst enemy." He bore a slight grin now to offset that jitter. Fingers tensed around his bags as it hung limpy at his right side, with his left hand entering his pocket for sanctuary. Mary didn't need to see it shake.

He did not know how Laura, or Fisk or Ivan had taken this. He did not know if they had given in already or if they were reeling in the same way he had. He just knew they were unpleasant, sometimes disgusting people.

And this show revelled in those kinds of people.

"Well, hope for the best neither of us sees her or the rest." He craned back as his shoulders reached up until he felt satisfied. He'd never felt his body more tense or tired before.

He gave her a slight smile to balance that out.
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“Yeah. And even if she’s not being a stan or something awful like that, you just… know she’s gonna kill someone for the sole purpose of angering people.”

That’s kinda what Laura did. She reveled in being horrifying. To be fair, Mary could relate to it as well. Why else would she try that mustard ice cream feat? Even if people remembered her as “mustard ice cream girl” for a while, the horrified comments? Worth it. She wondered if the fanbase had already come across that video. Anyways, Laura. Her stench alone was a potential 10 kill winner, or whatever they were talking about earlier. Again, too busy freaking out to fully get it.

She tried to think of what else to say.

Small talk was never her forte. A lot of social things were never her forte. She usually got by cracking jokes and making herself seem like the quirky fun one. Never the one who had a plan, or had anything meaningful to say, or was a leader, or really anything that important. Just being pretty and quirky and fun. Sometimes she was alright with that, but a lot of times…

It was frustrating.

But she tried to keep that buried. Her leg bounced more and more. She smiled back.

“So… have you checked out the rest of the ship? Like, they tossed me into a suite, and then called it a day, I guess. Haven’t seen much else.”

Mary wouldn’t dare tell him about the flip-out she had.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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As Mary spoke about Laura, Leo couldn't help, but agree with her. There was a definite trend with her doing things that were horrifying to someone, seemingly because it was funny? Apparently? Must have been to someone for her to keep doing it. He remembered she did some sort of challenge on her channel, and looked like a mess by the end. People had been talking about it around school and showing clips of it.

It was all just really weird. Still, he laughed when shown so as to not look out of place amongst them.

"They dropped me off not far from here, so I haven't seen much." Leo found himself saying as he looked away from Mary for a brief moment, to soak in the view the two had before looking back at her with a returning smile.

It was weird, he did not expect this when he first woke up, to talk to someone casually like this. He was off his game completely at first, but slowly it was coming back.

"It's a shame this place looks interesting, considering what's going to happen to it." Whatever's left is not going to be pretty for the camera, that's for sure. They better be getting those shots in.
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Post by KamiKaze »

C’mon folks, cruise ship. Mary had never been on one, but like, surely there’s a pool? A eatery thingy place? Stage performances? Wait, no, those won’t exist unless the performers want to die. Uh… what other things are there on cruise ships?


“It’s funny, they made it look all pretty, and were like ‘spring break, spring break forever!’ during the intro, I think, I was freaking out too much. But then… how are they gonna repair it? I hope the owners of this place are gonna, like, get loads of dough to repair everything ten times over.”

Mary thought to herself for a bit.

“Uh, another funny thing is, though, cruise ships can be kinda spooky in their own way. Did you know that many unsolved murders happen on cruise ships? Because like, technically it’s not happening in any country, I think, so it takes a lot of f-finagling to solve crimes that happen on them. So if you die or go missing on a cruise ship, like, outside of SOTF, there’s a good chance that it’ll go unsolved.”

She kicked her feet some. The oar was in her lap, and she rolled it absentmindedly.

“Dunno. Guess it’s kinda on theme.”
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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"A bit, so, yeah, pretty on theme for them." It was a rather morbid topic, but she was not wrong. It was pretty fitting for the show. Just a shame that they were part of it.

With the way Mary was talking about the ship, Leo could not tell if it meant that she wanted to walk and see what was there. It was a cruise ship after all and judging by how things usually went on these, they probably wouldn't have another chance to see.

...Why was he thinking of it in plural? He had people to look for! Not wander around staring at random objects on a cruise ship.

But he couldn't exactly let her go out there alone. That would just feed her to wolves as far he was concerned, and he was not going to have someone else's blood on his hands directly or otherwise.

"You want to look around? The ship, I mean?" A quizzical look on his face as he studied her for a bit, Mary was taller than him and did not look frail by any means. If he followed along with her, who'd be protecting whom in that case? She even had a weapon compared to him.

And even if he did have a weapon, could he do it? Hurt someone else to save someone? Or, god forbid, himself?
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“I mean… couldn’t hurt, could it?”

Oof, there he go with that look again. Mary squinted tightly for a moment. Calm, calm. Right, he’s not a psycho, and you’re probably overthinking stuff. She had no idea who would be, though.

“Like… if you’re on a cruise ship, there’s probably something interesting there. Something fun, something to dull… whatever this is. If you get bored, you let yourself think, kinda. And, like, we’re supposed to team up with people or something?”

She looked him over. Was he one of her assigned teammates? The bandanna on her wrist was black and red-- it seemed they knew what would be a decent color-scheme for her. Imagine if they picked a yucky color. Like puke green or eye-searing cyan. The thought was gross.

Mary continued rolling the oar in her lap.

“We could run into the nutjobs, sure, but well, also the team people. It couldn’t hurt to at least get a feel for the… layout? The layout, I guess.”
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Her eyes squinted, and for a moment Leo thought he'd messed this all up somehow before she started talking again. She seemed up for it and her reasons, whilst a little lackadaisical in nature, made sense. Teammates.

"It couldn't hurt, no." He responded as he looked over her, he could see her bandanna, tied neatly around the wrist that had been somewhat obscured by the oar, was a different color than his. A somewhat concerning matter considering all their talk of teammates, but did that matter in that moment? Maybe at a later time it would, but at that moment it was just them. A sound and somewhat reasonable voice amongst many that were now unfamiliar noises in the distance. Obscured by different boats.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth as they would say.

"If you're up for it? Then, let's go." Leo said as he was clenching and unclenching his fingers on the strap of his daypack. The jitters were back, but not in full force and the reason was different this time. He wouldn't be responsible for just himself now. There was someone else.

Maybe, that is what he needs. To keep this all in perspective, too much with himself and he'd lose that.

The focus was on getting out of there, and if his worry stayed on others. Then maybe, he was the right person to help.

Leo proceeded to make his way out of the area with a steady pace to his walk, interrupted by him glancing back to see if she was coming along.

((Leonard Kenter continued in 명성과 재산))
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Post by KamiKaze »

Mary for a second said nothing. Just finished packing, just unzipped.

She stood up. She slung her bag’s strap across her shoulder. Her oar went on her other, her right hand clasping it.

Her left hand adjusted her hair. She looked at Soccer Boy--

Leo. That was his name. Maybe? It’d be embarrassing to ask at this stage!

-- she looked at Leo, then at the camera she winked at earlier.
[+] Transcript
Mary looks directly at the camera, and keeps her voice down.

MARY: So… did I deal with that okay? Is everything fine? Am I doing this right?

She giggles hesitantly.

MARY Does it matter? Uh… anyways, guess it’s time to look around a bit more.

Mary makes a peace sign, then turns to leave in the direction Leo went.
((Mary Cheung continued in 명성과 재산))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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