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Private! Paging Toxie for a brawl!

The upper deck of the ferry is open to the air, and offerings direct access to the nearby house boat via a particularly precarious metal gangplank that shifts with the rocking waves. The upper deck has markedly less cover than the lower; aside from the stairwells offering the opportunity to duck down, it's all benches and railings.
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Post by Primrosette »

The plan had worked a lot more perfectly than she has thought.

It was pretty golden.

She only had to work along with Fisk's plan and normally she would have told him to go away and stop pestering her. But she had give this a chance and it was going so beautifully well. She had been more easy-going on kicking down Ivan's leg and putting pressure on it with her foot. She had smirked behind the pillowcase mask and let out a soft, sinister chuckle as Fisk went to work on a screaming Ivan.

After all that business, now the group were going to town on Ivan and she couldn't help but watch the others for a bit. She wasn't really the fighting type, but she couldn't just laze about and let everyone else have all the fun. She really did want to make a good impression for the audience at home and this was the better way to start. Even if it had to go down a darker path. She was willing to take that step.

And Bacchia was set in motion.

She stepped closer to the bloody Ivan and she let out a small giggle. It felt good to have control over this idiotic boy and she was going to make it hurt more. She raised her leg and swung it back and forth a few times with a strong force each time. She only stopped when she was sure that she felt something cracking and breaking and she took a step back to view the group's handy work.

Bacchia was feeling like she was on a pleasant high of greed for power.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk reached the bottom of the stairs, and saw his gun just a few feet away from where it dropped. Neat! He looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear of any outsiders, and he figured Ivan wasn't going anywhere any time soon with his friends 'entertaining' him, so now was the perfect time to unwind.

Fisk unmasked himself as he stepped towards the tommygun and hefted it up, resting it on his shoulder as he leaned against the wall. He sighed and took in the ambience. Waves crashing, cool air, the salty, breezy scent of seawater. The thump, thwack, crunk, Aaaahs! going on the floor above him. He tucked his mask into his coat pocket with his free hand, and brushed his hair back out of his face. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself.

Everything was going according to keikaku, this was all moving along swimmingly! He was gonna go down in SOTF history for this, hell they all were! Gonna be the next NWO, The Corporation, The Brood, shit you name it! The Respects were going to be SOTF's Top Dollar ensemble this season, and it all started here...

A significantly louder crack came from above followed by a significantly louder grunt, shocking Fisk out of his daydream. Wow, they really were doing a number on Ivan weren't they? Fisk looked up towards a camera staring right at him from the corner of the doorway. He smiled at it, wagged his eyebrows. They'd beat him to death eventually, most likely sooner rather than later, endurance be damned, so Fisk decided it was time to return back upstairs and join in. This was a group effort after all, and they all had to be credited for this one.

He put his mask on, and slowly made his way back up stairs, gun scraping along the stairwell railing as his steel heels clanked along it's steps.
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When the shitkicker met skull, Ivan was launched to the side, and the masked fuckchildren held him still against the sudden momentum, leaving his shoulder and ligaments singing with pain and his left eye slid towards the left while his right eye stared forwards and for a moment the vision overlayed in a blend of colours and shapes and why was his ear wet?

He blinked.

He was suddenly being slapped, and his vision didn't correct itself, wetness coating the side of his neck, dripping freely from his ear. The sound was muted, a sharp pain emnating from his ribcage, his jaw, the back of his skull where a dull headache was forming. He tried to blink away the haze, but couldn't, his vision compromised.

Fisk. One eyehole meant Vasily. Pretty sure that's Giselle's shrieking banshee routine. Fisk. Vasily. Giselle. Fisk. Vasily. Giselle.

As best he could, his right eye focused on Giselle, his left continuing to wander.
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Post by Sh4dE »

"Hey, hey, Ivan! Can you hear me?"

Ivan seemed to be awake, she wasn't sure whether it was due to her slaps to his face or the kicks and punches her allies were giving him. He was still alive, he did not look okay, but him being alive was good. He might have suffered but his father did not. No, Papi would even profit from Ivan's demise, make a sobstory. It will give him views, he can portray himself as a victim and he would profit from the work of the Respects.

But Giselle would try her best to make Papi and his network pay. She grabbed the chin of Ivan and shouted words at his face.

"Alright you little shit, you tell us the passwords to your father's accounts and we might give you a quick end."

That was a good deal. She briefly considered offering to spare him in exchange for the leaks of the information but she wasn't even sure if Ivan himself would want to continue living with his wounds and all. Did she hear his ribcage get cracked by Bacchia's attacks? Even if they would spare him, he did not look like he would survive these wounds, like, oh my god, there was a lot of fucking blood flowing out of his head. Giselle was not sure if Ivan's brain could process the message, so she repeated it again, but this time very slowly.

"Do you understand? Father. Password. Twitter. Twitch. E-mail. Social Security Number. Anything you know. Understand? Say it loud and clear."
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Ivan's head wanted to loll, but Vasily's grip kept it hard in place, lightly choking him enough that drool pooled at the corners of his mouth, making him want to cough through the consistent pressure against his adam's apple.

Ivan wanted to respond, but nothing came forth other than a forced gurgle. Giselle's demands were played in slow motion, the vowels extending in away that made him antsy, impatient. She was asking questions that he couldn't find the answers to, left eye bleary, right eye unblinking upon her. Her hand was getting wetter and redder from the stuff leaking out of his ear.

Instead of responding, or lolling his head back, Ivan let out a chuckle - two short ha ha's that snapped out like rubber bands, hurting himself more than achieving anything else.

"S-street you grew up on," he said through a whistle - was he missing a tooth? "P-pick the pics that don't have cars."

Another two rubber band ha-ha's, and he went totally limp.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Oh wow, everyone’s just wildin’ over here. James punched Ivan in the face and he saw some teeth fall out, and Bacchia did that cute lil’ yandere giggle before kicking the shit outta him. Which, like, he probably expected Bacchia to be into some weird ass shit but James… actually, no, he expected everyone here to be able to throw hands, except Keegan who just hugged his arm. Pussy. He held Ivan’s head back still, with all his weight and his right hand, as his left one fished out a mint lifesaver and popped it into his mouth underneath the mask. Everyone’s kicking him everywhere and it honestly would have been fuckin’ funny if Ivan just flew around like a ragdoll but someone has to keep him in place for convenient curb-stomping. He wanted to join in, but it’s a little crowded in butt-kick town.

So he looked at the craziest bitch in the room right now, Giselle, who’s yelling at him while slapping his face, which, like, valid, girl, go get that good destruction therapy. Until she opened her mouth again and he got what she was saying.

“Um, Giselle, chill,” he said, because he suddenly remembered that she was anti-sotf, which, like, given the context is a lot more understandable than usual. Ivan Rodriguez was a bitch, but Papi wasn’t. He liked these shows. It’ll be a shame if he got doxxed, and like actually a shame and not that sarcastic ‘hey yall go doxx him’ way. Shoot, he was actually scared Ivan was going to give it out ‘cause He kinda liked that show, but then-

Oh. Vasily giggled a bit. Oh, that was good. He’s gotta give it to Ivan, that was hilarious.

He held Ivan’s head and laid it down on the ground in a way that a blind grandma would call ‘gentle,’ not because he cared or anything, though, but because if he fell back then the blood puddle on the ground would splash all over the place. As the others went to pound town on the poor schmuck, he took the gold chain off of Ivan’s neck, stepped back and surveyed the mess. Blood and teeth, everywhere. Less teeth, after he pocketed a few of ‘em, for, like, trophy purposes. Totally trophy purposes. He saw that fanfic adaptation one day… the winner, Willow or Wilma or something... took body parts of her victims? Yeah, like that. He’s called them Horcruxes, once, in a video. With Lucia. These days were behind him, now.

“So… are we done here? Or nah? Y'all wanna keep beating him up?”

The chains clinked like little windchimes (but deadlier) as he added the new necklace to it. Whipped it 'round experimentally like a, well, whip (duh). Hm, if he strangled someone with it would the producers ban wallet chains next season? Food for thought.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Keegan chuckled in response to Vasily's question.

So this was another good part about the pillowcase masks: what was lost in visibility was made up for in inscrutability, which was to say that the difference between a nervous chuckle and a malevolent chuckle became pretty much academic.

The guy on the ground didn't really need much holding anymore. CC time was over. In fact, the encounter was more or less over in general, as far as Keegan could see. They'd done the cartoon thing where you knocked some teeth out and then the gaps made the guy look like he had a piano for a mouth. In this particular case, the mouth wasn't open and the teeth, in the brief moment Keegan had caught that unfortunate glance at them, were a lot more bloody and, well, weirdly fleshy than in the cartoons, but he wasn't looking anymore, so it was like a piano. Piano boy wasn't moving. Raid successful, go team.

So, as Vasily got to work taking custody of that hideous gold chain, and... also putting the teeth away purely for everyone's comfort—or because he was just that into posturing around his own edginess or whatever, who could really say?—Keegan figured out where they'd landed in the script.

It was time to divvy the loot.

He finally let the guy flop all the way loose on the deck, then slowly stood and looked him over for a few moments. He hoped it looked like he was staring down in scorn, or in serious contemplation or something, but really Keegan was just looking for whatever spot was least bloody and gross. A little patch opposite where Bacchia had been going to town stood out, still mostly just clear fabric, so Keegan hauled back his foot and kicked the guy there. Not hard, of course, because he didn't really know how to kick that hard, wasn't on the soccer team or anything. Honestly, he just had to kick him once to really be a part of this, earn his share, and by comparison it was barely anything. No hard feelings. It was still a pretty damn unpleasant sensation, though.

Then, obligation fulfilled, Keegan leaned down and worked the bandanna free from the guy. It was mostly white, which made the blood specks stand out more, but a slightly-bloodstained trophy was badass more than creepy, and bandannas were very definitely established as acceptable trophies by now, perhaps even customary.

Huh, holding it up, this actually looked kind of familiar. Keegan rubbed the pillowcase against his glasses a little, and it didn't defog them perfectly but yeah, yep, that was the same symbol both Bacchia and Giselle had. And those two had gone hardest pounding the shit out of the guy and humiliating him. Keegan turned in their general direction and gave a half shrug, then stuffed the bandanna in his pocket. Well, whatever, now he definitely knew he could trust them, not like there'd been that much doubt in the first place.

Like, basically it just felt like they'd gone a little too far to back out, you know?
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Everybody else took their turns getting in on the beatdown on Ivan, even Bacchia and Giselle. Bacchia in particular seemed to be really getting into it, giving off this really intense energy as she inflicted violence. It was kind of hot. Hot in, like, a scary way, but still hot.

Oh wait, but he also had his thing with Sofia where they weren’t really dating but they were hanging out and stuff so it probably wasn’t particularly cool that he was thinking about Bacchia being hot.

Wait! Shit, Sofia! He hadn’t really thought that out had he? How she was going to connect to all this? Fuck fuck fuck he was such a moron. Another hurdle to cross when he came to it right? Yeah, he totally didn’t need to think about that now because there was a whole bunch of other stuff going on like everyone beating up on Ivan.

Oh, and it looked like they were taking the dude’s stuff.

James came back from his momentary little brain fart about girls to see a new bit of commotion going on. Vasily had snatched up one of Ivan’s necklaces and Keegan had taken a bandana. They were like a gang of hunters, and now it was time to take trophies. James could get with that concept for sure, but what kind of trophy were you supposed to take off of a person?

“Um… shit…” James muttered as he just grabbed the first thing he looked at.

Bending over, he proceeded to forcefully pull the shoe from Ivan’s left foot before holding it up above his own head.

“Hah! What do you think of that, motherfucker?!” James shouted, a grin on his face, trying to get into it like he’d seen the others do, only to realize that he probably looked like a complete dumbass in that moment. He then quickly lowered his arm, simply holding the shoe at his side.

He’d probably just stuff it in his pack when they finished up here.
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Post by Primrosette »

Bacchia had calm down after her moment of excitement and she knew that she had to keep herself more in control. She couldn't get too carried away with beating the crap out of a guy who seemed like he was down for the count. She could only let out a huff of a snort when Vasily asked the question and she was still admiring what the group had done to their victim.

It seemed like they were taking some trophies as well and it made sense to leave their mark for everyone to see. Vasily wanting the chain did not surprise her in the slightest. Some teeth too. That was an intriguing choice and Bacchia was impressed that Vasily seemed to be into this as much as she was. She needed to tone it down a little and not get too carried away with things. She had noticed the bandanna that Keegan took off of Ivan and she realized that it was the same color as the ones that she and Giselle had. Hmm. Well, it was too late to take it back down and she had already made her choice. Betraying her own team was not upsetting her and she was more or less committed to her little ragtag team. No backing out of it now for her.

And James seemed to be stealing... one of Ivan's shoes?

Bacchia couldn't help but let out a small laugh at him being so dorky and she thought it was a pretty cute act.

"Ha, ha. Well, well. I had a lot of fun just being able to inflict some pain on Ivan. That is the greatest trophy that I ever wanted." She said simply to the others without a care about how others would react or think about that.

It was the honest truth and she was sticking to it.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Bacchia's comment concerned Giselle at first. That sounded pretty psycho, but SOTF was known to bring the worst out in people. Even though Giselle had to agree with Bacchia that it had been a lot of fun inflicting pain on Ivan specifically. Bacchia and Giselle were not close friends, but she now felt some connection to her now that she knew that Ivan probably treated her as badly as herself in school.

She looked at Ivan's body and Vasily was right about them being done with Ivan. There wasn't much else they could do to him. Even her shaking Ivan again to try to wake him up again didn't help. He was unresponsive and with him the corporates secrets were gone, too. All he got out with his last brainpower was a stupid joke to Giselle's face, before he stopped responding.

Everyone else was looting something, taking something as a trophy and Giselle decided to go after Ivan's pocket and found his wallet in it. She opened it to look what's been there. Given that he was a rich boy it did not surprise her he had a lot of cash in it. Then were a bunch of cards: membership cards, license, debit. There was also a photo of him with his family. Giselle smiled, pulled the debit card out and put the wallet into her bag.

"Well, as you can see, here is a nice credit card with all the important numbers on it. Buy yourself something nice, the Rodriguez family can afford it," she spoke to her collar microphone while showing both sides of the card into the collar camera. Hopefully the post-production was not bound to censor any of that.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk reached the top of the stairs just in time it seemed. The beatings had ceased and those who had wanted trophies had taken them. Ivan lay motionless on the ground, unresponsive to the stimuli that surrounded him. Aw darn, might’ve been too late for this one.

Fisk swaggered to the limp form. He whistled as he took in the damage his Respects done in the short time he was away. “Whew. Ivan, you there buddy? Hello? Hellloooo?” Fisk tapped Ivan’s head with his toe. He was certainly not. With that wall eyed stare he was practically brain dead if not physically there yet.

“Course not. Your brains are leaking out of your ear...”

Welp, that was baby’s first kill! A bit easier to deal with than he expected. Fisk thought that he may have felt at least a little shred of guilt, but no, not really, he felt about as bad as one would kill an npc in GTA. Actually he felt kinda good about it to be honest, the bastard did try to kill him first. (Granted Fisk was on the hunt for people but he likely wouldn’t have drawn it out nearly as long if he came across someone more ‘compliant’)

“Very well! We’ll be on our way then! Thank you for the entertainment Ivan.” Eh, it wasn’t so bad though. Fisk figures he’d still be credited. He was sure the kick that killed him was Fisk’s. The rest was set dressing to expedite the process. With luck all of them will be credited for it, but even not, it’s no big deal, there’s a lot more fish in the sea. Hue.

“Before we go... there’s just one thing left to do.”

*~Creeeak. Creeeak~*

Fisk had put his hands into a shape of an L to imitate a camera lens for the scene he just set. Ivan swayed back and forth along the rope, dangling by his feet just a bit above the doorway leading into the ferry shack. Ivan was still breathing by the time they trussed him up and turned him into a pendulum, but Fisk figured that wouldn’t last too much longer.

“Perrfect.” Fisk purred.

Aaaand that takes care of business. In hindsight this whole dog and pony show did seem rather... excessive, but truth be told it all had to be done to prove a point. Nobody was safe. You could run, and you could hide, but The Respects will still catch you. You can ‘try’ to fight back, but we’ll just make you into an example on your way to hell. All outcomes are the same, defy us or not, it means no difference. In the end we’re just going to turn you into a statistic.

“Well... shows over boys and girls. Let’s find ourselves a little hidey-hole and unwind for a bit. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

Fisk hopped off the car he was sitting on and made his way towards the nearest bridge off the Ferry. “Heh... Start of something special... I like that.”

((The Respects continued elsewhere...)))



“Won’t you be a dear and make sure our friend has finally passed? Don’t want anyone frag stealing from us, after all.”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Oh, uh, yeah," Keegan replied, as the rest of the group set out. "Yeah, sure."

So, like, goddammit. Was this the karmic backlash for half-assing his one pitiful little kick? The concept made total sense—Keegan played enough Champions to know getting KSed was the worst feeling in the world—but what precisely was the plan if this guy wasn't done dying? Sit around and wait? That could be a long-ass time for all Keegan knew.

Finish him off?

Nope. No, that was bad strategy right there. You didn't funnel kills to the support. Support didn't need the gold. In fact, if the support got kills, that was KSing in itself. And what tools were even on hand to do it with? Keegan had a jagged little glass shiv he'd probably destroy his own hand with before he severed an artery, and a narwhal horn. He was pretty sure he didn't have the strength to run this guy through, which left holding it by the pointy end and beating him like a pinata. Yeah, maybe not.

He really wished he was like Vasily, or Fisk, or Bacchia, or Giselle. They all had a pretty good time with this, seemed like. They were being badasses, carving Fs and pocketing teeth and kicking like they meant it and talking about how fun it was and how good it felt. Keegan was like, okay, he liked messing with people, and dog-piling some guy who thought he had the upper hand, that was hilarious. And the masks were fun, and he really honestly liked the rest of the group. Hell, he'd even take being like James right now. James didn't seem to love his job, but he still did it.

It was so humid in this pillowcase. Keegan rubbed the fabric against his glasses again, then gave up and reached under the mask, pulled his glasses out, wiped them off on his shirt, then snaked them back under the mask and put them on again. Aw yeah, that was good for a whole thirty seconds of glorious vision before the condensation started creeping in once more.

Nobody was going to get fooled by this anyways unless he ditched his jacket. Nobody else at Mangrove Garden repped the Wolf's Dragoons. And Keegan liked his jacket too much to get rid of it.

Dammit, he was stalling, and if he took too long he'd never catch up with the rest, and then he'd just die alone and miserable here, instead of in good company.

With a sigh, Keegan stepped closer to the suspended body, leaning side to side as he examined it. Sure looked dead. It was swaying a little with the rocking of the boat on the waves, spinning back and forth gently. That was the only movement Keegan could really discern. If there was any breathing going on, well, he couldn't see it. Stupid glasses fog.

He should probably check the pulse. But there was blood all over the body, dripping from the ear, splattered from during the fight, just so much blood. Tiny droplets fell from the engraving in the forehead, making a Jackson Pollock on the deck. Keegan had never taken anyone's pulse in his life, alive or dead. Hadn't a clue what to look for, and he'd definitely get blood all over his hands if he tried. That didn't sound productive at all.

Instead, he stepped closer, lifted the hefty horn, and very very gingerly poked at the body's gut with its tip.
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The corpse swayed with the movement.
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No reaction.

Well that was that, then. Mission accomplished. It was, frankly, a relief. Keegan gave the body another soft prod, just to be extra especially sure, still got no response, and then stopped looking at it. Phase Two would be stopping thinking about it, but that would probably take a good bit longer.

He wondered if the others would have that problem too. He wondered if they'd know some secret that would make it easier for him, or make him not care or something. Or, you know, in a pinch he'd just take something that made it a little bit funnier.

Well, getting left in the dust wouldn't be easy or funny in any way. Keegan could see the rest of them from where he was standing, making their way en masse along the wood plank walkways. They sure didn't look too troubled or dispirited. If anything, they were a knot of energy and excitement.

It was a little hard to balance on the wobbling decks and walkways, but Keegan still kept his steps quick and light as he hurried to catch up.

((Keegan Garcia continued in In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches...))
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