First Cut

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Two floors down from the primary deck of the cruise ship, another terrace of deck just out, primarily given over to a massive swimming pool. This pool is full of clean, fresh water, and arrayed around it are a wide range of beach towels, pool chairs, and water toys—the latter including dozens of pool noodles and boogie boards, as well as a pair of inflatable pool toys (one yellow duck and one green alligator), each large enough for a grown adult to ride. Back next to the entrance to the corridors is a small stand that sold ice cream; though it has been emptied of sweet treats it provides better cover than anything else in the immediate vicinity.
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First Cut


Post by Espi »

((Eric Cunningham Start))

Eric Cunningham was a measured, reasonable individual who was now under the obligation to kill 10 people to survive.

Well, that was an exaggeration. He wasn’t obligated to; he had lots of possible paths, really. Eric could kill himself in a show of futile defiance, for example, or he could try to work with his team to escape despite being a collection of teenagers battling engineers with far more time, hands, and resources. Those were technically things he could try to do.

But upon discovering the (admittedly quite bizarre) gun in his pack after waking up in the cruise ship, it seemed like he had a clear choice to make, and one which, Eric would think, was the most logically sound of his options given his goals and abilities.

While he wasn’t a fanatical devotee to the show, Eric knew enough about Survival of the Fittest to know who had won the last two seasons. Two guys and two girls, the latter of which were much more important in this case. Both Jewel and Karen (whose surnames he did not know) were winners for having killed 10 other people, a feat which seemed difficult but which the admittedly small sample size indicated was in fact very achievable.

Of course, this hardly meant it was easy. It was entirely likely Eric would have fierce competition, as some of his classmates would no doubt emulate the two women in this regard. They presumably sought fame and glory. Eric wanted to live.

Well, that was giving them too little credit. They most likely wanted not to die as well. Humans, barring the mentally ill, generally liked living. Eric certainly did. Still, it seemed obvious to him that Survival of the Fittest, a show ostensibly about surviving, was in fact duplicitous in its presented goals. Being ‘famous’ was as much a destination for many participants as actually continuing on as people. Even the ‘mentor’ was completely flippant about it, espousing ‘teamwork’ and ‘opportunity’ like his classmates weren’t useless and this wasn’t a massive hurdle towards his future.

Eric had a college scholarship, a well-established career path, and plenty of opportunity to make his own mark on the world outside of this wretched game. Being deposited on a boat in the middle of the ocean and forced into a deathmatch with dozens of other high school seniors directly impeded everything he had ever worked for or cared about. Therefore, he had to make it out alive.

Hence, the ten-kill release rule. Even if he failed to achieve the goal, he’d be culling classmates and hastening his release. If he was careful with his targets, he’d avoid earning ire; people might target him as a killer, but he would not be alone, and he would simply be careful about it. And, if he made it far enough, he could simply sidle up with whoever of his team survived. The larger teams meant it was totally plausible that a majority of team members could make it to the end. Killing was, to him, low-cost, high reward.

...Assuming he could manage. Eric was an intellectual, of course, and his ruminations upon rising onto the deck of the ship he’d awoken on were keenly aware that he was ignoring his own emotions. That was the primary obstacle, physical ability aside. Murder was, strictly speaking, not illegal in this situation. He had already seen people die in his brief viewings of the show. But whether he was capable of doing such a thing in real life was another matter. Truth be told, as much as he was frustrated by it, Eric was not entirely sure he could predict his reaction to killing someone.

Thus, a test trial. An attack of nonlethal means to escalate from, while further preparing himself for future conflict. As far as he could tell, this ‘Zip 22’ gun was basically garbage as a firearm, and practicing holding it on his way up to the pool was less than fruitful, though not terribly off for him. It wasn’t completely unlike a camcorder, although it wasn’t a great comparison either. Even better, Eric was left-handed, which was the ‘superior’ way to use it. As long as it didn’t jam, he could potentially make use of it.

At the very least, Eric could get a better gun with it. All he had to do was point it at someone and force them to hand over everything they had, perhaps injure them as needed. Assuming he could manage all of that without having an emotional breakdown and jumping overboard or something inane, he would be better-stocked and hopefully in the mindset to take more deadly action from now on.

Eric scanned the deck, squinting in the sun as it reflected off his glasses, bandana tied sloppily around his left bicep. Being in the wide-open seemed like a risk, but it was early enough he doubted that any of his less-calculating classmates would have prepared an ambush. So, if that niche was unfilled…


Eric stopped as his gaze locked onto one of many different rubber-looking objects strewn across the deck. This one was initially no different from the others, but as he got within a few dozen yards of it, a very obvious, and very bizarre, realization came to him regarding what at first appeared to be a decorative fake tree.

“What are you doing?” He asked incredulously.
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Post by Sh4dE »

((CK11 Gustavo Thicke START))

"I'm a tree."

That's what Gus said to himself while he stood near the pool and blankly stared at the ocean. He was dressed up as a tree. Because that was the role he was given by the producers. He was on TV, he was a tree.

His brother would be watching him. His brother was going to see him dressed as a tree nearby a pool. Gus hoped Fernando would be proud of him being on TV and accepting the role given by the producers: a tree. He did not resist. He quickly accepted his fate of being a tree.

There was not much to do as a tree. Gustavo liked that. Let the others do their thing and photosynthesize. He was in excellent position for a tree, because he was near a pool full of fresh, clear water and he could already feel his roots slowly digging through the earth and slowly reaching for the water in the pool.

His eyes had a tired, sad, empty look. One moment a cute girl was hyping you up and tried to make you feel positive via a video, the next moment you wake up on a boat and all the positive vibes were gone as reality hit. Watching the cute musician girl talking to him was a pleasant experience and it gave him hopes of the SOTF-ing experience being pleasant too, but now everything felt so surreal and it wasn't that comfy and cool. Well, it was cool, because it was cold, but luckily as a tree he did not feel any coldness.

He is actually a tree, this is crazy.

Gus realised he should have spent more time watching this show with his brother, because he had no clue what one should do in this kind of situation. He knew that rebels were bad, or that's at least what he's heard from his brother. People that don't play the game are lame, is what Fernando thinks. Gustavo is playing the game, though, he was given the role of a tree and he's nailing it and Fernando would be proud. That was what SOTF-TV ultimately was about, right? Playing the roles given to you. It's just like wrestling.

Gus stood there doing nothing, like a tree would. He could hear foot steps, but considering trees do not have any ears he ignored them as if he had no ears - like a tree. Just a normal tree with a dark-red bandanna around it's arm, uh, twig, of course.

The unknown person made himself known by speaking to him, inquiring what Gus is doing. When he heard the voice Gus instinctively turned around to look at the person face to face.

Fuck. He broke character, trees can't turn around. Shit.

Whatever, he's a walking tree now. Just like in Lord of the Rings. As he faced Eric eye-to-eye he froze again to go back into character. Eric was armed with a gun, but Gus didn't show any sign of fear, his facial expression still neutral and tired.

He did not have to worry as long as he stays a tree. People wouldn't shoot at trees for no reason.

"Soy un arbol."

Don't mind me. I'm a tree.
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Post by Espi »


Eric squinted at the boy before him.

In his time since awakening, Eric had deduced a few things; most importantly, the rough team size. Ben had helpfully informed them that the opposition accounted for 70 other people, give or take because Eric suspected that man was not the sort to be precise. Furthermore, he knew the teams were larger, and that there were 7 teams. Admittedly math was not Eric's strong suit, but basic calculation told him the teams couldn't consist of less than ten people unless they were wildly unbalanced, which was presumably not the case. A team of eleven or twelve was significantly more useful than a team of five or six in terms of survivability; it meant fewer of his classmates had reason to threaten his life, and increased the odds that at the end of the game, if he was still on this damn boat, that his teammates would outnumber his opposition.

Fortunately for Eric’s calculations, this boy was not on his team. This meant Eric's current plan was not interrupted, and also meant he was not obligated to cooperate with the kind of imbecile who would put on their costume. Eric had kept his only because it was relatively practical; suspenders were certainly not on the same level as a...tree. Of all the ways someone could choose to spend their time and energy, dressing up like a child in a school play seemed low on the list. Maybe it would be for the best if Eric put him out of his misery. No, better to stick to the plan and not get ahead of himself. Someone would off him sooner or later, most likely. "Okay." Eric took a breath and looked around.

Frankly, Eric did not know who this boy was except that he'd seen him talking to people quite frequently at school. That could be a problem if he had many friends. Then again, if Eric didn't actually kill him, it was possible the would-be tree didn't recognize him either, at which point there would be no opportunities for vengeance. Furthermore, his bag was nestled against the wall at the edge of the deck, with a distinct sword atop it. A sword was not a strict upgrade, but given how unreliable Eric’s current gun was, it seemed a reasonable enough backup.

“Whatever.” Eric pointed the gun at the tree boy, held close to his chest, finger not on the trigger but close to it. He wasn’t stupid enough to mess up something like basic trigger etiquette. “You stay right there while I take your bag, okay? Don’t move or I’ll shoot you.” He spoke calmly, firmly, barely any waver in his voice.

Slowly, not turning away from the boy, Eric began to sidle over to the bag which matched his own at the edge of the deck. He’d most likely just pick the whole thing up and loot the useful contents elsewhere. No use hanging around while his victim was right there, incompetent as they clearly were. It was better not to take chances with that.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Oh shit. Oh no. He was robbing him. What could Gus do? Could he even do anything? WWTD?

"I'm a tree," was the only response to Eric's inquiries that came out of Gustavo's tree hole. Damn. Gustavo was not pleased by the development of this conversation, but he really could not think of an alternative of what action he could take. As insane as it sounded, keep being a tree was the safest and best option right now for him. Anything else could result in a tree felling incident.

"I'm a tree," he sadly sighed to himself.

Gustavo stood still and tried his best to not move or even look like he was moving or look like he was going to move. He wished he could make big roots appear out of the ground to form a big wall to seperate Eric from his possession, but sadly that fantasy never came true. He had to stand still.

Maybe he should've stored his bag somewhere else, but honestly, who would've expected someone else to take his stuff? Really, it was his bag and Gus was certain he himself wouldn't have taken another person's bag if he knew it belonged to someone else. The world could be cruel sometimes, and right now he could feel the emotions of powerlessness running through his face. He jealously looked at Eric as he stepped closer and closer to his bag and Gus eyed Eric with a disappointed face. When Eric finally touched Gus' bag it's been made official and Gustavo reacted accordingly with a precise exclaim.

"Thief," he spat the word judgingly into Eric's direction. Then he continued to be silent.
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Post by Espi »

Eric scowled.

Was that really the extent of this person's survival instinct? To put on a costume and call him mean names? Pathetic. Eric hadn't been aware that special education students would be chosen for this, but tree boy was not impressing him with his understanding of the gravity of the situation.

This was too easy. Eric slung the pack over his shoulder, grunting at the exertion and in irritation at once. He'd have to combine the packs as soon as he was done here. The sheathed cutlass was hooked to his belt. He'd expected this to be difficult, to test his own ability to act in his own interests even if it meant hurting others. He had to overcome that boundary to survive. But if he couldn't test

This boy wouldn't last long. It didn't matter what Eric did. Really, this was a mercy. The sooner tree boy learned what was happening, the better for him. And, more importantly, it meant Eric would be able to see just what he was capable of. Survival was paramount, and Eric knew that if he couldn't do what he needed to, then someone else with more guts would. And Eric would not allow anyone at his school to claim victory over him.

Taking a few steps forward with the gun pointing towards his victim, Eric stopped, cocked his arm back, and swung the Zip-22 down towards tree boy's head.
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Post by Sh4dE »

As Eric neared Gus, Gus expected many outcomes. Eric saying something close to his face in an angry way. Eric giving his bag back in an angry way. But Gustavo Thicke did not expect Eric to swing his pistol and smash it into his face.

Gustavo turned his head away as he saw the swing on an instinct, which resulted the gun colliding with his cheek. He stepped backwards but tumbled because of the costume and now laid backwards on the ground. His jaw hurt and he could feel a loose chestnut in his mouth and spit it out into the pool.

no, it's not a chestnut, it's a fucking tooth. He was bleeding from his mouth and continued spitting his blood into the pool.

Gus was no longer a tree. He felt pain.

"Jesus, man. What's wrong with you?," he asked on the ground while hissing in pain. What a fucking asshole. This blond slick back bastard was absolutely bonkers.
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Post by Deamon »

As Gus lies on the ground a voice comes from his collar.

"Hey, Gus, buddy.

"I know you're busy being a tree and all, but you probably shouldn't just let this guy take your stuff.

"Maybe try being a bear or a wolverine or something. Bite him maybe. I believe in you!

"P.S. Please try to avoid getting shot."
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Post by Espi »

With a scoff, Eric glared down at the pathetic boy. It had been an awkward, cumbersome hit, but not completely dreadful. Eric would manage.

"I could say the same to you." Eric retorted, hiking his new bag onto his shoulder. "You just stood there and let this happen. Are you a moron? I could have killed you already." Eric's voice rose slightly in pitch. "I didn't even need to approach you. I could have shot at you from over there-" he pointed towards the stairs he came from "and you're standing there saying you're a tree?"

Eric took a breath. Anger accomplished nothing, and he was already wasting his breath. Eric had gotten what he came for, so unless he was planning to shoot tree boy now, he might as well just leave while the kid was on the ground. "It's too late now, but you really should listen to your mentor's advice for the future. You might live longer."

Turning around, Eric began to walk away. He needed to unpack and repack his new possessions, as well as figure out his first move. He had a lot of improvements to make after this test run.
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Post by Sh4dE »

The voice of the cute girl from the briefing erupted from Gus' collar and gave him some advice. Some good ones, even. He was not going to bite Eric, considering his missing tooth but he would need his stuff back.

Eric ranted at him and his stupidity, but Gus wasn't sure why Eric would want to kill him right now though. He wasn't sure if Eric was an expert in SOTF, but this is not actually how the game worked.

When Fernando explained SOTF to him, he always said that people would team up at the start of the game in groups. Strength in numbers, et cetera, he babbled like that and other strategies like a nerd and Gus was sure that Fernando mentioned that people with no allies are fucked and that they won't last long.

So theoretically Gus and Eric should have teamed up and have like a waking up dialogue where they decide to team up and then go together through the arena and then fights would happen with other groups through misunderstandings. That is what Gus gathered from his brother, if he recalled correctly. People always team up in groups and there were too many faces and names to remember and that's also why Gus was not that much interested in watching it because you see one of these big groups on television and there were like seven white boys that look like each other and you can't tell them apart and his brother would tell you the one with the big nose has two kills already and that other boy is his boyfriend and the other one wants to do this and the other one wants to do that and why would he watch a bunch of kids sitting in a room doing nothing when he could go outside and do something like skating or playing soccer?

Gus was curious as to why Eric would not ally with him. Eric must probably want to ally with someone, so why not him? Was it personal? Was Gus not good enough? Eric told him he was a moron, but he was not. Eric was just mean, which is alright, Gus was also stressed out. But going off alone did not seem like someone would do in SOTF.

Well, Eric hated him. That was fine. Not many people like him, Gus assumed. If they were not going to be allies, they would be enemies.

Gus stood up and rushed at Eric, jumping at his back with his tree costume while making his intentions clear.

"Give me my stuff back!"
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Post by Espi »

This first step was crucial for Eric. Getting the 10 kill release would be a challenge even with his drive and general competence, and having his emotions getting in the way would spell his own death, which was an unacceptable outcome. Eric awkwardly shifted the additional bag on his shoulder. Gustavo had been easy enough a target, and Eric had been able to hurt him fairly well without having a mental breakdown or something.

Now, Eric had to figure out his next plan. Ideally, he would be able to launch an attack from an ambush, or otherwise an unsuspecting victim. That would minimize his risk for injury and maximize a chance for a clean kill.



Eric was already several yards further down the pool deck when tree boy worked up the nerve to attack, but in his panicked haste, he struggled to find his grip on the gun. He'd left the safety off and the gun cocked, but as he steadied the barrel towards his would-be assailant, Eric's breath caught. This would potentially end in him shooting and even killing someone. Or it could lead to him being beaten to death by a boy dressed like a tree. Whatever decision he made, he could not afford to mess this up.


He pulled the trigger. The gun fired once with a jarring crack, his hand jostled by the gunshot. The weapon was only a .22, so the recoil wasn't too bad at least. Eric steadied himself, not waiting to see if the shot landed. He pulled the trigger again.

The gun clicked uselessly as it jammed. Again, he squeezed the trigger, and again, but no use. He'd have to manually clear it out. If he lived. At that thought, Eric looked up at tree boy, his chest rapidly tightening.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Please try avoid getting shot

His eyes widened when he heard it. How could he screw that one up? He was getting shot at! He could hear a loud crack, reminding him of new year's eve. It was coming from Eric's gun. Luckily the only wound Gus could feel was the wound from his mouth, so the shot must've missed him. He spat out the mix of blood and saliva out of his mouth again to make space for a deep breath.

Gunshots, this could end deadly. His palms were getting sweatier and he didn't react when Eric's gun jammed. He could've, he should've reacted when that happened, but his brain froze. The next shot could kill him. After a couple of seconds that felt like minutes he finally reacted by cautiously stepping closer to Eric and grabbing his bag that was strapped on Eric towards himself.
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Post by Espi »

Oh no oh no oh no oh no.

Eric dropped the gun, hands shaking. It could probably have doubled as a bludgeon--he'd used it for that already, of course--but he wasn't confident in it in a close-quarters combat. Also his hands slipped. Sue him, that stupid gun doesn't even have a grip.

What he did have was a cutlass hanging loosely off his belt, but before he could unsheathe it, tree boy had closed the distance and was grabbing at the bag on Eric's shoulder. Eric gasped and stumbled, pulled off-balance by the yank as the two collectively staggered back towards the pool. It looked like Gustavo wasn't interested in assaulting him physically, which was good. He could let the bag go and write it off as a loss, or fight for it. There was no real risk for him for the latter if he was smart about it.

"Ugh!" Eric grunted, lowering his shoulder and driving forward. When he and his brothers were kids, they often engaged in tugs of war, and the outcome was always the same; Eric would lean into their pulls and knock them off balance. The principle was the same here, except with significantly higher stakes. The pool was right behind them, after all, and going for a swim would be a fairly effective deterrent, Eric would like to think.

And if it failed, he'd just leave the bag and run. He still had the sword.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Gus pulled the bag with all of his strength, which wasn't much considering he didn't have the biggest arm muscles. It didn't help that the bag was still on Eric's body, which also happened to be quite heavy. Gus really didn't think this through and expected the bag to magically be unstrapped from Eric for some reason.

It was his bag! His bag.

Eric also pulled to his side and Gus felt insecure about his strength and masculinity as he felt that Eric was slightly stronger, so Gus took one step back to re-arrange his balance to pull even further and it didn't help but suddenly Eric pushed forward and Gus stumbled backwards, stepping once again on his costume and stumbling backwards into the pool. He let go off the bag to use his hands to coordinate the fall. Then he fell into the pool and it went splash.
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That worked...quite well, actually. With a loud splash, tree boy was flung backwards into the pool. Eric paused for a moment, observing. Would he be able to escape, or would he drown? Eric would presumably be given credit for such a thing.

No, perhaps it was best he retreat for now. If the gunshots or the splash attracted attention, Eric would be in an awkward position. Turning around, Eric plucked the Zip 22 off of the ground, quickly flipped the safety back on, and shoved it into his pocket. He'd dislodge the jam as soon as he found a place to hide out for a bit. He also needed to break down these events and prepare his newfound equipment.

Overall, though, this had been a successful venture, and Eric was pleased with his performance. With one last glance over his shoulder at the floundering boy, Eric sighed and ran off, back down the stairs from where he came.

((Eric Cunningham continued in Edit Draft One))
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Post by Sh4dE »

Gustavo tried his best to stay up in the water, but it was quite difficult because he had no orientation due to the sudden push, he swallowed some pool water and also a bit of his blood from his wound inside his mouth, and he was in a tree costume. He felt scared but as his head came out of the pool he could already see Eric being out of his sight.

No sign of Eric. No sign of his bag. Frustrated about the turn of events, he slowly climbed out of the water, his hair wet, his face wet, his skin wet and his complete costume ruined.

He was freezing. They were in midst of the ocean and he was completely wet, with nothing that was dry on him. Gustavo undressed himself from the wet tree costume and threw it back into the pool. Stupid costume. His socks and sneakers also were completely wet, which is why he just placed them next to the pool for them to dry. At least he was not in his wet clothes, that'd get him a cold super quickly.

He stepped to a nearby towel, grabbed it and tried his best to rub his skin dry. Afterwards he folded it cleanly back to its original position. Gustavo was still freezing, even more so, now that he was in his underwear and all that he had on him were his underpants, his bandanna and the shark tooth necklace. He went to his bag to-


He stuffed them in his bag. His clothes.

His khakis, his punisher shirt.

The same feeling came over again, the feeling he felt after he woke up. He blankly stared into the ocean and thought about the waves and his eyes started twitching.

No, this was not like when he woke up. This was worse. He was freezing now and the tree costume that gave him warmth was now just floating in the pool and he had nothing now. Absolutely nothing.

After he grabbed a new, dry towel to wrap it around his torso, he shamefully walked away from the pool, every barefoot step slowly taken in a melancholic rhythm, in search for something to dress himself with and hoping he would not get a cold, but who was he kidding?

((CK11 Gus Thicke continued in Puzzle Boxes))
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