

Another boat not really designed for the open sea, this house boat is the nautical equivalent of a mobile home. Blocky and distinctive in external appearance, on the inside it feature a control cabin, a large combined living/sleeping/dining area, and a sparse bathroom, all carpeted and furnished with wood-paneled cabinets and plush couches. Access to the roof is easily available through both a staircase and a ladder, and a connection between the roof deck and the ferry has been improvised, though is rather steep and unsteady.
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Post by Somersault »

The cameras watched as Nate Suchinda, backpack left in front of the door, stumbled into the houseboat, bandana on his wrist. He did not look to his right. He did not look to his left. He simply continued straight onwards, into the room, searching for a door. He opened one, revealing the control cabin, but he did not see to that for her then turned to the other door, opened it, and rushed in. The door closed.

From the outside, all that could be heard was retching.


What gathered in the toilet bowl was like a ghastly green waterfall, a deluge of decay. Remnants of sick gathered at the bottom, swirling like muck. If Nate was in a poetic mood, perhaps he would've thought of that. Instead, he was trying to puke his way out of a dreadful hangover because he just found out that he was going to die on national television, so, well, that wasn't happening.

When he finally got a brief moment of respite from the regurgitation of his morning meal, Nate shot a nasty look at the camera. Prove that he would not let them break him down, that we would be digni-

It was coming up again, and he went to hurl once more.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Dogs231 »

Cory awoke on the roof of the swaying houseboat as the noise of seagulls ringed throughout the air. As his vision began to clear, he slowly lifted himself from the ground, grasping the railings as he pulled himself to a stand.

He removed his glasses, taking a moment to rub his eyes before placing them back on and gazing across the horizon, to the mass of ships and connections, crude masses of wood and iron. It took a moment to process everything. He was no longer in the world of the living - he was in Survival of the Fittest. And while he knew little about the show that he was now an unwilling participant in, there was a crucial fact that had not escaped him.

He was already as good as dead.


If there was something Cory knew a lot about, it was probability. With every action he took, there was a chance for something to go wrong. Even if it was less than half a percent, there was still the possibility. Chances had petrified him all his life. Perhaps that's why he found them so interesting to study. To find a way to avoid as many of them as possible. As he looked out across the sea, he thought about how unlikely his predicament had been. How small the chance had been.

And how powerless he was to change anything about it.

Out of all of the approximately thirty-seven thousand high schools in the United States, the one that had been chosen was Mangrove Garden High School. The chance wasn't impossible, or even astronomical, but it was unlikely. Of all schools, it had to be his. And of all people, it was him staring out on the horizon, the sun beaming down on his face.

In theory, everybody in Survival of the Fittest had around the same chance of winning. In practice, this wasn't the case, and Cory knew that very well. In a perfect world, his chances were one in however-many the number of people taken was. But this wasn't a perfect world. This was his reality.

And in reality, he knew his chances.

They were zero.
Appearance Tracker

O18: Alexander "Lex" Latimer - "You've got something to go home to, right? Then it's yours."
Assigned Weapon: Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, Pistol Auto 9mm 1A
Status: ALIVE
Location: He prepared for the end in The Mysterious Circle - United by the Moment.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SOTF: Cyber

A01: Solana "Sunny" Lucero Estelle - "—maybe I'll die. But, you know, united we stand, united we fall. Something like that, anyway. If I'm going, well, I'm going down swinging."
Designated Weapon: W-7 — Gold Silverware Set
Designated Utility: U-26 — Surveillance System
Location: She met her match and lost the game in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1/1

A18: Daniel Arista - "It ain't right for a man, you know, to die on his knees." [Adopted from Cob]
Designated Weapon: W-27 — Tennis Racket
Designated Utility: U-18 — Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Status: ALIVE
Location: He played the game like he was told in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1


Tyler Becerra - "We're all gonna make it."
Status: ALIVE
Location: He's gambling with his life in The Stage - One Room Death Game.
In-Game History: 1
[+] PAST
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ES03: Cory Cartwright - "We can have power over the situation. We can defeat the game. We only need to figure out how."
Assigned Weapon: Diving Knife
Location: He was out of his depth in Jetties: Central - Armageddon Game. [47/81]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

S015: Noah Davis - "We're alive, and that means we still have a chance to set things right."
Gift: Finger Guns
Location: He tried his best, but came up short in The Flatlands - Pale Rider. [19/43]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


B15: Shūya Nanahara - "Well, now, I'm no hero, that's understood..."
Assigned Weapon: Icepick, the Power of Rock Music!
Location: He refused to play by the rules in In-Between - The Worst Game in History. [10/42].
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Liam Black is one sick puppy - "No more rain, where's the sunshine when you need it?"
Austin White is always right - "I would very much like to see you prove me wrong."

Josh Goodman is living the dream - "For a mad scientist, imagination is the greatest weapon."

Tamarisk Allen is a dead ringer - "We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"
Stryker Williams is the best around - "Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."
Blake Killam is made for this - "This show has been my life, from start to finish."
[+] SOTF-TV V4

Richard de la Cruz is determined to win - "Watch as I do something unimaginable."
Evan Gemstone is ready to die on this hill - "I'll send this whole structure crashing down."
[+] SOTF-U V2

Alex Wituk is vibrating with motion - "I don't know what came over me, but I was on fire with anger!"

Kim Song is under watch - "두렵더라도 강해져야 합니다."

Adam Ka'uhane is forgotten - "Nobody will remember me when I'm gone."

Caius Jones is a doomsayer - "The signs are clear; the end is nigh!"
Maxwell Verity is telling the truth - "Life is an equation, and numbers don't lie."
Aiden Chase is speedrunning life - "It's simple, just beat the clock."


Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

B001: Jason Dagon - "They say it's hard taking a life; they're wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world."
Assigned Weapon: IWI UZI
Status: ALIVE
Location: He laid them to rest in The Cemetery - Obituary.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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Post by Applesintime »

Gregory Miller was... honestly, he wasn't actually quite sure how he felt.

((BC09 - Gregory Miller - TV3 Start))

He had awoken on the sofa of the houseboat, and had barely a moment to blink away his sleepiness before someone barged in and headed straight to another room. From there, he could hear vomiting. Someone wasn't having a good day. Currently, he was sitting up on the sofa, eyes warily shooting between the door in which the guy had ran into, and the door that he had came from. Having already unpacked his bag, his bandana was tied around his forehead.

"Hey, Sammy, tell the bees what I'm doing, alright? It's like, some old European beekeeping tradition! The man of the house - who I guess would be you. It's like, some old custom." He had already said that. Man, he could educate the whole nation on beekeeping stuff! From the rural farmers of California who got their bees from Sammy, to what his grandfather scathingly described as "the coastal elitists" in New York!

"If you don't tell them of important events in their keeper's lives, like marriages and deaths and stuff like that, then apparently you get punished by them refusing to make honey or something like that! But if you do, then they don't! It's probably some old religious tradition, I dunno." Frowning, Gregory looked down at his bolas. Apparently you were supposed to throw it at people's legs to trip them, but honestly it kinda looked like it would do more if you hit them on the head with it.

"Anyway, uh, you guys gotta save the bees!" He wished he had got a sword. A longsword, a claymore, one of those fancy curved Spanish swords when the Umayyad Caliphate was in control there. But he got something from like, Rome. It was still cool! But he wished he had something,.. deadlier.

He looked at the room the vomiting was coming from, and a sudden idea popped into his head. Maybe that dude had a sword... but then again he could kill Gregory with it. And did he wanna like, sour his image so early? He didn't know. To be honest, he didn't know what he wanted to do.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by Somersault »

When he was finally able to wrench his head away from the toilet in which he had deposited all that he'd eaten, Nate heard voices from outside. Something about bees? Last wishes? Some hackneyed monologue by a loser desperate enough to use this as a platform to fame? Nate grumbled, but that caused his stomach to rumble even more, so he stopped.

God, did he feel like shit. Because of course it had to be after he had way too much to drink that he got put into this situation with a bunch of psychos, and nerds and wannabes and really, it was just very frustrating. Maybe it was the fact that his head still hurt like a bitch, but Nate was nowhere near happy with the loudness of the voice on the other end.

"I swear to God," Nate muttered at the door and whoever was outside of it. "If you're gonna kill me, can you just do it now? Don't give me a whole song and dance about it beforehand."
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Dogs231 »

It took a moment for Cory to notice the beeping of his collar.

It took another moment for him to think.

He wasn't sure if he could keep going. He wasn't sure if he could take it anymore. He didn't want to die. But he didn't want to be here anymore.

He wanted to go home.

He knew he would never see home again.

Soon, he heard the sound of feet pounding on the creaking floors of the rickety building and the voices of other people somewhere in the houseboat. The beeping grew louder, and the panic set in. Cory was scared to die. He wanted to live, and he wanted to live so badly, he didn't want to have it all end here. He dug through his bag, the only lifeline he had. He rifled through it before clasping his hand on a small piece of fabric, the team bandana he was now supposed to wear. He wrapped it around his arm, with the symbol facing outward, and his collar went silent.

As his mind cleared, he noticed a small glint of light in the corner of his eye.
Appearance Tracker

O18: Alexander "Lex" Latimer - "You've got something to go home to, right? Then it's yours."
Assigned Weapon: Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, Pistol Auto 9mm 1A
Status: ALIVE
Location: He prepared for the end in The Mysterious Circle - United by the Moment.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SOTF: Cyber

A01: Solana "Sunny" Lucero Estelle - "—maybe I'll die. But, you know, united we stand, united we fall. Something like that, anyway. If I'm going, well, I'm going down swinging."
Designated Weapon: W-7 — Gold Silverware Set
Designated Utility: U-26 — Surveillance System
Location: She met her match and lost the game in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1/1

A18: Daniel Arista - "It ain't right for a man, you know, to die on his knees." [Adopted from Cob]
Designated Weapon: W-27 — Tennis Racket
Designated Utility: U-18 — Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Status: ALIVE
Location: He played the game like he was told in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1


Tyler Becerra - "We're all gonna make it."
Status: ALIVE
Location: He's gambling with his life in The Stage - One Room Death Game.
In-Game History: 1
[+] PAST
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ES03: Cory Cartwright - "We can have power over the situation. We can defeat the game. We only need to figure out how."
Assigned Weapon: Diving Knife
Location: He was out of his depth in Jetties: Central - Armageddon Game. [47/81]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

S015: Noah Davis - "We're alive, and that means we still have a chance to set things right."
Gift: Finger Guns
Location: He tried his best, but came up short in The Flatlands - Pale Rider. [19/43]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


B15: Shūya Nanahara - "Well, now, I'm no hero, that's understood..."
Assigned Weapon: Icepick, the Power of Rock Music!
Location: He refused to play by the rules in In-Between - The Worst Game in History. [10/42].
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Liam Black is one sick puppy - "No more rain, where's the sunshine when you need it?"
Austin White is always right - "I would very much like to see you prove me wrong."

Josh Goodman is living the dream - "For a mad scientist, imagination is the greatest weapon."

Tamarisk Allen is a dead ringer - "We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"
Stryker Williams is the best around - "Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."
Blake Killam is made for this - "This show has been my life, from start to finish."
[+] SOTF-TV V4

Richard de la Cruz is determined to win - "Watch as I do something unimaginable."
Evan Gemstone is ready to die on this hill - "I'll send this whole structure crashing down."
[+] SOTF-U V2

Alex Wituk is vibrating with motion - "I don't know what came over me, but I was on fire with anger!"

Kim Song is under watch - "두렵더라도 강해져야 합니다."

Adam Ka'uhane is forgotten - "Nobody will remember me when I'm gone."

Caius Jones is a doomsayer - "The signs are clear; the end is nigh!"
Maxwell Verity is telling the truth - "Life is an equation, and numbers don't lie."
Aiden Chase is speedrunning life - "It's simple, just beat the clock."


Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

B001: Jason Dagon - "They say it's hard taking a life; they're wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world."
Assigned Weapon: IWI UZI
Status: ALIVE
Location: He laid them to rest in The Cemetery - Obituary.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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Post by Applesintime »

As Gregory continued to ramble on about bees, his rambling was suddenly interrupted by some dude in the bathroom yelling at him. This was irritating. He was just trying to educate the people about some bees, for goodness' sake!

Right. Killing game. He should. Get on that.

"Hey, buddy, I ain't gonna kill you! Whatcha team?" Friendly conversation. Gregory wasn't actually quite sure if he wanted to kill him yet. Watching it happen with your grandfather on the TV, chatting away as some teenager beats another teenager to death was one thing. Being said teeenager doing the beating was another thing.

Nonetheless, with a sigh Gregory stood up. "Save the bees!" He cheerfully directed at a camera, giving a mock salute with a hand, before turning to the door. "I ain't gonna kill you, dude."
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by Somersault »

Nate blinked at the voice on the other side of the door, squinting. Not that he could see the jackass on the other side, but projection. Something like that.

"I mean, don't all killers say that?"

Considering everything that had happened, it really felt to Nate as though his brain was still in the process of booting up, and if he could just be given some space to do that so he could feel less like shit, that would've been very much appreciated. He obviously wasn't getting that here, though, because apparently personal territory was not sacred, but ugh. Whatever.

Nate went to go and sit up a little straighter now, his legs not working quite enough to actually stand up.

"But fine, I'm on the..." Nate glanced at the bandana wrapped around his wrist. "Marines?"

Close enough.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Brackie »

He wasn't noticed.


As the two boys conversed through the door, a third appeared behind Gregory's shoulder. He held the tip of the stick to the small of the other boy's back.

"The instructions say, 'When the Powerhead is hit against a target, an impact-sensitive firing pin sets off a rifle cartridge screwed inside of the steel cylinder.'"

He read it when he woke up.

"Tell me your team and show me your weapon. Now."
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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Post by Dogs231 »

Cory brushed aside a few pieces of cloth and packets of some food to reveal to him a shining blade. His hands trembled as he picked it up, holding it carefully. It glimmered in the light. He quickly grabbed the sheath, placed separately within the bag, and attached it to his side using the straps. He slid the knife inside, closed his bag, and stood up.

He peered down the stairwell into the room below. He needed information, and if the worst came to pass, he had exits available to him from which he could remove himself from the situation. He made his way down the stairs quietly, taking care to avoid making any more noises than necessary, and he hoped to hell that he wouldn't come face-to-face with some maniac.

He was left deeply unhappy when he realized that he had the poor fortune of entering the situation at the worst possible time. As his right hand gripped the rubber handle of the sheathed knife at his side, his left hand moved up into the air with an open palm, closer to the universal symbol of surrender than a wave of greeting.

He attempted to speak calmly, to have a chance to defuse the situation in front of him, but his confused words tumbled almost pathetically out of his mouth, as nervous and unsteady as the rest of his general demeanor.

"So, this a bad time?"
Appearance Tracker

O18: Alexander "Lex" Latimer - "You've got something to go home to, right? Then it's yours."
Assigned Weapon: Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, Pistol Auto 9mm 1A
Status: ALIVE
Location: He prepared for the end in The Mysterious Circle - United by the Moment.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SOTF: Cyber

A01: Solana "Sunny" Lucero Estelle - "—maybe I'll die. But, you know, united we stand, united we fall. Something like that, anyway. If I'm going, well, I'm going down swinging."
Designated Weapon: W-7 — Gold Silverware Set
Designated Utility: U-26 — Surveillance System
Location: She met her match and lost the game in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1/1

A18: Daniel Arista - "It ain't right for a man, you know, to die on his knees." [Adopted from Cob]
Designated Weapon: W-27 — Tennis Racket
Designated Utility: U-18 — Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Status: ALIVE
Location: He played the game like he was told in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1


Tyler Becerra - "We're all gonna make it."
Status: ALIVE
Location: He's gambling with his life in The Stage - One Room Death Game.
In-Game History: 1
[+] PAST
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ES03: Cory Cartwright - "We can have power over the situation. We can defeat the game. We only need to figure out how."
Assigned Weapon: Diving Knife
Location: He was out of his depth in Jetties: Central - Armageddon Game. [47/81]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

S015: Noah Davis - "We're alive, and that means we still have a chance to set things right."
Gift: Finger Guns
Location: He tried his best, but came up short in The Flatlands - Pale Rider. [19/43]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


B15: Shūya Nanahara - "Well, now, I'm no hero, that's understood..."
Assigned Weapon: Icepick, the Power of Rock Music!
Location: He refused to play by the rules in In-Between - The Worst Game in History. [10/42].
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Liam Black is one sick puppy - "No more rain, where's the sunshine when you need it?"
Austin White is always right - "I would very much like to see you prove me wrong."

Josh Goodman is living the dream - "For a mad scientist, imagination is the greatest weapon."

Tamarisk Allen is a dead ringer - "We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"
Stryker Williams is the best around - "Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."
Blake Killam is made for this - "This show has been my life, from start to finish."
[+] SOTF-TV V4

Richard de la Cruz is determined to win - "Watch as I do something unimaginable."
Evan Gemstone is ready to die on this hill - "I'll send this whole structure crashing down."
[+] SOTF-U V2

Alex Wituk is vibrating with motion - "I don't know what came over me, but I was on fire with anger!"

Kim Song is under watch - "두렵더라도 강해져야 합니다."

Adam Ka'uhane is forgotten - "Nobody will remember me when I'm gone."

Caius Jones is a doomsayer - "The signs are clear; the end is nigh!"
Maxwell Verity is telling the truth - "Life is an equation, and numbers don't lie."
Aiden Chase is speedrunning life - "It's simple, just beat the clock."


Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

B001: Jason Dagon - "They say it's hard taking a life; they're wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world."
Assigned Weapon: IWI UZI
Status: ALIVE
Location: He laid them to rest in The Cemetery - Obituary.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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Team Affiliation: Ben's Crabs


Post by Applesintime »

Ah. This was not good. While he had been paying attention to the mystery man behind the door, another person had snuck up on him and was currently sticking whatever the hell a Powerhead was. A drill? A screwdriver? Nonetheless, he didn't want to get shot in the back. Rifle cartridge didn't mean much by itself; a .22 could technically be a rifle cartridge. But at the same time, something more powerful could be fired through that stick, and he didn't wanna be one of those lame guys who died early on and got forgotten outside a minority of the fanbase.

"B-Ben's Crabs." He replied, turning his head to look at the person behind him, Gregory didn't recognise him - maybe he was in the year above him? Holding the bolas limply in his right hand, he raised it up. Fuck, he could feel himself start to panic

"J-j-just take it dude I don't want any trouble just don't kill me." His words came out in a rush, like a tap turned on only to have water shoot violently out of it and soak the user. It was only a bolas. If he really needed one he could make his own, and besides, he wasn't someone who knew how to use that thing. Throwing it at someone's legs seemed like it might just fly out of the arena and sink to the oceanic depths below.

And now there was another person standing in the doorway, looking at both of them worriedly. Maybe this dude was - no, that was another bandana. Was this a set up? Was he just gonna die here? Baited by three teammates and being shot in the back? He hadn't even started!
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Post by Somersault »

Nate rolled his eyes as he began to hear new voices come in. Not that whoever was out there could see his displeasure, but he felt that it still had to be let out in some manner. Because, what, this he had to be a sort-of witness to a robbery. Wonderful.

Bad time? Well, obviously coming down and witnessing a potential mugging was a very fucking bad time, but Nate didn't.bother to voice his very correct opinion out loud. Instead, he was going to heed to his very newfound realization that talking shit was probably not the best idea right now.

If there was anything really important Nate had learned from this immediate situation, though, is that he was very grateful for the power of his working digestive system to encourage him to find a bathroom to be in rather than being out in the open, getting held up by...Hmm. The voices outside sounded vaguely familiar, in that way someone you had seen in the hallways or at a party once or twice was vaguely familiar, but without a face to match it to, Nate certainly wasn't going to call out any names. Because, firstly, why, how would that change things, and secondly,, whoever was there wasn't really a friend, in the sense of being friends and not just friendly and as such less inclined to just shoot him in the face and be done with it.

That seemed like the point the robber guy or whoever he was seemed to be approaching, and while Nate really did not want to be around the scene of a murder, it didn't seem wise for him to actually go and intervene. Not that the wiseness of certain actions always factored into Nate's decisions, but fighting a man on an empty stomach and the remnants of puke on your breath seemed particularly ill-advised. Still, he forced himself standing, even on unsteady legs, and began to look for some tissue, wincing as he saw his crap complexion in the mirror.

A waste of time, honestly, but Nate was not feeling quite up to the whole teenage murderpalooza shit just yet. All the better to not think about the whole situation developing right outside the door.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Brackie »

The crab boy's weapon was useless.

"Keep it."

As was his team.

There was one more now. He saw the black and white bandana.

Time to leave.

He threw a punch at the back of the crab boy, dashed past the black and white boy, and bounded through the doorway of the houseboat.

((continued elsewhere))
[+] Yesterday
BR: B01 - Yoshio Akamatsu: Dear friend, You are a freak. You are not wanted. You are not necessary. And you are the only one who is.
BR: G09 - Yuko Sakaki: and although the fingers slice things such as oranges and bodies, we can no longer be reasonably sure what these things are.
PV1: F03 - Chanel Martin: Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
PV1: M17 - Matthew Payne: I don't know the question, but sex is definitely an answer.
TV1: BLU2 - Anna Hitchins: I am uncomfortable with the fact this conversation isn't about me.
TV1: BLK3 - Holly Hergenroeder: Tho'th who make peatheful revolution impothible will make violent revoluthun inevitable.
Virtua: F12 - Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy: I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to correct the monster I created there.
Virtua: F20 - Ramona Shirley: Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the body and explosions to everything.
SC1: B04 - Preston Grey: We often miss opportunity because it's dressed like a cheerleader and looks like it's about to shoot you in the face.
SC1: G07 - Anna Kateridge: Laziness is the first step towards somehow finishing in 8th place.
PV2: F17 - Erin Underwood: There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of getting kicked through a tree branch.
TV2: CJ5 - Jaxon Street: Fashionable people don't necessarily fall in love with fashionable people.
SC2: G03 - Lyndi Thibodeaux: To be a good leader, you sometimes need to go down the parish path.
SC2: B20 - Jason Andrews: It's time to water down the standards which would lead to bravery.
PV3P: M05 - Santiago "Sandy" Ibarra: And so the mongoose lay with the solenodon.
PV3P: F22 - Nani Clover: Be the survivor you wish to see in the world.
PV3P: M43 - Grant Moore: In this game, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.
PV3: F11 - Calista Carpenter: Doing things you hate for people you love is what it means to be family.
PV3: F13 - Oliver Davies: Many boys owe the grandeur of their games to their tremendous delusions.
TV3: SB09 - Emmett Purcell: Men, give your power to the bitches that deserve it.
TV3: BC07 - Ashanti Baker: Don't speak your mind, even if your throat shakes to speak.
INTL: O01 - Rainbow Moseki: Hide yourself in music, so when someone wants to find you, they can kill that first.
[+] Tomorrow
Boston Sullivan

Holly Hadaway: "Could you imagine if I never got my teeth fixed? Who'd take me seriously?"
Jason Foley: "Get on my level, scrublord."

TV Intermission:
Lara Rodriguez
Danica McIntyre
Gerard Cullen
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Post by Dogs231 »

As the action played out in front of Cory, he felt powerless to intervene.

What could he do? Run in and attack the guy? He'd just get killed for his trouble. That would be a way to die about as moronic as his previous statement, which he was self-aware enough to know was both unhelpful and had a blatantly obvious answer. He was a writer, and yet he lacked the words to speak up.

As the would-be robber surveyed his situation and promptly decided that leaving was the best idea, Cory felt as if his presence had been pretty much pointless. So much for defusing the situation, considering it had done that by itself.

At the very least, he hadn't gotten killed, and he hadn't gotten anyone else killed either. That was good enough for now.

Leaving sounded like a pretty good idea right now. But he considered his options, and he thought that his chances of survival in this houseboat were better than his chances out in the open. And after that brief fiasco, he figured that they wouldn't be looking for a fight. He looked at the boy who had just been punched in the back. He took a small step towards the former hostage, his left hand still raised non-threateningly, and right hand still clutching his assigned weapon.

"Hey, are you okay? You know - besides the mugging and all that."

He tried to be calm, but he couldn't keep his voice from sounding unsteady and worried, divulging both his continued nervousness and his genuine concern for the other boy. He wanted to bite his tongue at the fact that he had asked another pointless question. Of course, the person wasn't okay. None of them were okay. They were all supposed to fight to the death.

How could anyone be okay in this situation?
Appearance Tracker

O18: Alexander "Lex" Latimer - "You've got something to go home to, right? Then it's yours."
Assigned Weapon: Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, Pistol Auto 9mm 1A
Status: ALIVE
Location: He prepared for the end in The Mysterious Circle - United by the Moment.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SOTF: Cyber

A01: Solana "Sunny" Lucero Estelle - "—maybe I'll die. But, you know, united we stand, united we fall. Something like that, anyway. If I'm going, well, I'm going down swinging."
Designated Weapon: W-7 — Gold Silverware Set
Designated Utility: U-26 — Surveillance System
Location: She met her match and lost the game in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1/1

A18: Daniel Arista - "It ain't right for a man, you know, to die on his knees." [Adopted from Cob]
Designated Weapon: W-27 — Tennis Racket
Designated Utility: U-18 — Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Status: ALIVE
Location: He played the game like he was told in The Distorted Homeroom (Room 308) - Error.
In-Game History: 1


Tyler Becerra - "We're all gonna make it."
Status: ALIVE
Location: He's gambling with his life in The Stage - One Room Death Game.
In-Game History: 1
[+] PAST
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ES03: Cory Cartwright - "We can have power over the situation. We can defeat the game. We only need to figure out how."
Assigned Weapon: Diving Knife
Location: He was out of his depth in Jetties: Central - Armageddon Game. [47/81]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

S015: Noah Davis - "We're alive, and that means we still have a chance to set things right."
Gift: Finger Guns
Location: He tried his best, but came up short in The Flatlands - Pale Rider. [19/43]
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


B15: Shūya Nanahara - "Well, now, I'm no hero, that's understood..."
Assigned Weapon: Icepick, the Power of Rock Music!
Location: He refused to play by the rules in In-Between - The Worst Game in History. [10/42].
Pregame History: 1
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Liam Black is one sick puppy - "No more rain, where's the sunshine when you need it?"
Austin White is always right - "I would very much like to see you prove me wrong."

Josh Goodman is living the dream - "For a mad scientist, imagination is the greatest weapon."

Tamarisk Allen is a dead ringer - "We're friends, and friends stay together to the end, right?"
Stryker Williams is the best around - "Now, I'm going to take my first step towards greatness."
Blake Killam is made for this - "This show has been my life, from start to finish."
[+] SOTF-TV V4

Richard de la Cruz is determined to win - "Watch as I do something unimaginable."
Evan Gemstone is ready to die on this hill - "I'll send this whole structure crashing down."
[+] SOTF-U V2

Alex Wituk is vibrating with motion - "I don't know what came over me, but I was on fire with anger!"

Kim Song is under watch - "두렵더라도 강해져야 합니다."

Adam Ka'uhane is forgotten - "Nobody will remember me when I'm gone."

Caius Jones is a doomsayer - "The signs are clear; the end is nigh!"
Maxwell Verity is telling the truth - "Life is an equation, and numbers don't lie."
Aiden Chase is speedrunning life - "It's simple, just beat the clock."


Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

B001: Jason Dagon - "They say it's hard taking a life; they're wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world."
Assigned Weapon: IWI UZI
Status: ALIVE
Location: He laid them to rest in The Cemetery - Obituary.
In-Game History: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
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Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:57 am
Team Affiliation: Ben's Crabs


Post by Applesintime »

"Ow! That hurt, asshole!" Gregory yelled at the rapidly retreating man and his boomstick, rubbing his back. He had been punched, and it hurt, but being shot in the back would have hurt a lot more. At least he kept his bolas and his bag, and his life too!

Wait, he could have thrown the bolas at the guy while he was running away and knocked them down. And then taken their boomstick and shot them with it. Oops. Ah well, at least he was alive. It took a little while for him to stop shaking, but soon his attention was turned to the boy who had just walked into the houseboat. He kinda looked like a senior, but Gregory didn't recognise him. He didn't think they were doing a two school thing this time. Whatever. He had a different bandana tied around his arm, so he wasn't on Gregory's team, and that was the most important thing. But he seemed friendly enough, so surely it couldn't hurt to engage in conversation.

"Heya. I'm fine. Just a little shaken, heh... Whatcha got there?" He gestured at the thing Cory was holding in his right hand. It looked like he was trying to conceal a weapon of some kind, and after whoever had been mugging him poked him with his boomstick, Gregory wasn't in the mood for more conflict, or indeed secrets. And there was still the guy in the bathroom, but he was more concerned with throwing up. At least, if this dude tried to attack him he had the bolas out so he could just hit him with it, although this dude sounded like he was gonna start crying so Gregory wasn't too worried.

Maybe he could actually relieve this guy of his stuff. If he had a better weapon than a bolas, Gregory would certainly want to have that. Plus, his food and stuff would be useful. had they ever had a starvation death in SOTF? He couldn't remember one, but maybe this guy would be the first.
[+] Current Kids
P011: Charlotte "Charlie" Vandermeyer - Road Flares (x10) + BluRay Copy of John Carpenter's The Thing - is bemoaning the goddamn MREs in Beasts All Over the Shop
[+] Future Kids
Second Chances
Anna Hitchins has some totes cool ideas!

John MacMillan Jr. doesn't have much to say.
[+] Past Kids
SOTF International
O06: Deirbhile Callahan - 50 Valentines Cards - "This is my fucking life. It’s mine to live. It’s mine to fucking take, too." She resisted in Slán Abhaile. [24/29]
Intl: 1 2 3

BC09: Gregory Miller - Bolas - "Why?" He landed in splat. [17/81]
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

BC04: Anthony Golden - Fake Nautical Mask - The so-called hero. He met his fate in All The World's a Stage. [4/81]
Memories: 1
Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

SOTF Supers
S009: Stephen Sanders - Osteokinesis - "Nobody's going to kill just because furries told us to." He went home. - Kids Like You Should Be Burning in Hell.
Supers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aftermath: 1 2
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Posts: 236
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:21 am


Post by Somersault »

Was it bad that Nate laughed at the fact that the mugger just punched the other guy and ran? What, was he wrong to try to find some humor in a place like this? He didn't really care about where that placed him in the grand scheme of things, no, but he figured it was something he could mull over if he was still going to be stuck in the bathroom.

Which, hey, probably not the best place to be in, but it wasn't as if there was much of a reason to go out and actually get out of the bathroom other than fresh air or something. Or to get the bag that had all his things so he wouldn't starve. Oh, that was actually pretty important. Sure, if Nate had felt more strongly about his ethics he would've considered starving or something, a big middle finger to the Authority like all those dead Tibetan monks. But Nate liked to eat more than he liked to starve, and even if Nate didn't feel optimistic about his chances, he'd still rather have like a 6% shot rather than be six feet deep.

Nate thought about asking the guys outside whether it was okay to come out, but then he realized he didn't particularly care if they thought it was okay. As such, the bathroom door opened, and he stepped out, glancing at the other two guys.

"'Sup, bitches?"

How fun. How friendly.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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