Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight

Private, 11th grade, lunchroom: tagging Yugi

This is for those moments that predate the Pregame timeline. From formative childhood moments to the first day of middle school to the last day of last summer vacation, this is the place to store your flashbacks and interact with the past. Characters may be in one memory thread and one regular thread at the same time.
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Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight


Post by Maraoone »

Damion sat alone at a table, tapping his fingers.
...---... ...---... ...---...
The milk rippled in its carton as he did so. It would be funny if Jasmine actually heard him tapping, heard him thinking, 'Help, I'm stranded alone in the corner of the cafeteria.' If only communication were that easy.

He sighed to himself. God, where was she? Yeah, she typically got out late from the class before lunch, but it felt a few minutes longer than usual. He looked around the room, and for a second, his eyes lit up. A girl was walking towards him, a girl with shoulder-length hair, small nose, small lips. But then he squinted harder. Nope, not her, just some girl from a lower grade. He slumped in his seat as she turned away from him and sat at another table.

In the middle of the room, the soccer team ate together, bumping elbows and laughing as they always did. And here in this remote corner of the room, Damion sat, tapping his fingers. Maybe he should join them. Maybe Jasmine forgot they were supposed to meet, and was sitting over with her friends. He almost pushed himself off the table, but then he stopped. Not worth the risk. Not worth it all. Maybe she was just really, really late. And then, if he left, maybe she'd be the one waiting for him, all alone. And she'd kill him after class.

He shook his head to himself. A few more minutes. That's all it'll take.
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Wham Yubeesling
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

Jasmine King couldn’t exactly say that she was all that happy right now.

Yakubovich had decided that her maths lesson for whatever reason needed to go far past the boundaries the school bell had set. Jasmine had already completed her work, she was far past ready to just pack up her bags and leave, but because some other people weren’t quite getting things the whole class had to stay behind while the teacher finished the lesson. Which was annoying. Which was aggravating, because seriously, was Yakubovich so obsessed with Maths that she was willing to keep everyone behind just so she could get everything she possibly could out? Were the people - always the same people - seriously just unable to bite their tongues and go to a friend or a tutor or something like that? Was that one single class seriously just going out of its way to make her day as bad as possible?

She clenched her hands as she walked down the cafeteria. Whatever, she supposed. It wasn’t as if she needed to get out as quickly as possible this time around.

But still, today was supposed to be one of her social days. One of the days where she didn’t have to feel guilty about skimping on her studies. Now - because of Yakubovich - she didn’t have as much time to talk. Now - because of those asshole students in the back - she wasn’t going to be able to do as much as she wanted to.

But she could deal. She’d done it before. Eris and Rachael hadn’t minded her being late to their meeting, so whoever she was talking to today could deal as well. Who even was she supposed to meet, today? She’d forgotten to think about that. Today was Tuesday, so…

That was right, today she was meeting Damion. She smiled at that. Today was the day she was supposed to meet up with her boyfriend. Talk with him. Allow him to act all lovey-dovey with her. Admittedly, she didn’t quite feel the same way about him as he did with her, but she liked that. Admittedly, she had developed a fondness for him. A tingly feeling whenever he touched her skin. A sense of… something, whenever he complimented her. When he actually understood what she was talking about. Pride. Attraction? Admittedly, she wasn’t quite sure, but she liked it. Maybe it wasn’t quite the same as it was with… him, but still! She liked him. She definitely liked being with him.

And hey, it’s pretty great when you have a guy who’s all over you. Who basically bends himself over to make sure you like him.

Who likes you more than anyone else in this school.


Admittedly, it was pretty great.

She found him pretty quickly. Saw him tapping something on one of the cafeteria tables. She didn’t need any of the food there - she’d brought stuff from home, a surprise from her parents, apparently - and she was late enough already. She walked over to the table, hop in her step, and placed herself down right next to him.

“Heyyyyyyy, Dami.”
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Post by Maraoone »

Damion straightened his back, and his eyes lit up. He paused for a second just to make sure it wasn't the Jasmine look-a-like again, but no, this was genuine, this was real, she was here. But she had this blank expression, this no-more-bullshit-please look. Probably math class bringing down her mood. Or maybe it was something he said, something he forgot. He wasn't sure. He gripped the table. He hated that expression, always felt like he was treading on eggshells with that look. Like, one wrong word, and the edges of her lips would turn down, and everything would be his fault, somehow, always his fault.

And yet, somehow, the opposite happened. She saw him, and she smiled, and he smiled. Just his presence made her happier. Just his presence. He couldn't really put into words how great that made him feel, but the closest word he could use would be 'ecstatic'. And her being happy made Damion happy, so in a way, just her presence made him happy. Great, great, great.

He felt so happy that it almost felt too much, too good to be true. Like, an excess amount of happiness. So, he shared some of this happiness by kissing her on the cheek, hard but quick, enough to get her attention, but not anyone else's. The way he liked it, and the way she liked it, he hoped. After he let go, he looked at her with a grin, with a twinkle in his eyes.


He looked at the bag in her hand, and sighed in relief. His stomach was growling, so he appreciated not having to wait for her to get her lunch. What was in that bag? Ham sandwich? Pasta? Chicken and rice? He wanted to ask, but then she would think that he noticed the bag more than her, and that wasn't good, that wasn't what he intended because she was the priority, not her lunch bag. So, talk about her, ask about her.

"Guess Yakubovich held you guys captive for a bit, eh?"
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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Wham Yubeesling
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Location: there is a man standing behind you
Team Affiliation: Stephanie's Buccaneers


Post by Wham Yubeesling »

"Yeah," Jasmine said, her voice mixed in with a sigh. "Yakubitch was a pain as usual. Sorry for being late."

The kiss was welcome. She was already smiling and there was a certain weirdness with kissing him back so she decided to repay his affection by moving closer, letting her legs almost touch his. There wasn't a lot to the gesture — it was only really to acknowledge his in a way that she imagined he'd like — but there was still something there that she liked, a little fluttery feeling tingling on the edge of her skin. Admittedly she wanted to indulge in the feeling more, do something a little more indicative of what Jasmine was pretty sure they both wanted but there was something in doing that that was unbecoming. Unwelcoming. Something she was pretty sure would just make Damion uncomfortable (god, why were all the bearable guys in this school all Christian, that just made things so much more difficult) so she elected against doing it. Not the time or place in which to do so.

Don't want to ruin this again, after all.

Don't want to turn him off on you.

...Whatever. She'd do something. Damion was into her and it wasn't Jasmine's fault that the other guy was a fucking prick so you know what? She'd indulge herself. She'd do the exact thing you were supposed to do in relationships.

"Not an issue, though. My other classes today are fairly easy." She shrugged, let her left hand — the hand closest to Damion — fall onto the bit of cafeteria bench between them.

"How was your day?"
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