Discovery and Revelation

An unnatural valley tearing halfway up the island from the northern base of the mountain, empty and devoid of life. If not for the mountain sitting squarely in the center of island, it could probably join with the top of the ravine, splitting the island in two.
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Discovery and Revelation


Post by Fiori »

((Keira MacDonald continued from Where is my Rifle, This is my Gun...))

This seemed to be going well at first...

After discussing about where to head next on the cable car ride down the mountain, Keira and Ray had finally agreed that heading to the Holding Cells would be the best plan of action. Luckily, thanks to Ray's experience in the Scouts, they planned out a route that would lead them across the Ravine and through the black forest in order to get to the Holding Cells.

However, the only problem was that as it began to get dark, reading the map became harder and harder. And it didn't take long until they both realised that something was wrong when they ended up at the wrong valley.

"This isn't right... wasn't there supposed to be a rope bridge or something?"

They stood on the side of the vast unnatural valley, which for the most part was bathed in darkness. If it hadn't been for the fact that it was almost midnight, the two would have probably spotted the figure of Ashlie Jackson disappearing into the forest on the other side of the valley. But as it happened, it was far too dark a night for either of them to notice. Keira for one was more focused on figuring out what went wrong. According to the map, instead of heading around the southern side of the mountain towards the ravine they'd accidentally headed around the northern side of the mountain into what was labelled as "The Great Divide". Keira pouted in annoyance as she figured out what had gone wrong.

"Well, thats annoying... I think we've headed around the wrong side of the mountain." She said, stating the obvious. "You think we should head around, or..."

Just then, a disturbingly cheerful voice started to resonate across the island.

What the hell!?! Is this someone's power or something?!?

It took a while until she realised that the voice was some sort of announcement, telling everyone about what was going on around them. Apparently, three people had already died. The first being a boy called Billy-Jay, whose death was described as being "gross" by the announcer. Keira wasn't exactly sure what to make of that...

The next person, Connor Bromley was killed by some guy called Cristo, a latino boy... Well, at least she's telling us who the pyschos are... Even if they're only given VERY rough descriptions

The final person, Jay Harland, was killed by someone who was described as being a Banshee. Keira cursed underneath her breath. She only had very rough idea what the heck a banshee was, and whilst she didn't think that the killer in question WAS a banshee (That'd just be plain silly...) she suspected that there had to be a reason whoever killed Jay was described as being one. She knew that it was a ghost, and that they were specifically female. But apart from that she didn't really know anything. She did know, however, that they had this one quirk about them that made them stand out amongst other ghost "types". Only problem was that Keira had completely forgotten what it was. Typical...

"Guess this means there really ARE people out there playing along... Well, two at least."

The announcement then mentioned the locations that would become "dangerzones". Two of which caused Keira to frown in annoyance. You've GOT to be kidding... The Ravine AND the Black Forest? Crap...

"Well, guess this means that we headed around the right side of the mountain after all..." she said, turning her attention to how Ray was taking this sudden announcement.
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Post by T-Fox* »

((C10 - Raymond Pietrowski continued from Where is my Rifle, this is my Gun...))

The cheerful, peppy and high pitched voice of the announcer really got right on Ray's nerves. He was having tobacco withdrawals, he was exhausted, and oh yeah. He was on death island. And now this bitch had to pipe up and drill into his ear drums? As much as she annoyed him and he tried to filter the damn person out; he did indeed pick up two important things. One, there were three people dead. People he'd never met before, people he didn't care about, but there were people dead. And two, they had gotten extremely lucky by getting lost.

"Guess this means there really ARE people out there playing along... Well, two at least."

That was something he didn't even stop to think about. If people were dying, there were people killing. If there were people killing, then they were in danger. Not that he wanted to admit that though.

"Well, guess this means that we headed around the right side of the mountain after all..."

"Apparently." He let the area fall silent for a moment as he contemplated. His head throbbed, and strategic thinking wasn't going to come easily. However the silence was pressing, and uncomfortable.

"So, am I the only one that thinks that bitch is way too peppy for this shit?" He shook his head, trying to come up with a plan. They had no idea where they were, or who was around. And now they didn't even know where to go because of those damned danger zones.

And the silence pervailed for a moment at least. The pair had stopped dead where they were, just contemplating their next move.

"Alright, why don't we find a nice big flat rock, flip on the flash light, and figure out where we are?" That made perfect sense to Ray. To be able to plan where to go they needed to see where they were going, right? However what didn't cross his mind at all was that the flashlight would draw attention to the pair, and possibly put them in even more danger than they already were. Instinctively his hand reached to his shirt pocket. Oh, yeah. Right. Another loose shake of the head in sheer annoyance. Couldn't these guys at least grant a dude a final smoke?
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Post by Fiori »

"So, am I the only one that thinks that bitch is way too peppy for this shit?"

"Tell me about it... Its bad enough that we have to survive on an island full of psychos WITHOUT being forced to listen to some high-pitched bimbo every couple of hours."

Keira stood there in silence for a moment, taking the opportunity to really think about just how bad a situation they were really in. For all her little sarcastic comments, it didn't change the fact that three people had already died within the first day of being here. THREE people. Three people who were probably just as scared and lonely as she and Ray were, probably even more. All this time she automatically assumed that the majority of the people here were stone-cold killers who'd try to gun her down the second they got the chance... Maybe she was wrong? Surely if most of the people here were killers, there would be more then three deaths so far? Perhaps most of the people here are just looking for a way out like herself and Ray, after all they're all normal people after all. Well, mostly normal.

That being said, it didn't change the fact that two people had nevertheless been killed within the past 24 hours. All it really took was for there to be one or two psychopaths before the entire situation goes to hell.

"Alright, why don't we find a nice big flat rock, flip on the flash light, and figure out where we are?"

"Sounds like a plan. Hold onto this for a sec..."

She handed Ray her gun before opening her bag and rummaging through its contents, trying to find a flashlight amongst the mostly useless equipment. It took her a while but eventually she found it, taking it out and flicking the switch on as she used it to scan the area. If they were going to start map reading, then it'd probably be a bright idea to find somewhere secluded to do it in first. After all, middle of the night or not they were still sitting ducks out here. All it'd take to end the game right there and then would be for some asshole to come along and cap them both in the back when they weren't looking.

Eventually, she managed to spot the exact kind of location she was looking for...

"Hey, I think there's an enclave or something over there! It'd probably be better to read a map there rather then out here in the open..." she suggested, motioning Ray to give her gun back with her right hand whilst her left held onto the flashlight.

Little did she realise at that moment was that it was the very same enclave in which the unseen corpse of Jay Holland lay sprawled and naked, still invisible to the naked eye until the sun finally rises in the morning.
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Post by banthesun* »

((Joel Deitrick continued from All Apologies))

Joel's mind spun as he staggered his way through the forest. He couldn't remember waking on the beach frozen and cold. He couldn't remember searching for cover as everything faded away. And he couldn't remember why it felt like his arm had been torn off. Somewhere near the beach he'd shed his bag, not even knowing what it was, only that it was a weight hurting his shoulder. His coat had come loose, and his clothes scratched and torn by bushes he could not see. Broken and drained, Joel stumbled towards the edge of the cliff.

Joel knew he was dead. When he'd come to this realisation, or how he had, still eluded him, but this afterlife was torture. Was this hell? To wander confused through a grey world filled with thousands of claws. His sight was fading; before he'd been able to see at least the grey outlines of whatever kept grabbing at his clothes, but as he wandered that too had faded away, till he was left in indecipherable darkness. Joel hated being dead. He wished he still had his brain, so he could actually understand what was going on. He felt like a spirit trapped in limbo, like in one of those stories one of his friends had so liked. Joel couldn't even remember who.

And so, when Joel finally saw the two glowing lights of the people ahead, he was cautious. They had to be other spirits trapped in this world; that's why they were so clear. What benefit another spirit could have wasn't clear to Joel, he didn't have a mouth to talk to them. He was scared; these lights reminded him of something bad; he'd seen them before. Joel didn't want to approach them, but momentum was the only thing keeping him standing.

Bursting from the bushes like some kind of spectre, the battered form of a young private school boy fell at the feet of the two other teenagers.
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Post by T-Fox* »

"Sounds like a plan. Hold onto this for a sec..."

He nodded gruffly, extending his arm to receive gun which she offered him. Really the priority should be more to find a defensible place to sleep for the night, but a plan of action was always a good idea anyways. And it's not like looking at the map could hurt. There might be a cave or house or something on there they could bed down on. He bent his knees, resting the gun and his free hand on them in a resting position as he waited, listening intently for any signs of noise other than the clanking coming from in front of him.

Silence for a moment, and then some kind of rustling he could have sworn was coming from their left... Am I just imagining things?

"Hey, I think there's an enclave or something over there! It'd probably be better to read a map there rather then out here in the open..."

He must have been just imagining things. Kiera's voice wouldn't have drown that out if it was actually a person.

"Yeah, sounds good to me. Let's head tha-" And the rustling revived yet again; this time with a vengeance. From the same direction spawned the sound of feet plodding against earth, and the sound of branches and leaves breaking under the person's weight. His head snapped to the right, just in time to see the form of another boy falling out of the bushes directly at him, his form falling in a heap not feet away from the pair. "Oh my god!"

Even in the darkness, Ray could make out that this person was relatively short and lithe, and that something definitely wasn't right. In all good conscience the pair should have ran for their lives. After all, this could be one of the three people who have been killing. However, something about his current state told Ray that even though he was easily battered and broken, these weren't battle scars from a "winning fight". And he really couldn't pinpoint why. He just had a feeling. "Kid, what's wrong?!" Ray rushed over to the fallen boy, slowly flipping him to his back. And the sight of the darkened gunshot wound adorning his right shoulder made him flinch in surprise. "Kiera, he's fucked up pretty bad! Bring the flashlight, fast!" Blood ran down the blond haired boy's arm and slowly to the ground, staining the dirt a darker shade than it already appeared in the soft moon light.

A faint rip echoed off of the ravine as Ray reached to the sleeve of his soon to be tattered shirt and tearing it off, using it as makeshift gauze to stem the flow of lifeblood flowing from the new arrival. The blue and white fabric staining an unseen red in the dusk's obscuring presence. Glancing back over his shoulder, he waited for Kiera to retrieve the light.
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Post by Fiori »

Barely seconds after Ray had answered her question she heard the sound of rustling in the bushes, causing her to snap her head around to find some guy in a bloody blaiser stumbling over and falling flat on his face. Keira wasn't really sure HOW to react at first... He'd arrived so suddenly, so without warning that for a brief moment she hadn't a clue what to do...

She'd never seen some who'd been shot before in the flesh. Sure, she'd watched plenty of movies where guys go shot to pieces all the time, but that was NOTHING compared to what she was staring at right in front of her. The blood was brutally genuine for one, nothing like the fake blood she'd seen in movies like Evil Dead 2 and Kill Bill. This was the real fucking deal right in front of her very eyes. And unless she did something about it...

"Kiera, he's fucked up pretty bad! Bring the flashlight, fast!"

"Okay, hang on!" she replied quickly, rushing over to the poor boy's aid with her flash-light. Seeing his injuries up close made her feel somewhat... sickened. It was taking a lot of willpower alone for her to not just vomit all over the floor right there on the spot. Luckily she didn't, although that didn't change the fact that she still hadn't a clue what to do. She didn't know anything about medicine, or first aid, or how to treat a bullet-wound ect... All she could really do in this situation was make give moral support for the poor guy and hope Ray knew what he was doing.

"Jesus... Don't worry, We're not going to hurt you... Everything's going be alright, you'll see!"

It wasn't much, but it was the least she could do.

For the love of god, PLEASE don't die on me here!
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Post by T-Fox* »

((Trying to get Ray the heck out of here, I'm pushing him into the next day with this topic so that he can hear the announcement. Take your time with your guys, just skip me until you catch up, however long you take. Feel free to control Ray in small ways to fill in any gaps I leave.))

((Also, Fiori and Ban, I couldn't get a hold of you before posting, if any GMing of Kiera and/or Joel is unwelcome, feel free to let me know and I will immediately remove it. This post is just to get Ray the f*** out of the upcoming danger zone.))

"Okay, hang on!"

Shit, she'd better hurry. I can't see a fucking thing!

He was seriously worried. He'd seen pretty bad wounds before. But never a bullet. Not even from that moron Clifford in his troop that NEVER held the .22 down range. Nothing that was anything like this.

He felt a cold steel object tap his shoulder. One of the two hands he had pressing down hard on the new arrival's shoulder snapped up fast to grasp the flashlight. A quick click, and there was light. Pointed the wrong way, but it was a start. "Thanks Kiera." He spun the cool, steel object in his hand and quickly nestled it under his shoulder, immediately looking back down at Joel.

It was worse in the light. The rag that Ray had haphazardly created was already soaked bright red with blood. Another quick rip, and he had a second rag which he quickly pressed down over the first. "Okay. Now I need some Gauze. We need to wrap this wound. Eventually he received the Gauze and wrapped the wound to the best of his abilities; tying the wrap off behind his arm. Such an awkward location to dress...

"Alright, help me get him into that Cave you were talking about. We need him out of the elements. I'll get his arms. Grab his legs."

"On the count of three. One... Two... Three!"

He hoisted up slowly, doing his best to match Kiera's speed. His eyes glanced around, his flashlight had fallen to the forest floor at some point. However the breeze was weak, and presumably most of their things would still be there when they got back.


However trying to save this boy's life was the paramount concern right now. "Here." He indicated to a spot on the floor of the cave, one that was the most devoid of rocks and debris that he could find. "Carefully..." He set Joel down as gently as he possibly could. A few shimmering drops of what would be red if lit up shown through the final dressing, but for the most part it looked like the bleeding had stopped.

"He looks significantly better than he did before... I'll run out and get our stuff. Stay here and watch him, okay?" Before Kiera could respond, he was off, running towards the flashlight like a beacon towards their belongings.

Fold up the map... Grab the light and first aid kit; both backpacks... The arrangment took a few minutes to figure out, and it was extremely awkward with each backpack hanging off of a single shoulder; but he could manage to carry it just back up the hill. And that he did. Upon returning to the cave, he put his things down, placing the flashlight on it's end in the center of the cave, using it as a rudimentary torch. "Hopefully he'll be alright. All we have left to do is wait and see."

He let out a long sigh. He didn't want to sleep. Every second he slept was a second of his life that he wasted.

But he was exhausted. And he was sure she was. His hand reached to his pocket, removing the Gun which he had so carefully hidden earlier in the day. Next the knife which was looped on his belt. He removed his overshirt and wrapped the objects in what was left of it, placing them in the corner of the cave for safe keeping. His bag may have been lumpy, but with a few minutes of rummaging, removal of certain metalic items, and re-arrangement, it could serve as a decent pillow. And he did just that. It was a bit chilly, but by pulling his arms back into the sleeves of his T-Shirt, he could generate and hold in a little body heat.

"Night Kiera."

He had just successfully survived day one.


Morning. Six AM. That annoying, screeching female voice. He didn't manage to wake up fully in time for the whole of the announcement, but he did however hear something slightly alarming. "...As for dangerzones, the previous ones have now been cleared and travel through them is safe again, while the Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones. You have one hour to escape, otherwise you will be eliminated."

God. Fucking. Damnit. He glanced at his watch. 6:01. He had to be out by seven. "Shit, Kiera. We can't get out of here with him in tow." His eyes quickly snapped over to the wounded boy. Red had managed to completely soak the dressing overnight. The map was thankfully still out. "Shit, we need to move NOW if we want to live. Pack up and run. I wish there was something we could do for him, but we need to run."

Regret. Ray knew that if he tried to save Joel's life, all three of them would die. Joel was going to die either way. It was an inevitability because of that damnded ditz. There was no way she could be the mastermind behind all this, she was just too... dumb. But she was still a voice, something real to latch his hatred on to.

The powers as far as he'd seen had been complete and total bullshit. But the killing was real.

He slung his pack over his shoulder after buckling up the main flap. Reaching a hand out, he helped his partner up.

"I'm sorry kid... If you can even hear me... We tried. Sleep well."

With that offering of eulogy and regret, he walked. And he didn't look back. Two bodies would lie deceased in that cave come this day; the body of Jay Holland going un noticed by the panicked Ray.

((Raymond Pietrowski Jr. Continued in Somewhere in the Between))
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Post by Fiori »

Thankfully, Ray seemed to know what he was doing. Keira barely knew what to do if she scraped her knee, let alone bandage up a guy who seemed to be bleeding to death. It actually made her feel somewhat useless watching Ray do all the hard work whilst all she could do was provide moral support to poor kid. Wow, a man doing all the hard work whilst the girl sits by the sidelines and looks pretty? Yeah, I've totally never seen THAT before...

"Alright, help me get him into that Cave you were talking about. We need him out of the elements. I'll get his arms. Grab his legs."

"Okay..." she replied, grabbing Joel's legs as he instructed.

"On the count of three. One... Two... Three!"

Joel proved to be surprisingly heavy, and put quite a strain on the skinny girl's arms. Nevertheless, she still managed to bring him over to the cave she pointed out without much trouble. "Damn, who'd of thought he'd be so heavy..." She helped Ray lower Joel down, taking a brief moment to recover after they laid him down on a reasonably comfy spot.

"He looks significantly better than he did before... I'll run out and get our stuff. Stay here and watch him, okay?"

"Alright, no problem..." she said, not taking her eyes away from the boy they had supposedly rescued. For the first time, she actually took the opportunity to take note of what the strange boy actually looked like. All the blood aside, he actually looked quite pretty. A bit on the skinny side, but who was she complaining? He wore a green blazer as well, along with a shirt and tie and everything. Like one of those posh British schoolboys you see on TV.

"Hopefully he'll be alright. All we have left to do is wait and see."

She nodded in reply to what Ray said, opening up her bag in order to retrieve a handkerchief to clean up Joel. She wiped some of the blood off his face, making sure to not disturb him too much. But then she noticed something that caused her to freeze on the spot... His eyes. There was something distinctly wrong about them. They were more like the eyes of a snake then the eyes of a human being. What in the... Is this something to do with his power? Does he have the ability to turn into a giant snake or something?

"Hey Ray, take a look at..." she began, before she turned around and realised that Ray had already fallen fast asleep. Oh well... I'll just tell him about it in the morning.

On that note, she decided it was about time to take a nap herself. She hadn't had any sleep ever since she first woke up on this crazy island... Hopefully, she wouldn't end up getting her throat slit in her sleep or something. THAT would just suck. Still, there was a slight problem she had to deal with first... Where exactly WOULD she sleep? It getting cold, VERY cold. And the fact that she happened to be wearing a tank top did not help in the slightest.

She looked over at Ray and briefly considered the possibility of something along the lines of huddling up next to him... For warmth of course, although the fact he happened to be quite cute helped. Come to think of it, as she watched him lay here huddled for warmth, she began to realise just how much she'd grown to like him ever since they met on top of the mountain. They barely even knew each other for more then, what, ten hours? Ish? And yet, it felt as if they had both known each other for over five months or something... And within that short amount of time, they had already began to trust and depend upon each other. As if they'd managed to form something of a special bond together... Wait, am I... Am I actually starting to fall for this guy? I've barely known him for a day, and yet...... No, don't think about it. The last thing you need is to suddenly develop a crush on a boy who could easily wind up dead tomorrow.

Still, I guess if we managed to make it off this island together... Forget it, i'm tired. I'm not thinking straight. Nighty night....

And so, she lay her head down on her bag and fell asleep, ignoring the cold sensation that was beginning to creep up on her...


"Gooooood afternoon!"

Oh fuck off...

It was the next morning, and Keira had barely wiped the sleep from her eyes before the shrewish voice of the announcer began to emanate across the island. The last thing she really needed after a rather rough night was to listen to Little Miss Coffeholic go on about everyone who had died recently. Four people from the sound of things... Including one of the supposed killers from yesterday. Well, guess thats one less psycho to worry about...

"As for dangerzones, the previous ones have now been cleared and travel through them is safe again, while the Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones. You have one hour to escape, otherwise you will be eliminated."


"Shit, Kiera. We can't get out of here with him in tow."

"What!?!" she exclaimed with a startled look on her face. She couldn't honestly believe what she'd just been told. That Ray was honestly about to just leave this poor kid to die such a horrific death. "We... We can't just LEAVE him here!"

"Shit, we need to move NOW if we want to live. Pack up and run. I wish there was something we could do for him, but we need to run."

"But... We......" she stammered before falling silent, biting her lip as she looked back at the poor injured boy. As much as she hated to admit it, Ray had a good point. They probably had 10, maybe even 5 minutes to get away from here as fast as possible. It'd take an hour just to carry the poor guy up the mountain, let alone out of the dangerzone. If she wanted to live, the only choice she really had was to leave this poor guy who she didn't even know the name of behind to die. Something she just couldn't bring herself to do...

Ray helped her up at that moment, giving the green blazered boy a final farewell and apology before moving off. Rather then follow along, Keira stood there for a moment, trying to figure out if there was some way out of this mess. There must be SOME way of saving this guy. She'd just need to think about it, thats all...

But then, she began to feel a telltale vibration in her wrist which was more then enough of a warning sign to convince her to leave. Ray was right, there was nothing she could do to save him. Not a single damn thing, other then die along side him. And dying was the last thing on her mind right now...

"I... I, I'm so sorry..." she said, a single tear running down her cheek before she turned around and ran in Ray's direction.

They were barely a dozen metres or so away from the ravine before she heard the noise of an explosion back near where the cave was.

((Keira MacDonald continued Somewhere in the Between))
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Post by banthesun* »

((Sorry about not posting earlier...))

When someone started touching his shoulder Joel shuddered. They were hurting him! Against the black sky the glowing figures loomed over him, holding him and tearing at his wound. The pressure from the makeshift bandages made his shoulder feel as if it was on fire. Joel tried to struggle, but his motions were too weak.

Joel gave up, and let his head fall back. He couldn't stop whatever these people were doing so he just let them continue, letting out the occasional gasp of pain whenever the bandage squeezed too tight. He didn't even try to stop them when they lifted him. He just gave a small cry as his shoulder shifted again and clenched his eyes tight. When he was lain down of the cold he let himself stay where he was put, and slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.


"You should have lived when you could."



There was a voice talking, a voice that hurt Joel's ears. It was still dark around him, and it was still light in his head. His body was cold and stiff, and a general ache had come over it. His head hurt more than it ever had before and he couldn't remember why. The horrible voice stopped and was replaced by a fainter one, much nearer. He could almost make out the words.


Joel felt strangely calm as the people around him left. He simply didn't have the energy to feel any emotion about the situation. For a while he lay on his back in the cave, barely even thinking. He felt sleepy, but something was keeping him awake. Slowly, Joel lifted his head and tried to stand up. Pressure built along the sides of his head until his vision was covered in twinkling lights. Joel felt his head hit the floor hard and fell back into the blackness. Perhaps he could just lie here for a little longer.

Something hit Joel in the stomach. Digestive juices surged up his throat as his stomach was crushed by the intense force, bursting out of his mouth mixed with mucus. Burning droplets were already splattering on him by the time vomit stopped. His gut burned with a pain beyond anything he'd known, but his main concern was the lack of breath. Joel tried to breathe in, but his chest seemed to lack suction. The last of his digestive juices slid down his throat as he struggled for air, gasping as his lungs filled with blood from within. He flailed helplessly, his legs no longer moving and his motions uncoordinated. Joel could feel his vision fading, even from the twisted half-sight he'd had since he woke up in this hell. How on earth was he meant to find help without his eyes? He needed to find someone to help clear his lungs! Anyone!

Desperate for air, Joel struggled even as his thoughts faded, leaving him no time to reflect on his situation. He clawed frantically at his throat and the hole in his stomach, until his body let out one final sigh and fell still.

C19: Joel Deitrick: Eliminated
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