
Although not particularly luxurious, the two story building which comprise the officers' quarters is hardly spartan. Along with several well-outfitted bedrooms, the quarters contain a rec room, a small gymnasium, a lounge and a miniature library.

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Post by Courtography »

(Louis Johnson continued from Remedy)

He had arrived.

The Officer's Quarters. Apparently the place where Stef had killed Henry. If she was still around they could team up. Well assuming it was her and not her sister Sophie. Adams had said where she was, but not who she was. For your average Program participant looking for their friends, Adams was certainly a terrible tour guide.

But Adams was part of the military, that was what you would expect.

He turned right, heading down a hallway. He had no clue on the layout of the building. The door at the end seemed as good as any. He turned the knob, hoping some insane killer wasn't lurking on the other side.

It looked like some kind of rec room. A lounge. Something like that. It looked like the perfect place for some high up muck a muck to lean back in a chair smoking a pipe, and order some assistant to get him a glass of brandy.

There was a nice leather couch in one corner. He was really getting tired, maybe just five minutes to rest. Then he'd find Stef.

He set his bag on the floor next to it. Just five minutes.

He laid down on it. Out like a light.
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Post by Cake »

((Luke Mendoza Continued From: Tessellate))

Luke wandered through the dim, maze-like building that was the Officer's Quarters... It wasn't very long since he had left Logan Sorenson.

It was all sorts of wrong. Sor and him, were suppose to make it far in this thing together. They had a plan. They were supposed to be the power couple. Everything was going so well. Juliet and Chalmers, wanted them to find Marilyn Williams among others, and the first person they stumbled into, or rather stumbled into them, was none other than that very same Marilyn Williams. It was piecing together exactly as he wanted. Tessellating into perfection.

Then just like that, all glimmer of hope he had vanished. From a certain high, to a complete low. It felt like emptiness to the boy. Marilyn Williams, got away from them. The Mason twins tricked them, and are on a murdering spree, and now, Logan Sorenson, his one true ally in this game was... gone.

But, he had to keep himself strong. He had to carry off what Logan Sorenson started with "the plan." He wasn't sure exactly what the plan was, but he knew it involved, motivating others to do the killing, or dying. And somewhere in the mix was Juliet Watanabe and Karl Chalmers. At least he could still, tell the two, that he had seen Marilyn Williams, before the Mason twins messed things up and killed Logan Sorenson in the process. Yes, that could work. The Mason Twins didn't know it, but they just gained a whole bunch of very angry enemies. Heck if he throws in Henry Barren's name into the mix along with Sor's, then he could use that as a motivating factor for their friends (the deceased) to get even too. He could make this work.

Then - Snoring?

There was someone sleeping here? In this open lounge?

Luke put down his bag and shined his flashlight in the direction of the snoring. He spotted legs. It was a guy. He slowly turned the flashlight to the face careful, not to linger it on his eyes, to prevent the guy from waking up. It wasn't someone he knew too well, but recognized. It was Louis Johnson, maybe? He felt that name matched the face... He was a friend of Stephanie Mason.

Luke's throat tightened, his hands trembling in rising anger. He still had the note in his pocket, the one he found on the bloody mess that was Henry Barren. Please Forgive me. It said.

Luke pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the pleasantly sleeping boy. He would leave this note beside him, after he was done.

A friend. For a friend.

Luke crept toward the kid, out cold, snoring loudly. His gun now pointed, nearly pressed against his head. In a few seconds... it would all be over...


But... but he couldn't do it. He just, couldn't. No... if he did this, killed this innocent, harmless boy in his sleep, he would be no better than the two who killed Sor. He would be Comparable to them. No he couldn't do it. Couldn't shoot this boy. No.

He picked up his stuff, backing out of the room still looking at the boy who was just resting there. If anyone was gonna kill him, it wasn't gonna be him. With him sleeping in such an obvious spot, someone else is bound to get to him, anyway. He'd let him sleep, to meet his demise at someone else's hands. Sorry kid.

((Luke Mendoza Continued to: Actions Speak Louder Than Words. ))
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Post by Courtography »

Light started to break into his vision.

Awake. Damn. He had been having a decent dream too. He had been underwater and there were clownfish and. And. And, he couldn't remember what else. The dream was gone now, and he was stuck in harsh reality.

The Program.

It felt like he had been out for a few hours. That at least was something. Everyone else was probably wearing themselves out. He had managed to get a nap, all without anyone else coming in and interrupting it. Or trying to kill him.

Still he needed to move on, look for Stefanie. The whole reason he came to the officer's quarters in the first place.

An announcement would probably happen soon, but time to move on. Grabbing his bag, he left the lounge.

(Louis Johnson continued in Drive)
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