Program V2: The Third Announcement

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Program V2: The Third Announcement


Post by Namira »

Day Two (September 19, 2025): 20:00 PM
Weather: The light has faded, but fortunately so has the slight wind. The valley's air is very very still, but equally, remains cool. It's likely to be another chill night.


Adams sprawled listlessly on the rough mattress on his trailer's floor. He had a bed, strictly speaking - but that was in the back of the 'command tent' (which had almost become a full fledged building at this point), and going there would've involved rather more communication with irritating subordinates than he was prepared to swallowed. Adams had ordered the mattress in as soon as he realised that the junior officers were deliberately camping out in said tent in the hopes of corralling him with all manner of inane ideas. It was easier to just steer clear than it was to be diplomatic about telling them to fuck off.

Today had been... not Adams' favourite day in the history of the Program. Decent number of fatalities, that wasn't the issue. It was more... the manner of them. It flagged up an issue with the collar and danger zone system that he hadn't considered. One part overestimating the apparent intelligence of the contestants to not blunder, one part underestimating their determination to knock themselves off. Irritating, but any new innovation with the Program always had a few teething problems. They'd just have to work out a solution next year. Maybe like, a pre-recorded message telling them not to be morons...

The Brigadier-General sighed and sat up. Time for him to quit slacking. This was a tough job, tougher than most would give credit for... but he supposed some of the previous announcers hadn't committed to watching as much of the thing first hand as possible. Sloppy, Adams called that. Without the necessary context it was a lot tougher to... ah but now he was procrastinating.

He picked himself up and walked over to the mic, hit a couple of buttons.

On the air.


Little aplomb, this time, just a brief hum and Adams was talking.

"Sometimes kids, I wonder how many of you would have died inside five years of making it out of high school, considering how many of you idiots have managed to get yourselves wiped out. The rest of you still living; good job, you've got more intelligence than the average lemming. Unless of course you subsequently die in a stupid way, in which case consider your non-lemming status revoked.

Got that? Good.

Garritt Baker got into a bit of an... altercation with Chris Brooks. Garritt tried to run, but Chris wasn't having any of that, and chased him down and stabbed him in the stomach. Pretty ruthless, Chris, especially seenas Garritt took a good long time to bleed out. Sleep on that one.

Nancy Morris then had the awesome idea of walking into a danger zone. In case anyone was wondering; yes, this is still fatal. Brace yourselves because not long afterwards, Tori Gavlik did pretty much the exact same thing. And guess what? Josephine Luu screwed up and got stuck in one. Holy crap guys - is DANGER zone not enough of a clue for you? They are dangerous - as in, fatally dangerous. Announcements are important, listen to the damn things!

Next up, Robin Pounds became our first contestant to double her money when she took another bad day out on Zora Spencer and splattered her brains across the ground. ...Sorry honey, that rumbles you doesn't it? Ah, fair's fair...

Still, right on Robin's tail we had the one and only Frank Callahan, doing his bit for America by drowning Angel Aguilar... nice double act you have going there, Frank. Took that kill like a pro.

Another new name on the list; Anastasia Flores shot Gerald Lawson square in the chest. C'mon kids, that's better than nine tenths of you have managed - step up your game.

Oh, and finally, after a promising start, Miss America herself - Clara Fox lost her footing and then lost her life. Terrain's treacherous kiddies. Keep an eye on where you step.


Otherwise, here's what we're gonna do; your numbers have gone down a bit, so here's the big one. Lake's clear, but... I'm DZing The Clearing, Pine Stands, Woodsman's Shack and Stone Circle. I'm feeling generous so I'll give you a little bit of a grace period to get out of there... so long as you're moving in the right direction. My advice? Run like your little asses are on fire before I pop your heads like balloons.




Stephanie Moon (aristeia)
Alexander Bonham (MurderWeasel) - Maxim Senders (jimmydalad, Hero Card used)
Amanda White (Bikriki)

As normal you have three days to submit any cards and a further seven days to have the death completed.

You also have three days to vacate any dangerzones or risk death via collar detonation. Best bet is to not leave it to other people to help you clear out.

-- In character, bear in mind that Adams has allowed extra time to clear out of the stands because of the size of the huge DZ he's made. He's not going to blow people up carelessly.
[+] Logs
KillerVole (KillerVole) has entered the room. 6:34 am has entered the room. 6:34 am
KillerVole 6:34 am
Sweet. 6:35 am
We are present.

KillerVole 6:35 am
Clara is inactive and will be gone by the time these go up, so we'll reroll if we hit her, for the record.
Three again? I like three. 6:36 am
Mmhm. That's still working fine for pace.

KillerVole 6:36 am

KillerVole 6:36 am
Got the list up. 6:37 am
I have the code.

KillerVole 6:37 am
Sweet. 6:37 am
So. #1

KillerVole 6:37 am
You wanna roll, then? 6:37 am
//roll-dice 1-sides 24

OnlineHost 6:37 am rolled 1 24-sided die: 11

KillerVole 6:37 am
Stephanie Moon (aristeia) 6:37 am
//roll-dice 1-sides 24

OnlineHost 6:37 am rolled 1 24-sided die: 17

KillerVole 6:38 am
Alexander Bonham (MurderWeasel) 6:38 am
And #3
//roll-dice 1-sides 24

OnlineHost 6:38 am rolled 1 24-sided die: 9

KillerVole 6:38 am
reroll! I'm already rolled 6:38 am
That's a reroll, right?
Yeah. 6:38 am
First time that's happened on the new system. :-D

KillerVole 6:38 am
Hahaha 6:38 am
//roll-dice 1-sides 24

OnlineHost 6:38 am rolled 1 24-sided die: 21

KillerVole 6:38 am
Amanda White (Bikriki)
Sweet. 6:39 am
Alrighty, I shall log it.
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