Real American

Open Thread

Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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Post by jimmydalad »

It was at this point that Maxim realized it was futile. There was no escaping Alex, that much was for sure. While he still held out his bayonet at Alex, he didn't find any sense of fighting back. It was a facade, a trick. He realized he wasn't going to win this battle. Was he really going to die here? Probably. He doubted Alex would be merciful, especially considering the fact that Maxim had shot at him just now. Was he ready to die?

"Do your worst. I'm ready for it." Maxim tried to say confidently, his eyes focused on the figure that he assumed was Alex. He probably deserved whatever Alex had planned for him. He was under his mercy and that alone meant that he had no hope. That was what he assumed at least. Heck, if he was in Alex's situation, he'd kill himself too. If he was going to go though, he would do it with strength and integrity. After all, it was what he was seeking. He just wished he could say something to Louisa.

Then Alex called him dumb. While he resented that fact, Maxim didn't say anything to aggravate Alex. It seemed as if Alex had something to say to him after all. He stayed seated, refusing to move as he listened to Alex berate at him about his stupid actions and how he was an idiot for doing them. However, he said he made an ambush for them. Was he talking about just now? Did he think that he was working with that figure, whoever it was?

Maxim pointed the gun away from Alex. He clung it to himself, like it was a little child or something. His gun was really the only thing that he had for company as his behavior had polarized him from everyone else. He felt so alone. He was scared. The games got to him in a way he didn't like to admit. The government had found his weakness. He hated isolation and yet he had been clinging to it this entire time. It was just because he was scared of being killed. Yet now was different.

Alex was just a figure in the darkness and yet he wasn't attacking. He was just talking. Maxim listened to every word the other had to offer, surprised at how peaceful he was being. He went on about how he was wrong and then asked about whether he ever asked someone to forgive him. At this, Maxim flinched away from him, the words piercing him and making him really question his actions. He never asked because he was scared. He didn't want there to be an opportunity for him to let his guard down. At the time, he thought it was the difference between life and death. He was wrong.

Then Alex said those words that made him do a double take. Was he serious? He was ready to just forgive him? Maxim couldn't believe his ears. He was wondering if Alex realized who he was talking to. He was the one who shot at them not once, but twice. He was the one that shot Chris's bag. He was the one that tried to rob them. And after all of that, he was just willing to forgive him?

He was allowing him to join his group. He wouldn't be alone. He would be with others. Then again, he doubted Chris would be as happy about Alex's idea as he was. Yet that didn't stop him from making him feel happy. For the first time in quite some time, Maxim smiled. He grinned happily. He had hope. Maybe he could really make this work. Maybe he could survive with others. Yet the thought of there only being one winner still made him feel uneasy.

"Thanks Alex." Maxim said happily, standing up and walking over to Alex. "I didn't really think anyone could forgive me. After all, I wasn't that popular back in Patriot High, wasn't I? So I guess I'm really grateful for this opportunity. I'm going to go with you guys. We can find Louisa, and even Tori! We can do it." Maxim said with gusto, giving Alex a surprise hug as he couldn't express himself in any other way.

"We should go find Chris and that other guy. You know, I have no idea who that was. I wasn't using bait or setting up an ambush, I'm not that smart." Maxim commented, laughing at his self depreciation. "Hopefully Chris hasn't done something to the person. If he did, I wouldn't be able to forgive himself. Thinking about it, I've indirectly caused the death of Brigid as well." Maxim mumbled to Alex, waiting for him to lead the way back. That thought as well as others still lingered over him, but he tried his best to push them out of the way for now. Right now, he needed to find Chris and hopefully that other person. He hoped he wasn't too late.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Deamon »

Chris had walked back in roughly the same direction he'd come from. At least he tried to as much as possible; the lack of light was a hindrance. He was also distracted by the knowledge of what he'd done. He'd ended Garritt's life. That wasn't even the worst part; the worst part was that Chris didn't feel anything towards his actions. No guilt, no sick pleasure. He just felt empty. Like he'd lost a part of himself, the part that thought he was better than the game they were playing. The part that was better than Maxim and the other killers. He was one of them now whether he liked it or not. He was even worse than Maxim. Sure Maxim was still a bad person for robbing and injuring people with the flimsiest justification but Chris had gone a step further than the boy and actually taken someone else's life.

Chris had expected there to be more death during the night. He just hadn't thought he'd be the cause of one of those deaths.

Everything had been going fine. He and Alex hadn't encountered anyone during their walk through the forest. They had actually been having a calm and peaceful night, tense as they'd been. It was a nice change of pace from the beginning of the day. Then Maxim had reared his ugly head again and everything had gone straight to hell. Alex had taken off after him like a man possessed, and Chris had been worried about restraining himself if he saw Maxim again. That had left and Garritt, he hadn't known that it was Garritt at the time and Chris had assumed how he was probably working with Maxim. Looking back there was no way Garritt and Maxim would have ever teamed up, Chris had ended up killing an innocent person who got caught up in a personal war.

Chris could still hear Garritt's crying. He doubted that he could actually hear Garritt and was sure he was just remembering the sound but it was still there.

He was going to take that to his grave.

Chris then recognised one of the trees he was walking past. It was the one Garritt had been sitting at originally. That meant his and Alex's bags would be nearby. He moved to the trees further back and walked around in a slow circle, focusing on the ground. He didn't want to walk past their bags in the dark. His foot hit something hard and it rolled away. Quickly crouching down Chris spotted their bags, he grabbed Alex's flashlight before it rolled any further way and put it in Alex's bag.

That was step one, now he had to move onto step two, which was actually finding Alex. He assumed that Alex would head back to where he was to collect his things regardless of what happened. If Maxim had managed to kill Alex...then he'd probably return to try and loot the bags. Either way Chris would meet someone. If it was Alex, than all was well. If it was Maxim then...

Chris just wished he'd brought his weapon back with him. But he'd left it stuck in Garritt, a vivid memory came back to him but Chris quickly rubbed his eyes as if it was something that he could wipe away. It didn't help. He'd have to go back to get the entrenching tool either way. He'd have to see Garritt's corpse regardless. For the time being though Chris was happy to sit by the bags and wait for someone to return and whatever their return would bring.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Maxim was awfully eager and willing to put this all behind them. Given the circumstances, Alexander couldn't blame him, but there was still an edge of suspicion. From his experience with the boy, he knew Maxim wasn't consistent. He was an opportunist and a coward, and while his feelings right now could be totally genuine, it would be tough to keep him in check if things started to go wrong, and counting on him to stay strong if they got separated seemed woefully optimistic. Alexander let himself be hugged, even though he wasn't super thrilled about it. It was good to see Maxim out of his funk, at least.

Then he revealed that it hadn't been an ambush they'd walked into after all. That was a slight relief, though it raised many more questions. Hopefully Chris has things under control, then. It was probably for the best that Alexander had gone after Maxim; had Chris been chasing the dangerous one, things would likely not have gone anywhere near as smoothly.

Alexander was distracted from this train of thought when Maxim claimed responsibility for Brigid's death. Alexander took a deep breath to keep from snapping at the sheer idiocy of that statement.

"Listen," he said, "if someone dies and you didn't pull the trigger, it's not your fault. Thinking that's just looking for reasons to feel bad, and I'm sure we'll all have more than enough legitimate ones without digging up more. Dylan's responsible for herself. Maybe we'll find her and talk her out of being an idiot too. If she sees that things are calming down, maybe that'll be enough."

Alexander was not very hopeful about that. Dylan had been somewhat delusional even before all of this, and now that edge of self-deception and whatever else had been added into the mix by the stress of the situation had led her down the path of murder. He also wasn't ready to cut her quite as much slack as Maxim, because there was a difference between trying to kill someone and actually pulling it off. The others didn't need to hear that, though. Alexander would come to terms with his own feelings and he'd keep them from steering him astray. Telling the others would just make them doubt him, and they couldn't afford any doubt now.

He started back the way they'd come, walking slowly so as to keep his balance and let Maxim keep up. It wasn't hard to retrace their steps; the hasty movement had left undergrowth trampled and dirt disturbed. Ahead, Alexander thought he could see a figure in the dark, though he wasn't entirely sure it was who he was looking for.

"Chris?" he called softly. Alexander wanted to take the lead in this discussion, because it likely wasn't going to be a happy or easy one.
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Post by jimmydalad »

Maxim vaguely nodded at his words, taking them in but not really getting the meaning behind it. They couldn't talk Dylan out of being herself. In fact, she probably wouldn't have done anything if it weren't for the fact that she was robbed and had her ear shot off. Unfortunately for her, she had to encounter him when he was alone. When he was alone, Maxim felt weak. It was something he didn't like to acknowledge, but it was true. Hs fear caused him to attack people and from there, the dominos fell one by one until it reached the end, with the death of Frigid Brigid. While Alex tried to reassure him that it wasn't his fault, there was no way of shaking the guilt that he felt.

"I'm not sure you can get Dylan to calm down, especially if you're with me. She hates me." Maxim stated in a worried tone. Thinking back of what he did to Dylan, he felt like a really big jerk. "I've done some really bad shit to her, and I don't mean just shooting off her ear. If I was with you, there would be no way that she would calm down before she has my head. I'd be more worried about Chris right now if I were you. I doubt he'd be happy with these proceedings." Maxim continued to vent to Alex, expressing his concern about Alex's traveling companion.

Maxim had stayed at Alex's heels the entire time, not trusting himself to find his way back to where the original encounter occurred. As he walked, he thought about what would happen once they had encountered Chris. Chris was probably really pissed off at him. He couldn't blame him. After all, if someone had threatened to shoot him as well as shoot his bag, Maxim would be pissed as well. Maxim was worried about what would happen once Chris saw that he was with Alex. Was he going to kill him? That seemed like a very believable possibility.

Then there was the issue with the mysterious person who Alex assumed was working with Maxim. He couldn't help but wonder who he was. Due to it being dark, he never was able to get a good read on how the person even looked, let alone things like gender and race. Hopefully that person was still alive. If that person died, it probably would be his fault. After all, he was the one that caused all of this drama to occur. He was the one that got the ball rolling. It was his fault. Everything was his fault.

Eventually, Alex stopped. Luckily, Maxim was paying attention to him at this time so he managed to stop himself before he collided with the figure of Alex in front of him. When Alex called out ahead, he peered into the distance and noticed the figure in front of them that he could only assume was Chris. What was he going to do now? Should he leave it to Alex or should he speak? After thinking about it for a moment, Maxim decided that he should probably make the effort.

"Hey there Chris..." Maxim began sheepishly, clinging the gun close to his stomach as he tried to gain the confidence to talk to Chris. in this situation, Maxim would've normally had his gun loaded and aimed at Chris. However, the situation had changed. He needed to go against what he was used to and what was admittedly easier for him in the context of the Program. If he didn't, Maxim could find himself digging his own grave literally and metaphorically.

"I'm really sorry about before. I was scared and thought everyone was out to get me. I panicked and I realized what I did was wrong. I'm not here to hurt you or anything like that. In fact, Alex said I could travel with you guys. So... umm... I guess what I'm saying is that... can you forgive me?" Maxim asked hopelessly, afraid to look at Chris in the face. He didn't know how Chris would react, but he could only assume that it would be badly. Badly enough that his life was at risk. He couldn't attack him though, or he'd be going against his word.

He wasn't the type of person to go against his word.

Or at least he thought he was.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Deamon »

Chris liked sitting in the dark waiting for Alex to get back. He didn't have to worry about anything. No one to look for or chase. No one trying to find him with violent intent. It could have been peaceful, if Chris wasn't in the Program and hadn't just killed a classmate. He still felt like he could hear Garritt's crying, it was faint but it was still there. Maybe it had been ingrained into his brain. Chris had no concept of time anymore, his eyes had adjusted to the dark as he had walked back though so he was sure that he would be able to see Adam as he made his way back, and if not he would hear him instead.

Chris did wonder how he was going to explain his...murder...of Garritt to Adam. It wasn't going to be easy when Chris himself was still unsure if it was deliberate or not. Maybe he was just creating the doubt in his mind to ease his own conscience though. It was well known that he was got had violent outbursts when he was angry. He'd even dropped his own brother on his head during wrestling training for taunting him. Chris felt guiltier the more he ended up thinking about what had happened because the more he thought about it the more he realised he'd meant to do it.

He had lost it when Garritt had hit him with the crowbar, the anger of being attacked by someone who at the time he'd thought was working with Maxim had driven him. The fact he hadn't been able to after Maxim had served to get him riled up to begin with, he'd taken that out on Garritt. He remembered how satisfying it felt to hit Garritt in the head with the e-tool. He'd smiled about it at the time. That was the scariest thought, he'd been so angry he had enjoyed hurting someone else. There was something very wrong with that, even if they had attacked you first.

Chris shook his head, as if the thoughts were stuck in his head and he was trying to get them out. It was too late to feel guilty about it. It had happened and he'd killed. He couldn't change that. He-

Chris's head shot up as he heard movement nearby. He reached out for his weapon before remembering he'd left it stuck in Garritt. Yet another reminder. He tensed, not sure what to expect. It would've been dangerous to automatically assume it was Alex.

He relaxed as he heard Alex whisper his name. He'd gotten Maxim then. Chris smiled at the thought; at least they'd achieved something. His feeling and smiled disappeared as soon as he heard the second voice.


Maxim fucking Senders.

He was apologising for what had happened. He was practically begging to be forgiven. It was funny. Yet again Chris was sitting down while Maxim was standing above him with a gun, and yet again Chris was the one in the position of power. Maxim was just that weak. Chris would've laughed if he couldn't feel the rage building up inside of him. Here was a kid who was small and weak. He'd thought he was a big man because he'd had a gun but Chris had destroyed that illusion as soon as they'd met the first time. He'd threatened him and attempted to steal his supplies. He then taken a shot at him and hit his bag.

Chris felt his fists clench as he stood up, eyes boring a hole into Maxim's own. He had to focus to avoid attacking him.

Maxim wasn't even looking at him. Chris shot Alex a look when Maxim said that it was Alex's idea. Then the question was laid out.

Could Chris forgive Maxim?

Maxim who had indirectly caused Brigid's death by shooting Dylan. Maxim who had indirectly caused Garritt's death. Maxim who had caused all of Chris's problems in the Program.

Chris didn't have to think about his answer.

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Post by MurderWeasel »

Maxim started talking, and it was all Alexander could do to not tell him to shut up. This was about the worst way to break the news to Chris. It was the sort of thing that really needed to be eased into, not dropped like a bomb. Certainly, it was something Alexander should've done. Just like in their earlier conversation, Maxim just laid everything on the table, spilling his thoughts out to Chris as though that was all it'd take.

So it was no surprise that Chris didn't react well at all. Alexander sighed a little. Just great. Another problem.

But he'd told Maxim he'd smooth stuff over, and he'd told Chris they'd do the right thing, and he'd told himself he wasn't going to abandon anyone else, even if it meant doing things the painful and hard way. So he took a moment to think and then just dived straight into it.

"Listen, guys," Alexander said. "Now, Chris, Maxim and I talked, and we came to an understanding. He made some really stupid choices. It's your right to be mad about that. And, Maxim, you know I'm willing to forgive you and put this all behind us. It's Chris' right to not feel that way.

"But, that said, we're in the Program. I'm not asking you two to like each other, or trust each other, or hold hands and share the ball at recess. Three people's better than two, and a gun's better than no gun, and not chasing each other all around for the rest of the game beats the hell out of fighting for the rest of our lives. So, here's the pitch: I want us to work together. Maxim knows he can't take us on, and he doesn't want to try. What we need to do is get together, gather up whoever we can, and then handle this right. We all have people we don't like, and we're just going to need to deal with that if we're hoping for more than one person to walk out of here alive. Anything else is playing this how they want us to."

He took a deep breath, but a quick one. It wouldn't do for people to cut in.

"Chris, I told Maxim he could come with us. I'll take responsibility for him. I'll take his turn on watch if you're not comfortable with him standing guard. I just want to make this work. That okay?"

He was hoping it would be. Alexander knew Chris could have a temper, but he was pretty sure the boy would calm down once he realized Maxim was genuine. It was just a matter of getting him to give their former adversary a chance.
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Post by jimmydalad »

He was very much expecting that response.

The malice in his voice was very prominent and it made Maxim shrivel a little. It was obvious he wasn't happy about the arrangements. He could only really blame himself for what had happened in the game so far. He hurt Dylan, which caused her to kill Brigid. He shot Chris's bag, the amount of damage he did was something he still didn't know. He didn't even want to ask. Finding out the answer was a truth he didn't want to face just yet.

He moved behind Alex, as if finding some protection of Chris's wrath from him. He was still surprised by his actions. Why did he save him? After all, Maxim did try to screw him and Chris over in the past. Maxim assumed that they would kill him on sight. The fact that Alex was being forgiving was very much as shock to him, especially since they were in the Program. At that moment, Maxim thought he was dead. He probably should be dead. Yet he wasn't.

Maxim let Alex speak, realizing that he was much better with words than he would ever be. He was impressed by how calm Alex was in the Program. He just seemed so cool. He didn't forget the gambit that Alex employed back in the ruins. He was surprised he managed to keep control of his emotions. He was perplexing, but as long as he was an ally as opposed to an enemy, Maxim didn't really care.

As Alex continued to speak, the question that had been on his mind started to surface. How were they going to survive? Only one person could leave this game alive, Maxim was aware of that. He didn't understand why Alex believed there was a way out where they can all survive. Or at least most of them by this stage. With the addition of the collars, how was there any hope of more than one of them surviving?

He didn't voice his concerns though. He didn't want any more reason to antagonize the relationship between him and the other two anytime soon. He needed to take his mind off the issue. Therefore, he did the thing he remembered he needed to do. Reload his gun.

Sitting down on the floor, Maxim started to go through the procedure of reloading his gun. It was an annoying process, but it had to be done. Out of the three of them, Maxim was the only one who had a long distance weapon. That would prove to be handy in the long run. He went about doing what was necessary, not looking at Chris in fear of inciting his anger. It was then that he realized someone was missing.

"Umm.. Chris... where is that other guy?" Maxim asked him as he stopped working on his gun. The other guy wasn't there. At all. That made Maxim worry.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Deamon »

Alex started to speak just after Chris and his head shot to face him. Well it was nice for the two of them that they'd agreed to put everything that had happened behind them. Maybe it just wasn't going to be as easy for Chris to forgive the person who had tried to rob him and shoot him. At least Alex wasn't trying to force them to make up, that wasn't going to happen at any time in the near future; even if Maxim proved that he genuinely did want to work with them and make up for everything he'd done. Chris' mind flashed back to Maxim pointing the gun at him, his anger started to rise again. He didn't know why Alex wanted Maxim to come with them. Maxim had nothing to offer them apart from a gun and a harmful presence. Chris didn't want him around that was for sure.

Then Alex had to explain the whole thing away with logic, point out all the benefits of having Maxim come with them. He could have easily been a politician the way he span the whole thing to make it a good thing. But the truth was that everything he said was true. Chris couldn't find a flaw in his reasoning. If anything that made him angrier. He didn't want Maxim to come with them but there was no reason why it would have been better to leave him behind.

Alex was even willing to take full responsibility for Maxim, take his turn on watch, everything.

Chris hated Alex at that moment, hated him for making sense, hated him for making the option he didn't want to best option for them, and hated him for putting him in the situation in the first place. That hate quickly switched the Maxim though when he started to move. He was reloading his gun, Chris wanted to launch a kick at his head as he sat there, not even looking at him, scared of him in fact. Everything was his fault. This one boy that Chris hardly knew at school was the cause of all his problems and anger now.

Chris focused his stare back on Alex, trying to read something from his face, but there was nothing. There was no way out of the choice...well he said choice. There was only one option though, Alex wouldn't let Maxim walk and maybe he knew that Chris was smarter than to walk away from their alliance despite how much he wanted to at that moment in time. In truth there was only an illusion of choice. He hated Alex for that much.


Maxim then spoke up for the first time since he'd spilled his guts to Chris when he'd wanted forgiveness...He was asking where Garritt was. That was the question that Chris had been dreading since they'd returned, and now he had to answer it.

"It was Garritt. I chased him and he attacked me. I retaliated and," Chris paused looking for a way to explain what had happened. He decided against trying to justify it. "And I impaled him." He dimly thought that he'd need to get the e-tool back but that could wait. For now he was waiting to see what Alex's and Maxim's reactions were going to be.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Alexander was about to ask Chris and Maxim to go easy on his psyche and at least pretend to be civil, but the revelation about what had happened in his absence changed all of that. The other guy had been Garritt, and Chris had impaled him. Alexander felt his left fist clenching, and forced his hand back open slowly.

Was it that hard? Was it really that difficult to exercise a little self control and not kill somebody? Were things always going to go to pieces the second he turned his back? He couldn't be everywhere at once, but apparently that was exactly what was required to keep people from screwing things up. He wanted to snap at Chris, to tell him he wasn't in any position to judge Maxim since he'd actually gone ahead and killed someone, but he bit back the words. After all, he'd told Chris to handle things. He'd made the call that had resulted in Garritt's death, and now they were going to have to live with the consequences. Chris would need backup more than ever if he was on the announcements, especially if the circumstances were spun to make it sound like a vicious murder.

Alexander raised his hand and rubbed his temple for a second, taking a couple deep breaths. He forced his focus wider, listening to the sounds of the night, the wind in the trees and the birds off in the distance, less active than during the day. The breeze was cool but not unpleasant. His breath fogged a little bit when he released it from the depths of his lungs, but the wisps dissipated in moments.

"Okay," he said. For once, he was sort of at a loss for how to follow that up, so he stood for a second longer before coming up with something else to say.

"That's not good, but it happened. I know you didn't mean it. Is he... are you sure it took him down?"

There was a slight chance, maybe, that Garritt had been wounded but hadn't died. It was dark, and Chris wasn't particularly careful when he was in an emotional state. Maybe this could still be solved peacefully.

If not? They'd cope, and Alexander would just need to be even more careful in the future.
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Post by jimmydalad »

Maxim stopped as soon as he heard what Chris had to say. He didn't say anything, just shaking his head a little as he let the gravity of the situation seep through him. Chris killed someone and from what he heard from Alex, it was once again his fault. He didn't know how to react. He couldn't get angry at him because Maxim was well set into killing someone up until now. It was odd, thinking about it. Maxim shouldn't have been that badly hit by the news. After all, he assumed this game was kill or be killed and he told himself that he was perfectly fine with killing someone.

When it came to it though, Maxim could hardly called his thoughts rational before. Even if he tried to justify his actions, Maxim wouldn't be able to say that he did it in a state which could be called normal. He was scared. He didn't want to die. He thought the only way to survive was to be the last one standing. Maybe that still was the only method. However, if Alex provided him some hope for escape, then maybe he should take it. Though Maxim couldn't help but think that the hope was slim at best.

He shook his head as he tried to get the thought of Chris killing someone out of his head. Luckily it was Garritt though. If it was Louisa, Maxim would've probably tried to kill him. The anger he would've felt would make him lose control of himself. Then again, was he in control of himself in the first place? He shook his head more vigorously, trying to prevent his thoughts from getting the better of him. He needed to calm down. He couldn't panic and lose the trust of his newfound allies.

While Garritt was one of the most horrible kids in the school, Maxim never imagined he would be murdered. He might of wished him death numerous times back in school, but he didn't think his muses would come true. No one deserved death. However, just because someone didn't deserve to die doesn't mean they shouldn't or wouldn't be killed. That was a fact that Maxim was learning as the game continued to progress.

He continued to say silent, barely listening to the conversation as he went about reloading his gun once again. The conflicting thoughts in Maxim's mind were confusing to say the least. Maybe he should try to think less. All he needed to do was follow Alex's lead after all. He was the most rational out of the three of them and he seemed to have an idea about what he was doing. Therefore, he tried to push his thoughts out of his mind as he continued to reload the gun, checking it over to see if it was still able to work.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Deamon »

The reaction was exactly what Chris had expected. At first neither of them really had anything to say. Alex rubbed his temple and Maxim shook his head. Chris shot him a glare; he didn't want to be judged by Maxim of all people. So for a little while the three of them just sat there, thinking. Chris wondered what would happen. Was Alex going to kick him out of their group? It didn't seem that likely, he had invited Maxim to join them after all so it wasn't like he was just going to abandon least Chris assumed he wouldn't, but Chris had also assumed that Alex had been chasing Maxim with the intent being to kill him.

Alex was the first to break the silence. Chris noticed the pause as he tried to think of what he was going to say. He asked Chris if he was sure he had 'taken him down'. Since Chris had felt the entrenching tool stab into Garritt and had sat next to him while he was dying there was no denying he had 'taken him down'. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Alex that he had actually sat by after impaling Garritt and had done nothing to help him. The cries were still there though so there was no chance he was ever going to forget it. In the end he decided not to tell them. He would just deal with the guilt of his inaction for the rest of his life.

"It definitely got st..." Chris trailed off; he didn't want to relive the moment. "He could have crawled away I guess." Chris didn't hold out much hope that Garritt had managed to move any meaningful distance and fully expected to be met with his corpse if they did return to where it had all happened.

"I could take you to where it happened." The words were out of his mouth before he realised what he was saying. Why would he want to take Alex and Maxim to where he had killed a person? Just to emphasise the fact that he was worse than Maxim? The person who he didn't want to be travelling with or have in their group. Chris noticed Maxim shake his head again. Maxim was mocking Chris just by his presence. Chris didn't want to discuss the fact he had killed someone around the boy. Truth be told he would have preferred it if Maxim and Garritt had switched places. At least then he would have killed someone that actually deserved it.


He had just thought that someone deserved to die...was he really thinking like that already? It can't have been more than an hour since he killed Garritt and he was already saying that some people deserved to die.

Chris didn't know how to feel at that moment. He assumed that you were supposed to be disgusted or scared by your thoughts, but he felt like he'd lost a part of himself. He didn't want to keep dwelling on the fact he had killed Garritt but he was being forced to confront it. There was no running.

Chris had nothing else to say. Either they went to check where he impaled Garritt or they moved on. From the way Alex was speaking though it looked like they would be going to least Chris would be able to get his e-tool back at the very least.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Alright," Alexander said. "We should do that. Then we can move on, maybe find somewhere to wait out the day."

There wasn't anything else to say or do. Maxim was staying out of the way, thankfully. It wasn't going to be an easy alliance, but he figured they'd make it work. It would just take a bit of effort. A little downtime would be a good thing, and Alexander was still pretty sure that waiting out the days would be the most prudent course. While night could lead to visibility difficulties, the fact that they weren't surrounded by other students right now after the gunshot was a good sign. People were just less active, which would let their group take the initiative.

His plan called for finding people eventually, and he wasn't going to leave anybody else behind, but it wouldn't do them any good to approach newcomers without a little caution. Maxim had been a pleasant surprise, but there was no guarantee that others would be as reasonable. Dylan, particularly, gave Alexander a bit of a bad feeling. She had history with one of their group members, and she was known for being a little bit deluded, but he would be very surprised if she got herself killed easily. She had that sort of stubbornness about her, and Alexander knew from experience how tricky stubborn people could be.

It didn't help that she was likely terrified for her life, and Alexander's plan had a pretty good chance of getting everyone involved killed.

He rolled his shoulders, sighed, and turned to Chris and Maxim.

"We can see what went down with Garritt, get our stuff together, and get going," he said. "Maybe head back to the ruins for the day."

It seemed as good a way to proceed as any, so he kept up with Chris, making sure to keep him and Maxim in his sight at all times. He didn't want any trouble between them, and wasn't really sure he'd be able to keep stuff under control if they weren't close at hand.

((Alexander Bonham continued in Destiny Makes A Fool Out Of You And Me))
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Post by jimmydalad »

Maxim sat there, listening to the talk but not being a part of it. It was as if he was there, yet wasn't. The confused feelings inside him fueled by the tense nature of his relationship with Chris. It seemed like they were moving though, and therefore Maxim got up and held his gun in front of him.

"Ok then." Maxim said to Alexander before following the two of them.

((Maxim Senders continued in Destiny Makes A Fool Out Of You And Me))
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Deamon »

Chris took one last look at Maxim before turning to Alex and nodding. He wanted to see what had happened with Garritt. All Chris had to do was show him and then get his e-tool back...out of Garritt's corpse if his thinking was right. He turned and slung his bag over his shoulder and started to head off. It felt like a weight had been lifted a little though. The way Alex was talking made it clear that he didn't intend on kicking Chris out of the group. Chris was ok with that. In fact he was glad, he'd been lucky to meet Alex if he hadn't Maxim would have been able to rob him. The distraction Alex had given however unaware he had been at the time had given Chris the opening to get away.

Chris knew it would be dangerous for Alex to travel with him from now on though. He was a killer. His name would be on the announcements; the events that transpired would probably be altered so that it looked like he had killed Garritt in cold blood. He didn't know if people would really care all that much that he had killed Garritt; but they would more unsure of him at best and outright hostile at worst. Neither of those were really the reaction he wanted.

That was a problem for the future though; right now he had to focus on finding his way back to where he had killed Garritt. Then he got to explain what had happened in detail. After that he'd get the e-tool back and they'd leave. As long as Maxim stayed quiet everything would be fine. Then he could deal with the reaction he'd get from the people he knew.

What would Felicia think of him? That was a thought he didn't want to dwell on, of everyone in the Program she was the one he cared about most, and she normally understood him. After she heard that he'd killed Garritt though? Chris didn't want to dwell on it, it would just open up a well of negative emotions. The doubt remained with him though hanging over his head like a storm cloud, as he led Alex and Maxim to the site of his kill and from there back to the ruins.

((Chris Brooks continued elsewhere...))
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