TV3: The Second Announcement

Two floors down from the primary deck of the cruise ship, another terrace of deck just out, primarily given over to a massive swimming pool. This pool is full of clean, fresh water, and arrayed around it are a wide range of beach towels, pool chairs, and water toys—the latter including dozens of pool noodles and boogie boards, as well as a pair of inflatable pool toys (one yellow duck and one green alligator), each large enough for a grown adult to ride. Back next to the entrance to the corridors is a small stand that sold ice cream; though it has been emptied of sweet treats it provides better cover than anything else in the immediate vicinity.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk heard the voice first. Saw the barrel second. Raised his arms and froze third.

“Rhonda? The fuck you want? This some kind of piss poor robbery or some shit?”

No, too coincidental. Fisk SAW who nabbed Giselle. He’d done dealt with one of Ivan’s lackies already. He knew what Ivan was planning, he knew he had to act.

Fuck Rhonda, she had a gun? Fisk has a friend in danger. She’s lucky he didn’t have his typewriter right now, or he’d have perforated her without batting an eye by now. “No, fuck her Keegan. Go get the rest of us.”

He looked back at Rhonda, stepped forward. “You helping Ivan right? Wanna play the hero?” Fisk found himself smiling despite his anger. He thought about what he’d do to Ivan, and more currently, what would happen to Rhonda. “Guessing he already told you what happened? That’s fine, I figured he’d have to tell someone.” It didn’t matter to admit his crimes, he was speaking them to a dead girl anyways.

Stepped forwards. “Put down the gun and walk away, we just want Giselle. Trust me, you don’t want any part of this.”

Rhonda didn’t budge. Fine.

“Is this about Ivan? Seth thought so. He thought he was a hero too... Didn’t sound like one. He squealed and squealed when we were done with him, kinda like Ivan actually...” Stepped forwards.


“Is this about Xander? Y’know, Giselle told me about that one. Guess you’re helping Ivan out of revenge right?” Stepped closer. “She has nothing to do with it, but that’s okay, I get it, not all of us are cut out to hit the broad side of a barn.”


“If you want his killer so bad, you should take that gun of yours, aim it under your chin.”

Fisk smiled.

“Go on. Put that iron in your mouth, suck start it. Maybe then you’ll hit what you’re aiming for...”

Fisk lunged.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda glared at Fisk, focusing her gun on him in particular. There was something about his smug-as-all-hell voice that just infuriated her. This motherfucker knew exactly what he was doing, and he was proud of it. Every word that came out of his mouth tempted her to just pull the trigger and blow his head off, and have that be the end of it. But even so, her hand felt like it was stuck in place, forcing her to listen to his monologue.

It only got worse with every little detail he added, and every step forward he took. She wanted to throw up in her mouth when he started bragging about Seth. Rhonda had assumed that he had split off with Ivan, but she guessed not, and now she was pretty sure she wouldn't be seeing that geek again. And to think that he got the same treatment as Ivan sickened her. If she was hearing Fisk right, then it sounded like he and his buddies were just out to torture everyone for kicks. And knowing that, she became much more unnerved in his presence. His steps forward were being met with her taking equal steps back.

And then he got to Xander, and the asshole just had to push it that extra few hundred miles. It was Giselle's fault, it was, or at least that was what Rhonda kept telling herself. She might have pulled the trigger, but Giselle made it necessary for her to pull it on her. But Rhonda still pulled the trigger. She gritted her teeth as Fisk kept taunting her, calling her Xander's murderer. And once he said that her best way to avenge him was shooting herself, she was already far past her breaking point.

"Shut up!"

She was done with him. She hesitated before, but now she could take him out without feeling any pity. Dirtbag like him probably would've been fucked up even without the game. Her finger was on the trigger, her aim set, and Fisk plowed right into her, sending her off balance and breaking her concentration. When she hit the ground, her grip failed, and her shotgun fell from her hand. No, no, she needed that. She had to get her hands back on the gun, and the quickest way to do that was to outmuscle this smug little shit, and she had more muscle than he did.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Got you, motherfu-“

Fisk really didn’t expect Rhonda to fall back the way she did, nor the gun to leave her hands on the way down.

This was going to be a lot faster than he’d expected, not that Fisk was complaining, Giselle was in trouble after all. His head cocked towards the shotgun. His new target.

Step 1: Grab it.

Step 2: Point it.

Step 3: Squeeze the trigger and peel Rhonda’s head like a banana.

Fisk reached for it.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda was disoriented for a moment after hitting the ground, but not so much that she couldn't recognize the asshole on top of her. She struggled to keep him at bay, but she could see him reaching for her shotgun, his wriggling fingers reaching for the stock. If he got his hands on it, then it was game over, so she needed to avoid that at any cost. She knew some more technical holds of wrestling school, but this called for something that wasn't on the books.

She reached up and grabbed Fisk's face with one hand, pulling it as hard as she could in the opposite direction of the gun. She turned for a moment to look at the gun. Her fingers were closer than his, and she tried to reach out just that little bit further. She kicked her leg on the ground, trying to move herself along the floor of the cruise ship, grunting with frustration as Fisk refused to let her go, his weight and tenacity holding her back.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Damn, she wasn’t making this easy. Don’t they know this would hurt a lot less for them if they gave up?

“Let go-“

A hand pulled his face back. He pushed his arm down on Rhonda’s shoulder, his other arm still reaching for the shotty. This was a battle of inches, and Fisk was certainly closer, but...

He wasn’t going nowhere. Rhonda was. The hand on his face pulled back. Fisk felt his nose getting squished up, his lips peeled open. Girl needed to get her fingers out of his face, it was unsanitary, he didn’t know where they were at!

“Gesh off hee!”

Wanna make this hurt? Fine, Fisk was more than okay with that! His free aim stopped reaching for the gun. It went behind his back, pulling the thin wrapped shard out from between his suspenders and belt loop. Other hand pushed down on her shoulder hard to hold Rhonda in place.

Free arm up, free arm down.

Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Aura »

Rhonda was grabbing cheek, nose... whatever it took to keep pulling Fisk's face away. She almost wished that she was grown her fingernails out, just so that she could claw the shit out of him while she was at it. She kept pulling him back, back until she felt comfortable enough to make a lunge for the gun. She stretched her fingers out, gritting her teeth. Just a little longer. She had the stamina for this. She could outlast him.

And then she felt a searing pain in her side. She screamed as a blade jabbed into her and sunk through her flesh. The bastard brought a knife. Her pain was audible to everyone around, and probably a good few more people depending on how well her cries traveled over the water. The fight had taken a massive step forward. Fisk wasn't waiting for the gun to come into play, he was going for the kill now. Maybe that was how he was keeping the other hand. He was just there to kill, no matter how he got there.

But Rhonda wasn't going to go down like that. She wasn't going to let him use her to pad his sick little resume. Without ceasing her screams, she reared back before slamming her head into his, throwing out a last-resort headbutt and doing her best to brace for the upcoming headache.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Yep, there it is! A yelp like that was all he was looking for, Rhonda shouldn’t have got involved in business that didn’t concern her! All Fisk’s gotta do is pull it out, and jab in about six more times and she was through with the fight. Six more after that and she was history. Fisk pulled the blade out.

“Haha! Gonna bark all day little doggy or are you gonna-“

Rhonda bit. More accurately she bit with her forehead, but the pain bit all the less as it flung Fisk off of her, and into the deck behind them.

Rhonda would reach the gun first. Fisk gripped his blade in one hand, face in the other, and looked behind him.

Time for plan B. Run for cover and hope backup was on the way. He scrambled off the ground, bee lining it to the ice cream stand, beach chairs and tables all in between.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Aura »

Feeling Fisk's weight come off of her, Rhonda reached out and grabbed her shotgun. In a single motion, she secured her grip on the handle and swung it in front of her, hoping to land another hit on Fisk, but he had already scuttled away. Figures. She caught her swinging barrel with her other hand and used the gun to lift herself off the ground. She never imagined that a huge gun could feel so comforting.

She wanted to hold her side as she got to her feet, but there was no way in hell that she wasn't keeping her hands 100% on her gun now. She leaned slightly to the side as her wound started bleeding through her undershirt, and she could feel it getting wet around the stab. She winced and groaned, wearing an agonized grimace as her body screamed at her to lie down and get treated. As she stood there, her gun remained on Fisk as he fled, still much more pissed off at him than anyone else around.

She looked around, Fisk's friends still looking back at her. Even as hurt as she was, she still wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing weakness. "You heard me!" She barked at them, brandishing the weapon. "Don't move."
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk didn’t have time to reach for the ice cream vendor, so he’d have to settle for one of the nearby tables, hoping it’d conceal enough that Rhonda would just miss her shot. He vaulted the nearest one, with a stupid little umbrella on the top and kicked the whole table over, ducking behind it.

He turned his head and saw Vasily across the pool, holding the much desired machine gun.

“Light ‘er up!” The voice yelled behind the table.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Alright, alright, time to put a stop to this.

He couldn’t let Rhonda go without knowing what she planned, or why people were screaming about Giselle.

The barrel of the gun was aimed right at Rhonda’s gut, and he pressed the trigger.

Its noises were loud, bright, not like anything that he expected. Vasily’s never held a gun like this before, even though he's held plenty of other guns. The recoil felt like a punch, his grip loosened, and the bullets sprayed everywhere.


The gun quickly readjusted.

Pointing at Rhonda. This time, her head.

“Tell me what you did or I’ll blow your face off.”
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Post by Aura »

Shit. As soon as Fisk called out, Rhonda knew that she had fucked up. She forgot about Fisk's friends, and how they were probably armed, just like any gang of killers would be. She heard the gunfire, and she swore that she could feel the heat of the bullets. That was all it took, just one missed detail, and a madman with a machine gun could punch your ticket then and there.

But even now, it seemed like Rhonda's luck hadn't quite won out yet. She swore that she had been at least grazed by a shot, but not a single bullet pierced her. Silently thanking Vasily's awful aim, she turned and saw him how pointing his gun right at her head. Well, shit. That little bit of optimism didn't last long. The big guy was looking primed to shoot again, and Rhonda was now pretty much out of options. It was either get shot in the face, or listen to his demands, then either get shot in the face or get turned into another of Fisk's freakshow projects.

That meant that it was time for Option 3: Fuck it all.

She turned to face Vasily and fired a shot. She didn't have time to see if she hit anything, she just needed the shot to make time for her. Once her shot had gone off and she realized that she wasn't dead of reaction shots, Rhonda turned tail and ran around the corner, fleeing as fast down the ship as possible. She made it to a staircase and didn't stop running. She felt like someone was jamming a sword in her side with every other footfall, but that wasn't her main concern now. It wasn't until she was well clear of the pool that she even considered slowing down.

(Rhonda Rollins continued elsewhere...)
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Post by Yonagoda »

A new hole appeared besides his foot, and he fired at Rhonda in retaliation, but he was just a guy with one eye and she was running on adrenaline, so all he did was punch bullets into the wall.

That didn’t matter. He just wanted to make sure Fisk was OK.

That was all he wanted.

He swore to himself.

“Y’all OK over there?”

He fidgeted a bit with the gun still in his hands, pointed away from everyone. Putting his one foot, and then another. Eye trained on his friends, one at a time, until he looked everyone over.

“What was all this noise? Where’s Giselle?”
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Thank you Vas; I owe you.”


“But we’re not alright...” Fisk pointed down the stairs Rhonda disappeared into. “That bitch and Ivan are working together. They took Giselle.”

Fisk placed his hands on top of his head, pushing his hair back, bloodstained shiv poking out between his fingers, panting heavily. He sniffed, more because of the nosebleed and less because of his ‘self-prescribed’ TV medication. Fisk was pacing in circles.

“Fuck man, we gotta get everyone here. Can’t let those fuckers hurt her.”

This wasn’t good. Their only lead got away, and Giselle or Ivan was nowhere to be found. This morning was not shaping off to a good start.
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Post by Primrosette »

((Bacchia Rubus continued from Try Not To Breathe))

Bacchia had heard the gunshots. Had heard Keegan's frantic knocking at her door and she had been glad that she had kept the same clothing on from yesterday. She had this time put her bandanna in her hair and tied her hair up into a ponytail with the bandanna as a flimsy ribbon. She had picked up her sword and dashed outside to join Keegan and James.

She felt herself rushing over to where the gunshots had came from and she noticed that Fisk looked more worse than before. God, they really needed their leader to stop going through hell. He was gonna get himself killed sooner or later and she didn't want the others to lose faith in Fisk's cause. A broken group wasn't going to help out her goals and well, she didn't want them to tear apart.

She was panting softly by the time she stopped running and she caught the end of what had happened to Giselle.

"Ivan is causing us problems already, huh?" She was gazing at Fisk with a thoughtful expression and she rubbed a knuckle against her chin. "Well, we have to make sure to go and find him before he does anything bad to her. And if we run into anyone that's working with him to take us out...."

She smirked coldly.

"Well, we just need to snuff them out, yes?" She said simply with a shrug of her shoulders.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

((James Highchurch continued from Try Not To Breathe))

Oh shit, thank fuck he missed the fight. It was a good thing he’d been off with Bacchia when all that crap went down, so they at least didn’t have to be in the middle of whatever mess Fisk had gotten himself into the middle of this time.

However, as James came around, making sure his mask was on, Fisk brought out the bad news: Ivan was back, he’d taken Giselle, and he wasn’t alone. James felt a tightness in his gut, like he was going to fucking vomit, bending over a bit.

Shit shit shit shit this was bad. This was so, so bad. He should have known that Respects business would come back to bite him, he kind of just hoped it wouldn’t be so much sooner.

Bacchia seemed almost unphased by the events, immediately suggesting that they track down and take out Ivan and Rhonda. It surprised James a bit, even though it really shouldn’t have. Their quiet moment in the corridors had ended the previous night, and now Bacchia was back in the game. Still, trying to go tit-for-tat with a group that seemed determined to take them out seemed… he wasn’t sure, unwise?

“Uh, I think the first priority would be, you know, trying to find and save Giselle if we can, right?” James spoke up, attempting to steady himself and giving Bacchia a cautious look before his eyes wandered back over to Fisk.
[+] Characters
[+] PV3 Prologue
M35-Muhammad Abbasi - "Hey, it’s okay now. We’re both in this together, right?"
Status: SAFE
PV3P: 1-2-3-4 | After: 1

M38-Nathan Kirchhoff - "Shit."
Status: ???
PV3P: 1-2-3-4
[+] TV3
ImageCK08FR04 - James Highchurch - “Okay, yeah. Exit strategy. I’ll… Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

ImageBC05 - Gabriela Garcia-Campos - “This is how things are here, the way the show is. So I need to get over it.”
Memories: 1 | Sandbox: 1-2-3
TV3: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14
[+] AUs
O19 - Archibald "Archie" Harper - "That’s why we’ve gotta fight the fuck back, one step at a time."
International: 1-2-3

O11 - Jen Mara Tuiqamea (adopted from Cicada and jimmydalad)
Status: ALIVE
International: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Alan Melnyk - "What you’ve gotta do is say ‘fuck em’ and keep doing you."
Status: ALIVE
Memories: 1-2-3
Supers: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
After: 1-2-3
[+] The Future
Second Chances
Aditi Sharma
Desiree Beck
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