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Someone's Watching

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:20 am
by Primrosette
There were two bodies.

It shouldn't even surprise him anymore. But the condition of one of them made him want to hurl his food up and he forced himself to shallow some breathes a few times. He recognized the one with the damaged head was William or Bill Dover by his clothes and he wasn't sure who was under the blanket. He didn't want to know. He didn't want to disturb the corpse like a complete dick. He had to be respectable, right? Right....

((Jonathan Meyers continued from Civilized Civil Lies))

Jonathan wasn't sure what he was supposed to be feeling over seeing two of his dead classmates right in front of him and he knew that he was being weird for staring at them for so long. Maybe his brain was still in shock and his body was just being unresponsive because of that. He honestly wished that he was anywhere else than here and he found himself gritting his teeth in a bit of frustration, thinking that his plan of actually confronting killers to will them back to the good side was a bad idea. There was no way that he could do anything to stop people from killing, could he? No, he couldn't.

"Just give it up, Jonathan. You're hopeless...." He whispered softly to himself, turning away from the two bodies and he was trying to focus more on the garden. "Stop trying to change things that you can't. God, what am I doing? My head still hurts...."

He crouched down to the ground and he touched the side of his head with one of his hands. The other hand was still gripping the rock that he still had and he wondered if he should have stayed with Declyn, Amelia and Theo after all. He had managed to re-bandage his head in the woods with a bit of difficulty of his own and it didn't seem like it was still bleeding badly. Just a little bit.

"Just breathe, Jonathan, breathe...."

He let out a sigh of tiredness and he straightened himself back up to his feet, trying to think of what he should be doing next. He wasn't sure if he really had a goal anymore and that was starting to make him feel like he was powerless. He couldn't even think of any songs to sing to take his mind off of things.

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:34 am
by Jilly


((A girl)) slowly walks into frame a short distance away from Jonathan. Nothing is in her hands. She appears distressed, with medical dressing wrapped around her left bicep area.

(slightly stuttering)
Jonathan, is that you?

So the cat's outta the bag now about Reuben. Great.

Not to mention, ya know, she done forgot about the bear trap. When she returned to get it after Princess was for sure outta the picture, it straight up vanished. Or maybe she just misplaced it. Either case, it was in the arms of an angel now.

Double great.

Maybe she really did need Reuben.

So today, she just hung back at her base in the leadership houses. Just chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. Trying to figure out some sort of plan to not die just yet by someone too trigger happy about playing the hero in this show.

Also doesn't help that ((she heard some sorta gun rodeo earlier that day)), so laying low seemed like the kinda thing to do for now.

And the rain didn't let up either for half the day, which was the worst thing to happen to her in the last few days. Her wig would never be the same after all that rain.

But anyway! Wouldn't ya know, someone else was still out here on this fine early evening. Jonathan, lookin' like a mummy; notably didn't have a gun on him. Didn't know much about him other than he could probably stand an attitude adjust or four. It's just like... God, loners were losers. Almost made it easy for a damsel to sneak up on them and lay the act on all thick like since they seemed to double as gullible himbos. In her experience, anyway. Don't quote her on that.

BANDAGED GIRL had her story and her lie spinning in her head. Just gotta keep it straight and see where this goes.

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:40 am
by Primrosette
Jonathan heard her voice and he felt his breath shift to a sound of heaviness for about a second or so. His grip on the rock tightened slightly as he turned to face the girl and he was trying to keep his focus on just her. It looked like she was injured as well as he was and he was to keep note of that. Teresa. Right, she has murdered Reuben. The mascot boy. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to approach her and he found himself taking a step backwards carefully away from her. He had to make sure to be careful even if she was unarmed. She could still be dangerous.

He honestly didn't suspect her to be stuttering like an innocent person. Because she wasn't innocent at all and he knew that he couldn't fall for an act like that. He was just staring at Teresa with a neutral expression present on his face.

"Yes. It's me, Teresa."

He then shifted his foot a bit against the ground and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say next. Maybe he should just talk about what had happened with Reuben. Unless that was a taboo subject for Teresa. Not that he honestly cared as it give him something to talk about and he had to make sure that Teresa wasn't about to do anything out of nowhere. But she hadn't attacked him on sight.....

Don't think about it, Jonathan. She could be trying to trick you with her innocent act.

"So Reuben.... Want to tell me what happened with him?"

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:25 am
by Jilly
Damn, asking the real questions already, huh? Of course BANDAGED GIRL had to oblige, so whew. Here goes.

"Reuben, he...," she sighed and drew closer, her eyes fallen to the ground as she rubbed the bandaged arm up and down.

Just like we rehearsed.

"...Reuben, Princess, and me were working together and looking out for each other. But they turned on me, tried to take my stuff. Nicked me pretty good." She chuckled awkwardly, raising the bandaged arm at Jonathan.

"Anyway, he tripped and I got ahold of the knife... and i wasn't thinking.... and... and..."

Another sigh. She sat down near what looked like a body covered by a blanket. Poor sap, whoever it was. Not that she super cared.

"...I stabbed him. Just like that, right in the back when he was down. I-D-K where Princess ran off to, but Reuben didn't get back up. So... so..."

She raised her hands to her face, shielding and muting her lackluster crocodile tears.

"...Everything's going to shit, Jonathan. What are we s'posed to do?"

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:34 am
by Primrosette
Jonathan wasn't sure how he was supposed to respond after Teresa had told him all of that and he was sure that this was the part where he was supposed to be the knight in shining armour that was to save the crying damsel in distress. Right? But no, he was not that person at all and he was still feeling a bit iffy around Teresa. Now he knew that she had a knife on her person somewhere and.... And what? Was he really going to be foolish and try to steal it off of a girl who had murdered someone? No, he couldn't do something so stupid. He had to think of something else to do. But what could he even tell her? He wasn't sure what he really wanted to do anymore and he had a head injury that ached sometimes.

"Right. Okay."

He took another step backwards and his foot accidentally nudged Bill's leg. The dead boy's leg. God, he didn't want to look at the messy face again and he concentrated on the girl who was crying on the ground. …Was she really crying? Was she putting on a mask for him? If she was, why? But if she wasn't...?

"So you lost control of yourself and killed him, hm? I know what that is like. I saw.... I saw Ty ripping Christine's throat apart with his teeth. There was so much blood.... His fucking teeth."

He didn't know why he was telling her about what he had seen but it felt somewhat good to just get it off of his chest to someone. Even if she was a known murderer now.

"...I'm not sure what we're supposed to really do now. Try to get to the end of this game, I guess. That's all I can give you, Teresa."

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:05 am
by Jilly
"That must've been awful," she gasped, hands folding away from her face and revealing her somewhat red eyes and visage.

Honestly, that sounded more metal than anything. Like, yeah, it came up already on that first announcement but hearing a secondhand account was like... damn, dude. Ty wilding. Wish she got to see that train wreck.

She scooted a couple inches closer to Jonathan.

Get to the end... geez, bold strategy there, Sun Tzu. Thanks.

She wrapped her hands around her knees and pulled them in. "I'm just... I'm so scared. People are gonna come after me, even though all I did was protect myself! I don't wanna be like that guy or whoever's under the blanket."

Scooted another couple of inches closer.

"I don't... I don't know what to do."

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:29 am
by Primrosette
"Well, it wasn't exactly fun...." Jonathan commented simply and his face turned into a frown as Teresa was moving herself closer to him as they were both continuing to talk. "...Even if he did it in self-defence. It was human nature to do whatever he could to survive and I witnessed first-hand what that was like. It was brutal but...."

He trailed off suddenly as he realized what he was saying. Was he seriously trying to defend a murderer? Had Christine really been trying to kill Ty first? He.... He really wasn't sure what he was doing anymore and his mind was feeling like it was going through a blur. Trying to think back to the details of that day was a lot more harder than he thought and he wished that he wasn't feeling like a complete blank space.

Jonathan narrowed his eyebrows as he stared down at Teresa and he was thinking to think without making his head hurt more. "So you're saying that you want me to help you out, huh? Want me to be your knight in shining armour, hmm? Is that it?" He scoffed and he shook his head in clear disbelief. "You know, you're not the only person who doesn't want to die here, right?"

Jonathan, why aren't you walking away from her like you did with the Carters? I don't know....

"What do you want me to do for you, Teresa?"

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:35 am
by Jilly
Gah, too hot! Abort! Abort! Jonathan must've been one of those easying on down the road types. Gotta play it cool. Cooler, anyway.

Man, she must've been getting rusty.

"Nevermind," she frowned and returned his scoff. "I'll figure it out on my own. I guess."

She pulled her knees together again and pressed her chin into her legs, taking care not to give him direct eye contact.

This place must've been really balling back when it wasn't murder island. Whoever owned that big ass house probably had good taste. Just sitting back, chilling on balcony in the morning, sipping on a mediocre-but-acceptable mimosa. It was probably pretty Gucci.

After several moments of her sulking passed, she spoke up again, her frown in a more neutral position. "...Sorry, I haven't had anyone to talk to for a good while, that's all. I don't like being alone, and the cameras don't really help."


"...You can leave if you want. Or stay, whatever. I'll let you be."

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:16 pm
by Primrosette
Should he have been more sensitive? The questions did just kind of swim out of his mouth without reason and he guessed he was being a bit of a dick. Now they were both in a mood because of his stupid mouth and he didn't really mean to be well, mean to her. The fact that she was apologizing to him just made him feel even more of a dick and he knew that he couldn't leave now to look like an asshole.

"Don't apologize. I was kinda rude..." Jonathan was struggling to say sorry as he felt like saying sorry would mean nothing in a place like this and he didn't want things to get more heavy for them. "....I've been trying to do something that I'm sure that you will think is stupid, Teresa."

He hesitated to move from where he was standing for a few moments and then he decided to chance it. He moved closer to where Teresa was sitting and he sat down beside her, putting his rock down at his side that wasn't near Teresa. Just in case she would bash his skull in with the rock repeatedly. He rather not die that way.

"I've been trying to find people who have murdered and I had wanted to stop them by killing other people by talking to them. Now I know that that is a bad plan and I've given up on that. Now I don't have any goals anymore and I left a good group of people because I thought I was being smart. I'm not, I'm an idiot."

He sighed softly and he glanced at Teresa, wondering why he was still here with her and he guessed it was because there was no way that he was going to find Declyn and the others again.

"You should stay low for a while. Let other people do.... do the killings for a while as they will have more targets on them." Jonathan was wincing on the inside as he was telling Teresa and he knew that it was wrong. But he honestly felt like he didn't care if his advice was going to bite him in the ass. "...I mean, you already got your kill.... So you can go home if you make it to the end, yeah...?"

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:54 pm
by Laurels
((Meka Gibson continued from Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd))

Meka let out a long sigh as he approached what appeared to be an overgrown garden. He had been walking for the last few hours, and he was finally looking for some place to rest. The rain had let up, but he found himself extremely parched and sore from walking over such uneven terrain for most of the day. He hoped the garden had a shed or some kind of covered area he could take pause in for a while.

The time since Mackenzie died had been a mentally taxing period for Meka. It was one thing to have ideas to break the game and to hope to act on them. It was another to want to find allies and friends, or just people to find info about Quinn and Justin from. But nothing came to. His ideas were struck down by harsh reality, and he hadn't seen anyone in hours. Maybe the island was way bigger than he thought, or maybe the numerous deaths until this point had made it harder to find people in this time. He could hypothesize all the while he walked. He couldn't keep repeating the names of the dead since talking just made him extra thirsty, so every so often he had to try and recall the 50 or so dead kids, even though he was sure he was starting to forget some or mess the order up.

After some time, it was clear it was getting dark, so Meka decided to hold off on any plots or ideas until he could find shelter. Hopefully there was something near the garden. He was already moving in when he finally heard the sounds of people talking. Meka was glad to have finally found others, although he had to reserve some joy until he was sure who it was. He could hear a boy and a girl talking, and neither of them sounded like Justin or Marceline. He peered out.

It was Jonathan Meyers and Teresa Rojas. He didn't know either of them very well, mostly since they fell outside his circle. He did remember Teresa from the announcements, from having killed Reuben. Meka wasn't sure what to make of her. Jonathan didn't sound entirely threatened by her, but that didn't mean she wasn't waiting until he was asleep to slit his throat.

But Meka could assess that in good time. He had other things he needed to find out from them first.

Meka stepped out, keeping the bow by his side.

"Hey, I'm not looking for trouble," he said, "but you guys wouldn't have happened to see Quinn or Justin, would you? Or Marceline, for that matter?"

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:49 pm
by Jilly
Talking to killers, trying to make them stand down? Wow, yeah, kinda late to the quinceañera there. Props for effort. At least he tried doing something other than crying in a corner being all 'woe is me'.

Jonathan really was an idiot or had more brain damage than that bandage told, but he had spunk. He had moxie. He outta be in pictures. Maybe she really did pick a good Reuben 2. She was gonna make him a star. Just had to, ya know, cruise into it.

"Yeah, I guess," she replied to his pep talk, turning to meet with his eyes again. "It'd be nice to go home, but I don't think I'm gonna make it. Too many people with guns and no brain cells around here."

She looked back at the exposed and bullet-ridden body, scrunching her nose before returning to Jonathan.

"For what it's worth, I don't think you're an idiot." Her hand slowly approached Jonathan's knee and picked off a piece of lint. She rolled it around in her fingers for a bit before flicking it away.

"I don't think words are gonna cut it with some of these crazies. You'd probably have to take their toys away instead. People listen when you're the big guy with a gun. Just my two cents," she sensibly chuckled.

Her hand rose and approached Jonathan's leg again.

...Only to pull away when the sounds of steps approached and invaded their secret garden. Nngh, right when she was working it, too.

BANDAGED GIRL gave Meka a smile, but her empty eyes stayed transfixed on him.

Quinn, Justin, and Marceline? The hell he wanted with them? Gonna start a Twitter debate?

"Nope! Sorry! Ain't seen anyone since the day before last." She gave another fake, smug smile.

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:11 am
by Primrosette
Jonathan knew that he needed a better weapon than some flimsy rock and he needed to make sure that he did it fast before either getting shot in the head or stabbed in the back. He knew that Teresa had a knife on her and he was going to keep that in mind. He noticed that she seemed to be touching his leg while talking to him and he didn't say anything about it. He guessed it did weird him out a little bit and he assumed that she was trying to seduce him. .... Ugh. His head was still hurting and he wished that he didn't have to think so much as it caused him waves of pain to do so.

"Yeah, need to get a better weapon than a rock as I-"

He heard a voice that cut him off and he turned his head slightly towards the newcomer that had just invaded their conversation. Meka Gibson. Seems that he was looking for three people and Meka was looking like he was on his own. At least Jonathan was hoping that that was true and that an ambush was not about to happen to him and Teresa, glancing around his surroundings to make sure that they were really safe. It looked like they were safe for the time being and that he had nothing to worry about for the moment.

Two murderers and an innocent. Quinn and Justin. Marceline.

"I haven't seen them either...." Jonathan said honestly and he glanced at the bow in Meka's hands, trying to think of what to say next. "....Are you holding up okay? This is possibly a bit weird.... Us sitting near... dead people. I don't know who's under that blanket. I didn't want to check and I thought it would be rude to disturb the body. I know the other one. William Dover. He was a nice kid. That's all I can remember of him...."

He suddenly went quiet and he wondered why he was talking about bodies. Was he getting a bit obsessed? He hoped not. He didn't want to be even more of a weirdo.

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:06 am
by Laurels
So neither Teresa nor Jonathan knew about the three people he was looking for. That was somewhat upsetting, but not too unreasonable. It was a large island, after all, and he was looking for three people. He was a bit more upset by the two dead bodies present. Meka was told that one was William Dover, to which he muttered his traditional phrase to himself.

The other one was unidentified. That left him a bit concerned for who it could be. It could be someone from a past announcement, or someone more recent.

"Well, I can check," Meka said.

Meka began to walk over.

"I can see if the person there with William is someone I'm looking for or not, if you guys aren't willing to look. It pains me to say this, but I've seen a few bodies already, so I think I'm acclimated to the act."

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Jilly
"Knock yourself out, fam." BANDAGED GIRL shrugged. She wrapped her arms around her knees and pulled them back in, watching Meka and whatever he was planning to do.

Dude, has anyone not seen a dead body by now, come to think? Wild if true. Then again BANDAGED GIRL's only seen a couple herself, and one was her own doing so maybe it wasn't that much of a statistical anomaly. Hmm.

Re: Someone's Watching

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:26 pm
by Primrosette
Jonathan felt a giggle bubble up in his throat and he stopped himself from letting it out. God, this situation was not a laughing matter for them at all and he knew that he would look strange for suddenly wanting to laugh and maybe cry at how stupid this all was. Maybe he was starting to think that he was having a death wish and maybe he wanted Teresa to stab him a thousand times with the knife that she had on her person somewhere. But no, he had to keep the masks of himself up. He couldn't let himself fall into despair. Keep on faking himself.

"Sure, go ahead. We won't stop you." He added as a useless comment and he reached out for the rock by his side, rolling it around inbetween his hands absentmindedly. "I hope that it isn't someone that you care about. That would be... the worst."

Jonathan did wonder if it was someone that HE was supposed to be looking for. He didn't want to see but he found himself staring at the covered body and he was waiting for Meka to do the dirty work for him.