Life and Questions

The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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Life and Questions


Post by Mitsuko2† »

On the grassy land, under the most beautiful trees, I contemplate life. What is it to live? What is it to be alive in this world? Does one have no other choice but to conform to the serious faults the world has? A sinner by nature, a believer by nurture, I cannot define myself as "alive". What of my Lord and his everlasting kingdom? What of my human desires? I feel as if my life has been filled with hypocrisy and futility. Why must I be "alive" in human terms? I do not want but to fulfill my Lord's plan for me. Is that not enough in this tainted world's eyes? Why is it that when I walk, I see those glares? Those people who know nothing of the truth, yet they decide that I am in the wrong. How? I feel I live a life in servitude to my faith, and as such, a life that is complete in loving my God. Why then do I feel as if I am missing something? Why do I feel that longing in the very pit of my soul that drives me to seek more from this life? What more can there be? Why do I feel very much dead in this world? I cannot understand, but one day, I hope to find my answers. God will undoubtedly show me the way to his light and my fulfillment.

A hand adorned with two rings of sapphire and silver set down a pen, and closed the book it had previously written in. A sigh escaped the lips of its owner, and the book was soon set to the side. The hands that set the book down soon came up to massage the bridge of the girl's nose. Thinking of these things always seemed to give her a terrible headache, and writing them down made it even worse. Her eyes wandered over the campus of her high school, and felt the breeze run over her mocha colored skin. Why did she have to think about things like this? It wasn't what she wanted.

Niyah leaned back against the tree, and let her mind empty. She felt herself becoming calm, and sighed contently as the breeze caressed her.

'Oh well...' she thought. 'I have a lifetime to think about it.'
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Post by Elma† »

Jolene hadn't been particularly in the mood to be out, certainly when there's a test she should be cramming for. Normally she would have walked on by, but seeing her friend looking so gloomy, gave her a second thought. She headed quietly toward the tree, trying to be as silent as humanly possible.

"Guess who?" Jolene softly spoke as she placed her hands over Niyah's eyes. "I'll give ya three guess and two don't count" Jolene took her hands off Niyah's eyes and moved from behind the tree, crossing her legs as she sat beside Niyah. She threw her bag carelessly to her side and began to absentmindedly stare.
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Post by Mitsuko2† »

A pair of hands covered her eyes and Niyah tensed up slightly. The voice however, set her at ease. She smirked and gave her reply.

"Jolene, Where did you come from?"

The girl in question sat next to her and the two sat in comfortable silence for a while.

"So what's up sweetie? Where you headed?"
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Post by Elma† »

"The sky" Jolene giggled cheerily, being a perfect counter to the gloominess before. "Naw, I came from AP Bio *sigh* If that class doesn't kill me, carrying these books around Will" She gave a pained grunt as she threw her bag across. The bag split open on impact, sending a book spiraling down the grassy field.

"Huh? Oh sorry 'bout that Shugg. I should be in Mr. Menendez' Study hall, but what kinda friend would I be if I let you sit here by you're lonesome?"
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Post by Mitsuko2† »

"Terrible, cause you SHOULD be in class." Niyah replied with a laugh. She shook her head and rested it on her arms.

"I wish this day would be over so I can go home and sleep!" She complained with a groan. Her head was killing her and she really didn't want to finish the rest of the day. She really just wanted to be in her bed, huddled under her covers, sleeping for the rest of the miserable day.

"Ugh... I still have to go to Foreman's Calculus class. What is the point of calculus? I'm NEVER going to use it."
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Post by Elma† »

Jolene giggled, "I know what you mean Shugg, I've been up since 5:30 writting this darn English paper." She let out a long overdrawn sigh.

English was an uneasy subject for Jolene. She was good enough at it, but she dreadfully hated the teacher. He seldom checked the work, and when he did, it was usually so mechanical that words meant nothing if they weren't succinct and to the point.

"Aggreed.." Jolene crossed her arms, fiddiling with her shirt colar. Her mind suddenly turned to the big Senior trip. It was comming up soon, and Jolene counted the minutes. Everything was planned out. What clothes she'd wear, what she'd bring. She was looking for one last day of freedom before finals and college prep began. Thinking about this made her sigh again.

"So hun, you excited for the Senior Trip? I sure as heck am"
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Post by Mitsuko2† »

"Eh... I'm not even sure I want to go. I really don't feel like spending a week with these idiots we go to school with." She said with a frown. "Besides, I'd rather use that time to relax before graduation."

She watched some of her classmates walk through the campus, and sighed. She didn't mind moist of the people here, it was just that she could defiantly live without listening to their idiocy. She really only cared about her friends, and going on the trip would only be a good idea if all of them went. At least she'd be able to hang out with them instead of deal with the people who looked at her like she was a monster. It wasn't that she enjoyed being rude to them, it was just that they were so ignorant that anything she'd say to them automatically came out of her mouth in a rude way.

"I don't know, maybe I'll go. I won't be looking forward to it though."
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Post by Elma† »

((Omg sorry hun, i totally spaced on this))
"Now Shugg, you know that ain't an option. You're going and that's final. How could I have fun if you're at home all cooped up like a trapped canary?" Jolene smiled back warmly.

She noticed all the people passing by, making crude faces and remarks. She personally didn't have a problem with it, boys will be boys after all, but she could see how much they were troubling Niyah. She knew her friend for having a rather quick mouth, one that stung like acid.

"Well you have until Friday to make up your mind, that's when they pay checks are due. I wrote my very first check to them" She flipped through her purse and pulled out a pink checkbook, adorned with stickers.

"And the pages even have cute lil' doggies" Her southern accent came on particularly strong as she spoke passionately. An idea crossed her mind, met with a wide smile. Grabbing her pen she began to scribble down on her checkbook.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Elma. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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